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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Destiny Patterson

  He smiles, “Excellent, you are the closest thing I’ve had to a friend in a long while.”

  I nod and get back to work.

  Mom wipes sweat from her forehead, “I don’t know about you guys but I need a break.” She says slowly walking to the steps.

  “I think it’s a good time to call it a day.” I collapse on the step beside her and Blake nods in agreement.

  “We still have flowers to plant.” Noah says looking up at us with a spade in his hand.

  Mom chuckles, “Honey I wish I had your energy.”

  He shakes his head and goes back to digging.

  “Blake and I are calling it quits, we have to get ready, hopefully we still have the energy to go out.”

  “I saved some just for you,” Blake slips me a smile, “and even if I didn’t I’d still happily take you out.”

  Noah quietly groans and I have half a mind to throw something at him.

  “Well then let’s go shower, I’m filthy.”

  “You can use Drew’s bathroom.” Mom informs him quickly.

  “Yes ma’am.” Blake nods, “I’m going to get my bag out of the car.” He smirks before walking off.

  “Seriously Mom?”


  “Did you really think we were going to shower together?”

  “I just wanted to make sure I established boundaries.”

  “Understood but have a little faith in me would you? I’m not… you know.”

  She looks at me mortified, “A virgin?”

  “What?!” I shriek embarrassed, “No, I’m not a skank.”

  “So you are a virgin?”

  “Yes mom, ga.” I stand; ready to run from the conversation. Noah is fighting back laughter, I’m so glad my discomfort is entertaining to him.

  She looks relieved, “I’m so proud of you, that’s very uncommon these days.” She takes my hand and smiles, “Journey, I know we’ve talked about this before. Your father and I have taught abstinence however we are not naive. When you decide to have,”

  “Mom!” I look at her repulsed, “Baring this conversation once was enough, we’re not talking about it again.”

  “Honey, I just want you to do it because you’re in love not curious.”

  Noah snickers and I shoot him a dirty look. “I get it, okay, now can we drop this?”

  “As long as you promise we’ll talk about this later.”

  “Sure, later.” Like when I’m on my deathbed.

  She looks pleased, “Have a good time, be safe, and make it back before the sun comes up.”

  “I’ll be back way before then.”

  “Bye.” Noah says sadly looking up at me.

  “See you later, try not to work my Mom to death.” I smirk.

  “Funny.” He glowers.

  “I’m more worried about him working himself to death.” Mom says standing.

  “I doubt that’s possible.” I chuckle and head for the back door.

  Blake is waiting in the parlor as I enter. He turns and smiles, “You were a cute kid.” Ugh I hope mom didn’t frame any embarrassing pictures, like me in the baby bath or on the ‘big girl potty’. I glance around anxiously and breathe a sigh of relief, “Thanks, I bet you were too.”

  He shrugs, “I guess.”

  He’s so modest. I’m sure Carson would have said, ‘you know it’ or something to that affect.

  “Uh, are you ready to do it, I mean it as in get ready and all so we can go.” I quickly clarify.

  He bites down on his lip as he gazes at me. Boy you have got to stop looking at me like that it make my mind run wild…

  “Lead the way.” He says before my thoughts get out of hand.

  “Gladly.” I murmur guiding him towards upstairs.

  Stopping at the landing I point down the hall, “Last door on the right, I hope it’s not a mess. Towels and rags should be in the cabinet.”

  “And where is your room?” He looks me over.

  “Down there, last door on the right.”

  “Good to know.” He winks and heads for Drew’s bathroom.

  Ugh, perhaps I shouldn’t have told him. He’ll be done before, I’m sure his perfection is natural, and he’ll be waiting in my room. I hurry down the hall to my room. I want to make certain I haven’t left anything embarrassing out like, bras, panties, or the occasional romance novel I read when I’m feeling sappy. Good, it’s clean, I’m not OCD but I don’t usually leave things scattered about. Though it would have been my luck today would have been the exception and a pair of granny panties I sometimes sleep in would have been out in the open. I grab my clothes and dash to the bathroom. The less time he spends in my room alone the better.

  I nearly slip and fall as I pull the shower curtain back. Kadence is standing there smiling and for a split second I’m a little afraid of her, what she’s capable of actually. Her smile fades; crap she feels it, “Good grief Kay, you scared the crap out of me!” I say grabbing the towel and wrapping it around me tightly, “Where have you been?”

  “With Rouge.”

  “Really?” I moan.

  “What’s your problem with him?”

  “I don’t like him that’s all.”

  “You don’t even know him.”

  “And you do?”

  “As a matter of fact I do. He’s kept me out of trouble, kept me from killing that Barbie doll you call Daelynn, you should be nicer to him.”

  “I still don’t trust him.”

  “Yet you trust Noah.” She scoffs.

  “Maybe, I haven’t decided.”

  “Whatever. So who’s the hottie?” She licks her lips.

  Some how I refrain from slapping her. “Blake. He and I are talking.”

  “Whoa, what’s his quirk?”

  “He doesn’t have one.”

  She looks at me doubtfully, “Not that you know of.”

