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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 45

by Tricia Daniels

  It makes her sad that Carter is more interested in looking after her needs than Ethan is tonight. In fact, the only time Ethan even acknowledges her is when Carter is a little too attentive. Every time he touches her or gets too close she can feel Ethan shoot daggers at Carter with his eyes.

  “Yes.” She whispers back. “Would you order me…” She hesitates, trying to make a decision. She needs something strong, that’s for sure. “Anything with Vodka in it.” She says, shrugging indecisively.

  “Of course.” His smile would light up even the darkest stormy evening and she wonders if Aurora tech hires anything but gorgeous men. She would love to be a fly on the wall during the interview process that’s for sure. Her phone beeps and she fumbles with the zipper on her purse trying to retrieve it. Losing the battle her hand slips and she drops it on the floor upside down making things spill out. Everyone looks at her as she mutters a quiet curse and then slides her chair back so she can get down under the table.

  Crouching, she turns her purse right side up and starts to gather up her things when something on the other side of the table catches her attention. Looking up, she sees Stacey’s dress hitched as high as it can go just barely covering her crotch. Unable to contain her curiosity she takes another look, praying that she can see some evidence that she’s wearing underwear. She’s just about to look away in disgust when Stacey slides her hand down Ethan’s leg, caressing it as she goes. Up and down. Then she stops at his groin, her fingers curling around the inside of his thigh and her thumb gently rubbing against him. Oh My God!

  Carter bends down to help her and looks over to see what’s caught her attention. Noting the look of utter heartbreak on Olivia’s face he touches her arm trying to distract her by passing her the lipstick that had rolled a few feet away. She looks at him with a forced smile “Thank you.” She whispers. Carter squeezes her hand, and gives her a sympathetic look, having already figured out that his boss is playing both girls at the same time. Getting to his feet, he offers her his hand and helps her to stand. Her eyes instantly turn toward the opposite side of the table. Ethan looks at her with a brief flash of terror and then turns away, not able to look at her for any longer. He holds his water glass so tightly with both hands that it looks like he could crush it under the force but he calmly continues his conversation with Stacey as if nothing is wrong. What an asshole!

  “Excuse me for a moment.” Olivia says to Carter. “I need to freshen up a little.” Carter nods politely and moves her chair out of the way so she can make her way to the ladies room. She thinks about how messed up things are right now. Carter has stepped in as her date for the evening, when just a short while ago Ethan had her spread wide and writhing in pleasure in his office. Now Ethan is being fondled under the table by another woman. Her anxiety starts to build and she has to concentrate hard on her breathing in order to control the panic attack that’s threatening to make an appearance. It’s her own fault she thinks. She wanted to make sure blondie knew what the score was the minute she saw her, but then Ethan introduced her as a friend and put distance between them. Was this what he wanted? Was he interested in Stacey? He said on the way over here that he was only interested in the business. She’s so confused.

  Stacey rambles on about her friends and the clubs they want to check out later on and how much fun it’s going to be. Just shut the hell up already! Having a clear view of what’s going on between Stacey and Ethan from where they’re sitting, John and Shannon glance over to see the look on Olivia’s face as she walks away and then turns to speak. “Carter, whatever you order me, make it a double.”

  Carter grins. “My kind of girl.”

  Ethan watches her leave the room with a very stoic expression and then glances over at Carter who returns his stare not feeling at all intimidated by him. Carter shakes his head in disapproval and then returns to his seat.

  “Is there something you wanna say to me, Brant?” Ethan growls angrily, causing John to tense in preparation for a showdown.

  Carter pauses a brief moment, giving it consideration and then thinking the better of it he refuses to take the bait. “Not at the moment. No.”

  Shannon hears John breathe out a relieved breath and frowns at him. “This is getting out of hand.” She whispers. “You need to talk to him and put an end to this. I’ll go make sure she’s ok.”

  “Good Idea.” John stands as she gets to her feet and gives her a brief kiss.

