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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

Page 6

by Heather D'Agostino

  Chapter 7


  It took a little convincing, but I was able to get Savannah to agree to come on the ski trip with Ryan and Brit. I understood her reluctance. I didn’t really want to spend a long weekend with Brittany either, but the idea of snuggling with Savannah by a fire or taking advantage of the hot tub outside, did sound appealing. It was winter break for the schools, and other than shoveling snow for my parents, there wasn’t much going on with the farm. Max was back at school, and believe me when I say that’s a good thing. Hailey’s mom came over last week asking if they could use the barn for the reception. She said Hailey was really wanting to have a rustic theme for her wedding. I think they’re crazy, and I told Mom that she would have to be the one to tell Max. We all thought they would be getting married. I don’t think it ever occurred to any of us that it wouldn’t happen, and now that it is, it’s slowing killing him.

  “You sure you’re going to need all this?” I lifted one of the suitcases off Savannah’s porch and began carrying it down to my truck. “We’re only going to be gone for two days.”

  “I’d rather be prepared and not need it, then unprepared and suffering.” Savannah grunted as she lifted the other suitcase. “Besides… what if I get hurt, or wet, or cold?”

  “You have me for all of that. I’ll keep you nice and warm.” I lowered my voice as I leaned down next to her ear.

  “I bet you will.” She blushed as she handed me the suitcase. “Remind me again why I said yes?” She rounded the back of the truck and went to climb in.

  “Because Brit’s parents’ house has five bedrooms. We can escape to one of them if she gets on our nerves, and…this is the best part…you and me all alone for two days and three nights.” I smiled as I cranked the engine and then moved to rest my palm on her thigh. “We have our own ride up there, so we don’t have to worry about that either.”

  “I can’t believe Ryan agreed to this?” Savannah mused as I turned out of her driveway and onto the main road. White Face Mountain was about three hours away. It was afternoon and would be getting dark soon. Brit insisted that the place was not your typical cabin in the woods, but I had my doubts. She was always working an angle and I’d be stupid to think that this wasn’t one of them.

  “Ryan wants to get laid.” I shrugged. “He’s been trying to get into Brittany’s pants for years.”

  “Why?” Savannah scoffed. “Isn’t he worried he’ll catch something?”

  “She’s not that bad.” I sighed.

  “Sure. Ok. If you like that type. Whatever,” she muttered more to herself than me.

  Once we’d been on the road for a while, Savannah seemed to mellow out a little and not be so concerned with what Brittany was doing. I wasn’t sure how long that would last, but I wasn’t going to ask either. Savannah had seemed tense when we left, and the closer we got to the cabin, the tenser she became.

  “You ok?” I glanced over at her as I made the last turn on our trek.

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled as she stared out the window. I don’t know what she was looking at. It was dark now, and there weren’t any street lights. We seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. “Why?”

  “You seem like something’s bothering you.” I sighed as my truck climbed the last bit of the mountain. There was snow along the side of the road here, and my windows started fogging up with the temperature difference in the elevation.

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled again as I turned into the driveway. “Um,” she pointed at the house. “This isn’t a cabin. This is like,” her eyes took in the place “like a chalet or something.”

  “It’s pretty nice.” I parked and then stared up at the monstrosity perched on the side of the mountain. Savannah was right, this looked like something from a movie. There were huge windows in the front and a large deck. There was a five car garage off to the side, and winding stairs that led up to a door. “Let’s go claim a room.” I opened my door and hopped out, heading toward the back of the truck to grab our luggage.

  “A room?” Savannah crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. “You said there are five. Why don’t I get my own?”

  “Is that what this is about? You don’t want to share a room?” I stepped closer as she shivered from the cold. It was significantly colder up here on the mountain, and the wind was blowing.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t like being pressured, Micha,” she whispered as she leaned into me, burying her nose in my chest.

  “I’m not trying to pressure you into anything. I just thought you’d want to. I’m sorry.” I rubbed my hands up and down her back attempting to comfort her, and figure out why she seemed so distant all of sudden. “You can sleep wherever you want, but let’s at least get inside where it’s warmer. It’s freezing out here.”

  “Ok.” Her teeth chattered as she stepped back and waited for me to grab our bags. I led us up the steps, and then waited for her to go ahead of me. I didn’t want her to slip, but I also enjoyed the view as she climbed them. “You can stop staring at my ass now.” She grumbled, but I secretly knew she was enjoying it.

  “Shouldn’t have worn those sexy jeans then. They’re begging me to stare at them.” I chuckled as we reached the door.

  “You made it!” Brittany swung the door open before we could knock.

  “We’re here.” I laughed as we stepped inside. It was warm and felt heavenly.

  “Take any room you want. I already put my stuff on the bed in my room. Get settled, and come back down. My daddy stocked us up with food and I found the key for the booze.” She held a key up as she waved it while grinning at us.

  “Yeah. Brit’s already had a few. Please come back.” Ryan rolled his eyes from behind her.

  “Oh, stop!” She shooed him off. “I’m relaxing. It’s not like I’m going anywhere else tonight. Pizza is baking. Ry’s got a fire going. It’s going to be a great night.”

