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Page 5

by Ray Blackwell

  The monk said nothing and removed his robe handing it to Rand.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He exited the Monastery and made a bee line for the Lady’s rear ramp. In less than two minutes he returned with a box in hand.

  He disrobed and placed it on a hook next to the door as the monk had scurried off.

  In the box he pulled out a set of Republican binoculars. He scanned the mountain ridge.

  “Lets see, two Banshees and a compliment of soldiers.” He lowered the binoculars and handed them to Terri. “Have a look, that was a good catch.”

  “What do we do,” Aaron asked.

  “We fix our girl.” Rand paused, “They’re not stopping us.”

  “Can they shoot us from there?” Mitchell asked.

  “Oh yes,” answered Terri. “But they’re probably waiting for orders.”

  “We don’t have much time. They might be waiting for headquarters to fire or storm this place.” Rand said. “I wouldn’t put it past ‘em and we’re putting this monastery at risk. Let’s go.”

  The four of them exited the double doors and headed for the ‘Lady’.

  On the hilltop the corporal got excited.

  “Sir, Sir, I’ve got movement!”

  Hernandez raised his own binoculars. He watched the four of them crawl under the Banshee’s belly. They were looking under the damaged struts, touching everything and running hands over the external components. From Hernandez’s view it only appeared they were doing an inspection assessment. Which was correct. He could tell they were discussing the problem but they were too distant to get audio reception.

  Captain Hernandez motioned for one of his lieutenant’s to come over.

  “Nilges, they look like they’re planning for repairs. Make sure no resources go through the gates. Cut off all supplies to that compound. Only allow food and non essentials to pass through.”

  “Yes sir!” Nilges immediately ordered two soldiers to follow him to the tracker bay to descend the hill for the monasteries main gate.

  In the plush grass Rand fell back laughing under the ship’s belly.

  “HAAAHAAA, Oh God, Thank you! Haaa!”

  “What’s so funny?” Terri asked smiling.

  “It’s nothing, just a ruptured hydraulic line. We can take the line in the shop, do a splice, replace the line and be ready.” Rand was happy to say the least.

  “What about the rest of the ship?”

  “Well, she’s dinged up no doubt but the frame looks good. They built these ships tough.”

  Rand asked Mitchell and Aaron to bring tools from inside. Within minutes he had removed the line and they went inside to make the splice. In the left maintenance shop, he cut the line, reset each end with compression fittings and pressure tested the fix.

  “Voila!” He grinned.

  “But they’re still waiting for us to try and leave.” Mitchell said, looking puzzled.

  “One thing at a time, we’ll find a way.” Rand reassured him.

  Mitchell and Aaron were both worried about Rand, he seemed entirely too jovial.

  They left the shop to return outside when something hovered overhead. It was large, very large. They made it to the rear ramp and found Terri looking up at whatever caused the shadow. The ground even vibrated from the low emanating hum. The three men joined Terri and looked up as well in shock. Descending almost directly overhead was one of the largest freighters they had ever seen. Below was a massive cargo hold with several side doors and a copious twin rear door. Underneath the tan hull was the symbol of a white christian cross with a light yellow circle border.

  “Wow,” was all Mitchell could come up with.

  Eight giant landing pads lowered from the four primary drive hulls, Each extended by fifteen foot legs, with square tapered pads. The ship gently settled in front of Lady Luck blocking the view from the mountain top. Its massive pads pressing in the ground by several inches.

  Rand and Terri both gave serious looks at each other. The sea to the west. A giant ship blocking the view of prying eyes. Plenty of distractions to work with.

  “Terri, do you see a plan?”

  “Not yet but I’m working on it.”

  “Mitchell, help me get this line back on. We need to drain some fluid from the left gear and put enough in the right to hold pressure.”

  “You got it.”

  “Terri, when you get a chance, find out how long that freighter’s gonna stay. I think we’re gonna make it out of here.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out.” Terri said.

  “Aaron, you can go check on Serena, Mitch and I got this covered.”

  “Thanks you Rand.”

  “You can too too, Terri.”

  Terri smiled and followed Aaron inside.

  A large group of monks came out and greeted the crew of the freighter. They were a pleasant looking crew. Not elaborate, but cleanly dressed and seemed friendly as they shook hands with the monks and smiled.

  The crew of six or seven, followed the monks through the double doors and disappeared. Master Krell however came out and walked over to the small Banshee. Rand and Mitchell had finished the re-installation of the repaired line and met the Seer at the back of the battered little ship.

  The Seer smiled and looked upward through his milky eyes.

  “Does your ship fly?” he asked.

  “It will,” Rand said. “It will.”

  “That’s good.” The Seer’s smile seemed to widen.

  “You know something, don’t you?” asked Rand.

  “May I say something?” asked the old Master.

  “Of course Father.” Rand showing more respect than usual.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and sometimes a deception needs a deception.”

  Rand looked confused but he knew there was a point to the old man’s words.

  “Remember,” The Seer paused, “You are all a family.”

  Rand and Mitchell both looked puzzled.

  The Seer turned and started to walk away but stopped short. He turned back around, Rand and Mitchell still watching him baffled.