  Ethan is not sure just how much more of this he can take. He knows that Olivia has seen where Stacey’s hand is, and he’s most definitely certain that it was Stacey’s intention for her to see it. Is any business worth this? Worth losing the only woman he has ever loved? The pained looked on her face when she stood up? And then there’s Carter… Carter fucking Brant. He’ll kill him if he doesn’t keep his hands off Olivia.

  Olivia is splashing cold water on her face when Shannon reaches the ladies room. “You ok, sweetie?”

  Olivia forces a smile. “Yes, I’m fine I guess. I’m just not sure why I’m here.”

  Shannon sighs. “Well, we all thought that if you came with Ethan tonight, Stacey would understand that you two were together and she would back off.”

  “Well exactly how was she supposed to get that impression when he introduces me as a friend, ignores me and doesn’t discourage her from putting her sleazy hands all over him?” She’s trying to remain calm but her jealousy is starting to bubble to the surface.

  Shannon puts her arms around her and gives her a reassuring hug. “I know sweetie, we’re all a little confused about that. I don’t know what he’s told you about what’s going on back home but trust me when I tell you that he has had a rough year in his personal life and today’s news certainly didn’t help any. My guess is that he’s fearful that he’s going to mess up his business career too and he panicked for a moment.”

  Olivia shakes her head. “Seems to me that he didn’t set the record straight because he doesn’t want to.”

  “No, don’t think that. You should have seen him after he spoke with Stacey this afternoon. John says he has never seen him that upset about entertaining a client. John was so worried about him that he got in touch with Carter and asked him to join us, thinking that he might just charm her away.” Shannon lets out a small feminine sigh. “But he seems to be more interested in you. Things are all backwards.”

  Olivia frowns. “Maybe I should just leave.” She says with a drawn out breath.

  Shannon gives her a very serious look. “Olivia… Ethan is stressed enough tonight. If you left he would lose it for sure. And I’d be very careful with Carter, honey. It might not look like Ethan’s paying attention but he’s watching you two like a hawk. I know it sucks, but let’s just try to get through this evening without incident.”

  Olivia shrugs. “I won’t make a scene. Apparently that’s all everybody is concerned about. Heaven forbid anybody upset the great Ethan O’Connell! And as far as Stacey is concerned, he’s free to be with her if he wants. I don’t really care. That’s not the kind of relationship we have.”

  “Sweetie, if we were in court, you would never be able to convince a jury of that. It’s in your eyes. You’re in love with him.” Olivia says nothing, her face flushing pink. Shaking her head no, she tries to deny it but Shannon just smiles at her. “That wasn’t very convincing at all. Let’s get back to the table.”

  John and Ethan are returning from the front of the restaurant just as the girls get back. John makes eye contact with Shannon and nods his head once, sending her a silent acknowledgement that he has indeed had a few words with him. They reach the same space at the same time and as they each try to get to their seats Ethan and Olivia end up toe to toe. Refusing to look up at him, she waits for him to move. He discretely reaches for her hand and gives it a squeeze. His hands are cold, as if he has been outside for a long time; the chill of his fingers against her hot palm is a shock that makes her nipples go taut. When electricity passes through his touch a shiver moves through her
body. How can he still affect her so intensely?

  “Everything ok?” He asks quietly.

  “Yes, just fine. Excuse me.” She tries to get to her chair, still refusing to look at him. Rubbing his hand up and down her arm a few times, he warms it against her skin and wishes that she knew just how much he wants to take her in his arms and kiss her. He has nobody to blame but himself if she never kisses him again. This has been one fucked up day.

  When he steps to the side, he lets his hand brush delicately along her back while he passes. The touch is agony. A reminder of what’s been missing all night. She hadn’t really noticed before just how often he usually touches her when they’re together. Every little touch of his hands, his soft lips, his warm body brushing against her… all taken for granted until right now.

