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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 44

by Tricia Daniels

  Her legs are still bent and he sneaks out from between them and then smoothes them down flat so she can rest more comfortably for a few moments. “But I wouldn’t exactly call that a loss, baby.” She pants as he moves beside her.

  Moving towards her mouth, he kisses her. “No, I suppose it wasn’t. I still get my blow job though.” He chuckles as he starts to get up and then he pauses, thinking about what she said and gives her that silly boyish grin.

  “What?” She asks, terrified of what he’s thinking.

  He shrugs. “I like it when you call me baby. You don’t do it often.”

  Well fuck, if that isn’t the most adorable thing he’s ever said. He confounds her sometimes with the contrast between his tender admissions and his filthy mouth. Oh, and it’s a wicked, wicked mouth at that. Finally getting a handle on her breathing she sits up. “I better go clean up so we can get on our way. I hope I can walk.”

  “I’ll carry you if you need me to.” Straightening out his clothing, he runs his fingers through his hair.

  “I think I’m ok.” Getting to her feet, she makes her way into the bathroom. Joining her at the vanity, he wraps his arms around her middle and nuzzles against her neck. Looking at their reflection in the mirror, he stares for a long while, pleased at how perfect they look together. She smiles shaking her head in awe. “Really? 4 minutes and 28 seconds?

  He starts to laugh. “Well, I’d like to credit for my superlative oral skills, but honestly babe, you were so worked up, a stiff wind on the walk to the restaurant would have set you off.”

  She laughs at the truth in his statement. “You are sooo right about that.” She pauses and her expression morphs into annoyance. “Wait a minute… you knew that and you still let me take that bet?” She watches him in the mirror as his shoulders shake with laugher. Not amused at all, her jaw drops and she shoots him daggers with her eyes.

  “A bet is a bet.” Pulling away smiling, he pats her playfully on the bottom. “You finish cleaning up and I’ll let John know we’re just leaving now. I’ll tell him that negotiations took longer than expected.”

  “Oh my God! I could strangle you sometimes!” He ducks as she throws a towel at him, laughing heartily as he quickly retreats into his office and safely out of her throwing range.

  Chapter 24

  As Ethan promised, it’s only a few blocks and a very short walk to where they are meeting for dinner. The sun slowly becomes lost behind the high rise buildings of the downtown core, making it feel a little chillier than normal for a summer evening. For some reason, Ethan’s mood mirrors the dark, cool air. He’s been pretty quiet since they left the office and he’s kept a noticeable foot of space between them as they walk, proof that something is on his mind. Keeping his usual quick pace, Olivia feels like she’s almost running to try and keep up with him and his much larger strides. Shivering, she stops in the middle of the sidewalk to zip up her hoodie. Ethan is several paces ahead before he notices and stops to wait.

  “Are you ok?” She asks, when she catches up with him. “Something is stressing you. Is it because we’re late?

  Ethan growls in frustration, knowing that he needs to come clean, but not wanting to. “No, not because of that.” He looks away from her for a moment and expels an anxious breath before looking down into her eyes. “It’s just that…” He stops again, looking even more anxious.

  She becomes nervous wondering what it is that he’s having such a hard time saying to her. “Just say it, whatever it is.” She searches his face for some kind of clue.

  “This client is expecting me to keep her entertained tonight. I need her to be happy going into her next board meeting and that means that I may have to be somewhat attentive to her tonight.“ Getting really uncomfortable talking about it, he scrubs his hand over his face. “I just want to let you know, before we get in there, that I have no interest in this woman. Whatever you might see tonight… it’s only business. The only thing I’m interested in… is the business deal.” He looks at her, desperately needing her acknowledgement.

  “Ok, I get it. I’m not going to have your undivided attention tonight.”

  He turns to start walking again, this time holding her hand snugly in his. “I’m not happy about it. Not one fucking bit. I just wanted to let you know what’s going on. I didn’t want your girl brain to kick into overdrive once we get there. I’m entertaining a client and that’s all.”

  She knows that he entertains clients all the time and she’s at a loss to understand why this one seems to be causing him so much anxiety. He’s obviously not telling her the whole story. Not wanting to add to his stress, she gives him a reassuring smile and gives his hand a tight squeeze. “Ok, so let’s get it over with so we can get back home and you can collect on your bet.”

