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Page 4

by Ray Blackwell

  “I’m Sor..”

  “SHUT UP!” Rand barked.

  “I don’t want your worthless apologies; No one hurts my crew, NO ONE!” Rand said shaking. Rand was in the old man’s face by an inch, daring him to flinch.

  Lady Luck cleared the last mountain range and a large sea laid ahead with Al Nair’s reflection blaring into the bridge.

  Mitchell turned Lady Luck gently right following the shoreline north.

  Ahead, thirty kilometers, tall glass skyscrapers pierced into the heavens.

  “There, there,” the old man said. North of the city and against the shore is the monastery. You cant miss it. It’s white bricked with a really large yard.”

  Rand pulled the old man back to the console.

  “Rand, we got company again!” Aaron said excitedly.

  “Mitchell, head strait for those buildings. Fly in between them if you have to. Give those people a show!”

  “You got it Boss,” Mitchell said with a renewed respect for Rand. If Mitchell had known they meant that much to him, Mitchell might not have called him old man. On the other hand, Mitchell thought, he might have.

  Lady Luck’s stress warning lights came back on but Mitchell was correct, now was one of those times you just had to say to hell with it.

  The other vessels fell back as they entered the city. The sonic boom rattled windows for miles in it’s wake. Mitchell took the Lady through the largest part of the city at building height. Civilians barely got a peek at the screaming cutter as it swished by the large reinforced plated glass windows. Workers at their menial daily tasks barely had time to say, ‘What was that?’ before the sonic boom rattled their offices. Their crews adrenaline was at an all time high, but now was the best reason to chance it all. Serena.

  “We’re getting very close, just past that last set of buildings,” said the short man.

  Mitchell pulled the Lady up higher to get a better look. He spotted the green manicured field with what appeared to be white porcelain statues bordering the almost pasture sized yard.

  Lady decelerated in a smooth wide arc, then continued an ever tightening circle as she dropped to the grass.

  Mitchell eased her to a soft landing but the right landing gear gave way and buckled, Lady Luck immediately fell four feet on the right side. No time to worry about that.

  The bridge crew and the short coverall-ed man hurried to the tracker bay.

  Perry picked up Serena as the tracker door/ramp opened.

  All eight exited the ramp and were greeted by over a dozen, maroon robed, monks.

  “We need help,” Rand pleaded.

  The lead monk was holding his walking staff, and with his free hand removed his hood, revealing his milky white eyes.


  Captain Laramie received the reports from his fighter and Banshee surveillance. The fugitives had found refuge at the Emberlize monastery. He paced the bridge wondering how he should file his report. There was no happy end yet and if Republic command felt his actions inadequate, he could lose command of the operation; or worse yet, he could lose his commission or be down-graded.

  “Ensign, ready a comm. Buoy.”

  The blue eyed fair haired young man flipped one switch and readied his finger on the recording button, “Comm buoy ready at your command.”

  Laramie took a seat, “Now ensign.”

  The young man pressed the recorder button.

  “Captain Laramie of the RSF Battleship Pendleton Cross. Encountered fugitives indirectly. They were stationed at re-supply base designated A 17 in low orbit of Kermiandon. Under my command, I assessed a small fleet of two destroyers and a handful of fighter escort and cutters. We were responding to a call from the base that said the stolen Banshee was there for water re-circulation. Upon arrival, we lost contact with base personnel and the entire station was set to re-enter the atmosphere. The base was a complete loss and was self destroyed in the atmosphere. We can only assume that all personnel on board were murdered. Miraculously the Banshee survived the destruction and exited the base before it completely disintegrated. Three fighters went in pursuit of said Banshee. Lead fighter was destroyed by the enemy EMP cannon but the pilot safely ejected, and was retrieved. Banshee support was sent in but now the fugitives reached sanctuary at the Emberlize city/state monastery. We are keeping constant surveillance of the location and await further orders.