  “Give us a minute.” I lifted my chin as I headed for the stairs to the second floor. I led us up as Savannah checked out the rooms. She settled on one at the end of the hall, so I took the one next to it. There was a Jack and Jill bath between them so at least I had that going for me.

  After setting my luggage in the room I’d claimed for myself, I meandered over to the one Savannah had chosen. “Are we ok?” I asked as I stepped up behind her. “You seem upset tonight.” I wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her against my chest.

  “Yeah.” She sighed as she leaned into me. “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. It’s nothing you’ve done.” She turned in my arms. “Promise.”

  “Let’s go grab some pizza then.” I grinned as I reached for her hand. “We can stuff ourselves and then relax by the fire. I don’t want to do anything this weekend, but spend time with you.”

  “That sounds nice.” She smiled at me as she took my hand.

  “That sounds awesome.” I squeezed her fingers gently as I tugged her toward the door.



  We spent most of the night snuggling in front of the fire. After finishing our pizza, Micha grabbed a flannel blanket, and wrapped it around us on the couch. The only light on at this point was one in the kitchen. The fire felt great, and the soft glow made for a romantic evening. Brittany had gone to bed hours ago. I think she was pretty toasted, and passed out rather quickly. Ryan, on the other hand, was still sitting across from us on another couch. He’d been sipping the same beer for an hour and talking basketball with Micha.

  “Dude, are you ever going to go to bed?” Micha glared jokingly at Ryan.

  “I guess.” He shrugged. “I’m not that tired. Don’t let me keep you up.” He motioned to the two of us.

  “You’re not.” His eyes flared again. “You just look tired.”

  It was funny watching Micha try to get Ryan to understand that we wanted to be alone. Ryan wasn’t getting it, and Micha was getting frustrated.

  “Maybe a little tired.” He glanced around. “What time is
it anyway?”

  “Late!” Micha snapped. I started laughing. I couldn’t help it.

  “What’s so funny?” Ryan’s brow furrowed as he rocked forward, placing his hands on his knees.

  “Nothing.” I continued to giggle.

  “You two are weird.” Ryan shook his head. “Maybe I will go to bed.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Micha rolled his eyes as Ryan stood, shook his head at me again, and then shuffled toward the steps. “See ya in the morning.” His hand waved haphazardly behind him as he climbed the steps, leaving us alone for the first time in hours.


  “You warm enough?” Micha pulled the blanket higher on us.

  “I’m fine. Are you?” I turned slightly in his arms. We were half sitting, half lying in each other’s arms.

  “I’m glad you came this weekend.” He pressed a kiss to my temple.

  “Me too,” I whispered. It felt nice sitting here together just enjoying the fire.

  We sat in silence for a few moments before he broke it. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” His lips brushed my forehead where he still had them pressed to me. I nodded. “Why didn’t you want to share a room? Have I done something to make you think that I’d pressure you into something you’re not ready for?”

  I inhaled deeply and released it. I guess we were doing this tonight. “It’s not you, it’s me.” I felt him start to pull away from me, and I tensed. “You make me feel things, Micha, things that I’ve never felt before. You make me want things, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”

  “You mean sex,” he stated more than asked.

  “Yes.” I sighed as I closed my eyes. “When I’m with you, I don’t know how to tell you no. You make me not want to tell you no.”

  “This trip wasn’t about sex, Savannah. I didn’t bring you up here for that. I mean, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to sleep with you, but that wasn’t what this trip was about.” He shifted so he was sitting beside me, bent knees and hunched shoulders.

  “I’m sorry.” I looked away. I don’t know why I was so upset. I’ve been dating Micha for several months. He’s never once pressured me for sex. I don’t know why I thought he would start.

  “Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me.” He ran his hands through his hair and tugged on it.

  “I don’t know if I can,” I muttered.

  “Try,” he whispered as he leaned closer. There was a pause and then he asked, “How long were you with your last boyfriend before things became sexual?”

  My heart began to race and I could feel my face heating. “We never did that.” It was barely a whisper. “I’ve never done that.” I looked away from him. “Have you?” I swallowed.

  “I’ve had one partner. Last summer I had a girlfriend. We broke up when she left for college.”

  “You dated an older woman?” I laughed lightly.

  “Why is that so hard to believe? I’m a nice guy. She liked me, and I liked her; at least I thought I did. She taught me things, and I thought I loved her, but then I met you.” He turned to face me. “I met you, Savannah, and nothing I had with her compares to this. You and me are special, and I’ll wait for you. We don’t have to have sex on this trip, that’s not what this is about.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a sweet kiss.

  “Ok,” I murmured as I pulled back. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hey. I love you.” He pecked my nose. “It’s getting late. You ready for bed?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded.

  Chapter 8


  When I told Savannah that I didn’t have any plans for this weekend, I was telling the truth. I really didn’t have plans. I wasn’t a skier, and I really didn’t see much else happening outdoors. Savannah must have thought differently though because when she came downstairs this morning, she had that look on her face that said I was in trouble.

