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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

Page 6

by GM Scherbert

  Interrupting her I ask, “Your dad was a brother?”

  “Not was, he is.”

  “You grew up in the life?” I say looking at her with a new-found respect.

  “Not by choice, Mack. And please stop calling me fucking Princess.” Staring at me with those fucking big, brown eyes, I am not sure why but I feel the mood change between us in a second. Seeing the glint of fire in her eyes I can’t help to think back to that night at the Clubhouse. Reaching down I am forced to adjust my hardening cock under the table.

  “Irene let me know that you grew up around the life, I didn’t think that you were in the fucking life. Then you know how it is? You know what it’s like between a man and his old lady?”

  Rolling her eyes, she finishes her second glass of wine for the night and looks at the clock above the oven before looking back at me quickly. “I have to go to bed, Mack. I have work in the morning. Your welcome to stay on the couch tonight if you want, Mack, but I gotta go to sleep.”

  Standing she walks to the sink washing her glass out before turning to look at me. Taking a deep breath, she begins, “See you when I see”

  Jumping out of my seat I get to her quickly, grabbing her face I pull her into me. The kiss we share sends sparks down my spine and I can’t fight the urge I have to be inside of her. Tugging down her scrub pants and panties I am sinking fingers deep inside of her before I can stop myself. Catching the moan, I plant my hand on her hip spinning her around. Pushing softly on her back, I continue the prodding I had begun with my fingers and she soon finds herself face down on the counter with my mouth on her ear, her neck, and finally her ass.

  Pulling my fingers free of her I free my cock and need to be inside of her. Seeing that little rosette, I push one finger into her ass and wait for her reaction. Looking up at me with lust filled eyes, I see that she enjoys it and add a second and third digit before making my decision. Pulling my fingers free from her ass, I spit into my hand and rub it forcefully on my cock. Grabbing her hips, I don’t pause before sinking balls deep into her ass, and when I find myself seated deep inside of her there is no question left in me.

  Pounding into her repeatedly, when I see her eyes I am lost to the feelings, to the moment. We come together and I find myself pulling out of her with no words to say. Looking blankly at her I can only shake my head as she walks from the room taking the stairs two at a time. A short while later I hear her bedroom door shut and know that this was not the talk I really wanted to have with her, especially seeing her pull up after work on her bike and imagining her riding me instead. I couldn’t stop myself from taking her.

  I know that it was wrong to have pulled away from her since that night outside of the house, but I just didn’t know what the fuck to do. Being consumed by her is something that I have been fighting far too long. I cannot keep my thoughts away from taking her, claiming her, and making her mine forever.

  I know that I am not the one that she needs

  I just can’t seem to stop myself.

  Chapter 13


  Not knowing what the fuck that was last night with Mack, I know that this is the perfect time to get away and clear my head. The next day I make the final plans to visit Ember while I am at work. Knowing that I can get away from the prospects at least for short periods of time, is all I need to hit the road. Especially with Gun gone for this week, I will be able to slip away with no problem. Even taking my two weeks of vacation now seems to be no problem for the hospital.

  Hitting the road after slipping out of the hospital the day after Gun had left for his run is no trouble. Knowing the hell I will pay when I return is something I will not think of again until I am home. Driving the fifteen hours by myself is a breeze, except for the sore ass, and gives me lots of time to think.

  Why did he take me like that again?

  Why did I like it so much?


  I knew better than to bring my cell because I am sure that Doc or Blaze would have put trackers in it. I even thought ahead enough to take Irene’s car instead of my own.

  Spending almost two weeks with Ember, little Vincent, her roommate Heather, and Heather’s daughter Sofia was so nice. Ember repeatedly asked if I would come to live with her and Heather and I am interested in the possibility of it. I would have to go back to Chicago and wrap some things up, but I tell her that I will seriously consider it.

