by A. J. Baime
Allies approach near, [>]
bombing and destruction of, [>]
fall of, to Allies, [>]
Ford truck-producing plant in, [>]
preparations for war in 1938, [>]
Bethune, Mary McLeod, [>]
Bishop, Jim, [>]–[>]
in Bomber City, [>]
hiring of by Ford, [>], [>], [>]
influx from the South into Detroit, [>]–[>], [>]
new opportunities associated with war production, [>]
recruitment for work at Willow Run, [>], [>]–[>]
See also racial strife, racism; Service Department
Black Sunday. See Operation Tidal Wave
Blériot, Louis, [>]–[>]
Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”), [>]
“Bloody Monday” (1943 Detroit Race Riot), [>]
Blues People (Baraka), [>]
bomber-an-hour goal
achievement of, [>], [>], [>]
challenges of realizing, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
EF’s focus on during final illness, [>]–[>]
publicity surrounding, [>]
Sorensen’s vision, [>]
See also mass production; Willow Run bomber factory
Bomber City, Ypsilanti, MI
air quality, [>]
building of near Willow Run, [>]–[>], [>]
life in, [>]
racial conflicts in, [>]–[>]
and reduction of worker absenteeism, [>]
Truman Committee hearings on, [>]
Willow Lodge section, [>]
Bomber Ship 8685 (last one produced), [>]
bombing, area vs. precision, [>]–[>]. See also Combined Bomber Offensive
Bombs Away (Steinbeck), [>]
limits of, [>]
production of at General Motors, [>]
production of at Westinghouse, [>]
Book-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, [>]–[>]
Bordeaux, France, Ford factory in, [>]
Braun, Eva, [>]
Brereton, Lewis, [>]
Brewery Wagon (B-24 Liberator), during Operation Tidal Wave, [>]
Bricker, Mead
on Bennett’s violence, [>]
loyalty to HF2, [>]
during Truman Committee visit, [>]
on violence of River Rouge strike, [>]
Briggs, Edwin, [>]
Brinkley, Douglas, [>]
Brisbane, Arthur, [>], [>]
Buchanan-Dineen, Grace, [>]
Bugas, John
confrontations with Bennett, [>], [>]
as Ford executive after the war, [>]
as head of FBI Detroit bureau, [>]
hiring of by Bennett, [>]–[>]
investigation of charges against Bennett, [>], [>]
loyalty to EF and HF2, [>], [>]
relationship with Bennett, [>], [>]–[>], [>]
replacement of Bennett by, [>]–[>]
report on war plant protection for EF, [>]
surveillance of Nazi sympathizers in Detroit, [>]–[>]
Bugas, Maggie, [>]
Buick, David Dunbar, [>]
Bulgaria, in Axis alliance, [>]–[>], [>]
Byrd, Richard, [>]
Cadillac division, General Motors, [>]
cafeteria, Willow Run, [>], [>]
Cameron, William J., [>], [>]
Camp Willow Run, [>]–[>]
Campsall, Frank, [>], [>]
Cantor, Eddie, [>]
Capizzi, I. A., [>], [>], [>]
Caruso, Angelo, [>]
Casablanca Conference
arrangements for, [>]–[>]
call for unconditional surrender, [>]
plans made at, [>]–[>], [>]
“The Castle” (Bennett’s home), [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Castle, Mr. and Mrs. John, Willow Run experience, [>]–[>]
American battle deaths, [>]
civilian, from Combined Bomber Offensive, [>]
Detroit Race Riot, 1943, [>]–[>]
during Operation Tidal Wave, [>]
predicted by Churchill during Battle of Britain, [>]
US, at Pearl Harbor, [>]
war-related injuries on the home front, [>]
Cherwell, Lord, [>]
Chevrolet, Louis, [>]
Chevrolet plants (General Motors), Detroit
Chevrolet automobile, [>]–[>], [>]
production of high-explosive shells at, [>]
Christian Science Monitor, articles about Willow Run plant, [>], [>]
Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, MI, [>]
Chrysler, Walter, [>]
Chrysler Corporation
Detroit Tank Arsenal, [>], [>]
UAW contract, 1937, [>]
X-100 laboratory, [>]
Churchill, Winston
appeals to FDR for help, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
during the Battle of Britain, [>]
Casablanca Conference, [>]–[>]
conflicts with Roosevelt about night bombing, [>]
goal of totally destroying Germany, [>]
on impact of “Arsenal of Democracy” speech on Londoners, [>]
response to attack on Pearl Harbor, [>]
Tehran Conference, [>], [>]–[>]
unwillingness to bomb French railroads, [>]
visits to FDR, as exhausting, [>]–[>]
Cicotte, Eddie “Knuckles,” [>]
Clapper, Raymond, [>]
Clark, Bennett, [>]
