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Anna's Formula: An Erotic Transformation

Page 7

by Carlo Thicke

  "Holy shit." Jenny mouthed to me. She had taken off her shoes to sneak in and they dropped out of her fingers. "What the fuck."

  Anna was slowly awakening. I really had no idea what to do. I shrugged, the sensation of my shoulder muscles flexing was exciting but not quite as exciting as Jenny's eyes almost dilating with passion when she saw it, her tight T-shirt showing her thick nipples bulging suddenly.

  The situation couldn't stay like this forever, the electricity Jenny was putting out, her gulping for breath, me moving around. Anna woke up and saw Jenny. "What the fuck?" she yelped.

  "I... I still had my key! I didn't know!" Jenny said.

  Anna sat up in bed and threw her shoulders back dramatically. "You're staring, do you see anything you like, bitch?" she snapped. She had clearly been thinking of this comeback for weeks, even though this clearly wasn't the context she anticipated it in.

  And I'm pretty sure Jenny hadn't thought about it since that conversation. "Oh my god!" Jenny breathed eagerly, her eyes twinkling as she got into it. She threw her own shoulders back, stretching that tight T-shirt even tighter. She wasn't wearing a bra. "Mine are good enough for him, you little slut!" she cried out. "I don't care if yours are twice as big!"

  "Wait! Stop!" I said, burying my eyes in my hand. "Anna, you're being serious."

  "Y... yeah?" she said.

  "And Jenny, you're not being serious."

  "" she said.

  "Okay, so stop, get on the same damn page before you upset each other again. Jenny, Anna was really jealous of you."

  "W... really?" Jenny said.

  "Jenny, you're sneaking in here to hook up with me and that's what Anna's wanted to do for months."

  Anna was spluttering. "Carl!"

  "Anna, cool it okay?" I said.

  Jenny slid into bed - not in a sexy way but just to sit down at Anna's level. "Anna, I knew you were into Carl but I thought there was something else going on. You know I was just playing around, I didn't mean to upset you! This is...the two of you look incredible!"

  "Thanks." Anna said reflexively, but she was still off her stride. She half pulled the sheet up over her breasts.

  "Life isn't an internet porno or one of those animes." I said. "It's one thing if you're playing around..."

  "Hentai." Anna muttered to herself.


  "Nothing, I didn't say anything!"

  Jenny said, "I thought you were teasing me, or Carl maybe, so I was putting on my best big tit dumb blonde response. Your breasts are amazing, Anna, did you do this like you did over winter break?"

  Anna's eyebrows went up. "You noticed?"

  "Uh, everyone noticed, I noticed you before winter. I knew you and Carl would get together."

  "What? H... how?"

  "Because you were sooo smart. I mean, you weren't his type physically but the two of you are peas in a pod." Jenny held her fingers in an "L" to my forehead. "Nerrrrrrrds." Before I knew it my arm was around her soft waist.

  Anna laughed, Jenny laughed, we all laughed. "So how come I didn't take my keys back from you?" I asked Jenny.

  "Because you subconsciously wanted me to break in here and wake you up." Jenny said.

  I pressed on: "Also how is it you're out and about before eleven?"

  "Uh, it's two-thirty in the afternoon, Carl. And anyway, after you left yesterday I was so...full of energy, and. I don't know, like...I went to a class and it was like, I got it. I was focused! It was weird, you know how I get, easily distracted and everything, but it was...even my hard class was easy!" Jenny said. "Uh… Anna, you're not mad again are you?"

  Anna's eyes were narrowed slits; she was concentrating tightly on this new data. "No, no. Just...the stuff I gave to Carl after he left your place might have had an effect on people, but the stuff before? Hmmm... maybe it just built up in your system over time, since you were hooking up with him when I was drugging him."

  "Wait, you were drugging him before now? Is that why his...why he was changing?"

  I said firmly. "Without me knowing. We talked about it. It's not going to happen again."

  "Oh." Jenny said. It was clear she was slightly disappointed.

  "Don't be like that." Anna said, her eyes opening again as her voice dropped to a sexy purr. "If you saw what was under the sheets, you'd know it was more than enough."

  Jenny bit her lower lip. The tease had an effect on her and Anna seemed to notice this. "Do you wanna see?"

