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The Lying Mirror

Page 18

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  What spilled on her?

  I don’t know, but some of that liquid stuff is still in her locker.

  Hey Jake, find something to put a sample of that liquid in. is that the cup that it was in?


  Grab that too.

  The fire department rolled up as the medical team was rolling Sarah out to the emergency vehicle.

  Where you taking her? The fire chief asked.

  Campus emergency.

  If she lives, I’m gonna want to talk to her.

  We always do our best Sir.

  I know you do son, I know you do.

  Cassy heard the sound of the emergency vehicle when it came on campus. Now she was hearing it again, but it didn’t leave the campus. What is going on Cassy asked Pit?

  I don’t know but it’s seem to be coming from the cafeteria area. Then the sound ended at the campus emergency center.

  Hey Pit can you answer the phone?


  Pit, I just got a call saying Jack needed us over at the cafeteria.

  Who called you Lin?

  I’m not sure but they said Ant is with him and for us three to get over there right away. Sounded urgent.

  Come on down, we’ll be ready when you get here.


  Hey Jack, just received a phone call from someone at the cafeteria, they said for us to get down there right away, something to do with Cassy and Pit.

  What are you saying Ant? That the emergency sirens I heard has something to do with Cassy and Pit?

  I don’t know man, but I was told for us to get down to the cafeteria right away.

  Okay, okay Ant, I’m on my way, be there in fifteen minutes.

  Dr. Davenport Office, hello, hello.

  Please advise Dr. Davenport one of his patients need him at the cafeteria. She said her name is Lichenworth, she need him to come right away it urgent.

  Dr. Davenport secretary went to his office to advise him of the unusual phone call she just received.

  Did they say why?

  No sir, only that it was urgent, and to get to the cafeteria right away.

  I did hear the emergency sirens, I pray it’s not for Ms. Laakenworth, he admitted to his secretary.

  Dean Becker Office.

  Yes, this call is for the Dean. He’s going to want to come down to the cafeteria. Its Linda again, she needs him, it urgent, right away please!



  Gary placed a handkerchief over the mouth piece of the phone in order to disguise his voice. He wasn’t sure if Janeta would recognizes his voice or not.


  Ms. Janeta Rodriguez please.


  Dean Becker told me to call you so you can call all the other members for an emergency meeting at the cafeteria, it’s about Gary. He said everyone will want to be here for this one. I’ve got to go the police is calling me.

  The police! Janeta did a group text on her phone and started receiving replies right away saying they are on their way. Janeta closed her case file, locked it in a cabinet, and then rushed out of her office.

  Now I wait for my arrivals. Gary checked his AK47 magazine to make sure it was fully loaded then returned the Magazine to its well.

  Gary paid a drug head student to redirect his arrivals to the courthouse room 149. He told his friend that if a guy came rushing up to say she over there room 149 and if girls came rushing up to say he over there room 149. And if he was lucky all of them would show up. For as little as a bag of methamphetamine. Like taking candy from a baby.

  Lin, Cassy and Pit was the first to appear at the scene and was directed to the courthouse without any problem.

  Is he alright? Cassy asked, thinking it was about Jack.

  I’m not sure but he said room 149.

  The girls rushed to the courthouse to room 149, only to find Gary waiting for them with a riffle pointed at them.

  Have a seat ladies, we may have to wait a while.

  What’s going on Pit? Cassy asked.

  Gary is taking out his revenge on us.

  What! Gary why?

  Because I can.

  Dr. Davenport and Dean Becker showed up at the same time and was instructed to go to the courthouse room 149, that’s where she is.

  They also rushed to the courthouse room 149 and was greeted with a good evening from Gary and a please take a seat, there are more to come.

  One by one the arrivals followed the instructions of the campus drug head and was welcome by Gary and his AK47.

  Ant arrived at the scene, where the firemen in hazmat suites were still cleaning up the scene. They not letting anyone in there man, you got to go to the courthouse room 149.

