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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

Page 5

by GM Scherbert

  “Of course, here,” tossing a beer at me, “After speaking with Sara, I think you might need this, too.”

  “Did you have any of that wine that I saw going into the recycle bin last night or did you let her drink it all?”

  “Be careful how you talk to me, sonny. I am not the one who is hiding my feelings and trying to be something that I am not. You and Sara though are another story. I have never seen two people so eager to fight the attraction that is between them. She sees her dad in you, and I know why she would be frightened of that. That man was no good and the brothers if you could call them that, he ran with were no one that a little girl should have been around. Always taking that little girl to the Clubhouse and letting her see things that little girls should not be around. Letting that little girl see the way that he treated his wife and disrespected her by sticking his dick in anything with a pulse. He makes me sick to this day.”

  “Irene, what do you know about it? How do you know anything about her father or why she does what she does?” finishing the beer, Irene is handing me another before I can set the empty down. No wonder Sara was drunk last night.

  “She grew up in the area I use to live in with my Earl, up North and I sort of took her under my wing, when I could get her away from her daddy. I moved away when my Earl passed, and she always kept in contact. When she had finally had enough of her father’s shit, she came to me, and it just so happened that the house next door was available shortly after that and she has been there ever since. That was almost five years ago, and she has really bloomed into quite the woman in those years. I can see how much she wants you and even though she might not admit it, it’s there. I can see it in you as well, sonny.”

  “We hardly even talk and she sure as fuck doesn’t invite me in to her house to have lunch.” Rolling my eyes, I can’t help but to glance next door and see them still sitting around the table eating.

  “Jealous, huh? You need to break through that rough exterior that she has built up. She needs a strong man like you to take the lead and show her that it is okay to feel, to give in, to give up control and be owned.” Shocked as fuck by her words my eyes jerks to hers, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how domineering and dominant each of you men are. My Earl, God rest his soul, was the same way and he sure got put through the paces by me a time or two. Don’t think that because I am a little old lady I have never been around the lifestyle before- I have been around both of those lifestyles, sonny.”

  “Irene, who the fuck would have thought that a little old lady like you would be talking to me like that?”

  “I’m not too old to find a wooden spoon and take it to your backside, sonny. That girl grew up around an MC seeing them treat her and her mother so poorly always weighed heavy on my mind. She has just coasted these past years and needs to be able to be taken in hand and shown how it can be to be loved. Are you strong enough to do that Mack? If you are not strong enough to fight for her and own her as she truly needs, please walk away. I cannot watch her continue to struggle as she has done.”

  Giving me too much to think on, I finish my beer and thank her for the conversation. Heading back to Sara’s I see that Country is now out on the porch and head over to him.

  “Country, how is she?”

  “Fine, Gun. I don’t know what you’re always complaining about, she invited me in for lunch, and the shit was fucking delicious, she’s a good cook.” Looking from the road back to me he goes on, “Don’t you think she is a good cook?”

  “I wouldn’t know Country,” looking up to see Sara in the doorway, I am instantly annoyed that she has yet to invite me in of her own accord. What the fuck is wrong with me? The next words are out of my mouth before I can stop myself, “the Princess doesn’t see fit to invite me into the house to share a meal with her. I guess she must be more intrigued with someone she hasn’t let fuck her in the bathroom at the Clubhouse.”

  Hearing the door slam I know that comment cut her deep, and almost regret it before I see it register with Country.

  “You fucked her, Gun? How did you manage that? The way you both talk about each other you would think you hate each other.”

  “Country, shut up. It’s none of your fucking business. All you need to know is that she is fucking off limits to you.”

  “You claiming her, Gun? Gonna take that to the brothers? Or are you just talking shit to keep me from her? We have talked these weeks, while we have been watching her. She tells me her thoughts and her fears. She tells me that she is scared at night because of the attack. She tells me that she can’t wait to return to her job because it will be some semblance of normalcy. I think me and her would be just fine together, because I think I could get used to her cooking my dinners and taking my cock.”

