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Anna's Formula: An Erotic Transformation

Page 6

by Carlo Thicke

  "Slightly?! My dick grew almost two inches!"

  "Well, that wasn't just from the orange juice." she said guiltily. "I was sneaking one supplement or another into virtually everything you were eating. Every night I would lay awake dreaming of the sexual beast you would become...coming into my room and ravishing my perfect body. I slowly started to wake up to this not happening, and I started thinking about you with other girls."

  "I decided I needed to make you more powerful, so you started growing bigger, stronger. And sex would enhance those feelings. Charge you with more growth chemicals. When Jenny called you for your booty call, I knew my time was limited. You would figure out what happened really soon. I knew I needed to push you as far as I safely could. So in your breakfast burrito I put the most serious dose of growth chemicals yet. That's why your cock is bigger now than it was at Jenny's. All day today your whole body has been getting stronger, more powerful, taller. I noticed when I ran into you at the library that you seemed pretty out of it, so I gave you a stabilizer dose to level off the curve a little bit. And while you were growing you were developing...power, power over women."

  "What?" I said, a little shocked, but thinking back to Emiliana in the gym annex.

  "Did you notice women getting more friendly with you, wanting to get closer to you?" she asked. And demonstrated, by rubbing her ass slowly down my lap, grinding right at the base of my dick.

  "Yes, but...wait, you're saying I made them do it? Anna, you can't do that! Oh god, that's not cool at all."

  She seemed puzzled. With a more clinical tone, she shifted back a bit and asked: "Did you get with a girl this afternoon then? Was she acting strange or irrational?"

  "Irrational? I don't know."

  "If she just seemed turned on, then your...well, pheromones are a myth for humans, but it's probably the easiest way to explain its effect. If she just seemed turned on, that's fine. Did she say or do anything that made you think she didn't have control of her mind?"

  Emiliana had enough control to realize she should lock up and we should fuck outside the weight room instead of right there. Also she was pretty firm about what she wanted and didn't go farther than that. "I... think she still had control. But that's...I'm like a walking roofie?"

  "Ugh, nothing so crude." Anna said. "If the girl doesn't like your type - big, strong, dominant, she won't like that you're the perfect big, strong, dominant man. It's're just more directly communicating what you are. What she feels and does about it is still up to her. Does that make sense?"

  "I think so."

  "I had to do that in order to preserve my own mind - it's, ah, a little dangerous just at the moment." A major understatement. "So... uh, anyway, you ought to check up on her. It's not an exact science. You see, since you were in the middle of a growth spurt there might be… effects on her."

  ..."What?! Anna!"

  Chapter 9

  I picked up my phone. Holy shit, there were a whole string of texts on it. I hadn't checked it all day. It probably had been beeping and buzzing all through class and I hadn't even noticed I was so out of it.

  I tapped Jenny's name. Here's what it said:

  11:19 AM - Not sore at all...ur a fuckin master

  11:45 AM - Gettin in the shower...come over??

  11:45 AM - lol ur in class i bet

  1:34 PM - Im in class too...nerdy carl cum makes me nerdy lol

  1:41 PM - Srsly i do appreciate you a lot carl

  1:42 PM - Keepin me from making a bad rebound mistake

  1:42 PM - u know how i get!!

  1:50 PM - call me after classes if u can or come over

  2:09 PM - not to fuck or anything if u dont want to, but call or come over

  3:19 PM - did u get my txts

  5:30 PM - i am feeling a little weird/restless me??

  7:47 PM - something is up, srsly call me

  That was it from her.

  Emiliana and I had split up at about 7 PM. She'd already texted me three times

  7:15 PM - I normally don't do that kind of thing...but it was awesome :)

  7:40 PM - Roommate: "gee did you work up an appetite or what" :D

  8:05 PM - Sleepy early tonight, i wonder why >.>

  Nothing else from her.

  As I was flicking through these texts, one popped up "Latisha":

  9:15 PM - You said youd call me; idk if you were just blowing me off but i need to talk to you

  Had I said I'd call her? Well, that would make sense - her number being in my pocket.

