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The Lying Mirror

Page 19

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  The police in the room tackled Gary to the floor just as he was getting ready to aim his riffle at the already bullet riddled Jack-Mobile. Get medics in her we got three men down in here.

  Hurry up, Ant yelled to the police. Please help him please!

  Outside with the police Cassy and Pit could not be controlled. Get in there! There were shots after we got out of there! Please my boyfriend is still in there! Please. Cassy felt helpless, she couldn’t see anyone faces. She was told that the eyes were the window to the soul. Exhaustion clouded Cassy’s senses and she felled to the ground, a second team of medics rushed to aide Cassy during her grief. No! Pit screamed a she saw the medics bring out three bodies on gurneys instead of the two. John and Gary. Who is that? Pit yelled to the medic.

  Pit and Linda grabbed Cassy by each arm and practically dragged her over to the ambulances where they were placing the bodies for transport to Campus emergency Center. Who is it Pit! Cassy demanded.

  It’s Jack Cassy, Pit answered with unbelief in her voice.

  Is he dead? Where’s Ant?

  With Jack in the ambulance, Cassy.

  Lin spotted the Dean and asked if he could give them a ride to the emergency Center?

  Why? The Dean asked.

  Jack, Dean Becker, its Jack, Lin answer through her tears.

  My Car is just right here, yes I can give you a ride.

  Hey Dean Becker where are you going? Professor Davenport yelled.

  It’s Jack! He took a bullet. I’m taking them to the Campus Emergency Center.

  I’ll be over after the medic finished patching this cut.

  The other members of the board Dean Becker yell to Professor Davenport that Jack took a bullet, they don’t know if he going to make it but he’s on his way to Campus Emergency right now. Come on guys let’s get over there. Cassy is going to need support. How much money you guys have? Come on, come on, get it out we’re going to need food, none of us have eaten. Sarah since you are the member in waiting. You and Bridgett run to the store and get sandwiches and drinks at least coffee, this is going to be a long night.

  A police officer had followed Cassy, Lin, Pit and the other to the emergency center. While everyone is in one group he might as well start his investigation.

  Three hours later there were still no word from the emergency staff of Jacks condition. Sunday brought Ant a clean shirt and pants from his locker at the lab, but as yet Ant has not moved from his spot of pacing.

  Ant? Cassy called softly. Would you please tell me how Jack got shot?

  Cassy, are you sure you don’t want to talk about this later when you are more yourself.

  Ant, there is no more of myself without Jack.

  Jack was deliberately making Gary angry to distract him for us to throw our vials. Gary started to burn from the sulfuric acid and was able to get off five more rounds at Jack and one of the bullet reached its target.

  Six hour into Jack’s surgery, more of Jack’s friend was added to the count in the waiting area of the emergency center.

  Eight and a half hours later the attending surgeon came out to the waiting room and was overwhelmed by the sure number of people caring about his patient. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve just finished with Jackson and he’s going to be alright, he will sleep through the night but he made it through with no complication.

  Cassy stood and asked about the other two.

  John will be released tonight or tomorrow. But Gary is not doing so well. He has third degree burns on half of his body. Who ever thought of using sulfuric as defense for a hostage situation is ingenious. Now you guys can go home and come back tomorrow in smaller groups. Jack might be transferred to city hospital after we get him stabilized. But he’s going to be alright.

  Doctor! Pit called. And walked him over to where Cassy was sitting.

  Cassy stood and hug the doctor’s neck and thank him for saving Jack’s life. And if you don’t mind I would like to stay with him until he awakes.

  Sure I think that can be arranged.

  Pit, Cassy, I’m going to check on John, he’ll be needing a friend right about now. Doctor, what room please?

  Bay 24, but Mr. Daile is being released tonight or early in the morning.

  I know, Lin replied. I want him to see my face when he awakes.

  You think… Cassy asked Pit.

  I’ not sure, Pit replied.

  Should we… Cassy asked Pit

  No… Pit answered Cassy shaking her head as if Cassy can see her.

  Lin and the Doctor watched Pinky and the Brain go through their comedy skit until Ant reach out grabbed Pit and told her, let’s get you home.

  Tonight made me realize something Pit.

  What’s that Ant?

  I love you. And gave her a peck on the forehead.

  Is that it? You can’t do any better than that?

  Ant picked up Pit and threw her over his shoulder and left.

  What just happen? I don’t hear Pit’s mouth.

  The doctor wanted to get in on the fun, so he answered for Lin.

  Your friend just got thrown over that man’s shoulder and he left with her.

  You think we ought to…Cassy didn’t have a chance to finish her statement.

  No, the doctor interrupted.

  One and a half years later, all the families for the honorees were sitting in reserved seats up front awaiting for the Commencement Ceremony to start.

  Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the 2016 graduating students of Kiplin University.

  The music played loud and hard as the proud graduates marched down the six aisles of the coliseum two by two. Applauds and hoots went up into the air causing thunderous vibrations in the walls. Flash bulbs went off, reporters and cameramen stood at the ready and emotions ran high.

  There he is! One reporter yell out to the rest, and they ran to him, stuck microphones in his face, snapped countless photos as Jack continued without fail moving in the Jack-Mobile to his position on stage.

  Once all the graduates were seated some semblance of order was regained.

  The university Band played their tunes, speeches were made and the part that everyone was waiting for was getting ready to reveal itself.

  Camera crews and reporters took their assigned positions at the edge of the stage.

  And now ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present Kiplin University 2016 Graduating Honorees, Dean Becker announced. The list was long and anticipation was longer as they waited for the one name everyone knew would be called.

  Linda Laakenworth, for the most improved, GPA 3.43 Cum Laude.

  Linda’s fellow graduates stood and showed her the love and friendship she had work so hard to gain with applauds.

  Cassandra Phillips, GPA 3.48, Media Production, have already been offered several one hour slots at ABC, AMC, CBS, PBS, Radio Stations and the list goes on and on.

  While Cassy was being led to center stage the roar of applauds went up over the Deans voice as he tried to complete her accolades.

  Anthony Flynn, GPA 3.78 Magna Cum Laude, chemistry. Mr. Flynn helped design a formula created by Linda Laakenworth for burn victims and more that will bring millions to this University in donations. Thank you Mr. Flynn.

  Once again The Dean had to fight to bring order in the coliseum.

  Patricia Bianchi, GPA 3.79, Magna cum Laude, Law. Ms. Bianchi during her studies at Kiplin has save us from countless law suits with her Pit Bull mentality, skill and knowledge.

  Pit! Pit! Pit! Her fellow graduates yell at her on stage.

  I know everyone is going to lose control when this next honoree is named, so I’m not going to call the name until I’m finished, GPA 4.3, Political Science, he raised more than four million dollars for different charities and this university. Never in the history of this university has an African-American inter-city young man who is beloved by all, graduated Summa Cum Laude! Jackson! Dillard!

  Flashes from cameras lit the room, fellow graduates bellowed and applauded and the audien
ce unleashed hails and hoots that could be heard outside the coliseum.

  With tears in his eyes, Jack rolled his Jack-Mobile slowly to Center Stage and remained there until the excitement settle down.

  Cassy being led by Ant and Pit along with Lin stood at his side as true friends while he tried to regain his composure.

  Dear Readers

  I would like to thank my Facebook friends and family for their encouragements while I was writing this story. It has been suggested that I continue these characters in a series to show the ongoing loyalty of friendship.

  With God’s blessings there will be more to come from THE LYING MIRROR.

  I thank you all for your support. And I hope you enjoyed the book






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