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The Lying Mirror

Page 14

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  She was dying. Her bed smelled like death, her face was covered with oozing sores from burns. And she was not lucid. At first I thought she was dead and started to call 911 when she stirred. So I called my friend doctor and asked him to meet me at my apartment with whatever he needed for her care and I told him why. And yes he also trusted my judgment.

  Are you a doctor Mr. Dillard?


  Then why didn’t you take Ms. Laakenworth to the hospital when you found her?

  Because, she needed care, she needed love not humiliation and a lot of questions and rejections.

  She stayed at my apartment in my room under the care of my doctor, her care givers from the lab and me. Ms Eevan got involved after Ms. Laakenworth recovered.

  Did Ms. Laakenworth recover completely?

  She did not. She had heavy oozing scars on her face and neck.

  Once the sores stopped oozing and dried Ms. Eevan showed her how to apply make up to hide the majority of her injury.

  I see no scarring on Ms. Laakenworth face or neck Mr. Dillard, what happen to her burns?

  The Professor at the Lab instructed Mr. Flynn to re mix the formula and test it on some pigs heads that had been scared the same as Linda. Although he had no idea that Linda’s face was scared worse than the pigs. The lab received positive results from the testing of the formula and that’s when Mr. Flynn call me and suggest we try it on Ms. Laakenworth. They had tested for two weeks on the pigs head and it proved that the scaring went completely away. Ergo the scarring on Ms. Laakenworth face is completely diminished. Ms. Phillips did not know I wanted to keep this quiet and reported the attack to the board.

  Thank you Mr. Dillard, I’m finished with you. Pit returned to her seat and felt bad about the way she drilled Jack, but it had to be done to play this stupid scene out.

  Board member Bridgett Edwin calls Dean Becker to the podium.

  Dean Becker is it a habit of yours to give out keys to men to the girl’s dorm room?

  No it is not.

  And sir is it your practice to make arrangement for class work to be sent to a student.

  If I see it is necessary, yes. I’ve done it before.

  Would you please explain to us why you did it this time?

  As far as the key is concerned I trust Mr. Dillard without question. He has shown a selfless caring for his fellowman and shows no prejudice in aiding anyone who needs the help. I believe Ms. Edwin you are one of his recipients. When you were out after your surgery Mr. Dillard saw that your class work was given to you timely and returned to your Professors timely as well. But that is not why I am here. I trusted a man who felt that the mental health of a student warranted his complete attention. And never in the history of this school have anyone displayed such compassion for another student.

  Thank you Dean Becker that’s all I have.


  No sir. No questions, Pit acknowledge with her head down writing in her note pad.

  Member in waiting substituting for Anthony Flynn calls Anthony Flynn back to the podium.

  The formula you were ordered to remix you were sure it belong to Ms. Laakenworth? And how did you come to that conclusion?

  When testing the sample Mr. Dillard brought in to me I found the ingredient were the same as the professor had graded earlier. I found the paper and the test tube, compared them and it was a match.

  Then why did you think it was necessary to tell Mr. Dillard of your finding.

  At first I thought Mr. Dillard was coming to the Board of Ethics to make a report, but after speaking with him further I realized he needed help with Ms. Laakenworth recovery. But it was her Formula to begin with, we decided to finish the test with the remix instead. And found that it works.

  Thank you sir. I’m finished.


  No questions sir.

  Board Member Gary Price recalls Jackson Dillard back to the podium.

  Jack knows this gut to be a hot head, a real jerk. How he got on the board no one knows. And once you’re on the board you’re on the board until you graduate.

  Mr. Dillard, are you in love with Ms. Laakenworth?

  What! Jack bellowed.

  Professor please he’s way out of line, Pit yelled to the mediator.

  Mr. Price, you are treading dangerously close of being ejected from this hearing. But unfortunately the question must be answered. Mr. Dillard will you please answer the question.

  No. I am not in love with Ms. Laakenworth nor have I ever.

  Then explain to us Mr. Dillard, why a black kid from the inner-city would put his reputation on the line by for a spoiled rich white girl.

  Professor please! This line of questioning is uncalled for.

  Mr. Price. I expect decorum at this hearing. I am starting to wonder how you got on a board that exudes ethics. Now because the question is already put ti Mr. Dillard I have to allow it. But next question sir I expect you to exercise more tact when questioning the witnesses. Do you understand?

  Yes Professor, it want happen again. Gary had got his point across and that’s all that matter.

  Answer the question Mr. Dillard.

  Mr. Price. For months now I have watched you in many hearings and I have watched you for many months belittle and degrade ever defendant you have had the pleasure of humiliating…

  Professor, this witness is attacking my character.

  I sorry Mr. Price, but the witness have already started his answer. Next time Sir if you are not prepared for the answer don’t ask the question.

  Continue Mr. Dillard.

  Unlike you Mr. Price Linda has no pompous or arrogant friends, she has no friends at all, and the reason why I put my reputation on the line is to save her form people like you, who sole purposed in life is to tear down the little self-esteem we few try so hard to build up. The word Mr. Price is compassion, empathy if you prefer, which I am offering you. When I’m finished helping Ms. Laakenworth I’ll start with you.