  "...thanks for calling back so quick." she said. Whoa! Maybe I had just gotten attuned to Anna's new ultra-sexy voice, but Latisha had a dusky, soft tone to how she spoke. She was definitely sounding seductive and sultry.

  "What's going on, Latisha?" I asked.

  There was a pause. "I, ah...were you on something today? Like angel dust or mushrooms or something? After everything that happened I realized you seemed kind of...out of it." Uh oh.. something had happened?

  "Yeah, uh...I took some medication and I had a bad reaction." It was the best explanation I could give. "I'm okay now."

  There was a long pause. "I... uh...didn't really put it together until after. Oh god, we didn' anything you didn't want to do? Did we?"

  I was momentarily thrown. I had been worried about Anna's treatment forcing girls to do something they didn't want to do. I hadn't thought about it altering my own mind. "I was kind of out of it, but I don't think I was wasted or anything." I ventured. "I'm not going to lie, Latisha. I don't remember what we did."

  She sounded nervous. " were looking me over...or I was looking you over. Our eyes met."

  It was coming back to me now, the dim classroom and the flickering light of the video projector. The girl with the cornrows. Latisha continued, "You know, in the dark, both our eyes were dark. But I felt like there was this growing heat between us. I almost felt it like a sensation, your look running through me, my blood getting hotter." Her voice was getting softer as she lost herself in the memory, yet it seemed her description was getting more elaborate.

  "Mm. I saw you stand up. And you had this cute ass and it was sooo packed into your jeans. So tight on your strong thighs. I'm remembering it now." she murmured. "You went out of the classroom. I waited a minute and followed. I felt like you wanted me when you were staring into my eyes you were calling me, or calling me out. Half challenge and half invitation. I don't know why I stood up. I don't know why I felt that way. I don't normally have guys looking at me like that."

  "I don't believe that." I said almost instinctively, though other than her eyes and her neatly cornrowed hair I remembered little of her appearance. It was coming back though. I remembered her face, round and soft in the reflected light from the screen.

  "You're sweet. We got into the hall. It was quiet in that old building. The granite floor, the same floor where students walked for a hundred years. Worn in the middle. You can still see the color on the sides. Now there's only a few big classrooms and a lot of old professors' offices left. You were walking ahead of me, but slow, stiff. I don't mean that as a pun. I said 'Hey'. I was talking soft, like I am now...well, sort of like I am now, but it was so quiet it sounded loud. When you turned around I could see you were hard. Oh man, your dick looked so big." If only she could see me now. I was probably only eight inches long then. But I was starting to remember that hallway and looking at her.

  "I know...I must not have looked like the girls you normally pull." she murmured, and when her voice dropped like that I felt my cock surge hugely, her voice was so rich, in such a soft timbre. Anna had taken a break to get a bit cleaned up, thankfully, because if she had been still sitting on my lap there is no way the phone call would have gotten finished. "I came up to you...put my hands around your waist. We had hardly spoken. Your waist was so tight. I got embarrassed by it a little bit. In my mind I was thinking of my waist. Girls feel fat at the drop of a hat, but when I touched your waist I blushed. The shame i
n my mind over my own big flabby stomach was combining with my desire. Oh, I like strong guys...powerful guys. You were pushing all my buttons. But I felt outclassed."

  "I don't think you were outclassed."

  "Not once we got into that office. It was the last straw. You know, I am not what you'd call kinky or even really experienced? But there is one thing I know I love. Which is doing it somewhere that we're not supposed to be. Where we might get caught. Or where I could imagine we could get caught. That professor's office was perfect. I mean, when you kissed me and I stepped backwards onto some scattered mail I knew the guy was gone, but I could pretend someone could walk in at any time. Imagine that running through my head. My heart going breath catching...I felt my nipples getting rock hard when you put your hand up my shirt."

  Holy shit. I had sex with this girl and I didn't even know it. No wonder she was freaked out at the idea, she thought she might have raped me. She was getting lost in the memory, breathing harder. I was too. I said, "'s coming back now and you can relax. I was into it. You didn't take advantage of me."

