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The Lying Mirror

Page 15

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  Dr. Davenport will you inform us of your findings.

  Ms. Laakenworth is suffering from what is called Objectification. Which is treating a person like a thing, consumption without thought of consequences, a perversion of human dignity, physical appearances and often time it starts working on self-respect first.

  What people see and how they react to their reflection in the mirror will vary in severity. In many cases the abuser does not know they are abusing, as well as the one being abused know that it happening. In Ms. Laakenworth case it was clear to me she is the result abused.

  From childhood Linda was given a beautiful mahogany framed mirror. Can we bring in the frame now? Please. Right there is good, thank you

  Just lean it up against our table, there, yes that good thank you. Pit acknowledge the small little girl struggling with the frame.

  The mirror as you can see is six feet tall. As a little girl it would seem larger than life a substitute for something. And the mirror had been with her since her childhood all the through until her college years.

  Her imaginary friend did not show up until she received the mirror. But what is abnormal is, her imaginary friend should have disappeared in elementary school but in Ms. Laakenworth case she has taken her imaginary friend through three stages of her life. It is now or was with her here at the university. This behavior stems from neglect by someone at home and or with friends.

  Now here is where it get dangerous for Ms. Laakenworth and for anyone she sees as a threat. Linda’s imaginary friend gives her advice. And because she thinks and have always thought of her mirror as being her best and truest friend, she follows that advice. Ergo her attack on Mr. Dillard and Ms. Phillips.

  Now if Ms. Laakenworth had received the nurturing love of her family and friends her imaginary friend the mirror would have disappear long ago. But because the Little Linda was kept isolated in her home from all other children for so long, she slowly became a beautiful object, instead of a beautiful little girl.

  Her objectification turned into vanity and envy at an early age, probably encouraged by a family member, someone who indulged her every want to make up for her isolation.

  Now she sees her reflection as an absolute for her unhappiness, confusion, misery and insecurities.

  Ms. Laakenworth is now officially my patient and after her first session she has shown remarkable changes in her attitude towards others and towards herself.

  Thank you Doctor, that was very informative, I can see why your advice was sought out. Now for one last and very important question.

  Is Ms. Laakenworth the only student you have as a patient? And if without divulging anyone’s identity can you relate to us some of the student cases who are still at the university.

  This is what I will tell you, we have and is treating all manner of students with fetishes, manias, narcissism, thieves, cheats, drug addicts, alcoholics and the list goes on.

  And they still live on campus, and their privacy is protected? Pit asked.

  That’s right. Even though our building is considered as a test site we still maintain that doctor patient relationship.

  Thank you Doctor, no further question.


  No Questions sir.

  Professor Crompton, at this time I would like to forego my Questioning of Ms. Laakenworth and put a preliminary vote on the table for the board to allow Ms. Laakenworth to continue her studies here at the university and maintain her dorm room living condition on a probationary period for no more than a year with the continuation of her session with Dr. Davenport.

  What say you Board Members? The mediator asked.

  Each of the Board Members agreed with the exception of Gary Price. But because they had a majority agreement the preliminary vote can be established.

  Jim Able?


  Bright Cummings?


  John Daile?


  Jerome Davis?


  Annette Dyson?


  Bridgett Edwin?


  Sarah Bennington?


  Gary Price?


  Won Oui?


  Thi Tou?


  Ms. Bianchi we have a tie decision, this mean each of the five members with a no vote get to ask the defendant one question only with no add on.

  Then at this time Professor may I call for a break to advise Ms. Laakenworth?

  Ladies and gentlemen we will break for fifteen minutes, advised Professor Crompton.

  Lin come with me, we have a lot to discuss in thirteen minutes, Pit advised as she rushed Lin out of the courtroom.

  Pit found a vacant waiting room for which she and Lin can discuss what Lin is up against. That Gary Price is itching to get his hands on you, Pit told Lin. This is the time I’m going to need you to come out of you bag and be that sophisticated bitch everyone thought you were.

  I can’t do it, it’s no longer there?

  Listen Lin, whatever it takes I need you to reach in deep and defend yourself.

  Tell me what you need Lin so we can get this done.

  A mirror.

  Lin, your friend is in the courtroom, we don’t have time to get to it.

  Then get me to an empty girl’s room.

  Pit grabbed Lin by the arm and rushed her to a restroom, the ladies room was filled so she told Lin to stay there while she go and check something out.

  Lin went and peeked inside the men’s room and saw that it was empty. She ran and got Lin and pulled her inside the men’s room and told her she has only five minutes to do whatever she has to do, because in seven minutes we have to return to the courtroom.

  Pit closed the door behind her and waited directly in front of the door to make sure no man walked in on her.

  The tension was building as four of the five minutes had pass and Lin still had not come out. What is taking so long to talk with a friend? And I hope that friend give her good advice this time.

  Lin walked out of the men’s room exactly five minutes, just as a gentleman was getting ready to go in.

  What did you do to your hair? Pit asked Lin. Looks great, I like that side sweep thing you did.

  Let’s get back, before they come looking for us, Pit teased Lin.