  Everyone in the courtroom stood and applauded Jack’s statement. The Professor acting mediator was hard press to regain order in the courtroom.

  The campus news crews took this opportunity of pandemonium to take a pictures of Jack and Gary. Half of Jack’s plan was a success, but he feared for the second part of the act.

  Order! Order! I said! Professor Crompton repeatedly hit is gavel on the wooden gavel pad trying to regain order. Five minute recess! The Professor shouted, and when you come back I expect to maintain order at this hearing!

  Jack you were great! Cassy told him as he was leaving the courtroom. The cameramen continued snapping pictures of the mediator leaving frustrated, the Board members leaving the courtroom humiliated and Jack leaving the courtroom determined.

  Outside the courtroom in the lobby, Cassy asked Jack to lead them to a quiet spot. Jack led her to a corner that had not yet been occupied by the press, the guest or the participants in the hearing. Okay what’s up? Jack asked Cassy.

  I just want to say how proud I am of you today. You did more for Linda in that short period of time that anyone have done for her in her life time. I was told by Ant when you were making your statement that Lin started to cry even though Pit had told her not to. I believe what you were saying overwhelmed her and she now believe someone truly cares. We better make our way back inside the courtroom. We don’t want to make the mediator mad and be ejected from the hearing.

  All come to order! Sounded through the courtroom, and once again the courtroom was filled with silence.

  Seated at his mediator’s chair Professor Crompton ask if both teams were ready to continue.

  We are replied the spokesman for the board.

  Ready called out Pit.

  Then let’s get started.

  Board member Won Oui, no questions sir.

  Board member Thi Tou recalls Anthony Flynn to the podium.

  Ant took the usual place at the podium and waited for the first question from Thi while he read through his notes.

  Any da
y now, the Mediator warned Mr. Tou

  Oh yes excuse me. Mr. Flynn, who gave you the authority to test Ms. Laakenworth formula on her face and neck.

  I did.

  Why? Did you not say that chemicals should never be remove from the lab?

  I did, but he had already tested her formula and the remix on the pigs and obtained only positive results. Under the circumstance in order to market a perfect product you have to have tested it on a human. Ms. Laakenworth was asked if she wanted to be our... I’m sorry my test subject she agreed without hesitation.

  But you said no chemicals should ever leave the lab is that correct?

  Mr. Tou your major is Social Science, I’m finding it necessary to define the differences between chemicals and formulas. A chemical is pure and cannot be separated into components. But a formula is a concise way of expressing information or relationship between given quantities has to be proportionate. A formula that has been tested and approved is totally safe to leave the lap as long as it’s registered.

  And was this remix registered.

  Indeed it was, Ant replied proudly.

  Thank you Mr. Flynn, that’s all I have for you.


  No Questions, Pit was diligently writing on her note pad not to look up at the mediators when ask a question.

  What are you doing? Lin whispered to Pit.

  Getting ready for the finale.

  Any more questions from the board?

  The spokesperson for the board look down the row of seats and received a shake of the head for the negative. We are finished sir.

  Defense are you prepared call a witness.

  I am Professor. Defense representative, Patricia Bianchi calls Mrs. Elenora Laakenworth to the podium.

  A gasp of confusing and shock exploded throughout the courtroom. You could hear the spectators asking why is she here, what does she have to do with this hearing? All eyes were on Mrs. Laakenworth as she walked to the podium like the super model she used to be.

  Good morning Mrs. …. Pit was interrupted by Linda as she began her questioning of Linda’s mother.

  What is this all about, and why is my mother here? Linda asked outraged

  Because your mother is going to save your ass and hers. Your mother Linda is half of your problem, I’m going to show that she was over protective and influential in your life. Now Linda may I continue or do you want to call this whole thing off.

  Linda sat back in her chair and held her head low in shame for what was about to happen to her mother.

  Ms. Bianchi are you ready or not?

  I am Professor.

  Good morning Mrs. Laakenworth, first I would like to thank you for driving all the way down here for this hearing. I know it was an inconvenience but I’m glad you made the decision to do so. You not here for the briefing so I’ll be quick and bring you up to speed as to why you are here. Your Daughter Linda Laakenworth has charges against her that could terminate her registration at Kiplin forever. Some of us are here to sway the school to do otherwise. Now are you ready?

  Yes, and thank you for inviting me, anything for my baby.

  Mrs. Laakenworth, did Linda ever go outside to play as a child?

  Not very often.


  Well when it was sunny it could ruin her skin, you know her complexion.

  How many friends did Linda have as a child?

  None that I can remember, the neighbor’s kids, you know they weren’t quite right.

  And what do you mean they weren’t quite right?

  Well they played in sand and got dirty, and their hair was a mess from all that sun.

  Thank you. Now, tell me Mrs. Laakenworth how many friends have Linda had up to this present date?

  Well if she had friends at school I didn’t know about them, I’m sorry I can’t say how many friends she ever had.

  Did Linda stay in the house around you a lot?

  Linda was always in the house around me. I couldn’t let her go out to play much, it was bad for her skin.

  Mrs. Laakenworth where is Linda’s father?