  Have a black guy in a wheelchair come yet?

  Not yet Ant.

  Ant! Ant! Jack called, what’s happen, where’s Cassy, I went by the dorm first and none of them were there. None of them, where are they man.

  Jack! Get a hold of yourself. I was told that they are not allowing anyone into the cafeteria and that everyone is at the courthouse room 149.


  What did you say your name was again?

  Bob. My name is Bob.

  Okay Bob why are they being held there?

  Bob started fidgeting, he was not given the answer to that question and was not sure exactly how to answer the question.

  I don’t know man. I was just told to tell everyone to go to the courthouse room 149.

  How many people so far have gone to the courthouse? Jack asked.

  I don’t know man, about fifteen I guess.

  Was one of them a blind girl with two other girls guiding her?

  Yeah, why?

  What happen here? Bob.

  A girl had something spilled on her that ate away some of the skin. That why the firemen are here. You suppose to go to the courthouse room 149.

  Ant, Jack pulled him aside and said are you thinking the same thing I’m thinking?

  I might.

  Gary? Jack asked.

  Gary. Ant answered.

  The lab is two minutes away behind the courthouse, let’s make a stop there first.

  Sound good Ant.

  Sunday was working on some test results when Ant Ran into the Lab with Jack on this heels in the Jack-mobile.

  I need weapons! Ant shouted at Sunday, Now!

  We don’t have any weapons here Ant just chemicals, you know that.

  I need you help Sunday! And I need it now!

  What’s going on Ant! If you don’t tell me I’m calling the police.

  Sunday, that’s a great idea, please call the police for me and tell them I am taking fifteen vials of sulfuric acid and tell them we are being held hostage at the campus courthouse by Gary Price. Do it Sunday! We have to get over there before he suspects we know it’s him. Ready Jack?

  As ever Ant.

  Ant stopped at the door of the lab and turned to Jack and told him to lift his butt.


  Lift your butt, or so help me Jack I’ll take you out of your own chair. I need to put these vials in your seat cushion, when we get to room 149 we start handing them out. Gary must have a weapon or Pit would have already kicked his ass. I Love that girl you know that?

  Ant! Stay focus.

  Who ever get the chance throws it on him and hopefully the police comes in and saves the day.

  Come on lets go.

  In room 149 everyone was waiting on Jack’s and Ant’s arrival.

  Cassy! Cassy! Jack called acting his part. Where is she! Ant.

  Everyone could hear Jack calling for Cassy but Gary had the riffle trained on her so she could not warn Jack.

  Ant burst into room 149, again with Jack hot on his heels, both of them looking shocked to see everyone sitting so calmly.

  Welcome my friends it looks as though everyone is present and accounted for. Madame President would you like to do a roll call?

  That want be necessary Gary.

  Alright then. Le
t’s start.

  Jim Able! Please take your spokesperson’s chair.

  Bright Cummings next to Jim.

  John Daile, my friend John is next to Bright.

  Jackson we going to let you stay on the floor over there somewhere, pointing to the end of the jury box.

  Then Annette, next Bridgett, come on everyone you know how you were seated when I was humiliated, Anthony your next, Jerome, Won my buddy who turned on me and now Thi. Thank you guys you act as if you have done this before.

  Okay Becker we’re going to use you in the mediator’s chair. Thank you very much. I didn’t know you could move so fast. The only one here with enthusiasm.

  Okay ladies and gentlemen does this scene remind you of anything?

  Of course it does. This is the same scene you were involved in when you guys allowed Ms. Laakenworth and Jackson Dillard to humiliate me in a public hearing.

  We are going to have some fun in role- play right now. And if I don’t hear the answer I want to hear you will be shot.


  What is it Jackson?

  Some of us if not all of us is going to be shot, would you allow everyone to give me a hug before they testify or vote.

  Why not Jackson, it just might make things interesting.

  I need a vote, everyone who wants to give Jackson a hug raise your hand.