  Jenny moved into teasing too: "Not unless I can touch."

  They were winding each other up in a way I hadn't seen them before. Before that morning, either Anna was being serious and Jenny was jerking her around or Anna was trying to say something and Jenny was ignoring and stepping on her. But now they seemed to be on the same wavelength, like Anna's boosted sexuality was suddenly in tune with Jenny's exceptional libido. "Oh you can touch, Jenny. See...there's enough of it...that we both can touch. With both hands."

  "Only hands?" Jenny said, poking out her lower lip slightly in a sexual pout.

  As for me, I was already left behind by these two women, one much more experienced than the other...Jenny with her exceptional body and Anna almost beyond human in her oversexed beauty. Normally I would have tried to throw in on the teasing, or at least clarify what everyone's expectations were - because I'm boring like that - but instead I was drifting back into that fantasy-dream, the one I had on the first day I was dosed, about the two of them were making out, and suddenly couldn't speak.

  Anna had the wit to reply but she didn't have the experience, so there was an awkward pause.

  Jenny 'dropped character' and said, "Okay, so...are we going to make out too? Because I am pretty sure that would really get Carl going. We would get a fucking from him we would not believe."

  "I... I've never... with a girl." stammered Anna.

  "Ooh, that's good. Stammering is good." Jenny said. "Try it like this." She slid a hand up her belly and half-lifted her shirt, cupping her thick breast. Jenny let her lips fall half open and said, almost whispering. "I just don't know what's come over me! I'm so confused...I love cock but Jenny I just want to feel your lips all over my huge, new, thick nipples..."

  Anna's mouth fell just about completely open. I knew how she felt - being seduced was one thing, but being seduced in a body built completely for sex from tiny, perfect toes to silken black hair must have been like feeling a rocket ignite inside her.

  Jenny couldn't hold onto it, she stopped vamping and started giggling. "You really are a little bombshell, aren't you?" she laughed, peeling her shirt all the way off. Anna was trying to get back into the swing of it when Jenny put her hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a kiss. For Anna's first same-sex kiss it was pretty amazing. Jenny was clearly experienced at 'making out with another girl to turn a guy on'. A lesbian friend of mine told me one time it was annoying, and I got what she was getting at, but what could I say? It worked. And Anna's seeming innocence despite her bonkers body made it even more so. She barely knew what to do with her hands, stroking Jenny's hair, holding onto my arm, until Jenny guided Anna's long-fingered hands to her full breasts, dwarfed by Anna's, but still soft and inviting.

  Just as I'd dreamed, my morning wood grew harder, more massive. I could feel a surge of sexual power that surpassed even what I'd experienced the previous night when Anna threw back the shower curtain. The girls shifting against each other over the sheets drew them across my body little by little...yet as they became more aroused their hands found their way to me almost as much to each other, and after Jenny clawed her pants off she was pulling at the sheets and..."OH MY GOD!" she yelped, breaking both character and the kiss.

  It was dramatically longer than it was last night. "It's gotta be a foot long." moaned Jenny, wrapping her fist around the base one eager finger at a time. "Jesus...christ, it's so massive."

  "Eleven and a quarter inches." said Anna in that cool, ultra-calm and confident voice she had.

  Jenny looked at me with wide
eyes. I realized she hadn't heard Anna speak like that before. "She made it, she should know." I said. Jenny's nipples were little stones brushing against my torso as she leaned over me. Anna's confidence was turning Jenny on even more than the prospect of sex with me.

  "Fucking amazing." Jenny murmured. She started kissing and licking. Anna was clearly nervous about joining in. My eyelids were fluttering as Jenny slowly began to cram the huge head into her mouth.

  "Jen...Jenny, wait, wait..." I said.

  "Mmmmm?" she purred and her lips were so wet and hot I arched my back.

  "I... Anna, are you okay with this?"

  Jenny's didn't take her lips off my dick. Her eyes went over to the side, looking at Anna.

  "'s hot and everything but I just don't know..." Anna said.

  Jenny lifted up off me, I almost cried out with the sensation of it. "I get it." she said sassily. "She built it, she wants to be the first to ride it."

