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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

Page 7

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Nope.” I pressed my lips together.

  “Fine.” He lowered his hand but failed to drop the snowball. If I’d been thinking clearly, I would have stayed out of his reach, but this was Micha and he looked really cute today. Just as I relaxed my stance, he charged forward and smashed the snowball on top of my head, causing snow to rain down on top of me.

  “I can’t believe you did that!” I squealed as I shoved to get out of his grip, and ran towards some trees. “I’m gonna get you for that!” I yelled as I attempted to build as many snowballs as I could.

  I was puffing pretty good and by the time I was ready to turn around I had quite the stash. “You are so going to get it,” I growled as I spun, ready to fire at Micha, only he was nowhere to be seen. “Micha!” I stomped my foot as I slowly peered from side to side. There were footprints everywhere from us, so that wasn’t helping me. The ATV was still parked by the trees. “Micha!” I shouted again as I stomped through the snow, snowballs stacked in my arms. “This isn’t funny!” I pouted.

  “I think it is.” His amused voice sounded from behind, causing me to jump and drop the snowballs in the process. “You looked so cute all fired up over there.” When I turned, he was leaning against a tree with his arms across his chest. “So, do you?” He pushed off the tree and started moving towards me.

  “Do I what?” I swallowed as the anger began to melt away and hunger took over.

  Micha stopped right in front me. Our chests were almost touching. “Wanna build a snowman?” He snickered.

  “Sure.” I shrugged as I leaned down and started gathering snow. Micha began forming a large ball but before he could move it, I took what was in my hands and dumped it on his head.

  “What was that for?” His head swung toward me and his brows furrowed as he stood up straight.

  “We’re even now.” I shrugged as I went back to work.

  “We are not even close to even, but I’ll let you pay me back later,” he mumbled as he too went back to work.



  I can’t remember the last time I had as much fun as I did this afternoon. It was nice just hanging out, and not having to work. Between school and the farm, I didn’t get much time to just goof off and be a kid. Savannah made me want to though, and this trip was giving me the chance.

  After we finished our snowman, we walked around the area until it started to get dark. At that point, I knew we needed to head back. We were getting hungry, and the ATV didn’t have a headlight. If it got too dark, it would become too dangerous to drive. I didn’t know these woods like I did at home, and even then, I wouldn’t drive in the dark.

  When we reached the cabin, Ryan and Brit were out on the deck in the hot tub. I don’t think they heard us because when we reached the top of the steps, they were making out pretty heavy. Brit’s top was hanging over the edge of the hot tub, and it looked as if she was sitting on Ryan’s lap.

  “Ehem.” I cleared my throat as I stomped up the last stair.

  Ryan broke the kiss and glanced over Brit’s shoulder at us. “There’s stuff to make sandwiches in the fridge. We already ate.”

  “Couldn’t wait ‘til dark?” I eyed their position.

  “I’m having dessert.” He chuckled as he pulled Brit closer, and resumed his make out session.

  “Ugh!” Savannah gagged as she pushed by me, and heaved the door open.

  I rushed after her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Them!” She flung her arms in the air before getting into a fight with her coat. She attacked her layers of clothes as if she found them offensive, pulling and tugging as she tossed them on a nearby chair.

  “What about them?” I removed my snow gear and slowly made my way in her direction. I didn’t want her anger directed at me, and I couldn’t really understand why she was so bothered by them. I stopped directly in front of her, and placed my hands gently on her shoulders. “Does that really bother you, or are you jealous?” I lowered my voice, bent my knees, and stared into her eyes.

  I could see the fire simmering just below the surface, but it didn’t look like anger, more like desire. “I just…” She snapped her lips closed and rolled her eyes.

  “Just what?” I grinned. “Say it.”

  “I just…” She tried again.

  I stepped closer, causing our hips to touch. “You wanna be like that?” I whispered. “You want me to kiss you like it’s the last kiss I’ll have? To touch you like you might disappear?” I wrapped my arms around her waist and let our foreheads touch. “Savannah… I want to do that. After last night I wasn’t sure if you did. I was trying to give you space,” I whispered.