Clay, Eleanor Lowthian, [>]. See also Ford, Eleanor Lothian Clay
Cluett, Peabody & Co., Milwaukee, uniform production, [>]
Cobb, Ty, [>]
cockpit, B-24 Liberator, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
codicil, HF’s, [>]–[>]
Collier’s magazine, article on war production, [>]
Cologne, Germany. See Ford-Werke AG, Ford of Germany
Combined Bomber Offensive
debates about, [>]–[>]
numbers of bombs dropped and impacts, [>]
preparations for D-Day, [>]
successes of, [>]–[>]
commercial aviation, [>]–[>]
Comstock, William, [>]
Connally, Tom, [>]
and factory absenteeism, [>]
HF2’s enlistment to avoid, [>]
peacetime, FDR’s institution of, [>]
World War I, EF’s avoidance of, [>]
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, San Diego
B-24 Liberator production approach, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
B-24 Liberator prototype, [>]
first visit of EF and HF2 to, [>]–[>]
Ford engineers’ studies at, [>], [>]–[>]
Coronado Hotel, San Diego, [>]
B-24 Liberator, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Bomber City, [>]
of EF’s stock buyout, [>]
M2A1 tanks and production facility, [>]
Model T, [>]
of producing tanks, [>]
of riveter training, [>]
savings from increased efficiencies, [>]
of Willow Run plant, [>]
credit financing, [>]
Cudahy, John, [>]
evaluation of Liberators produced at Willow Run, [>]–[>]
military contracts, [>]
P-40 Warhawk single-engine fighter, [>]
Curved Dash Oldsmobiles, [>]
Czechoslovakia, Nazi takeover, [>], [>]
Dagenham, England, Ford plant
bombing and casualties, [>], [>], [>]
groundbreaking, [>]–[>]
production of military matériel, [>]
Daily Variety, on liveliness and prosperity in Detroit, [>]
Daimler, Gottlieb, [>]
Daimler-Benz engines, [>]
Davis, David R., [>]
Davis, Jack,
[>], [>]
day care facilities, Willow Run, [>]
DC-3 (Douglas), commercial flights, [>]
D-Day invasion (Operation Overlord), [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]. See also Combined Bomber Offensive
Dearborn, MI
Dearborn Inn, [>]
EF and Van Auken’s airplane-building efforts, [>]
Fair Lane mansion in, [>]
Ford family farm, [>]
See also Ford Motor Company; River Rouge plant
Dearborn Independent, [>]–[>]
Defense Commissioner role, [>]–[>]
defense manufacturing. See war production
Delano, Frederic, [>]–[>]
“Deluxe-tone” line (Studebaker), [>]
Depression. See Great Depression
de Seversky, Alexander (Victory Through Airpower), [>]
Detroit, MI
as the “Arsenal of Democracy,” [>], [>]
crowded conditions, low morale in, [>]–[>]
during D-Day, [>]
downtown, in 1942, [>]
factories in, [>]
first Ford car built in, [>]
founding, early history, [>]–[>]
during the Great Depression, [>]–[>]
labor and racial unrest, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
liveliness and prosperity during wartime, [>]
meeting of auto industry executives, 1942, [>]
metal workers in, [>]
in-migration to, for war production, [>], [>]
mobilization for war production, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
population, 1930, [>]
during Prohibition, [>]
security concerns, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
support for invention and manufacturing, early 20th century, [>]
as symbol of global decline, [>], [>]–[>]
V-E Day celebrations, [>]–[>]
V-J Day celebrations, [>]
See also Detroit Race Riot of 1943; United Auto Workers (UAW); war production and specific auto manufacturers
Detroit Automobile Company, [>]
Detroit Free Press, [>]
Detroit Institute of the Arts, [>]
Detroit Lions, [>]
Detroit News
criticisms of production at Willow Run, [>]
on Detroit during Prohibition, [>]
headline announcing Japanese surrender, [>]
on heightened security in, [>]
photos of the Battle of the Overpass in, [>]
report on illicit activities at Willow Lodge, [>]
report on Tehran Conference, [>]
Detroit News-Tribune, [>]
Detroit Race Riot of 1943, [>]–[>]
Detroit Saturday Night, [>]
Detroit Tank Arsenal, [>], [>]
Detroit Tigers, [>]
Detroit University School, [>], [>]
Dewey, Thomas, [>]
Die Raupe (Caterpillar) anti-aircraft train, [>], [>]