  Throwing him to the ground, I punch him in the gut before growling out, “Don’t fucking think about it Country. She is mine, and I will do what needs to be done to keep you and anyone else away from her.”

  Country pushes me off of him, gets to his feet and walks down the steps. Reaching his bike, he swings his leg over it and before turning the engine over, looks at me with the widest fucking smile on his face. “I think your biggest worry isn’t me, Gun. That woman right there,” pointing toward the house, “winning her over is going to be your biggest fucking problem.”

  Sitting on the porch the rest of the day and knowing that she will need some time, I give her some space and have Country watch her the next few days. He gives me updates and lets me know that she is returning to work next week Monday. The hospital she works at is secure enough so it will work that we will be able to have one of the prospects sit on her while she is at work.

  The tattoo shop has taken a back seat these last few weeks and I really gotta put in some work. I gotta get the inventory done, bills and salaries need to be paid, and I have had to put off some big pieces that not only some of the Devil’s Iron brothers have asked for, but even some of the Knights have been calling for ink. I am not usually so fucking keen on doing ink for them, but it pays well, and they know a good artist when they see one.

  I am at my shop when I get the call that Friday night that she has gone out, I wonder what she is doing and who she is with. Thankfully my last appointment of the evening left about an hour ago, and I was getting at some paperwork. Closing up the shop I start my bike, leaving in a hurry to check on her myself. Pulling up to the bar where Country told me they were, I walk towards the sidewalk outside where he is standing.

  “Where is she?”

  “She just took some guy down the back alley. That girl is a fucking freak when she drinks, huh bro? She had her hands all over that guy’s dick and wasn’t slowing down. I can see why you want to fuck that shit again. You sure you don’t want me to step in and-”

  Shoving him hard back into the building I say, “One more fucking time Country and I will find a place to bury you.” Looking away from him down the alley I go on, “Never fucking mind right now, let me go fucking get her and then I will deal with you.”

  Turning away from Country he says, “Your in deep brother huh? I can’t wait to settle down with the right girls and here you are fighting it tooth and nail.” Hearing him laugh as I continue down the alley just eggs the rage I feel on. I see her pushed up against the wall with his hands moving all over her body and fucking lose it. Running up to where this fucking jock has her, I throw him off of her and into a pile of trash in a split second. Looking over at her I see nothing but rage as she lifts her eyes to mine.

  “UGH!” Taking a moment to focus her eyes on me, she screams out realizing it is me, “What the fuck, Dick?”

  “Not Dick! Go get on my bike, Princess, this fucking night is over for you and your little date.”

  “Fuck you, Dick, you don’t tell me what the fuck to do no matter what you fucking think.” At that she stumbles a little and I reach out to steady her before letting her go on, “Don’t fucking touch me. If I want to fuck this guy in the alley, I will. Just because you’re my babysitter
doesn’t mean that you control my fucking life. I will do what and who I want when I want,” Stepping back towards this fucking guy she stumbles again before finishing, “You got that, Dick?”

  “The lady wants to be here with me dude, so why don’t you just go back to your little motorcycle gang and leave us alone.” I hear coming from the jock before turning towards him. Sara has moved back towards him and is grinning as she throws an arm around his shoulder.

  The fucking guy must think that I am fucking playing because he leans down at her touch and tries to kiss her again. Being a full three inches and fifty pounds heavier than me does nothing to stop the anger I have seeing him try to touch her again.

  Pushing her out of the way I raise my boot, kicking him in the gut, I grab Sara by the waist. Dragging her towards the bike I growl out, “We are fucking leaving, now Princess. You’re having trouble even standing up straight, and you think fucking this guy in the alley is going to be ok? I know you are hurting, but this is not the way.”