  “I’m sorry I messed this up,” she murmured before leaning back and looking into my eyes. “I don’t want space, Micha.”

  My lips curved into a lopsided grin. “I can fix that then.” I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. As she surrendered, I lifted her into my arms, turned and placed her on the counter. Her thighs parted, and I stepped between them all the while continuing the slow languid kisses that seem to be drowning her. Little sighs kept escaping every time I’d change the pace. When her tongue thrust into my mouth, I growled and slipped my hands under the back of her shirt. Her skin was so soft, but she shivered from my cold touch.

  Timing seemed to be my enemy this trip because just as I was going to take the kiss deeper, Ryan slammed the door. “We’re done with the hot tub if you guys want to use it. We’re heading upstairs for the night.” Brit giggled as she let Ryan pull her up the stairs.

  I sighed as I stepped back slightly and attempted to collect myself. “Let’s grab some dinner, and snuggle on the couch. I don’t really want to get in that thing after them. Who knows what could be floating in there?”

  Savannah laughed. “Good point. I’m starving.”

  Chapter 9


  The fire crackled in front of us, but it was nothing compared to the inferno that was slowly growing between us. I’d been denying what I really wanted for weeks. Micha had been nothing but sweet to me and I’d been keeping my distance, hoping that things wouldn’t move faster than either of us was ready for.

  After we’d finished our dinner, we taken up residence on the couch in front of the fireplace. We’d started out sitting beside each other, but now we were lying down much like we did in the loft a few weeks ago.

  “Is this ok?” Micha mumbled as he shifted under me. We’d been kissing for a while, and I could feel how hard he was against my thigh.

  “Yeah.” I gasped as he squeezed my rear, pulling me closer to him.

  “You wanna take this upstairs? It would be more private.” He pulled back and stared into my eyes. I thought I’d see lust in them, but it was more than that. His deep brown pools reflected love back at me, and an understanding that I hadn’t noticed in the past. “We don’t have to do anything. I just don’t want Ryan coming out here and seeing this. It’s none of their business.” He placed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

  I slowly lifted myself off of him. This was my chance. I could go to my room and go to sleep, or I could let him take things further. I’d been telling myself I wasn’t ready for so long that now I wasn’t so sure it was the truth. Micha linked our fingers and started for the stairs.

  When we reached the door to the room I’d been sleeping in, he stopped. “This is your stop.” He smiled softly. “I love you, Savannah.” He leaned in and kissed me deeply. His hands ran up my sides as his tongue licked at the inside of my mouth. My back was against the door, and I felt as if he was literally turning me into a puddle.

  “Micha.” I panted when he pulled away. I reached behind myself, and turned the knob. “You wanna come in?” My head bent as my eyes stared at the floor right in front of my feet. What if he said no? Or worse, what if he didn’t say anything?

  Micha swallowed, hard, before lifting my chin to look into his eyes. “Are you sure about this? I mean, last night… are you sure?”

  I pressed my lip
s together tightly and slowly bobbed my head. I was afraid to talk. I wasn’t sure what would come out if I tried.

  “This wasn’t what I meant when I suggested coming upstairs.” He pressed a light kiss to my lips.

  “I know,” I whispered as I stepped back slightly.

  Micha grinned before a laugh rolled out of him. “You’ve got my head all turned around, Savannah Lucas, but I still love you.” He wrapped his arms around me, pressed his lips to mine, and resumed our kiss. I stumbled back as he moved us into the room, and closed the door. “Relax,” he whispered as one hand cupped my cheek.

  “I’m just a little nervous,” I muttered. It was a lie. I was freaking out on the inside, but I didn’t want to tell him that. Things had never gotten this far in the past. Micha was the first one I’d let go this far.

  I watched as Micha pulled his shirt over his head. His jeans were hanging low on his hips, and you could see the waistband of his boxer briefs. His body was toned from all the work on the farm, and I couldn’t help but stare as I let my eyes travel up to meet his smile. “Your turn.” He grinned as he moved closer, and tugged at the bottom of my shirt.