  He died when Linda was three.

  So you had to raise her all by yourself and keep her protected. Is that correct?

  Yes it is. If I let her go out to play she could easily be struck down by a car like what happen to her father.

  How much time did Linda stay in her room when she was with you?

  Mrs. Laakenworth stared into Pit’s eyes and couldn’t believe what she had done to her little girl. She had isolated her from the world, overprotected her, and now her little girl is in trouble and I can’t help her.

  I’m sorry Mrs. Laakenworth, did you hear my question? How much time did Linda stay in her room when she was with you?

  All the time, Mrs. Laakenworth answered sadly.

  Thank you no more questions. Oh I’m sorry just one more question professor.

  Did Linda have any imaginary friends Mrs. Laakenworth?

  None that I know of, occasionally I would catch her talking to herself in the mirror.

  And how long had she been doing this?

  As long as Linda had that beautiful mahogany frame mirror, she was about three when she got the mirror.

  Thank you I’m finished.

  Members of the board?

  The spokesperson again looked down the row and received a shake of the head no. no question from the board Sir.

  Thank you Mrs. Laakenworth we are finished with you.

  As Mrs, Laakenworth was leaving the podium she looked into her daughter’s tear filled eyes gave her a positive nod and a smile, then took a seat next to Ant.

  Defense calls Ms. Sandra Eevans to the podium.

  Good Morning Ms. Eevan, could you please tell me how many people in this room you know personally?

  So far six.

  And can you tell us who they are and the relationship you have with them?

  Ant, I known a little over six months, he was one of Linda’s care-givers.

  Then there’s Cassy’s Jack’s dear friend, Jack is one of my clients, Dr. Davenport for only a few weeks as an advisor and Dean Becker for about week, because of Linda’s situation and you for about two weeks again because of Linda’s situation.

  Why did you call four of them by their nicknames?

  Because I consider them as friends.

  Has it always been easy for you to make friends?

  Indeed, in my line of work you have to be able to make people fill comfortable around you so you can do your job.

  And what is your job Ms. Eevan?

  I’m a Physical Therapist, a makeup artist and a counselor for the disabled, I show them their potential and help them achieve their goals.

  Have you had to help Ms. Laakenworth, Ms. Eevan?

  Yes I did, Linda was brought to me by Jack. He only told me she was a burn victim and can I help her without a fee. When I saw how withdrawn and untrusting she was I couldn’t help but aid her in her recovery. See part of my job is introducing the troubled person back into society.

  Did you have to help Ms. Laakenworth back into society?

  I did at first but quickly with Jacks help we were able to do it.

  Thank you Ms. Eevan no further questions.

  Board, any questions?

  Yes Professor, Gary Price, Ms. Eevan did you help with the testing of Ms. Laakenworth formula on her face and neck?

  I did.


  I’m a makeup artist for burn victims and victims who need plastic surgery. If this product works I would like to introduce it into the field of medicine, with Ms. Laakenworth approval.

  Thank you I’m finished.

  Ms. Eevan, thank you. You may return to your seat, directed the mediator.

  Defense now calls Dr. Davenport, who is a professor and heads the phycology department.

  Dr. Davenport how did you find out about Ms. Laakenworth?

  Jackson, Anthony and Ms. Eevan made an appointment to discuss a friend’s problem.

sp; Why?

  Because they wanted to make sure they were handling her situation correctly.


  Because they cared for her and didn’t want to do more harm than good.


  Ms. Bianchi, I direct you to form your sentences in such a way it will include more than the word why!


  Ms. Bianchi, you may be one of our brightest law students here at this university but if you choose to test me in real court, I promise you, you will be asking me more than why! Now continue before I fine you in contempt.

  I thought you said this was not a real trail.

  I did Ms. Bianchi, but it does not stop me from giving you extra home assignment, the mediator finished with a smirk on his lips.

  Sorry Professor Crompton I got carried away. I won’t let it happen again.

  Why, the mediator laughed. Now continue, you impossible woman.

  The silence in the courtroom was broken with laughter and Pit felt she was now ready to be serious.

  Mr. Davenport. Did the three leave your office with an informed opinion?

  Yes, I had given them base on their facts what I thought the problem might be.

  Is there a, but, coming Dr. Davenport?

  But my opinion was not confirmed until Ms. Laakenworth made an appointment and was able ti speak with her.

  First and foremost are you able to discuss Ms. Laakenworth case with us.

  Ms. Laakenworth gave me permission to discuss in detail her case only for this hearing by signing a consent form.

  Professor Crompton, I now ask the court to please excuse from this hearing any guest who is not directly involved as a witness. Because of the Doctor patient relationship I will also like the court to make swear all who are remaining to not discuss the Doctor’s findings and or Ms. Laakenworth case with anyone else outside this court.

  The mediator asked the film crew and any other guest who were not directly involved as a witness to leave the court. Someone will come and get you at the appropriate time.

  Now as for those of you who remain, repeat after me. I swear, that the information, I’m about to hear, will not leave this courtroom, or be discussed with any on else.

  The mediator notice everyone swearing an oath and ask Ms. Bianchi to continue with her questioning.




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