  I was fully awake by now and I was thinking it might not be the best idea for a wild-eyed sex-loving party girl like Jenny to be a formerly shy nerd's portal into a new relationship, but frankly with Jenny's hand on my cock and her swollen breasts rubbing against me my better judgment was definitely impaired.

  "Mm...yeah...I do..." Anna said somewhat reluctantly.

  "Just pretend like I'm not here." Jenny urged, snuggling up to my huge arm and turning me slightly towards Anna. "As soon as you're ready I'll make sure you remember."

  Anna's wide brown eyes were nervous...but apparently she liked what she saw. "It's not...his body is exactly what I designed it to be, but actually being in bed with it...I couldn''s better than I dreamed..."

  Her hand reached out to my chest, delicate and soft, lying flat on a pectoral muscle that now seemed like warm iron. Slowly she leaned nearer, thickened lips trembling, moist and swollen from making out with Jenny...nearer still...

  What can I say it was like? I'd experienced Anna's oversexed body before, the previous night in the shower, but my strength, my power, my sexual presence had grown dramatically in the hours I'd been asleep. The three of us barely fit in my bed, even on our sides - Anna's round ass plumped enticingly out of the crumpled sheets, her huge now-exposed breasts smushed up against me. My own chest was thicker now, almost twice as thick as it had been when I got back from Jenny's place the previous morning, yet I didn't feel massive, since my strength had grown as well. I almost felt lighter, more graceful, as I rolled onto my side to face Anna. And behind my oversized back, I felt Jenny's hands...little hands? Were they little or was my back just so much wider, so much harder in comparison.

  I kissed Anna and she seemed to melt down, her tentative open-mouth, almost innocent response growing almost instantly into a sloppy, desperate face-suck. Those full, thick, slightly darkened lips seemed almost to be starving for me. I felt Jenny's thick breasts push into my muscular back as Jenny reached past me to guide Anna's hands to my eleven-and-a-quarter inch dick. "Jerk it." urged Jenny in a throaty purr. "Make it big..." I was cupping Anna's gymnastic-firm thigh with one hand. "...make it huge..." I was running a thumb across a nipple that was fattening, thickening obscenely, atop Anna's jiggling breasts as Anna slowly stroked the thick head of my dick across her juicy, tight, pussy lips. "..make it grow....whoa!" yelped Jenny.

  This last suggestion sent formerly-little Anna into almost a frenzy. She shoved herself forward, half atop me as I tried to keep from rolling back onto Jenny. Apparently the concept of me growing was enough that just mentioning the word pushed Anna right to the edge. She started shoving inch after inch of my massive cock inside her. Jenny scrambled to get out from under me as Anna rolled me to my wide back. Still, Jenny giggled maniacally and lowered her voice again, teasing Anna still further: "Do it, make it expand, jerk it! My god, look at it, Anna, it's swelling bigger and bigger, huger and huger! It's going to split you apart! Cram it in, harder, harder!!"

  I wasn't even halfway inside Anna when she started spasming with her first orgasm, her hands flying backwards to grip onto my legs, holding herself up as her knees, straddling me, half gave out with the sensation of a shattering climax. My chest - the one she sculpted for me from her horny imagination and overclocked brain - heaved for breath beneath her as I tried to keep control. Anna made a sound, a squeaking, yet somehow musical gasp as she sucked in breath, her nipples crinkled and massive, and she finally moaned, "Fuck me...please, Carl...keep fucking it hard! Let me feel your st-st-streeeenngth!" This little wail from Anna made Jenny suck in her breath - oh Christ, I had sort of forgotten this whole thing got started because the two of them shared a fantasy of being physically dominated.

  I pushed myself up, first with my elbows, then leaning slowly up towards Anna's straddling body, letting her pussy clench and, agonizingly, slowly relax - I didn't know which was more like steel, its tightest squeezes or my cock's newly immovable power. I kissed her breasts lightly, almost as an introduction...then began to bite more aggressively. I put my hand behind her, to steady her body and get her balanced again, before gripping her obscenely plush ass hard and beginning to force her body down further onto my dick. "Yes... yes, oh yes!" she moaned. "You're so strong! It's so big!"