  The old Master cackled and returned inside.

  Mitchell looked over at Rand, “That old dude is flipped.”

  “Maybe, ...maybe. Come on, lets get her back on her feet.”

  Rand and Mitchell transferred some of the fluid from the left to right hydraulic landing gear servos. Rand followed Mitchell to the bridge and grabbed a radio.

  “Alright, I’m going outside. Just barely raise the ship about five feet high. Raise the gear and then lower it; hopefully that will pump enough for it to lock in place. Call me on the radio if you don’t get a green light.” I’m going outside.”

  “You got it boss.”

  Rand exited the bridge as Mitchell switched on the generators. The buzzing sound comforted Rand as he made his way outside.

  Rand walked behind and called Mitchell over the radio.

  “Alright, take her up.”

  The engines hummed and slowly she raised from the ground. Mitchell cycled the landing gear. At first there was a dry groaning sound but after the left gear made it halfway up the right side popped up to the same level and both resumed raising simultaneously.

  Rand smiled. Then Mitchell switched to landing mode and they both seamlessly dropped. When they fully extended both gear locks clicked in place and Rand knew it was safe to land the ship without Mitchell’s confirmation.

  “I got a green light.” Mitchell called back.

  “I know, I heard it out here. Go ahead and shut the engines down but leave the generators at twenty percent. I want the batteries at full charge.”

  “Understood, shutting down primaries.”

  Mitchell eased the lady back down to the ground and the outer humming ceased.

  Mitchell came out the back ramp.

  “Piece of cake, eh Boss?”

  “Yeah, piece of cake, kid.”

  Rand seemed in a good mood and Mitchell didn’t mind being
called a kid for once.

  Inside, Aaron stared at the giant lifelike Jesus image. He admired the 3D imagery and how solid the form looked. It looked so solid he reached in to touch it but his hand only blocked one of the projectors and a streak of Jesus disappeared. Jesus was looking down at him with his gentle eyes since Aaron was the only one in proximity.

  Aaron looked up into the solemn face, “So sorry.”


  At noon, the monks, the freighter crew and Rand’s company minus Perry and Aaron.sat at a long table enjoying vegetable stew and fresh baked sourdough bread. The monks’ ate quietly but the freighter crew and Rand’s crew talked quietly at the far end of a very long table. Each side held twenty chairs and each end set with two. Passing of both stew and bread was inevitable.

  And while they spoke quietly the sound of nearly thirty spoons tapping the side of soup bowels and light sniffles seemed almost unbearable.

  Rand finally got around to asking questions that would help his crew to avoid the Republic forces.The freighter captain knew it was coming, and he wouldn’t have expected anything less.

  “So, when are you fellas’ planning to pull out?” Rand asked.

  “As a general rule we leave at daybreak. We still have twelve more way-points before we circle back around to Earth. Drop off supplies where needed from the mother church, maybe do a little pilgrimage on the side.”

  “How much room do you have?”

  “Well, quite a bit, but you know,we don’t have sanctuary once we leave the grounds. I’ve been stopped a few times.”

  Rand nodded slowly, comprehending his options.

  Then, quick footsteps came from the lower level guest rooms. Aaron came running as hard as he could.

  “Rand!, Terri! Everybody!, Serena’s is up!” Aaron came running, grinning from ear to ear. “She is okay!”

  One would have thought the complex was on fire. Rand, Terri and Mitchell jumped from the table like they were readying for battle.

  Aaron spun on his heels with the rest of the crew following suit.

  Master Krell took his napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. He stood, grabbing the walking cane and smiled to the other monks. They raised from their seats waiting for him to depart. He nodded to them without a word and they returned to their seats. As he walked away his smile grew.

  The crew burst into the room to find a weary dark eyed girl, weakly smiling at them from under a white head wrap.The crew took seating positions along the side of her bed.

  Perry was holding her left hand and Rand took her right.

  “Hey Butterfly, we missed ya’.” Rand spoke softly. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay,” Serena said weakly. “Where are we?”

  Terri brushed her black locks from her face, taking a a seat left of Serena’s head “We’re at a monastery on Kermiandon. What’s the last thing thing you remember?”

  “Uhhmmm...something happemed. There was a hard bump... and it felt like we were spinning. ....Then everything went black..... I thought we were dying.” Tears began rolling down the sides of Serena’s face.

  Terri leaned her face down against Serena’s. “Never, sweetheart.” Terri put her lips to Serena’s ear and whispered, “We’re never gonna let go of you.”

  Serena squeezed Rand’s and Perry’s massive hand.

  Mitchell and Aaron didn’t have to say a word. They just sat smiling at her and she was happy to return the favor.

  Terri straightened back up as Master Krell entered the room.

  “Alright children, she must have just a little more rest, could you all excuse me for a few minutes?”

  They all said they would check in on her soon and left the old one with Serena alone. Mater Krell closed the door and took the chair beside Serena were Perry had diligently watched over her.

  “Serena tried to focus on his blind eyes.

  “You,” she said softly, “I know you.”

  “Yes, in a way.” the Seer answered.