  I roll my eyes. Why can’t a normal hot guy find me attractive? What’s so wrong about that? So maybe he isn’t completely ‘normal’ but he’s perfect in my opinion. “Whateves Kay, why can’t you just be happy for me?”

  “I am, it’s just surprising. That’s all.”

  It’s just that she’s used to all the cute guys flocking to her and treating me like I’m invisible. “I should finish getting ready.”

  I believe she senses my annoyance. “I really am glad for you, you deserve it.” She smiles, “Do you want me to do your makeup?”

  “Do you think you still can? It’s been over a year.” I don’t want her making me look like a clown accidently on purpose.

  She giggles, “Please, it’s like riding a bike, you never forget.”

  “Okay, but more natural. I don’t want to scene it out.”

  “Totally understandable. Is that what you are wearing?” She points to the purple mini skirt and black tank top.

  “Yeah, is something wrong with it?”

  “No, it’s cute.” She says digging through my makeup bag. “Sit.”

  “Shouldn’t I get dressed first?”

  “No you don’t need anything but your eyes done. I always envied your perfect complexion.”

  “What? You always looked perfect Kay, everyone was so jealous of you.”

  “Huh,” she half laughs, “I wanted to be you on countless occasions. Sure you might have cared about what others thought about you to an extent but no one knew. You came across as the screw you if you don’t like me type. Outside of school peer’s BS you have the perfect life. You’re smart, funny, pretty and your parents trust, care and adore you. So yeah I was envious of you.”

  “My parents loved you Kay, they were so upset they hadn’t done more but they didn’t know what else to do besides have you over whenever possible.”

  “That meant a lot to me. Remember the last vacation we went on?”

  “How could I forget? Myrtle Beach for a week and we had a blast.”

  “Yeah we did.” She laughs and continues with my make up, “I thought your parents were going to strangle me
over the surfers.”

  “Nah, they did want to put you on a tight leash though.”

  “I would have found a way to get off, I always did.”

  “Such a rule breaker.” I smirk.

  “I was just looking for attention.”

  “I know.” It makes me sad that she felt like she had to push the envelope. She’d still be alive had she not, no doubt in my mind about that. It’s quiet as she finishes my makeup. Not awkwardly so though, we’ve known each other long enough that we don’t have to talk every second. I can tell there’s something on her mind she wants to discuss and there are certainly things I want to ask her, however I don’t think now is a good time. I’d like to enjoy my date with Blake and not stress over Kay and my situation.

  “Finished and dang I’m good.” She says handing me a mirror.

  “I’d say. I look…”

  “Sultry, seductive, smokin’ hot,” She giggles.

  “I was going to say pretty but I like those better.”

  “Get dressed then we’ll add the finishing touch, lip gloss. Gotta have kissable lips.” She plunders through the bag picking out the one’s she likes as I dress. “What about your hair?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t want to keep him waiting much longer.” I say pulling on my top.

  “Easy fix.” She grabs the blow dryer, mousse, and hairspray from the cabinet. “This will only take a minute. Flip your head over.”

  I do as I’m told and she starts putting the products in my hair, pulling at my roots and hitting them with heat. “Alright look at me.” Again I obey, she sweeps my bangs and reaches for the hairspray, “Don’t go around any fires.” She instructs. I swear she’s going to use the whole can. I hope I don’t look like I stepped off the cover of an 80’s Cosmopolitan magazine. She adds more mousse, scrunching and blow-drying it then loads it with more hairspray. Yep, definitely avoiding fires or anyone smoking, my hair would go up in flames in seconds.

  “Have a look.” She says stepping back and smiling satisfied.

  Honestly I’m afraid to but I do it anyway. “Holy crap Kay, you’re awesome!”

  “I know.” She says confidently, “Oh I almost forgot,” she hands me the lip gloss, “apply and reapply periodically. Have fun.”

  “I’m going to try. See you when I get back?”

  “Most likely.”

  “Good, stay out of trouble.”

  “Me, get into trouble?” She looks at me innocently then disappears.

  I take a calming breath before opening the door to my room. I’m assuming Blake is in there after Kay’s comment, unless she saw him in Drew’s bathroom… Oh she better not have! He spins in the chair to face me once I close the door catching his attention. A smile parts his full lips, “You look astonishing.”

  “Thanks. You look pretty darn good yourself.” I say trying and failing at not staring at him in his khaki shorts, fitted black v-neck tee and flip-flops. He looks so yummy! Okay, control.

  “I must admit your room is girlier than I expected.” He says glancing around.

  “Is your testosterone level dropping as well?”

  He whips his head back to me confused, “What?”

  “Sorry, it was Drew’s first comment when he saw it.”

  He chuckles, “Oh. No it’s not. I just thought it would be…”

  “Darker?” I purse my lips.

  “Could you help me pull my foot out of my mouth?”

  I smile, “It’s alright. If it makes you feel better mom picked all this out. I would have gone more… dramatic.”

  “You can tell a lot about a person from the contents of their room.”

  “Really, so what do you think you’ve learned about me?”

  “You like to read.”

  I nod.

  “You’re an artist.”

  “You looked through my sketch pad?”

  “No, but I’d like to.”

  “Next time, maybe.”