  Ripping herself away from my grasp she sees Country as we approach the street and starts making her way towards him. Knowing that she is going to try and rile me up further by going with him, I make it clear that shit ain’t happening.

  “Don’t fucking do it, Princess. I have no problem taking him fucking down like I did a couple days ago or actually right when I pulled up and he had some choice words for you as well. You belong on my bike. Get there now.”

  “Country will you fucking tell him to-”

  Stopping her dead in her tracks, I lift her off of the ground before carrying her over to my bike. Setting her down for only a second before getting a better grip on her I lift her up and put her in place. Grabbing the helmet off the handlebars I put it on her head and say, “hold tight, Princess, this is going to get rough.”

  Peeling off down the road I know that I should not be driving with her on my bike being this fucking angry, but I can’t stop. As her grip tightens around me, I start to calm slightly when I feel her hands and by the time we have reached her house her arms are wrapped tightly around me. Her hands running over my abs and scratching me slightly has my cock straining. With her head down on my shoulder, I swear that I fucking lose it as soon as I feel and hear her sniff me.

  This cannot happen, not tonight, not yet, not this soon after everything. Fuck, she can’t be mine. I am not the man she needs, I am too rough, too dark, too much for her.

  Thinking of anything except the gorgeous woman hanging onto me I try to calm my raging cock. Pulling into her drive. I don’t even cut the engine just turn slightly and put out my hand to help her off my bike. She slowly realizes what is going on and gets off of the bike quickly. Undoing the strap of the helmet she tosses it at me screaming, “Fuck You. Dick,” as she turns and heads into the house.

  The next two months is much of the same. When Sara goes to work one of the prospects is on her. Most nights Country or I keep watch after she gets home. Those nights are hit or miss between us. Some nights she is pleasant and others she is distant. The nights when she is pleasant, she might actually talk to me, which I like. Never anything of substance, usually just talk about something that happened at the hospital or such. We don’t have any leads on Ember and still have no clue who it was that attacked Sara. Doc and Blaze are on it, and we have feelers out all over, but now that Sara is out of the woods physically, I use every spare minute I have trying to figure out who it is that hurt them. When I have a few moments to myself, my mind constantly goes to Sara.

  The nights that she spends with Country are completely different, though. She invites him inside to eat, watch TV and such. I know because I usually end up, like some sick fuck, parked down the block watching. Country has called me out on it more than once, and I always tell him to go fuck himself, that its none of his business. Country doesn’t find the need to tease me any more about her instead deciding to give me bits and pieces of information. He lets me know that she really is doing well after everything that she has been through since the attack. Country even tells me that she has started to open up somewhat to him about her past.

  I wish that it could be me, but think it’s best to continue keeping my distance.

  Knowing that Blaze has a run scheduled next week, I volunteer to go, thinking it will be a good way for me to clear my head and think. Maybe if I get away from her for a while, I will be able to figure this shit out. I get caught up at the shop for the rest of the week, making sure I have the appointments moved that I had scheduled for next week.

  Heading over to Sara’s for my last shift watching her before this run I know that we need to talk, and we will as soon as I get back. Cutting the engine on my bike I arrive before she is even home from work. Heading to the porch, I grab my usual chair and wait.

  Twenty minutes later I hear Sara’s bike pull up, followed by one of the prospects. This is the first time that I have seen her on her bike since the accident, and fuck does she look good pulling that pink skull cap off of her head. I never thought I could be so turned on by a woman on a bike especially her own. My cock throbs as she continues walking towards her house. Shaking the image of her thighs spread wide over my hips instead of that bike I know in a moment that I am fucked and that the decision has just been made- I don’t need this run to think about it anymore, she is mine. Not just in my mind, I don’t care that I am not good enough for her or even what she needs, I will own her.

  “Sara,” I grunt out as she walks past me without saying a word. She lets the screen door slam leaving the main door to the house open.

  Turning I look at the prospect and ask, “How was her day?”