  All come to order!

  The mediator and the members of the board had already taken their seats when Lin and Pit entered the court room. We were just taking our seats when the call to order was announced. You ready? Pit asked Lin.

  I think so Lin whispered.

  Ms. Laakenworth will you please approach the podium? Asked Professor Crompton.

  Head held up, back straight, Lin made her way to the podium confident and assured that she will be able to handle these five questions. Poised she waited without fidgeting for the first question.

  The first question will come from Mr. John Daile.

  Thank you sir. Ms. Laakenworth, why do you think he should grant you probation instead of expulsion?

  Because in the last few months I have developed friendships I don’t want to lose. The have shown be that I do not need a mirror to tell me what to do, all I’ve ever needed was confidence.

  Thank you Ms. Laakenworth.

  Mr. Jerome Davis is next.

  Thank you Professor. Ms. Laakenworth please give me an example of the advice your mirror friend gave you?

  In elementary school my mirror told me that the other students didn.t like me because of my beauty. I high school my mirror told me if no other boy is going to ask me to the prom go ahead and ask the school’s drug dealer to take you to the prom because it was only for one night. Then at the university it was this situation. My mirror told me to find out why he’s so popular and deal with it. All other conversation were average girl stuff.

  Thank you Ms. Laakenworth.

  Next up, Ms. Sarah Bennington.

  Thank you Sir. Out of all your conversation with your mirro
r how many were detrimental?

  Only two almost destroy me.

  Thank you.

  Mr. Gary Price, you’re next.

  Thank you Professor. Ms. Laakenworth, if you have already made two almost fatal mistakes in judgment because you talk to an imaginary friend in the mirror. What guarantee do we have that you will not be talking to your mirror in the future and attack someone else?

  That sir is a very good question, one I’m sure you have been pondering for quite some time. If I were in your shoes, thank the lord I’m not. But if I were to find myself in your shoes, I would want the answer somewhat speedily. Therefore I will answer your question as it was asked of me. But I need you to understand that I am not answering this question for your sake but for mine. You see Sir I have much at stake and need to make sure that I answer your question and truthfully and as honestly as you would want me to be and…

  Please lady would you give me the answer to my question?

  Mr. Price you have just forfeit your turn to get an answer from Ms. Laakenworth.

  What, sir did you see how long it was taking her to answer my question?

  There is nothing that specify how long a defendant can take to answer a question. And if you want to continue with this rude behavior I will take this upon the board and see you removed from membership. Have I made myself clear Mr. Price?

  Gary didn’t like the way Linda had tricked him out of his question. He would get her back her and her black friend Jack. He didn’t have a clear thought after his humiliation by Professor Crompton. The Judge also need to be taught a lesson. In time all in good time, Gary mumbled his thoughts.

  Next Won Oui.

  Ms. Laakenworth do you think a year probation would be sufficient for your recovery or near it.

  Mr. Oui, it’s been a long time since I’ve had anything that resemble friendship. It’s been a long time since I been around people who care. Even though they say they are my friends, they would not lie for me. I was advised to do the same. So here is my truth.

  I recognized my abuser and the abuse and I inflected on others, I recognized my shortcomings and my progress. And now I can recognized the truth. Dr. Davenport, from one session with him made me understand that beauty is an idea not an absolute. Which means someone need to have an idea a reason to see beauty, because sir there is always someone like Mr. Price who will do all he can to take any form of beauty away from you. I can see myself in him and it scares me that he might do something drastic and ill rational as well. The same way I use to do.

  And now to answer Mr. Price’s question. The first mistake I made because of my mirror was when I wanted to go to the prom so desperately and no one would ask me I ask the school drug dealer to take me and the driver saved me from being raped and humiliation. The second mistake I made was trying to ruin someone popularity because of envy. But since then I have regretted five things. One is, I wish I had allowed Jack to be my friend in high school. Second, I wish had had not tried to ruin his popularity because I was envied driven. Third, I wish I had met and allowed my new friends to be a part of my life earlier. Fourth, Linda stopped her sentence and searched for her mother. Once she found her mother eyes she continued.

  Fourth, I regret I saw my daddy get ran down by an out of control car right in our front yard, and that is the reason you locked me away in the house like a precious object. And fifth, I regret that I was the cause of some many people grief. You ask me sir if one year will be enough, well I don’t know that, but this is what I do know, one year is a beginning.

  Thank you Ms. Laakenworth.

  Members of the board I now place before you the fate of Ms. Linda Laakenworth. We will take a ten minute break while you deliberate on your vote. Please remember members of the board, you decision is based on ethics and not your personal feelings. Recess for ten minutes.

  Professor Crompton was very happy this hearing was almost over, and prayed these students would do the right thing by Ms. Laakenworth and allow her to remain at the university.