  "Okay." she said, relaxing a little. "The feeling is coming back, isn't it? Oooh, it is for me too. I'm on my bed in my dorm room. I can hear a lot of people outside but nobody knows I'm in here with my hand inside my shirt, slowly rubbing my nipple..." Yep, that was it. I was hard as a rock. "You're hard...I can hear it in your breathing. I could hear it then, in the office. I put my ass up on the desk and pulled you between my legs. We were kissing, our hands all over each other. Daring each other to go further, aggressive...then pull back a little to let the other be aggressive. You were pulling open my shirt, I was trying to get closer and closer, so you could only feel me...not get a good look at me. It's a trick I learned a few boyfriends ago. You know, a guy says, girl, I like your curves, I like your setup, but they don't necessarily want to see the belly roll or the jiggling ass cheeks."

  "Well...I wasn't after you because we had such similar interests or because our personalities meshed, I guess." I said.

  She giggled, it sounded like silver chimes, musical, girlish. "Mmm. Well. I unbuckled your belt and pulled your pants open and whap...out it came. Mmm. So big, and... straining. I don't think I'd ever felt one that hard. It almost didn't feel like you were human. Like an animal. I was ready to give it a few licks to get it all the way going, but you didn't need any help and I couldn't wait anymore."

  She groaned. "Ohhh, you drove my pussy like a fucking master. Like I always dreamed it should be. So smooth, so powerful. Your dick going deeper than any I'd ever felt, spreading my pussy so wide, going so deeeeep." She was gasping, clearly her fingering herself had become more vigorous, her story accelerated, it was like she was demanding from me now instead of just remembering.

  "Do you remember my breasts hanging down on my belly, swaying so low, back and forth, huge nipples so wide and stiff under your sweaty fingers? Remember my big black breasts?"

  "Y... yes." I finally managed.

  "They're bigger now." she snapped, sharply, her voice a lightning bolt of sexuality. "And higher. Firmer. They wouldn't droop down my stomach. I'm lying on my back and they're so fucking huge, they're splitting out of my shirt. The seams are pulling apart, they're so fat and sensitive."

  "Wha..." I began, but she interrupted:

  "Remember when I turned around and crouched over the desk with my huge jiggly black ass shoved up at you?"

  "Yes." I said, and again, halfway through, she interrupted:

  "It's tight as a fucking drum now. So much tighter, so much harder. It's just as huge and round as before but it's stretching out my jeans in a whole new way, not just a fat ass but an ass that rocks back and forth, I can clench it tight and I feel so you remember when you jammed deep into me from behind and reached around my roll of belly fat to stroke my soft black skin, wipe the sweat away as we jammed up and back, trying to push each other deeper and deeper into pleasure. You remember the ripple of my big fat black belly?"

  I didn't even have a chance to say anything, but she moaned, "It's gone. It's completely gone. My skin is soft, silken, but so tight across my little stomach, my thin waist, I'm twisting up and back on my dorm room bed as I finger myself and I can feel the muscle in it. God, my fingers feel so good!" She was losing control. "My fingers are longer, softer, more slender, my pussy is so tight, so fucking sensitive, and I'm an inch taller and so fucking strong and I think I may even be smarter, Carl, whatever was in that gallon of fucking ultra-hot jizz you shot into me turned me into the sexiest fucking UNNH beast in the god damn DORM UNNNHHH!" She was cumming over the phone, losing control as she described her changes.

  Finally, she snarled: "And Carl...I want it again.” Gasping, gulping, “… and again, and again."

  I began to cum into my shorts. Even my boosted stamina and willpower had no chance against the assault of memory, and her phone sex voice, and my imagination of what she was now. And she concluded by saying "See. You. In. Class."

  The line went dead.

  I realized Anna had come back in the room and was looking at me. She looked like she was trying to keep from laughing. "I can tell from your face and pants that you might have had an effect on that gym girl."

  "It... wasn't her." I said., gulping for air. "There was another girl."