  “You write, and no I didn’t read any of your stuff.”

  I nod thankful that he respects my privacy.

  “You like music. Yes, I did go through your ipod.”

  “I don’t mind. Do you like music?”

  “Very much, I play the guitar.”

  “Cool, you have to play for me.”

  “Next time, maybe.” He grins.

  “So it’s like that?” I cross my arms.

  He laughs pulling me to him, “I’m teasing, when you come to my house I’ll give you a private concert.”

  “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  “I keep my word.”

  “Are you ready to go?” I ask looking away from him. I don’t think we should stay in here much longer. Him holding me close, and um he smells so good. I glance back at him, settle on his lips, way to inviting. My pulse starts to race as I imagine what it would be like to press mine against his.

  He tilts my chin up, “I think that’s a good idea temptress,” he glances to my bed, “I sometimes have an issue with self control.”

  “Yeah, we should go.” I force myself to step away. I’m beginning to have one myself thanks to him. “I’m going to let my mom know we’re leaving.”

  “I’ll go with you.” He says following behind me.

  “Mom, we’re heading out.” I yell so she can hear me. She and Noah are at the far corner of the yard so I stop at the bottom step, “Mom!”

  They turn; Noah drops the bag of mulch once he sees me.

  “Have fun sweetie!” Mom waves smiling.

  Noah sets his jaw and glares at Blake.

  “Thanks, we will. Bye Noah.”

  He cuts his eyes to me and grins, “I’ll see you later.”

  I’d expect nothing less. “Yep.”

  Blake is silent on the way to his car. I can’t stop glancing at him nervously, he wants to say something, he keeps biting at his lip and looking at me then away. I don’t think he cares for Noah and I believe the feeling is mutual. What I don’t know is why Noah has a problem with him. I get it from Blake’s point of view, the cute ghost guy lives with his possible girlfriend but Noah and I are just friends certainly he understands that. Anyway it’s not like Noah considers me as anything more than that. Blake throws his stuff in the trunk while I get in.

  “You’re awful quiet.” I look over at him as he pulls out of the driveway. I can’t take the silence any longer.

  “I’m just thinking.”


  “Well since we are free to speak now, Noah.”

  I knew it. “What about him?”

  “If he’s a ghost how can he be like he was? I though he was some dude, a live one.”

  “I’m not sure, he hasn’t told me, but Kadence can do it to.”

  “I thought she was your friend from back home?”

  “Yes, she died last year and I’ve been stuck with her ever since. The moment we moved down here though things began to change.”

  “Does anyone else know?”

  “About the craziness going on at the house?”

  “Well that to, but I meant your gift.”

  I nod my head, “Drew. Do you consider it a gift?”

  “I’m not sure yet, it’s annoying at times, Carson,” he stops and grunts avoiding looking at me.

  “Carson what?”


  “Tell me, I’m going to find out sooner or later anyway.”

  “Fine,” he glances at me, “but it stays between us.”

  “Of course.”

  “Carson deals with it much better but he’s had longer to adjust.”

  “He sees them?”


  “How long?”

  “Since birth I suppose but it’s not something he tells everyone so if he does clue you in pretend to be surprised.”

  It’s all starting to make sense, his comments, the reason he took me to the cemetery… “Does he know about me?”

  “Yes, he saw you talking to Abigail last Saturday and ran straig
ht home to tell me.”

  “Why hasn’t he said anything about it to me?”

  “I don’t know. Honestly I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to tell you, it’s nice to know that there are others like us instead of feeling like the only freaks.”

  “I agree, I was so worried what you where going to think when you found out.”

  “Would you have told me had I not said something first?”

  “Eventually, when I thought it wouldn’t scare you away.”

  “It would take a lot more than that.” He says looking at me seriously once we’ve stopped.

  “You barely know me.”

  “I know you’re more than just a pretty face,” his gaze trails down, “and an amazing body.” He leans closer, my heart stammers, “I want to know you better.”

  “I’m an open book now seeing as you know my secret.”

  The corner of his lip slips up and he peaks a brow, “So you’ll answer all of my questions honestly?”

  “Yes, won’t you?”

  “Of course,” he says reaching across me, his face inches from mine, “we’ll start over dinner.” He pulls the door handle and smiles.

  I’m relieved a bit now, I thought he was moving in for a kiss and though it’s been at the forefront of my thoughts all day I’ve decided I’m not kissing him or Carson. Well not for a little while. I just hope my brain and lips get on the same page. My body doesn’t always do what my brain tells it to, hence my clumsiness. “Okay,” my voice barely works. It’s difficult at times to do anything when he’s this close and looking at me like that. Get out of the car and stop staring at him like a dolt, I instruct myself, and for Pete’s sake don’t fall!

  While I love the historic district, I wish we would have gone somewhere different. “What if we run into Abigail?” Or one of the other spirits realizes we can see them and crash our first date?

  “I avoid her area.”

  “So she stays close to her house?”

  “Yeah, it’s like she’s confined to that block.”

  “Good to know and the other spirits?”

  “Some, though I’ve come across a few that don’t acknowledge me.”

  “They’re unintelligent.”

  “Well that’s not very nice.” He grins.


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