  I’d let Micha touch me before, but I’d never let him see me. It felt kinda unfair based on the fact that I’d seen him. I nodded slightly as he pulled my shirt up and tossed it to the side, leaving me standing there in my bra and leggings. “Come here.” He motioned for me to move closer. “You know you can tell me to stop whenever you want, right?” He lifted my chin so we were staring in each other’s eyes.

  “Yes.” It came out breathy, and I just wanted to rub my hands all over him. He reached for my hand, and led me over to the bed. I hadn’t made it this morning, so the covers were kinda in a pile.

  “Sit down.” He pressed on my shoulders until I sat on the edge of the bed. Carefully, he leaned down to remove my socks, then began tugging at my leggings. As they slid off, I sat there in only my underwear feeling a little more exposed than I was comfortable with. “Hang tight.” Micha reached in his pocket, pulled his wallet out and tossed it on the nightstand. Then, he released the clasp on his jeans and let them fall to his ankles. He stepped out them, kicking them to the side, and then sat beside me. “Still ok?” He smiled as he brushed my hair back off my shoulder and placed a kiss there.

  “I’m fine.” I glanced up at him. “Can you kiss me now?” I laughed as Micha’s eyes flared.

  “Yes ma’am.” He chuckled as he pressed his mouth to mine and began laying me down. It was different than before. When we were on the couch, our clothes kept us from feeling much. Now with only a small amount of fabric between us, we could pretty much feel everything. Micha’s skin was smooth and warm. My legs tangled with his as his hands rubbed all over my upper torso. When his palm brushed across the cup of my bra, I shivered. Every nerve was on high alert, and my body was telling me to hurry up. It liked the direction we were headed in, but my head wasn’t sure I was ready.

  “I know you’re thinking about something. What is it?” Micha pulled back. We’d gotten under the covers at this point and were both facing each other on our sides.

  “I just don’t want to disappoint you.” I blinked a few times before looking at him.

  “Savannah.” He sighed. “I’m not some expert here. This isn’t about impressing me or something. Do what feels right. We’ll go from there.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead, then moved to the tip of my nose, then my lips. I surrendered to him, letting my body sway into his, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he pressed his hips forward. One hand moved under the covers, slowly tugging at my underwear. When he reached my knees, I kicked slightly to finish the job. He copied me before expertly popping the clasp on my bra. As he tossed it to the floor, a sudden moment of embarrassment washed over me. We were naked and could feel every inch of each other. “Just a second.” Micha held up a finger as he rolled toward the nightstand where he’d tossed his wallet. He dug around for a moment before producing a condom. As he went to work sheathing himself, I mentally asked myself if I was really gonna do this. I loved him. He loved me. I wanted this as much as he did.

  “You ok?” He rolled back on his side to face me. I nodded, and he reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love you, Savannah. You can always stop me. You understand that, right?” I nodded again. “I know it’s different for girls, but I want us both to enjoy this.”

  His forehead crinkled in concentration as he shifted to hover over me. He leaned in, kissing me again as he wrapped my thigh around his hip. I could feel him, hard and warm against me. As he continued to kiss me, he began pushing forward. It burned at first, and then there was a sharp, searing pain.

  “Ow!” I pulled away, and he froze.

  “It’ll go away. I’m sorry. Try to relax,” he soothed as he brushed a tear that was escaping away with his thumb. “Relax,” he whispered as his lips brushed against mine. I gave in to the kiss, and his hips began pressing forward once again. The burning came back, but not as bad as before. “Ok. I’m in,” he mumbled as his lips moved against my cheek, along my jaw, and finally stopping at my ear. “You’re so hot.” His breath was hot against my skin. “Can I move?” He nipped the lobe.

  “Yes.” I gasped when his hand rubbed my thigh.

  He pulled back slightly, and pushed forward again. This time it didn’t hurt. This time it felt better. He rotated his hips and moved again. After a few minutes, I could see something switch in his expression. His movements weren’t slow anymore. They were quick and with purpose. “Next time will be better. I promise.” He grunted as he stilled over me. His eyes were slammed shut, his mouth in a tight line, every muscle was flexed.