  Nine hostages raised their hands and Jack was thankful for that nine. He will try and sneak a vial to each of those nine hostages. And whatever happens, happens.

  Well come on up and give Jack a hug, because when the hearing start you might not have to hug him then.

  Jack unzipped the seat cushion and took out a hand full of vials and had them ready to dispense with each hug.

  Cassy was led by Pit up to where Jack was sitting at the corner of the jury box. Cassy was crying and Jack gave her a long hug and slipped a vile in her hand. Then Pit the same and Jack slipped her a vial also. Jim, Sarah, Jerome, John, Janeta, Won and Lin all gave Jack a hug and all received a vial of something.

  Thank you guys for your hugs, my heart is yours but just don’t open it yet because it just might hurt.

  The nine hostages put their vial in an easy but safe place until they were given the word to open the vials.

  Jack just gave us a hint, put the vials away until he tell us to use them.

  How do you know Cassy? Lin asked.

  It was in his voice.

  I have to tell the others to follow Jack lead, if I don’t someone is going to die and give the whole plan away.

  Okay Cassy but you be careful, chose your words wisely, Pit told her best friend in the whole wide world.

  Cassy stood up and pretended she was a helpless blind girl who couldn’t make a move without him. They had jested before maybe the other might pick up on his lead and wait for the word to attack.

  Jack? Jack, Cassy called loudly for everyone to hear. I’m sorry I didn’t wait for your word. I know you know what’s best for me Jack. Where are you Jack?

  Cassy I gave you a gift, I wish I could give everyone the same gift I gave you. I want everyone in this room to know my words are true. And I will tell you when my love, I will tell you when.

  Is this Romeo and Juliet thing finished now?

  Let’s call Cassy to the podium.

  Jim you want to ask Cassy a question?

  Cassy did Linda attack you and Jack

  Yes she did.

  Now Pit

  Cassy are you angry with Lin

  Yes I am.

  You know what this is going to take too long.

  Janeta Rodriguez come on down.

  Janeta took the podium with trembling hand and legs. Fear made her unable to think, unable to speak, but she knew if she did not answer the question the way Gary wanted them answered he will kill her. Strange he is going to kill me anyway.

  Janeta are you ready to answer my question, Ms. Madame President.

  I am.

  Why did you call the meeting yesterday and removed me from the board.

  Your action displayed during the hearing was aggressive and depreciating to the witnesses.

  Wrong answer Madame President.

  Gary pointed the riffle at Janeta body and was preparing to pull the trigger when a call came from outside.

  Hello inside the courthouse! This is the police. We know you are in there, we know you have fifteen hostages. Let us come in and talk to you.

  How could the police have found out about this hearing?

  Answer me Madame President.

  I don’t know sir.

  Wrong answer, Madame President. Sweat beaded down his red angered face. Gary’s hands were moist he noticed as he prepared to pull the trigger.

  Janeta dropped down behind the podium and Gary followed her as she crawled for her life begging Gary not to shoot her. I’ll reinstate you on the board Gary just don’t shoot me

  Thank you Madame President that was the correct answer. John Daile you’re next, Gary smiled his sweaty smile with pleasure in his voice. He was enjoying the position he had everyone. Many of them will die and the ones remaining will never forget this night.

  John did you call the police.

  No I did not, your friend told me to come to the courthouse and I did.

  Okay that’s one you got right. Now why didn’t you speak up for me?

  Gary face was showing the unmistakable red of anger while he was question John. If I could see from the mediators chair I know John can see it where he was standing, the Doctor told himself. This is a death hearing and Gary have appointed himself executioner.

  Mr. Price! This is the police, send out the hostages and no one have to get hurt. We will give you thirty minutes to do the right thing and come out.

  Why didn’t you speak up for me Mr. Daile?