  He gives her a quick smile but his forehead is still creased with dread when he lifts her hand to his mouth and kisses it. It’s not quite the response she was hoping for but she smiles anyways. “Just promise to trust me… no matter what happens tonight there can’t be any ripping out of anybody’s uterus.” There’s a small hint of stress in his voice.

  Oh… she gets it now. He’s worried that she’s going to get jealous and make a scene. She’s quick to tease and it catches him off guard. “How about a karate chop to the ovaries? Is that allowed?”

  “No, that would be frowned upon as well.” Slightly amused, his mood starts to lighten a little.

  “Spin kick to the taco?” She looks at him with a mischievous grin, watching his face contort into different expressions as he tries to work through what exactly she means by ‘taco’ and then understanding flashes in his eyes and he smiles with a light chuckle. “Uh… No.”

  There, that’s much better. She finally gets him to smile. They approach the entrance of what looks like an old English pub. There’s a coat of arms on the window and a British flag hanging lazily on a short staff just outside the front door. It looks like a small, intimate place from the outside.

  “You know, it’s times like this when I’m absolutely certain you’re trying to drive me crazy… and enjoying every minute of it.”

  “Possibly.” She says, giving him a wry smile and glancing up into his gorgeous green eyes. “Please, stop stressing, Ethan. I get it. Really, I do. Jealous friend… NOT COOL. I entertain clients from time to time, so I know what’s expected.”

  His body stiffens and he stops walking, abruptly jolting her backwards. “Ethan? What the hell?”

  After raking his hand through his hair, he holds the back of his head, his expression as if he had just received some horrible news. She looks at him quizzically waiting for an explanation. “Jesus, don’t tell me that shit. I can’t think about you trying to secure business from some douche bag who wants to get into your pants. I’ll go insane.”

  Whoa ! There’s a lot implied in that statement. “Ethan? Is the woman we’re having dinner with expecting to get into YOUR pants?” She finally brings herself to ask. Swallowing hard, he looks away, focusing on the doorway. Pulling the knob he opens the door and gestures for her to go in, completely ignoring her question. “Ok, obviously the answer is yes.” Anxiety prickles through her when she looks into his eyes and sees something dark and unfamiliar in them.

  “Mr. O’Connell! It’s so nice to see you!” Speaking as if they are old friends, George the Manager greets him with a handshake. “Your friends are here. They are sitting in the bar watching the game, but I have made available your favorite table when you are ready to eat. Come, I’ll show you the way.”

  “It’s ok, George. I know my way, thank you.” As he leads her through the restaurant, she understands why he likes this place. It’s much larger inside then it appears from the street and it has all the charm of an authentic British pub. Well, not that she had ever been in one, but she imagines this is what one would look like. Pool tables are lined up along the far side. Dart boards along the other. In the bar are several big screen TV’s playing all the popular overseas sports. Cricket, Soccer (or
football as Ethan calls it) and Rugby.

  As they near the bar, she can see that John is in the company of two beautiful blonde women. Ethan drops his hand from the small of her back as they get closer to them. Olivia notices how one of the women leans softly into John’s side and assumes that she’s the woman that was in Ethan’s office. She didn’t get a good look at her this afternoon but she’s stunning in a classy, feminine way and Olivia wishes that she had it in her to look like that. John immediately introduces them. “Olivia, this is my girlfriend, Shannon Quinn.”

  “And my lawyer.” Ethan adds.

  “Not tonight, buddy. Tonight, Shannon is my girlfriend and nothing else. You keep your ass out of trouble. Got it?” He grins at him, but it’s a warning hidden in jest for sure.

  Ethan smiles. “I’ll do my best, but trouble seems to stalk me.”