  Captain Laramie, command of RSF Pendleton Cross. Communication end.”

  Laramie took a deep breath, “Alright, send it.”


  Four of the monks took Serena into the main statehouse. Due to Serena’s condition they had her stay in a guest room on the main floor. Two of the monks’ were qualified physicians, and they had assessed and treated her as best as they could with what they had available.

  The one known as the Seer remained with the rest of the crew outside and kept them peacefully at bay until the ‘doctors’ gave approval for visitation.

  “I could swear I’ve seen you before,” said Rand.

  “That’s very possible,” said the seer in his higher pitched voice.

  He gave Rand a pleasant smile.

  “I would invite you all to a bowel of stew but I feel your heavy hearts are not in the mood for sustenance.”

  “No, I’m afraid your right,” then Rand looked at his remaining crew.

  They all shook their heads no except for Perry who just stood sulking.

  The Seer walked over to Perry and touched his arm, “Oh my child, you are so distraught. Worry not, even now she is thinking of you. You will see her smile again, but in time we will allow you to be by her side.”

  Perry only nodded slowly yes, but his lower lip pouted terribly.

  The Seer cocked his head strangely sideways and walked to the old short man and his nephew.

  “You both are not involved, are you friends?”

  The old man spoke quietly, “No father, was an accident.”

  The Seer nodded, “Well, you are most welcome, but I’m afraid the greater story does not involve you.”

  The Seer paused, “Is their somewhere you need to be?”

  The old man’s sister was the mother of his nephew. He looked at his nephew. “Are you ready to go home?”

  The lanky nephew said, “Yes”, emphatically.

  “There is a place we can go if we could get a ride?”

  The Seer genuinely smiled at him and waved one of the brother monks over.

  “Brother Talberon, will you see to these two that they are returned safely home?”

  “I will Master, most expediently,” he bowed.

  Then Talberon gestured to the two outsiders, “If you will kindly follow me, good sirs?”

  They started to follow but the short man paused. “Please, just a minute.”

  The short man walked back to Rand with his head lowered.

  “I...I...just want to say how sorry I am. I didn’t..mean for anyone to get hurt. I didn’t know what any of you were like. Even with my station gone..I it was all my fault.” The old man looked at all of them. “Please..(his voice trembling)..forgive me.”

  Rand was the first to hold his hand out and touched the old man’s shoulder.

  “If you can forgive me for the way I reacted; hell, I might’a done the same thing,” Rand replied.

  Sorrow covered the old man’s face. The remaining crew surrounded him. Through their own grief they comforted him as best they could before he and his nephew were escorted away.

  “You will all be safe for a little while,” said the Seer. “If you will all follow me I will show you to your rooms. There are forty three of us here.... Some come for conversion.... Some leave, but most stay..... Our home is your home.”

  The other monks led the way, but the Seer remained close to the crew as they were escorted through tall wide double doors. They entered the main chamber and walked down a mostly red, multi-colored narrow carpet that led to one of the most fascinatin
g things they had ever seen. At the head of the chamber was a twenty-five foot tall three dimensional life-like image of Jesus. The image waved his hands outward with palms upward. His head turned gently from side to side. After several minutes, he repeated the same motion smoothly without a cut in the sequence. Aaron stood in awe at the massive image.

  Mitchell imagined the image lifting his massive leg and smashing them like little bugs.

  Even Perry’s down-trodden emotions were slightly halted as he was taken aback at the 3D Jesus.

  The Seer paused briefly as they got their eyeful of the Savior’s supposed image.

  And while Terri was not an avid believer, she found herself silently praying at the alter for Serena’s recovery.

  “You will all have plenty of time for amends and consolation; please come. So much to do.”

  The Seer led each to their own room. All the rooms were similarly decorated in plain styles with subtle changes in color. Mostly in earth tones but none either specifically male or female in design. Still, they were all comfortable, clean and pleasant without seeming overly stuffy.