  It’s like that feeling she gets when she forgets to put on her favorite ring, the one that she wears faithfully every day. The entire day feels a little skewed, like something just isn’t right. Several times during the day she looks down to see it missing and panics thinking that she’s lost it, until she remembers it’s at home on the dresser. Then for the rest of the day she’s anxious because she just won’t feel complete until she gets home and puts it on. That’s how she feels about the lack of Ethan’s touches tonight. Incomplete. Panicked at the loss, hoping… praying actually, that once they get home she will find it again. If she can just get through this dinner.

  She waves off Carter as he starts to stand. When she sits and tunes into the conversation she quickly realizes that Stacey has engaged him on the deep and intellectually stimulating topic of… KANGAROOS. Olivia looks over at Ethan who is looking back at her trying to keep a straight face. Stacey turns to him and with a very serious expression asks. “Have you ever boxed a kangaroo?”

  Olivia doesn’t hear his answer as she swipes her hand over her face, trying to hide her snickering. She feels Carter’s arm wrap around the back of her chair as he leans into her ear and whispers. “Thank Christ you’re back. After only 10 minutes of brilliant conversation I can safely say that she must have slept her way to the top.”

  Unable to control herself, Olivia snorts and then laughs out loud. Carter chuckles and then catches Ethan’s stare. Recognizing it as a silent warning, he straightens in his seat and removes his arm from Olivia’s shoulder.

  When dinner is finally served, eaten and cleared, everybody gets up and mingles between the bar, the billiards room and the dartboards. The silence is broken by a shrill scream as Stacey runs like she’s on fire towards the front of the restaurant to greet her friends. One by one, they file into the restaurant wearing short skirts and stilettos with their perfect hair and schoolgirl giggling.

  Olivia watches them in horror from the bar. “Dear God help us, the rest of the Barbie girls are here. Bartender… 2 Tequila shots and hurry!”

  Carter chuckles and takes one of the shot glasses out of her hand. After clinking them together, they raise them simultaneously and throw them back.

  “Whew.” Olivia’s eyes slightly water from the burn in her throat. “Hey Carter, let me ask you a question. Would you let any of those girls join your Mile High Club?

  “Hell no!”

  “Not even Stacey?”

  He makes a face. “Even I have standards.” Then he leans in to whisper in her ear. “And I don’t want you to think poorly of me… that whole story… not true. But don’t tell the blokes that, they worship me for it.” He flashes her his best playboy smile.

  Olivia laughs. “Hey? Where’s O’Connell? I haven’t seen him for awhile.”

  Carter puts both shot glasses on the bar and indicates to the bartender that he wants two more. “I think he’s playing darts with John.” Passing her another shot, he laughs at her sour face when she downs it.

  “Bleh! I don’t think I can do any more of those.” She shudders.

  “One more.” Carter insists, waving at the bartender. “And a glass of red wine.” He adds as Shannon makes her way to join them, not at all interested in the game of darts.

  Just then, she hears a familiar voice and looks up to see the boys from Dufferin County announcing their arrival in their normal rowdy manner.

  Olivia’s face lights up. “Pete! Danny! Oh my GOD… Brandon? I haven’t seen you in forever!” Olivia greets them with warm friendly hugs and introduces them to Carter and Shannon. Danny spots Stacey and her friends immediately on the other side of the bar. “Olivia please tell me that those are the girls we’re here to hang out with tonight.”

  Rolling her eyes, she looks over at Carter who is smiling. “Yup, they’re all yours.”

  Having heard the ruckus, Ethan makes his way to the bar. Welcoming the boys, he buys them a round of drinks and they exchange a few rude comments about the girls, chuckling and slapping each other on the back as if they had just won an unexpected lottery. When Ethan takes the boys over to introduce them, Stacey quickly positions herself at his side letting them know that she’s already spoken for.

  Olivia tenses again and breathes in and out, calming herself and trying to remember if bitch slapping was on the list of things that would be frowned on. Ethan rounds everyone up and steers them through the bar towards the pool tables. On the way past he stops. “The boys are going to play a game of pool, as they call it, and the girls are going to watch.” He says to Olivia.