  Chapter 10

  Anna's eyes widened. "There was another girl?" She couldn't hold it back, she started laughing, her huge breasts bouncing lightly. She laughed harder at the sensation of it and wrapped her arms underneath, feeling them jostle inside her nightshirt and around in her firm arms. "How many girls were there? Jenny this morning, gym girl..."


  "This afternoon, and another?"

  "I guess in my 8:30 class I was really horny and the girl sitting next to me saw something she liked..."

  Anna's fierce intelligence took her away for a moment, she was thinking. "Hmm, interesting. That would have been about twenty minutes after you were dosed with breakfast. Time for digestion, breaking down the compounds..."

  "She says she changed. I mean she says she really changed." I said.

  "Well...she would have been in more of a position to change than anyone else. The transformation agent would have been pretty much everywhere in your body at that point."

  "And she says she wants to change more."

  Anna grinned. "Well, she'll have to talk to ME about that, won't she?" she practically crowed. There was an awkward pause. " us.." she said. "Are you still mad?"

  "I'm not still mad, I just. I didn't want us to start our relationship like this."

  "But you did want it to start." she insisted.

  "Are you kidding me? Of course I did!" I grinned back at her.

  "Okay, so...can I sleep with you tonight?"

  Bed was the last thing on my mind until she said it. I knew I should be tired but my unearthly stamina was keeping me alert and focused. I lifted my hand curiously - oh boy, it was trembling. Even just a few seconds later it was practically shaking. Anna's brows furrowed. "You must be exhausted." she pointed out.

  "I don't feel that way." I said, with growing nervousness.

  "Well, the growth formula is still working its way through you tonight. You probably still have a solid eight or nine more hours to go before it runs its course. If you still have problems of getting tired without feeling tired tomorrow, tell me." She held her hands out to me and pulled me to my feet like I weighed nothing. It was straight into a passionate, eager goodnight kiss.

  "Change your shorts and I'll see ya in your bed?" she chirruped, heading that way like she owned the place. I knew her bed was always covered in printouts and pirated manga, so there really wasn't much choice about whose bed we were going to be in.

  I changed my boxers as she curled up under my sheets. Jesus Christ, my dick looked even bigger than it had in the shower - half sprung from the feeling of her plush lips on mine, I had to slide it away the leg of my boxers. I turned and saw her eyes w
ere lidded. "That was hot." she cooed. "Watching you tuck away that huge meat." With her giant breasts spilling out of her loose pajama top, I could see the crinkled-up dark circles of her two massive aureola. I was getting harder again but the sight of my hand shaking haunted me. I felt like I was along for the ride in a body that might be going off a cliff.

  "This better not kill me." I muttered as I slid in next to her.

  "It won't." she yawned with the total confidence of someone who knows something to the tenth decimal place.

  Despite her total confidence, I was a little worried, but didn't need to be. I passed out almost the moment my head hit the pillow. My dreams that night I barely remember - juggling calls and texts from buxom supermodels, an endless stream of sexual encounters - conquests, more like...women begging for it in Latisha's perfect musical voice, until I wrecked them over and over. "Holy shit." were the first words I could actually make out, though.

  "Holy shit." It wasn't Latisha's voice, though.

  "Holy SHIT!" I woke up. Jenny was standing next to the bed with her hands over her mouth. She was staring. For a second I thought it was me, then I realized that Anna had rolled over in the night and her pajamas were hanging open and both hugely oversized breasts were slowly rising and falling as she barely stirred.

  Jenny's blue eyes slowly turned back towards me. I sat up...How to describe sitting up for the first time that morning? You know how when you sit up and your stomach clenches and your back muscles strain a little and up you come? Well, it wasn't like that. My belly twitched, my back stretched and when the sheet fell off my chest, Jenny didn't know where to stare. My upper body was ripped - no, more than ripped. I was big. Just looking at my pectorals, I couldn't tell if they were strong, but my stomach, when I sat up, a surge of warmth and power and I could feel four solid abdominals pulse to life like bricks...not just as hard as bricks, but the size of bricks. My feet were hanging off the bottom of the bed.


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