  The crew minus Serena went to the ship for their few personal belongings and returned to their rooms.

  Rand made the rounds to the staterooms of his conscious crew for a meeting. They joined outside of Lady Luck as the sun set, casting an orange mauve skyline.

  “Look, I know we’re all upset and tired. But we can’t stay here for long and I’m sure that these monks have no means of keeping Republic marines from storming this place. We’ve got to be ready to move and move fast.”

  They all agreed.

  “In the morning,”Rand continued, “the first thing we’re going to do is get this landing gear back up. Terri, I want you to see if there’s any way to scrounge extra clothing. The Republic knows we’re definitely alive and these uniforms aren’t helping us much.”

  “You got it, I just need everyone’s size, and that means you too Perry.”

  “Yes’m Miss Terri.”

  “Once we get the ‘Lady’ back on her feet we need to make a plan to get off this rock. Understood?”

  All of them acknowledged, even Perry nodded slowly although he had no clue of what they were going to do.

  “Good deal, get cleaned up and try to get a good nights rest; we’ll hit it at sunrise.”

  There was no such thing as a good nights rest. The crew tossed and turned in their beds. Waking to find they had only slept fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. Rand couldn’t take it any more and was the first to climb out of bed and put on a white robe offered by the monks’. He silently stepped to his bedroom door and carefully opened it into the stateroom hallway. He found it particular that the door didn’t creak.

  ‘Hmm, they keep things oiled around here’, he thought.

  He quietly shuffled down the dark hallway, down one flight of stairs and in to the main chamber where the Jesus monolith awaited him.

  Jesus cast a soft eerie light and Rand startled when he realized the 3D image followed him with it’s soft eyes.

  ‘Sensors?’ he thought. He was correct. If one person was detected in range the Jesus electronic apparition would pay attention to that one individual. Talk about praying to the altar.

  There were only four pews to set in as the chamber was not meant for Sunday service. Rand took a seat on the left front pew. He wasn’t into prayer but the quiet solitude was comforting. He found the recent days roaming through his head over and over again. His thoughts paused briefly and he felt an uneasiness. No, not unpleasant. A presence. But it was kind, peaceful, and dare he even think it, tranquil. Then he felt awkward, but he turned around in the dark chamber.

  Master Krell was setting behind him.

  “Go on,” he said.

  “Go on what?” Rand asked.

  “Your thoughts,” the Master replied.

  He stood up and shuffled up next to Rand, then eased himself down.

  “I hope you don’t mind?”

  “No. You’re very quiet.”

  “I’m not known for being rambunctious.”

  “No, I suppose not.” Rand answered.

  The Seer turned his face to the glowing image, but continued speaking to Rand.

  “I see there’s a great deal of worry in you. Do not be so consumed by it. You are not made of the problems, and this immediate time shall pass.”

  “I’m not sure I understand your meaning.”

  “Home dear boy, you wonder if you will ever find it.”

  He was right, Rand thought.

  The old Seer chuckled, “You are home; you have been home for several days now.” The Seer looked down into the shadowed floor. “Oh, there may come a time when you may change homes but your family is here. They look up to you as a father figure. Without you they are a sheep without a herder. That’s a remarkable achievement in such little time, don’t you think?”

  “I suppose, but I need to get us out of here. It wont stay safe.”

  “You will, there’s something great and life changing that awaits you.”

  “Is that right?” Rand asked doubtfully.

  The Seer smiled, looking up again. “You will discover it soon, and your destiny is challenging, but filled with perils as challenging as the stories of Odysseus.”

  “So, is there a happy ending to this story?”

  “Hmm,...the last page you have to write yourself. If I told you what you were going to do would you believe me?”

  Rand remained silent.

  The Seer rose from the pew, and turned back to Rand briefly, “Now, you can sleep.”

  The Seer disappeared into the shadows as quietly as he appeared.