  Why didn’t you say I was your friend, and they can’t do that to me? Gary didn’t even give John a chance to answer. Wrong answer Mr. Daile. Gary aimed the riffle, squeeze the trigger and five bullets sprayed from the riffle in John’s direction hitting him in the shoulder or the arm, Jack couldn’t tell for his angle in the room. John felled to the floor and Gary didn’t bother to check to see if he was dead.

  Screams went out into the room, Dean Becker and Dr. Davenport stood getting ready to defend themselves if they have to.

  Mr. Price! The Dean bellowed, why are you doing this?

  Wrong answer, Gary told the Dean. But there was no question put to the Dean.

  Because I can, answered Gary. Again he aimed the riffle at the Dean squeezed the trigger and the Dean ducked as the bullets flew pass his head.

  Gary pleased! Don’t do this! Jack yelled. I thought you were better than this. Linda told me of your love for her. I told her to give you a try it wouldn’t hurt. You just might like him. I even went with her to give you a present, Linda now would be a good time to give Gary the present. All you have to do is open your heat and throw it at him.

  Gary, I knew you liked me but I was afraid you might hurt me. Lin kept talking to Gary giving the nine time to open their vials and prepare to throw the open vials with its content at Gary.

  Gary! Jack yell to him again to get his attention. Do you have friends, is there any to love you.

  That’s right Jack get him going, Doctor Davenport encouraged Jack under his breath, that’s right Jack, blow him up.

  Do you talk to yourself in the mirror Gary? Are you suffering with objectification? Lin do you have a present for Gary did you bring it is it ready? Jack knew soon he will be dead. The red in Gary face was getting redder and his sweat ran faster, you could see Gary wipe his hands on his pants constantly.

  Yes Jack I’m ready to give Gary his present. Does everyone think I should give Gary his present?

  The nine answered yes. But Jack had to get Gary to face him first which this time Gary is sure to pull the trigger. To save these people he would take the chance. It doesn’t want another love of his life to leave him like T.T.

  Gary I am sick of your behavior
, didn’t your mother teach you any manners. Or did you even have a mother. Oh I forgot, you flung your disgusting behavior at her and she left running away from you, is that right Gary, Jack haunted.

  Wrong answer, Gary slowly aimed his riffle at Jack, told him he was going to enjoy shooting a sitting bird. Jack in turn told Gary and I’m going to enjoy this as well.

  As Gary was getting ready to pull the trigger Jack yelled to the nine,


  Gary was distracted just enough for Jack to lift his passenger bench in front of him and the nine bomb barded Gary with a hail of vials. Gary got another five shots off in Jacks direction. After throwing the vials, Lin, Cassy, Pit and Janeta ran from the court room. Gary aimed the riffle again for another five round at Jack.

  Gary clothes began to smoke form the sulfuric acid burning its way down to his skin, the smell stung his eyes and he rubbed them hard and constant.

  Jack watched as Gary tried to pat the heat off his skin where the acid had already reached its target through his clothes. Aiming his riffle again at Jack gave Ant, Jerome and Won their opportunity to through their vials at Gary hitting him square on the head the back and his shoulder. Five bullets left Gary riffle and this time a bullet found Jack and Jack gave a hard grunt and fell sideways half out of his chair.

  Gary was spinning in circles now because the full force of the acid was causing him to yell from the torment and pain.

  Ant ran to his friend Jack, and with the combination of sweat and tears he was able to get jack out of his chair and on to the floor dragging him behind the podium.

  The other hostages including Dean Becker and Dr. Davenport ran from the room when the heard the campus and city police running down the hall.

  Campus and city police rushed in the courtroom with the guns pointed at Gary who was still holding onto the AK47.

  Drop you weapon one police yelled to Gary. But Gary couldn’t hear them or couldn’t respond. The vial Ant threw landed on Gary head spilling forward into his face and ears. Every time Gary wiped at his face he actually spread the acid further.

  Ant was crying harder now, his friend was not responding to his calls. Jack! Jack! Come on man! Jack! Please man, don’t do this to me! Ant had started to shake Jack violently but still there was no response from Jack.


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