  I also talk to her about the way that Doc is missing her. The way that he is almost always bruised and battered when I see him. How much pain he is really in with her gone. I let her know that I am not sure what it would do to him when he finds out about his son. She asks quickly that I stop and I see the pain she is in. She just cries and tells me that it is the only way to keep us all safe, and a small part of me wants to believe that she is right.

  The longest day comes on my drive back home after spending a wonderful two weeks in New Orleans. Driving back, I know that I will be put through the ringer from Doc and Gun. Each mile that I drive takes me one mile closer to them, to home, and to a talking to that I don’t think that I am ready for. If I didn’t have to get back to work, I would have stayed in New Orleans now, but we figured out that I have to get through a year and then will be able to move. Ember and Heather will both be more established, and we will all be able to function off of the radar, as Ember believes we have to.

  Pulling up to Irene’s house I park her car and head to her door. Answering it before I reach the bell, Irene pulls me in for a hug. “How is she? How is that gorgeous little boy of hers? Show me the pictures quick before we have to get rid of them so that they are not found.”

  Pulling out the photos that I have brought back we look through them and I tell Irene about the life that Ember is leading. I spend twenty minutes describing in detail the little boy who has stolen not only my heart but my future. I let her know our plans for next year, how I will move to help support Ember and Little Vincent. “I don’t have anything here, except you of course, and she is struggling with only her roommate to help.” Irene agrees that I should go and help Ember with little Vincent and that it would probably be best for us to stay as far off the radar as possible.

  Taking another look at the photos, we hear the rumble of bikes outside and know that my punishment has come calling. Using the candle that is lite next to me, I grab up all the photos and set them ablaze before we hear a heavy hand on the front door.

  Taking a deep breath, I head over to the door and am greeted with Doc’s large body.

  “Where have you been, Sara? Did you fucking go to her?” Grabbing at me I see fresh bruises on his face before hearing a roar from outside. Shaking out of Doc’s grip I look to the side and see Gun charging at Doc.

  “Gun, what the fuck are you thinking. She knows where Ember is and is fucking keeping it from me.” Turning back to me he steps even closer, “Tell me where the fuck she is Sara. I don’t have any patience for you and this fucking shit.” Looking up at him, I am at a loss when I see the pain and anger in his eyes, “You probably have known where she is the whole time. You probably know who fucking beat you up and aren’t saying shit about that either. You stupid fucking cunts are all the same.” Walking away I see his head drop and feel fear for whoever gets in his way next.

  Watching him walk away I am snapped out of my trance by Gun stepping in front of me. Raising my eyes to his, I see the hurt in them. Before I can speak, I hear him growl out, “Next door. Now, Princess.” Gritting my teeth at that fucking nickname, I make to move to the door. Looking back at Irene the smile on her face cannot be any bigger.

  “You two kids have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Rolling my eyes at her, I make the short trip next door and am beaten to the door. Watching Mack open the door with a set a keys I don’t recognize has my blood boiling. Turning to him I am cut off before I can speak.

  “Now is not the time to be fucking upset over keys, Princess. Let’s first talk about you taking off with no fucki
ng protection, without telling a soul where you were going, and for fuck’s sake Sara, not even giving me a head’s up that you were going to her. Get in the house and find a fucking seat this might take a few minutes.”

  Moving into the kitchen, I pull out a chair and sit down, looking up to Mack I am again cut off by him before being able to breathe a word. “Do you know the hell I have been through with Doc these last two weeks? For fuck’s sake, I still have bruises from when he got a hold of me when he found out you were gone. And I wasn’t even the fucking one that was watching you at the time. For fuck’s sake I was on a fucking run, and I still got the short end of the stick. Well, not as short a stick as the fucking prospect who was supposed to have eyes on you. That kid needed close to thirty stiches.”

  “Mack,” I get out as he takes a breath, but am quickly cut off again.

  “No, Princess, it is not your turn yet. I have more to say, and you better listen fucking well, you got me?”