  Olivia shakes Shannon’s hand, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the afternoon events, when she notices the other blonde swooping in to stand at Ethan’s side. Olivia immediately hates her; from her blonde hair and perfect complexion, to the long slender legs that go on forever and disappear underneath an obscenely short dress. Those come fuck me stilettos bring her sparkling blue eyes conveniently to Ethan’s eye level, and her ruby lips within a dangerous range of his. She smiles, feeling a little satisfaction at the slight swell of her small breasts. Ethan would never be happy with those little things. Olivia turns towards them, waiting for an introduction which Ethan neglects. Taking a step forward, she takes matters into her own hands and gives her a polite smile. “Hi!”. It isn’t until then that Ethan realizes that he needs to make the introduction. Wow, he’s totally off his game tonight. “I’m sorry, Olivia. This is Stacey Daniels from Bramtech Industries. Stacey this is my friend Olivia James.”

  FRIEND? What the? Something jabbed sharply at Olivia’s heart. Odd, since she had used the word FRIEND to describe herself on the walk over, but there was something upsetting about his lack of acknowledgment all of a sudden. Olivia tries not to look annoyed as Stacey gives her a quick once over evaluation from head to toe, sizing her up and obviously finding no threat. She doesn’t even extend her hand in greeting but merely offers an insincere, “Hello” instead. Turning her attention back to Ethan, she reaches up and touches his arm.

  “I’m sorry we’re a tad late.” Ethan apologizes. He has just made a huge mistake in his introduction of Olivia. When he saw Stacey, he had a moment of anxiety over the possible loss of business and his brain misfired. It’s too late to make amends now but still Olivia tries to come to his rescue. “Totally my fault.” She adds, trying to steer the blame away from him. “I kept him waiting.”

  Stacey nods at her and makes no effort to hide that she’s not pleased at all that about Olivia being there. In fact, a few times she gives her a look that makes Olivia wonder if she’s trying to make her disappear with her mind. After a few awkward minutes of trying to engage Stacey in friendly small talk, she finally gives up. What a Bitch! Ethan glances at her, his expression sending her a silent apology. Sensing the awkward moment between the two women Shannon tries to intervene. “John, didn’t you say another one of your colleagues is joining us this evening?”

  “Yes, actually. He should be here shortly.” John is thankful that Shannon is well attuned to the situation. Ethan looks at him for an explanation. “Carter Brant took an earlier flight. He just checked into the hotel and he’s on his way here to join us for dinner.”

  Ethan nods and then directing the conversation solely to Stacey, he explains. “Carter is the Sales Manager at our office in Australia. He’ll be here for a few weeks while we work out a new business plan.” Olivia feels the anger start to niggle at her as she watches him engage Stacey in a conversation that doesn’t include her. His hand rests on the edge of the bar and Stacey conveniently situates herself into the crook of his arm, leaning her ear into his mouth as if she needs to be closer to hear what he’s saying. And he’s falling for that? Jerk!

  “My ears are burnin’ so they must be talkin’ bout me.”

  Olivia tenses at the sound of the sexy Australian accent behind her, standing alarmingly close and practically whispering in her ear. She glances back at his towering 6’ 2” of height and meets the smile of a sun kissed God. He steps to her side and extends his hand. “Carter Brant.”

  She reaches for his hand and smiles. He’s the most strikingly handsome man she has ever met with his movie star good looks, bronzed skin and totally buff body. His sun bleached hair is almost completely blonde but not quite, and is just slightly wavy, brushed back and styled away from his chiseled face. The sides of his hair is slightly shorter around his ears and runs along his jaw line into well manicured sideburns. His eyes remind her of the pictures that she’s seen of the Caribbean ocean. Crisp, clear and brilliantly blue. He’s definitely a hottie!

  “Olivia James.” She answers, feeling her cheeks flush in his presence. Carter grins at her reaction and prolongs the release of her hand. When she looks up, Ethan is glaring at them. Her heart thumps quickly in her chest as he abandons Stacey at the bar and starts towards them.

  “Carter.” He says holding out his hand for a brief shake and then a quick man hug. “Good to see you. How was your flight?”

  “Brutal, as usual.” He says. “Thank god for my long standing membership to the Mile High Club.“ He jokes.

  “I thought you were travelling alone?” Ethan asks, looking past him for a companion.

  “I am.” He raises his eyebrows and smirks. “There is never a shortage of eager participants on those long flights.”