  She makes a face, unsure what his intentions are for stopping to share that information with her. At the moment she doesn’t really care, she has had just about enough of him and way too much tequila. “Awww. The girls are going to watch? How cute is that?” She says sarcastically. “I suppose the poor things are too delicate to play.” She keeps her eyes focused on Ethan, her stare sassy and unwavering. “It’s such a shame because I’m sure everyone in the bar would love the view of camel toe when they lean over to shoot.”

  Carter bursts out laughing and Shannon chokes on her wine, quickly holding a cocktail napkin over her mouth. With a boldness already fueled by tequila she picks up her shot glass and tosses its contents deep into the back of her throat, letting it wash down effortlessly and then slams the glass down hard on the bar giving him a smile that impolitely says PISS OFF !

  Ethan stares at her, his jaw clenched and his lips pressed in a hard line. Turning to his right, he establishes eye contact with Shannon, knowing that it’s a far better idea to let her deal with her. “Shannon. Please take Olivia down to the pool tables so Carter and I can have a talk.”

  Olivia raises her eyebrows. “You can’t be serious? You’re dismissing me?” She laughs at his nerve.

  Shannon nods and takes Olivia by the arm, knowing this is not the time to defy him.

  “Come on, sweetie. The boys need to talk. We can wait for them down there.” Olivia protests but Shannon is a lot stronger than she looks and Olivia’s legs are weak, compliments of her good friend Jose Cuervo.

  Carter sits on the bar stool and waits until the girls are out of earshot. “What’s up, boss?” Knowing full well the conversation that’s going to take place.

  “Keep your hands off my girl, Carter.” Ethan says harshly.

  Carter gets defensive and his brow furrows. “Don’t chuck a spaz, Ethan. I haven’t had my hands on your girl. She was firmly attached to your dick all through dinner. Find it hard to believe you didn’t notice, mate. ” He speaks with much more casual Aussie slang around his old friend.

  “I’m talking about Olivia.” Ethan says, his anger building.

  “Olivia? Huh, it’s not like you to be so greedy. Since when do you play two girls at the same time?”

  “I’m not playing Stacey.” He insists, his muscles starting to tense and tighten with anxiety.

  “Could have fooled me. And let me tell you, you most certainly haven’t fooled Olivia. I have to say mate, I’m a little shocked.”

  “At what exactly?” Ethan crosses his arms in front of him and widens his stance.

  “Making a sheila, who is obviously in love with you, watch another girl man hand
le your junk at the dinner table. That’s a little cruel don’t you think? I don’t want to judge you, mate; but it was a dick thing to do. I’ve only just met Olivia, but I already know that she’s the kind of sheila that deserves a lot more respect than that.”

  Ethan stops for a moment. Horrified at what Carter has just said. He looks over to the pool tables and catches Olivia watching him, and then quickly looking away when she realizes she’s been caught. He rakes his hands through his hair in frustration. Carter is right. He should have put a stop to it immediately when it happened. How did he let things get so messed up? Ethan’s face looks tortured, physically pained; and Carter knows right away. “Oh shit. You’re serious about Olivia?”

  Ethan nods. “Yes, I think I’m in love with her.” He corrects himself. “I know… I know I’m in love with her.”

  “Then what’s going on with Stacey? Don’t tell me nothing. I have eyes.”

  Ethan closes his eyes and shakes his head. “She’s just a client who has made it very clear about the only way I’m going to get her approval on our proposal.” He curses at the thought.

  The bartender looks up at the cursing and Ethan orders another Scotch. Lifting himself on to the stool beside Carter, he looks at his friend and frowns. “Jessica is pregnant.” He confesses, loosening up with the booze. “She says it’s mine. I just found out today.”

  Carter is shocked. “Fuck, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”

  Ethan takes a mouthful of Scotch and sets his glass down. “I’m pretty sure it’s not mine. But she’s contacted my lawyers saying it is and is looking for financial support during the pregnancy and after.”


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