  Nodding my head in answer I stare at this man who has taken me completely by surprise with his controlling ways.

  “You leaving without a word was fucking bullshit, and you know that. You and I were just starting to have a better go of it and all of a sudden I go on a run and get a fucking call from the prospect not even thirty-six hours later that you are nowhere to be found. When I got back the next day and talked with the hospital, they said you had requested two weeks off on short notice to go visit a sick relative and were granted it. A sick relative, really? Considering Irene let me know that you only have your father and our short talk about him, it let me know there is no way in hell you would go to see him. I find that fucking impossible to believe. You went to see Ember, didn’t you?”

  Looking away from him I am drawn quickly back to him when he slams his fist down on the table frightening me. Looking to him I decide on my lie and begin, “Mack, you know that I-”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me, Princess. If you are not going to tell me the truth you better fucking just keep that mouth shut and let me finish.”

  Finally taking the seat across from me he waits for our eyes to meet before talking.

  “This is how it will be from now on, Princess. You will tell me every move that you make until I can trust you again. First, because I will not be turned into fucking ground beef again by Doc for letting you slip through our fingers. Second, you will stop these little fucking games and lies that we have going between us. I know that you feel this attraction the same as I do and I am about done fucking fighting it. And last, if you think that you just leaving like that again will happen, you are sadly fucking mistaken. I will do what needs to be done to keep you the fuck in line.”

  “Fuck you, Gun. Don’t fucking talk to me like you know me. I am not going to sit here and listen to this. You don’t fucking own me, I am not your old fucking lady. For fuck’s sake, we only had sex a handful of times and even though I’ve thought about it, we,” pointing back and forth between us, “you and me, don’t fucking work. I will not be some old lady to a fucking biker that puts any and everything before me. I won’t sit at home like my mom and raise kids while you are fucking any wet hole you can find.”

  “Don’t fucking start with me, Princess, I am not fucking done-”

  “No, you fucking listen to me Dick, I will not sit here and be told what to do. YOU DON’T OWN ME! Get the fuck outta my house.” Longing for him to stand up, shut me up by taking me, like he did the night at the Clubhouse, I wait only short seconds for his answer.

  His chair hits the wall as he stands. “You know what, Princess. Go Fuck yourself- you aren’t worth this fucking headache. No pussy is worth all this shit.”

  That is not what I hoped for.

  The next month is much the same. One day friendly with Gun, the next arguing. I don’t know why it is that I like to egg him on, but it really brightens my day. I make plans to go out on Saturday with some of the girls from work. Not telling Gun or Country, I hope to surprise them and slip away again so that I can get laid.

  Heading to the same bar from my last night out, I am quick to order a shot of Jack and a Jack and coke. Fuck the wine tonight, I am starting with something a little stiffer. After about an hour I see an attractive tattooed man across the bar. He reminds me of someone and will be a good replacement for the man that I swore to myself I wouldn’t have again.

  Walking up to him, I offer to buy him a drink before taking the seat next to him. We talk for only moments before I know that this is the kind of man that I should be with. A man that is interested in only superficial things. A man that takes everything at face value, definitely not a man that would dig deeper to find out the truth about me. Not a man that would take control and place my wants, my needs, or heaven help me, my desires above his own. Not a man like Gun.

  Shaking the thought from my mind, I run my hand up this douche’s thigh and stop when I feel his cock hardening. Grabbing his cock, I start to stroke him through his jeans and am instantly thought of as a dirty fucking whore, but my thoughts again go to Gun. The douche grabs at my tits, fumbling with them like he had never pleased a woman in his life. UGH, this is probably the wrong decision, but the shots of Jack have seemed to deter my good decision-making skills.

  Grabbing his hand off of my tit, I stand, starting to walk towards the exit. Passing Country on the way out I see that he is putting his phone back into his pocket and wonder who he called. Shaking his head at me, he starts to speak but I just walk past him. Dragging this guy towards my waiting car, I hope to fuck he improves his skills quick, or I will be taking care of my own orgasm yet again, while thinking of him.