Dive Bomber (movie), [>]
Dodge, John and Horace, [>], [>]
Dodge Brothers Company, [>], [>]
Dodge division (Chrysler), shortwave radar systems, gyrocompasses, [>]–[>], [>]
Dollfus, Maurice
communications with EF, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
as head of Ford of France, cooperation with Nazis, [>]
Treasury Department investigations involving, [>], [>]
Dondero, George, [>]
Doolittle Jimmy, [>]
Dorsey, Tommy, [>]
Double Wasp aviation engine. See R-2800 Double Wasp aviation engine
Douglas Aviation, Tulsa, OK, “knockdown” bomber assemblies, [>]
Dow Chemical, Saran Wrap, [>]
draft. See conscription act, draft
Drake, Thomas, [>]
Dreystadt, Nicholas, [>]
Dunkirk evacuation, [>]
Duquesne Spy Ring, [>]
dwarfs, employment at Willow Run, [>]–[>]
“Dynamic Obsolescence,” [>]
dynamometer engine testing system, [>]–[>]
Echols, Oliver, [>]
The Economist, on war production, [>]
Edison Illuminating Company, Detroit, [>]–[>]
Edsel Ford Expressway, Detroit, [>], [>]
Edsel Ford Trophy, [>]
Eichmann, Adolf, [>]
88-millimeter anti-aircraft guns, Ploesti (“88s”), [>]–[>]
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
on danger of Operation Tidal Wave, [>]
Operation Husky, [>]
at the start of D-Day invasion, [>]–[>]
success against Rommel in North Africa, [>]–[>]
Eisenhower, John, [>]
El Cortez Hotel, San Diego, [>]
electrical systems, B-24 Liberator, [>]
El Lobo (B-24 Liberator), [>]
Engineering Laboratory, Ford, [>], [>]
Battle of Britain, [>]–[>]
declaration of war on Bulgaria, [>]
expectations for Nazi invasion, [>]
and Fords’ agreement to produce aircraft engines for, [>], [>]
See also Churchill, Winston
Ent, Uzal, [>]
Euroclydon (B-24 Liberator), [>]
Fascist movement, American, [>]
“Fat Man” atomic bomb, [>]
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Bennett as informant for, [>], [>]
Bugas’ role at, [>]–[>], [>]
Detroit bureau, [>]
and factory security, [>], [>], [>]
investigation of Bennett, [>], [>]
surveillance of Albert, [>]
See also Bugas, John
50,000-airplane project, [>]–[>]. See also bomber-an-hour goal; Knudsen, William; Willow Run bomber factory and specific airplanes
fireside chats, [>]-[>]
Fisher Body, [>], [>]
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, [>], [>]
Flavelle, Brian Woolley, [>]
Fleet, Reuben, [>]–[>], [>]
Forbes, Lord, [>]
Ford, Benson
agreement with Sorensen’s production plan, [>]
concerns over father’s health, [>]
EF’s decision to bring into business, [>]
enlistment in the army, [>]
first view of B-24 Liberator, [>]–[>]
return home for father’s death, [>]
work at the Rouge plant, [>]–[>]
Ford, Clara “Callie”
control over son, [>]
at EF’s funeral, [>]
Ford stock holdings, [>]
mansion in Dearborn, [>]
as mediator between HF and EF, [>], [>]–[>]
mourning for EF, [>]
pregnancy and EF’s birth, [>]
role in resolving conflict with UAW, [>]
support for husband, [>]–[>]
Ford, Edsel Bryant
aesthetic sense, [>]
airplane-building efforts, [>]–[>]
ambitions, [>], [>], [>]
anxiety, [>]
appearance, [>], [>]
at auto industry meeting in New York, [>]
birth and childhood, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
business training, [>]
buyout of outsider stockholders, [>]
Byrd expeditions, backing of, [>]
charitable commitments, [>]
children, grandchildren, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
commitment to Ford, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
communications with Dollfus about Ford of France, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
communications with Albert about Ford of Germany, [>]–[>]
concerns that sons be able to take over at Ford, [>]
contributions to war effort, [>], [>]–[>], [>]
and deal to produce aircraft engines at the Rouge, [>], [>]–[>]
death, funeral, and burial, [>]–[>]
decision to build B-24 Liberator production facility, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
efforts to
modernize Ford business practices, [>], [>]
enjoyment of nightlife, social activities, [>]–[>], [>]
enjoyment of solving engineering puzzles, [>]
estimated worth in 1927, [>