  He leaned his walking staff against the wall and began to speak.

  “I have entered your dreams and saw your life.”

  Serena felt some shame in that. Many things she had wished to have kept secret.

  “These were not of your doing child. You carry so much pain and longing. Do not despair, little one.” His high pitched voice seemed soothing and reassuring. “You need closure and peace of mind.”

  “Yes, father.” Serena was entranced by his stare.

  “You are now on the right path. Your friends are indeed very special in their own way.”

  “I think so,” Serena murmured.

  “At the end of a long journey, you will be granted one of the greatest gifts of all. So wondrous that as of now you will not comprehend, but for now I need you to rest just a little longer. Will you do this for me?”

  Serena nodded and she closed her eyes.

  The old Master reached over placing his left middle and index finger on her forehead.

  “You are forgiven.”

  The old Master silently left her to rest.

  Serena’s dream went to an unknown place. She was young, maybe three or four. She was setting on a man’s lap trying to count on her fingers. She looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes but it wasn’t her dad. All she knew was that she was comfortable around him and he made her happy. A young boy of eight played

  in the floor with a remote control grav car. She could see that it was a pretty toy of lime green and yellow. Serena giggled as it bounced against the wall. She leaned on the man’s chest feeling his rough stubble on her soft cheeks. The man held her like he was never letting go.



  “Rand, I have an idea, if I may,” said Aaron.

  “Aaron, I’m not a stickler for command,we need ideas.” Rand replied.

  “It’s only a part of a bigger plan, but something to help us maybe.”

  “Well, let’s hear what ya got,.” Rand said

  They exchanged ideas and the order in which to do it. Perry listened intently but was unable to give any advice and wasn’t sure how the plan was supposed to work. But the rest felt they had some assurance And that inspired Perry to do what ever he could. And indeed, Perry was included and would be necessary for it to work.

  Not only was Perry involved, but the monks and the freighter crew as well. Master Krell was very influential in getting help from the others and assuring them that no harm would come to anyone.

  They worked diligently through the late afternoon hours. Lady Luck was filled to the top with water for the long journey ahead. Monks gathered second hand attire for the crew to wear. The galley was filled with dried food goods for a non-stop trip to Coalition space. At sunset, several monks came out to bless Lady Luck though Rand shook his head in quiet disbelief.

  On the mountain top, the soldiers’ observing the grounds below caught glimpses of activity..

  “Captain, Captain, they’re up to something!” one of the observers alerted.

  Captain Hernandez quickly responded.

  “What do you see corporal?”

  “It appears sir their measuring the rear of the freighter.”

  “They should know we’ll stop the freighter once it leaves orbit.”

  “Well, that appears to be what they’re doing sir.”

  “Maybe they’re not as smart as I gave them credit for.” The Captain mused, “But I gotta give them credit for the base re-entry. That took some serious gonads, but their end is nigh.”

  The sun had set and as darkness encroached the monastery the wall lighting lit the high parapets in it’s brilliant white wash. The monastery seemed to glow with a resilience that the crew had missed before. Or perhaps it was the anxiety and renewed hope that they now gained.

  They were loaded to full capacity, Serena was recovering, and there were stars beckoning. Not to mention they had the blessings of the monks.

  At mid-morning, two of the freighter crew came out into the blackness
and started the freighter’s generators, and as planned, they activated the running lights as requested.

  “Captain, they’re cranking up the freighter sir. Should we call in air support?” asked the Lieutenant.

  “Negative, if we call in support they wont pick up and they might stay there. No, we want them to break atmo.”

  “Make sure the fleet is alerted, but request that the fleet Commander does not scare these bastards into staying. We want ‘em out of that monastery!”.

  “Yes sir,” the Lieutenant grinned.

  “The last thing I want to do is have the blood of monks’ on my hands.”

  At least Captain Hernandez had some measure of propriety even if he had disdain for organized religion.

  At 45 minutes until sunrise Perry and Rand entered the monastery and went to Serena’s room.

  “Rand gently shook Serena, “Hey Butterfly, time to wake up.”

  Serena stirred.

  Rand tried again, and Serena managed to open her eyes. Rand saw her in a different light this morning. She looked so innocent and frail. He silently hoped this was the real her. Not the cutthroat pirate of yesterday. Rand smiled affectionately, “It’s time to go,” he said softly.

  “Where we going,” she asked like a small child.

  “It’s a surprise.” He was right.

  “Go ahead, Perry.” Rand said.

  Perry gently lifted her from the bed and carried her out the door, Rand turned off the light behind him.

  They made their way out through the large double doors. Thirty five minutes left until the sun would cast it’s magenta glows through the eastern tree line.

  The cool morning air was filled with excitement and longing.The birds began their morning song. Master Krell was the only monk that stood outside asking the others to remain inside until it was time.

  The freighter crew assembled outside as well next to Rand’s crew.

  First Krell would speak to the freighter crew.

  “Captain, what you do for these castaways’, I have no way to repay you.”

  “Next time we’ll bring rabbit for a hearty stew Father.”

  “That would be nice. May God be with you and you’re crew.”


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