  “Rough. She lost two patients today. She has been a blubbering mess since the first one died.” Lighting a smoke he goes on, “I am not sure why I drew the short straw and have to watch some hormonal fucking cunt every day but I know that if I don’t see some action soon-“

  Cutting him off I yell, “Shut the fuck up Prospect. No one asked for your opinion. If you are so dead set on getting some action, I’ll help you with that.” Clocking him I stop his fucking shit talking in its tracks. “Fucking prospects never knowing when to shut their mouths.”

  Now to talk to the Princess. She won’t give a fucking rip, but I have to tell her I will be out of town for a while.

  Knocking on the door, I wait for her before heading inside, “What do you want, Gun? It has been a rough fucking day, and I just want to have some wine and get to sleep.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll join you. And it’s Mack, Princess.”

  “Gun, ugh I mean Mack, I don’t have it in me to fight with you tonight. Just promise you’re not going to say anything stupid and stop calling me fucking Princess. Then you can come inside.”

  “Well, I’ll do my best.” Laughing I go on, “You got any beer? I don’t think I can drink that piss ass wine of yours. I guess I could just head over to Irene’s and get some from her if you don’t. That lady sure is something, she always been that way?”

  “Yeah, she has and yes I do have a beer, it’s in the fridge. I remember her being that way when my mom was still around.” Moving towards the kitchen table, I go to the fridge before sitting next to her waiting for her to continue her story. “They were always friends even though Irene probably had twenty years on my mom. I remember it being so fun to be around them.” Taking a sip from her wine she goes on, “After my mom died, I found myself still going over there. When Earl, her husband, died and she moved away I never lost touch.” Sipping again from her wine she looks up to me as she finishes. “When I finally had enough of my dad, I just knew where I should be, and it was here with Irene. I’m glad that I have been able to help her out and she has been a real saving grace in not only my life but even Ember’s when she stayed with me.”

  “Speaking of Ember, have you talked to her?”

  Looking away she ignores my question completely. Getting up, she pours herself another glass of wine and goes to the fridge, handing me another beer before taking her seat again

  “Fuck Sara, you have to know how much he cares about her. You have seen the ways he has beaten himself up since she left. You saw the bruises and scrapes- he has been throwing his fists at anything he can find. If he doesn’t find her soon, he is going to self-destruct. Just tell us something, anything about where she-”

  Putting her hand up to stop me she says, “Just don’t, Mack, or you can leave. I have had a shit of a day and arguing with you is not how I want to end it. If you wanna stay and drink some beers that’s fine, otherwise,” pointing to it, “there’s the door.”

  “No, Sara. I’m done. For now, at least. I came here tonight to talk with you about something else anyway. I have to go on a run tomorrow and just wanted to let you know that I won’t be around for the next two weeks or so.”

  “Mack, I can watch over myself, I don’t know why you, Blaze, and Doc are so hell bent on someone watching me.”

  “Because you, and we are guessing Ember, were fucking brutalized by someone Sara. If you do know, you won’t fucking say, and that scares the fuck outta all of us. Let alone that Irene seems to think it was another MC. We take care of our own Princess, that is one thing that you will learn about this MC.”

  “Yeah, yeah I get it, Mack. I remember enough of the MC to know how they work.” Rolling her eyes, she goes on, “Thanks for letting me know that you were leaving but it really is not needed, it’s not like you’re my old man or something.” My eyes shoot up to hers as she finishes, “Just because you won’t seem to leave me alone doesn’t make you my old man, right Mack, you haven’t staked your claim to me with your brothers, have you?”

  “Old Man, huh? What do you know about having an old man, Princess? Something to do with how you and Preach know each other maybe?”

  “Gun, fuck off- what do you know about anything? Yeah, that’s how Preach and I know each other, we go way back. Back to the old days when I lived next to Irene and her husband. After mom passed and dad would go on runs, Irene would watch over me and sometimes Preach would even help out.”


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