  When he opened his eyes, he slowly pulled back. I felt the loss, but also the pain. It hurt down there, and I could only imagine what morning would bring. Any girl who tells you their first time was some amazing event is lying. Was Micha sweet? Yes. Did he take care of me? It depends on what you mean by that. I didn’t have some earth-shattering experience. It hurt, and I didn’t orgasm. Is it Micha’s fault? No. Do I want to try again when it won’t hurt? Yes.

  I watched as Micha sauntered into the bathroom sans clothes. It was a magnificent sight to behold. He removed the condom, cleaned himself, and then came back with a wash cloth. “This should help with the discomfort.” He grimaced as he handed me the cold cloth. I cleaned myself, and he was right, it did feel a little better. “Savannah?” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Do you mind if I stay?”

  “Not at all.” I flipped the covers back. Micha climbed in and pulled me against him. As I snuggled into his side, he started to get hard again. I laughed, and he kissed my head.

  “It’ll go away in a bit. He thinks you’re up for more.” He yawned.

  “Maybe tomorrow.” I giggled as I moved even closer.

  “You’re gonna be sore tomorrow. Maybe next weekend. Get some sleep. It’s been a big day.” He reached over and turned out the light.

  When I look back at the night I lost my virginity, I’m not going to remember the awkward conversation or the fumbling through the actual act. I’ll remember how sweet Micha was. How he took care of me, and how he made sure that I felt safe and secure. Those were the things that made tonight special, not the day, not the time, and certainly not the place.

  Chapter 10


  It’s been a few months now since winter break. Spring is in the air, and I’ve been working on how I want to ask Savannah to prom. I know she’ll say ‘yes’; she is my girlfriend after all. We spend most of our time together whether we’re at work or school. Things couldn’t be better.

  “Hey.” I smiled as I stepped into the stand. Savannah was watering flowers, and Mom was sitting by the cash drawer. “Wanna take a break with me?”

  “I had a break forty-five minutes ago.” Savannah rolled her eyes as she glanced over her shoulder at me.

  “So take another one.” I stuck out my lip in a pout.

  “It’s slowing down for the day,”
Mom called from her spot. “When you finish that row of plants, you can head out.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I grinned as I leaned against a post, waiting. Savannah laughed as she finished what she was doing.

  “I guess I’m set for the day.” She placed the watering can by the end of the table, and crossed her arms over her chest. I loved it when she got sassy, and I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t turning me on right now.

  “Let’s go.” I waved as I stepped back outside. There was a warm breeze in the air, and everything was green. This was my favorite time of the year when it came to the weather. I loved fall, but there was just something about spring that made me happy.

  “Where are we going?” Savannah jogged to catch up with me.

  “The pond,” I called. It was too cold to swim, but it was a great place to talk and have some privacy.

  “I’m not skinny dipping with you, Micha.” Her face showed annoyance whereas her voice sounded teasing.

  “Why?” I laughed as we reached the edge of the clearing by the pond. “I’ve seen you naked.” My brows bounced as I scanned my eyes down her body. She blushed, and I grinned. I loved making her squirm, and I knew exactly what to do to make it happen.

  She sighed dramatically. “Really! What are we doing out here?”

  “Sit.” I pointed to a spot of soft grass. She shook her head before sinking down. I took the spot beside her. “I was wondering if you had any plans in say, six weeks?” I smiled as I leaned back, propping myself up on my elbows.

  “I don’t know. Why?” Her nose scrunched up as she rolled her eyes. “I don’t plan that far ahead. You know this.”

  “Well, you better. I’m gonna need time to get a tux.” I turned and stared at her, just waiting for it all to click into place. Her eyes went wide, and I laughed.

  “I have to wash my hair that day.” She flopped back on the grass and stared at the sky.

  “Hair washing? Really? You can’t do better than that? I thought for sure you’d want to go to prom, but if your hair is more important, then I guess I’ll go alone.” I stared at her, just waiting for her break. This had become our thing. We’d see who could go longer on our ruses, and the little stinker usually beat me. I wasn’t giving in today though. “Maybe I could call Brit. I bet she’d go with me.” I pulled out my phone, but didn’t even have time to wake it up before Savannah had grabbed it out of my hand, and knocked me backwards in the process.


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