  Ten minutes was not enough time to have your fate placed in someone else’s hands, Linda thought to herself. Mother is standing right next to me looking at my face for scars. There aren’t any mom my friend have made them all go away like the monsters in my room when daddy was with us. Do you know how close I was to dying and you were nowhere around, I was afraid to call you and tell you how I failed at being a human. I wanted to say so much to you but you never had the time. Occasionally you would bring me down from a shelf and dust me off, only to show your friends how beautiful I was. Or you would place me in a cage and place a covering over it to keep me quiet. I have to remember to ask Dr. Davenport what would have happen to me if I didn’t have an imaginary friend. How worse off would I have been? Can you hear me momma, can you hear my thoughts, and can you look into my eyes and see it is not the scars you should be looking for but the tracks from all those years of tears? I scream for you in silence, I have screamed for so very long, but today again I shall remain quiet, I want to be a part of your thoughts, I want to disturb your thoughts.

  Ladies it’s time to go back in, Pit informed Lin and her mother.

  Jack had been watching Lin and her mother from across the hall during recess. He could not understand why Lin Mother was staring at her face, not into her eye but her face. Hey Ant, look how Mrs. Laakenworth is looking at Lin’s face. Don’t you think that odd, hey come on Ant, they’re going back in to the court room.

  All come to order!

  Ms. Laakenworth are you prepared to accept the judgment from the Student Board of Ethics?

  Linda stood to answer the Mediator, I am Sir, and then she remained standing along with Pit for the final Judgment from the board.

  The camera and news crews along with the remaining guest were allowed back in to the courtroom for the final judgment from the board. With cameras on the ready and anxious anticipation a hush filled the courtroom as everyone waited for the mediator to begin.

  There are three charges pending against Ms. Linda Laakenworth. Have the Student Board of Ethics reached a decision?

  The spokesperson for the board, Jim Able answered the mediator’s question saying, yes we have sir.

  Then let us not delay any further, announced Professor Crompton.

  For the charge of malicious endangerment, how do you find the defendant?


  For the charge of character unbecoming of a student, how do you find the defendant?


  For the charge of the removal of harmful chemical from the lab, how do you find the defendant?


  Please remain standing Ms. Laakenworth for the final reading of judgment.

  Mr. Jim Able, have you prepare the final judgment statement?

  We have Professor.

  Will you please continue with the reading?

  We the members of the Student Board of Ethics in a majority vote has found the defendant guilty on all three accounts charged against Ms. Linda Laakenworth. We have also, with a majority vote determined that Ms. Linda Laakenworth can continue her studies at Kiplin University, maintain her living arrangement at the Rudy dormitory for girl. And maintain a one year probationary period with continuing appointment with Dr. Rubin Davenport. If any student accuses Ms. Linda Laakenworth of any of the three charges she has been found guilty of during this hearing, her probationary period will be revoked and she would be ask to leave the university with no possibilities of ever registering with Kiplin University again. We also ask Ms. Linda Laakenworth if she is in agreement of the Student Board of Ethics final statement to answer verbally for the record.

  Ms. Laakenworth you have heard the final statement from the Student Board of Ethics, are you in agreement with their final statement? Please answer verbally for the record.

  Lin leaned towards Pit and asked her, how am I supposed to reply?

  Just tell them you understand the condition of the final statement and agr
ee, Pit replied smiling at Lin.

  Ms. Laakenworth did you hear my question?

  Yes Sir. I have heard and understand the conditions of the final statement from the Student Board of Ethics and I am in complete agreement of the judgment.

  A certified copy of this hearing will be sent by certified mail to Ms. Patricia Bianchi and Ms. Linda Laakenworth for their records.

  This hearing is now adjourned. Judge Professor Crompton was delighted to end the hearing with a positive outcome, he did not want to see Linda humiliated any further by having to leave the university.

  Dean Becker Walked over to Professor Crompton, held out his hand of friendship and said to the Judge, keep your eye on Ms. Phillips, I heard her nickname is Pit for Pit Bull. Did you see how she started on Dr. Davenport? If I hadn’t stopped her I wonder how far she would have taken her revelry, stated the Judge.

  She’s good I hear and when she graduates I‘m going to be standing right by her with a big fat check to scoop her up, laughed the Dean.

  Linda! Linda! What’s next, a campus news reporter asked as she stuck her microphone in Linda’s face.

  Photo shots were being snapped and a crowd of reporters had gather around Linda hoping for statements on today’s hearings. Linda looked to Pit, and Pit gave her the okay to make a statement if she wanted to.

  Linda! How do you feel about the outcome of the hearing? One reporter asked.

  Well I am very happy I get to stay amongst my newest friends. I believe the board was correct in their judgment and I was very pleased compassion prevailed.

  Gary Price was standing in the doorway of the courtroom watching and listening to the circus around Linda. First Jackson Dillard the cripple now it’s Linda Laakenworth the mental case. How did fame and popularity follow them? Gary didn’t enjoy the conversation he was having with himself, and he didn’t enjoy the way he was feeling.

  I tried to get rid of that Laakenworth, with her new found miracle formula that will make her a millionaire and very popular on campus. I’ll just wait until she slips up again and then I’ll bring the hammer down. And as far as Jackson and his cronies, he will be an easy fix. Gary had move to a window to admire the view outside after the circus followed Linda and Pit in the elevator. Now I can think clearly, much, much clearer.


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