  Rand made his way back to his room, he stared at his bed in the electronic candlelight. Rand disrobed, crawled in and fell into a deep sleep.”


  Through the night hours, Captain Hernandez of the Republican Security Force Marine Detachment, overseen the clearing of trees to observe the monastery. Two Banshees sat, waiting for orders at a moments notice. He posted round the clock surveillance with night vision goggles and heat sensing equipment.

  He stood next to one of the observer’s letting the cool sea breeze whip across his tunic. It flapped his tunic bib like a flag in a moderate wind. Captain Hernandez was relentless in hand to hand combat; and, he would have been thrilled if the order came to assault the peaceful monastery.

  In his frame of mind, religion was just an excuse for non-conformity. His only regret was that the brotherhood of monks’ would be unarmed.

  “Any movement yet soldier?”

  “Negative sir, all’s quiet,” said the observing corporal. Through the enhanced telescope he watched the battered Banshee below. It’s blackened hull, destroyed turret and listing to it’s right with the right engine hull on soil it looked wrecked.

  Below them, garden lights lit up the field with damaged Lady Luck. Accent light streaked up the white bricked walls casting the monastery in a heavenly glow, but with a purple glow on the horizon with a rising sun, soon those light would be extinguished for the day.

  Hernandez turned toward a group of soldiers surrounding a large heating element for cooking and warmth. It’s orange glow was brilliant and unwavering.

  “Hey, one of you troops bring me a coffee.” Each scurrying to be the first lapdog.

  “Sir, I have something!” said the corporal.

  “What is it?” Hernandez insisted.

  “Just a monk, sir.”

  The corporal watched him with a medium sized watering pale. The monk watered the flowers and flora against the brick wall, scurrying along from one to the next.

  “He appears to be watering the plants.”

  Hernandez grunted. “Only report if the fugitives appear, I’m not interested in preachers;.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Meanwhile, Rand woke quickly to the sound of bird song out of his window. The purple haze bathed the room in a soft glow. He drug his feet over the side and sat up feeling refre
shed. At the foot of the bed he saw his uniform pressed and neatly folded.

  “Now that was unexpected.”

  Rand dressed and exited his room. He met one of the monks in the still dark hallway.

  “Excuse me, may I check on Serena.”

  “But of course,” said the young sounding monk. “Please follow me brother.”

  Rand followed him down the steps then into a hallway leading away from the main chamber. The monk opened the door for Rand to enter. Rand stepped through and found Perry setting next to Serena’s bed. Before either Perry or Rand could speak the monk interjected.

  “He’s been with her all night. He refused to leave her side.”

  Rand nodded, “Thank you.”

  Rand walked around and pulled another chair up beside Perry.

  “You doin’ ok?”

  “She sleeped all night Mr. Rand. She wont wake up.”

  “She took a good bump on the head. Serena needs lots of rest.”

  “I want her to wake up.”

  “I know you do; we all do. Just be patient, she’s not in pain right now.”

  Perry just nodded and held her small hand in both of his giant paws.

  “Why don’t you stay with her today? Me and the boys can get Lady back up.”

  “Okay Mr Rand.” Perry liked that idea.

  Rand left Perry with Serena and walked down the silent hall. The sound of his republic combat boots clicked hard on the wooden surface. He liked the sound of it and quickened the pace. Something inside him grew like a renewed determination. Maybe the old Seer knew something he didn’t.

  Rand entered the main chamber and found Terri, Mitchell and Aaron standing at one of the large windows.

  “What’s going on?”

  “They’re watching us,” Terri said.

  “I came out here to scan the surrounding and the sun glinted off of something on the hilltop,” she smiled. “Look, you can see a clearing and looks like shuttles up there.”

  Rand squinted at the hilltop.

  Rand stopped one of the meandering monks.

  “Pardon me,” the monk paused. “Would you mind if I borrow your robe only for a minute.”


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