  “What’s for breakfast?” She climbed onto a barstool at the island behind me. I was in the kitchen attempting to make breakfast for the whole group.

  “Eggs and bacon,” I called over my shoulder. It smelled better than it looked, but I had to admit that I was doing pretty well. My mom was the cook in the family, and she never really let us in the kitchen. I don’t really know how she planned for us to survive when we moved out though.

  “Smells delicious,” she cooed. “Want to go exploring after we finish?”

  “I guess.” I shrugged as I flipped the bacon one last time. “I don’t really know what there is to explore around here though.”

  “I think Brit mentioned an ATV in the garage. We could take that out,” she mused.

  “Sure.” I grinned. “We had a couple of ATVs on the farm. That could be fun for both of us.”

  “I’ll help you clean up when you finish.” She hopped down and began rummaging through cabinets, looking for dishes and silverware.

  “Nope. Ryan is on dish duty. I’m not cooking for everyone, and then having you clean it.” I shook my head as I plated the food. “Eat up while it’s hot.”

  “Thanks.” She took one of the plates from me, and carried it to the table.

  We sat down and began eating just as Ryan and Brit made their way down the stairs. Ryan looked pretty chipper and well rested. Brit, on the other hand, looked as if she’d gone a few rounds with a grizzly or something.

  “You look like shit.” I laughed as she frowned at me. Savannah started giggling beside me, and it slowly turned into a full-on belly laugh.

  “Shut up,” she snapped as she reached for a plate. “I feel terrible.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t attempt to drink yourself into oblivion next time.” Ryan chuckled nonchalantly as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “You’re just upset that I didn’t come stumbling into your room last night,” she sneered as she stuffed a forkful of eggs into her mouth. “You can come anytime you want if you cook for me.” She moaned with her mouthful.

  “I’m glad you feel that way because you’re on cleanup duty.” Ryan laughed as he carried his empty plate to the sink. “Savannah and I are going to go exploring. We’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Want some company?” Ryan glanced in our direction.

  “No!” both Savannah and I echoed at the same time.

  “What am I supposed to do then?” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Your date.” Savannah smirked as she waltzed out of the room. Someone was in a feisty mood today, and I liked it.



  Cold didn’t even come close to describing the temperature outside today. When we stepped out onto the deck, I felt like I could slowly feel myself freezing. I’d put on so many layers of clothes that moving was difficult, and my face felt like it might break if someone bumped it hard enough, but it was beautiful. The sun was out, and it glistened on the snow making everything look as if it was bathed in crystals. The trees around the house were covered in tufts of white. Our tire tracks from the night before were gone. If someone was trying to find us, they’d never know where we went. All our tracks had been covered.

  There was a small amount of smoke coming from the chimney of the house, but otherwise you’d never know we were here. “It’s freezing up here.” I shivered as we pulled helmets for the ATV on our heads. The wind was whipping, causing my hair to fly everywhere.

  “I thought being from Utah, you’d be used to the snow.” Micha laughed.

  “Snow, yes. These freezing temps, no,” I grumbled.

  “I’ll warm you up in a minute.” Micha climbed on the ATV and cranked it up. “Let me get out of the garage first, and then you can climb on.” He used his feet to push back, and then rolled out onto the snow. “Ready,” he called as he placed his feet on the ground.

  I climbed behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and placed my feet on the pegs. “All set,” I yelled as I tucked my chin next to his shoulder. Micha gave the thumbs up and then hit the throttle
, thrusting us forward.

  We bounced along as he made a trail through the woods. We saw some animal tracks, but that was about it. There weren’t any other cabins near here, or none that we found. I wondered how much of this land Brit’s family owned.

  After riding for a while, we stopped in a clearing. “Wanna stop here for a few?” Micha yelled over his shoulder.

  “Sure.” I loosened my grip on him, and he cut the engine.

  “We can walk a little. Explore the area.” He removed his helmet, and produced a snow hat from inside his coat.

  “You planned this, didn’t you?” I frowned slightly.

  “Got one for you too.” He grinned as he handed me a hat. “Come here.” He started stomping through the snow into the clearing. “Do you wanna build a snowman?” he sang as if he was in the musical “Frozen”.

  I started laughing. I couldn’t help it. I leaned down and gathered some snow in my gloved hands. As I packed it together, I slowly moved closer to where he was singing and spinning around. “I got a better idea.” I giggled. When he paused, I flung the snowball at him, hitting him square in the chest.

  He looked down at the spot where snow clung to his coat. “Did you just hit me?” He scoffed in disbelief.

  “Nope.” I grinned as I backed up. I leaned down and started packing another snowball. “I did this.” I flung the second one, this time hitting his shoulder.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he warned as he leaned down and started collecting his own pile of snow.

  “I’m not,” I mused.

  Micha stood back and tossed the snowball in his hand. He advanced forward slowly as if he was stalking me. Every step I took back, he took another one forward. His stride was longer than mine, so he was eating up the space between us faster than I could create it.

  “Micha,” I warned. “I’m supposed to be your girlfriend.”

  “What’s that got to do with this?” His head tipped to the side. “You afraid of me now?” he teased.


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