  I leaned slowly back, more confident that I had Anna 'in hand', then reached over with my other arm and grabbed Jenny by the back of her neck, strong as a vise. "Oh shit." she yelped as I dragged her towards me for an aggressive kiss. Anna's almond eyes went wide as she realized I now had sufficient physical and sexual power to pound her perfect body viciously while still making out with Jenny. Jenny's own realization was just as dramatic, as her previous teasing began to melt away in shudders of arousal and real eagerness. "Ready?" I murmured to Jenny. She nodded eagerly. Anna was still staring, but I could feel she was ready - her pussy dripping as I went deeper, deeper.

  "You bitches shouldn't act so surprised. You knew what you were getting into when you came in here!" I snarled. Oh my god, my 'dominating Carl' voice sounded almost like a roar, animalistic, deep, powerful. I felt it vibrate in my body, felt Anna almost freeze with her unexpected reaction to it. Jenny's blue eyes went huge and unfocused. I surprised everyone, even myself. I tried to keep 'in character' though. "Arrgh...fuck...I've got to get it all in... stuff this Asian bitch to the brim!" I jerked Jenny closer, kissed her more roughly, her hands spread awkwardly across my heaving chest. "Finger her." I ordered Jenny. She was lost in a haze, too caught up in the moment to even respond. "DO IT!" I roared, and she jumped.

  "Oh, Carl...what are you doing to us...I can hardly control myself..." cooed Jenny, getting into her own fantasy as she reached out her hand to stroke above Anna's pussy, to gently finger her as Anna finally descended all the way onto me. It was everything Anna had fantasized about - being worshipped sexually by the woman she was jealous of while being fucked by what she considered the perfect male specimen, the body she'd given me. Even her third and fourth orgasms came fast, deeper and more sweat-slicked than before. As Anna lost control, I took it, gripping my fingers into the flesh of her rounded ass deeper, lifting her up and shoving her down harder with each thrust. Jenny was getting less direct stimulation but she seemed to get even more excited watching Anna's body get dominated in a way she always dreamed.

  When Anna's flushed face seemed a little too dazed to be completely into it anymore I fake-chuckled, trying to be menacing as I pretended to toss her aside - really I just flopped her onto the bed next to me as I rose up above both of them, eleven-inch dick pulsing with insane hardness and dripping with Anna's overlubricated juices. "Your turn." I snarled at Jenny and she cried out, "Oh my god!" only half in-character now. When Anna 'came to' I was atop Jenny, drilling her into the bed with overpowered thrusts as she clawed at my chest and bit at my shoulders, her breasts bobbing and blue eyes half-rolled.

  It went this way most of the morning. As time eased on it became clear that Anna's enhancements and mine had put us in another league from Jenny. Although she was much more experienced than Anna, a
nd she and I had more of a connection because of our previous relationship, she didn't have remotely the stamina Anna did, and after orgasm after orgasm I was a little concerned that she was hurting herself a bit. I focused my attention tighter on Anna, doing her on all fours, stretching her long legs upwards over her head and drilling down into her. My control over my own pleasure seemed even more advanced, and it was only after an hour that I decided not to hold back any longer. My dramatic orgasm blasted deep inside Anna for minute after minute, her back arching, her fingers clawing at the sheets as she moaned to Jenny how amazing it was. Jenny was out of it, caked in sweat and fluids, mumbling into her pillow.

  I lay down between them afterwards, Anna half atop me. She seemed more than alert, she seemed energized by the threesome. It clearly was everything she had dreamed of. She ran a fingernail through Jenny's blonde curls. "Poor Jenny...looks like you were way too much for her." she smirked.

  It was Anna's turn to be teasing and Jenny's turn to be half-serious. "You both are..." she murmured into the pillow. She was snuggled against me, but seemed raw, tender, didn't move too much. I just wrapped a thick arm around her back and supported her as best I could.

  "But I did have fun. I bet she'll be a lot more fun once I enhance her." Anna smirked, looking up at me with deep brown eyes.

  I was about to be the killjoy again and say something cautious when Jenny blurted out "Yes, please."

  "Aw, you wanna look like me?" Anna teased.

  Jenny was still being half serious: "Any woman with a libido would want to look like you."

  "Well too bad." Anna said. There was an awkward pause, but then Anna said, "Um, too bad, because the formula I'm working on will make what I look like now seem like an underdeveloped 10-year-old." The tease fell weirdly flat, like she was almost serious.


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