  Pushing me up against the car my hopes rise that he might have deceived me inside the bar. Maybe he is the kind of man to take control of me the way I need like Gun did those months ago. Those hopes are dashed minutes later as he fumbles with my skirt as I drive towards my house. Pawing at me like a high school boy, using his other hand to rub his cock.

  Knowing that I am dry as fuck, I hope he picks up on it and plays with my pussy for a while. Deciding to take matters into my own hands as I pull up to my house I whisper into his ear, “Let’s get in the house. You can fuck me with your fingers as I suck that cock of yours and after I have had my fill of your cock in my mouth, you can stuff my cunt full of it.”

  Seeing the shock in his eyes, I know that my bet is not going to pay off and start to think better of my decision. Before I am able to pull away, I feel his body getting moved off of me and look out the door in shock.

  “UGH!” is all I get out, taking in my surroundings for a few seconds before I see what is going on.

  “What the fuck, not again, Dick?”

  “Not Dick! Go in the fucking house Princess, this fucking night is over for you and this fucking guy.”

  Knowing that I am probably too drunk to try and argue doesn’t stop me from doing so, “Fuck you, Dick, we have done this before do we really need to do it again?” Seeing the anger in his eyes doesn’t stop me from continuing, “you don’t tell me what the fuck to do no matter what you fucking think.” Getting out of the car I see the guy that I brought home get out of his side, take a look around, and head off down the street. FUCK!

  I am more than pissed off knowing Gun just took away my chance at getting fucked this evening, “If I want to fuck that guy, I will. Just because you and Country are my babysitters don’t mean that either of you controls my fucking life. I will do what and who I want when I want God damn it” Moving towards the house I think better of it and start walking towards the guy that I brought home, “You got that, Dick?”

  “Don’t fucking do it, Princess. I have no problem taking him fucking down like I did the last guy you tried this shit on. You belong with me and on my bike. Don’t forget it.”

  I am so angry at the way this is happening again. Why won’t this man just let me get a fucking piece? He hasn’t been breaking down my door to fuck me again so I’m not sure why he is so fucking against me getting some. Well, if he chased off th
at man that I tried to bring home he will be the one that gives me what I want.

  “Mack?” is all I can manage looking at him with lust filled eyes. It is all I am able to get out before he cuts me off.

  “We can’t do this, Sara. Stop looking at me with those fuck me eyes. You’re fucking drunk. I would just be a cheap spare for that fucking sorry son of a bitch that I chased off.” My eyes roll before he continues, “It has barely been six months since you were in the hospital, you can’t even be fucking healed yet for fuck’s sake. That night before you took off was a mistake, you know it and I know it. You are not ready to do this. Those scares mare your body like it happened yesterday. You are not ready”

  Turning away from him I move towards the house and slow when I hear, “Sara, wait.”

  “Fuck you, Gun. I just want to have sex for fucks sake. It is my fucking body, and I can do whatever the fuck I want with it, right? You are not the one who was fucking beaten bloody, right? You are not the one that doesn’t remember the majority of that night, right? You are not the one that had to hear from the doctors about how you were brutalized, right?” Stopping dead in my tracks, I turn around, “That was fucking me. Me that all that shit happened to. So, if I want to go out and drink a little, or go out and get it on with some asshole in the back alley of some fucking bar, or fuck some guy in my own fucking house, or God forbid that I want to fuck you here on my fucking lawn, that is something that I can do, Dick. It is still my body, right Dick? He didn’t fucking take that away too, did he Dick?”

  Turning I head for the front door slamming then locking it behind me. Briefly stopping with my back on the door I take a few deep breaths and try to calm my raging thoughts before moving towards the stairs. I am caught off guard when the front door crashes open. Turning I see Mack walk through the door and know by the look in his eyes that this is not about to be pleasant.

  Chapter 14


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