  Olivia is a little embarrassed and wondering if they’ve forgotten that she’s standing right there. Or maybe they just don’t care that she knows about his casual manwhore escapades in the airplane washroom with random women? Hell, he’s so beautiful that she might even consider it. Her mind drifts off for a moment on a little Australian vacation. She’s vaguely aware that Stacey has joined them as Carter introduces himself and then the sound of Ethan’s voice pulls her back to reality.


  “Yes, sorry, what did you say?”

  Ethan flashes her a look, as if to say what the hell is wrong with you? “I said, if you’re ready, we’ll head to the table and order dinner now.”

  “Oh, Ok.”

  She’s about to make her way to the table when Stacey flanks in from the side in front of her and takes Ethan’s arm. Olivia walks behind them, trying not to let it bother her that he has chosen to escort his client instead of her to the table. She repeats his words in her mind, He’s only interested in the business. Carter places his hand gently on her back and guides her through the bar towards the table. John and Shannon are already sitting and Stacey strategically insists that Ethan slides in around the back of the booth closing him off from any unwanted distractions or communication from anyone but her. Shannon looks over at Olivia with regret in her eyes, wishing she could do something to reassure her that Ethan is only doing what he thinks he needs to for the sake of the business.

  Looking at them snuggled closely together on the bench seat, Olivia can’t hide the hurt look on her face. She looks at the two empty chairs side by side on the far side of the table and then glances up at Carter, whose large hand is still pressed firmly against her back and making her feel warm. “I guess you’re stuck with me.” She says apologetically.

  Carter’s brilliant blue eyes sparkle in the light of the chandelier that hangs centered over the table. He pulls out her chair and smiles. “I wouldn’t consider that unpleasant.” Once he makes sure that she’s seated and comfortable he pulls out the chair beside her and settles in. Ethan briefly glares at her again looking extremely agitated. What is his problem?

  Sitting for what seems like forever, Olivia feels awkward and fakes interest in the small talk at the table. She takes note that Carter’s accent and language is a little more polished than she expected from an Aussie. Through polite conversation she discovers that it’s because he had spent
his younger years in boarding schools in the US before finally choosing a university in London. That’s where he met Ethan. They shared a ‘flat’ while they attended school with two other friends, Reese Wilson and Landon Scott. Landon, is the sales manager for Aurora Tech’s division in South Africa, Carter goes on to tell her. He looks awkward when she asks him about Reese and only offers that he’s in Ireland but he hasn’t seen him in some time. She wonders why discussing him makes him look uncomfortable. Obviously there is a story there.

  Glancing over at Ethan, she thinks how incredible it is that he’s a man with such devotion to his friends that he would hire two of them to head up important positions in his empire. She assumes that in return he will always have their loyalty.

  The boys eventually end up talking to Stacey about the benefits of the Bramtech proposal, leaving her feel even more out of place. Thank God for Shannon, who takes the opportunity to engage Olivia in conversation about her career and her interests. Olivia already knows that she and Shannon will be great friends. She really likes her. She’s beautiful and kind and extremely intelligent but not in a geeky way. Olivia downplays her intelligence a lot of the time, not wanting it to define who she is… but Shannon… she makes being an intelligent woman very sexy.

  As hard as she tries not to look, she can’t help it. Every few moments her eyes take a quick peek to see what’s going on between Ethan and Stacey. Slipping into his normal charming self, Ethan listens attentively and flirts in his special way that has the potential to get any woman addicted to him. She knows that it’s his nature; he just has this way of drawing women to him and making them eager to rid themselves of their panties. Let’s face it, he is one hell of a sexy man to begin with but when his voice gets thick and heavy with that Irish accent he could make any woman come on command. A fact that he has proven to her many times.

  Olivia tries to ignore the jealousy starting to claw at her insides like a wildcat. It only makes it worse when the waitress returns to the table and she learns that Ethan, at some point had ordered some kind of pink frozen drink garnished with strawberries and a little umbrella for Stacey and two fingers of Johnny Walker Black for himself. He’s going to drink now too? Tension starts to creep through her muscles, alerting Carter of her anxiety and prompting him to lean over and whisper in her ear. “You look like you need a drink yourself, is everything ok?”


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