Power Grab
Page 29
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 2, 175
Benghazi and, 205–207
as “C” committee, 176–177
census and, 198
Chaffetz and, 23, 25, 67, 169, 177, 208
Cohen and, 118–119
Democrats’ double standard and, 117–121, 135
name change and, 122–123
Pelosi and composition of, 179–180
purpose and mandates of, 170, 171, 173–175, 194–195
reorganized subcommittees of, 177–178
staff of, 190, 215
Trump and, 190, 212–213
House Democrat caucus, 139–140
House Energy and Commerce Committee, 172
House Financial Services Committee, 172, 178, 204, 239
House Foreign Affairs Committee, 172
House Intelligence Committee, 171–172, 175, 199, 224–225
House Judiciary Committee, 64–65, 135, 149, 155, 171, 175, 189, 197–199, 208, 225
House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, 178
House Subcommittee on Information Technology, 177
House Subcommittee on Operations, 179–180
House Subcommittee on the Environment, 177–178
House Subcommittee on the Interior, 177
House Ways and Means Committee, 172, 203–204
Houston Chronicle, 240
Hoyer, Steny, 237
Hudson, Richard, 115
Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, 148–149
ID requirements, voting laws and, 151
illegal immigrants,
immigrants and immigration
illegal, and voting rights, 152–153, 166
left and, 74–75
motion to recommit (MRT) and, 114–117
national emergency and border wall and, 80–81
Trump and, 68, 69, 72
2020 census and, 195
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 28–29, 115–116
impeachment, 237–250
actions deserving of, 248–250
calls for Trump’s, 237–240, 247–248
Democrats’ “slow-bleed” strategy against Trump, 245–248
perils of, 241–243
Republican efforts to impeach Obama, 243–245, 249
terms for impeaching president, 241
inactive voters, For the People Act and non-removal of, 147–150
“Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda,” 4, 5, 6, 8–10
InfoCision, 60
Inside Philanthropy, 20
Institute for Free Speech, 160, 161
Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck (IVRC), 149
Intimidation Factor, The (Strassel), 35
Iran, trump’s foreign policy and, 71
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
audits of non-profits, 23, 25
charged with sole authority over tax returns, 203–204
non-profit reporting requirements, 32, 256–257
obstruction of conservative groups, 21, 26–27, 76
Planned Parenthood and, 42
IRS Form 990
conservative groups and, 57
Environment America, 56
filing of required, 32, 65–66
Grassroots Campaigns Inc. and, 44, 46, 54
National Rifle Association (NRA) and, 57, 58, 60
Planned Parenthood and, 41, 60
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and, 30, 49
Issa, Darrell, 244
Jayapal, Pramila, 124, 126
Jefferson, Thomas, 122, 254–255
Jex, Brent, 5–6, 12–13
Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, 36
Johnson, Andrew, 242
Johnson, Eddie, 31
Jones, Alex, 79–80
Jordan, Jim, 118
Judicial Watch, 26–27, 35, 59–60
Justice Department
Clinton’s emails and, 221
election fraud and, 24, 141, 160
FISA Court and, 225
leaks from White House and, 230
settlement funds and, 63–65
weaponization of, 174
Katz, Debra, 105
Kavanaugh, Brett, Supreme Court confirmation hearing
ACLU and, 53–54
costs in terms of Senate norms, 105–107
Democrats’ strategies and, 86–90, 97
false narratives and, 77, 85–86, 135
media and, 88–90, 106
Nadler’s strategies for, 197–201, 227
stalling tactics of Democrats, 92–104
Kennedy, Anthony, 86, 154
Kennedy, Joe, 146–147
King, Angus, 160–161
Kline, Carl, 228–229
Klobuchar, Amy, 38, 92
Kohn, David, 130
Koskinen, John, 241, 248–249
Kristoff, Nicholas, 162
Krugman, Paul, 77
Lawyers Democracy Fund, 148
League of United Latin American Citizens, 153
leaks, from government officials, 229–235
Lee, Mike, 77
Lee, Sheila Jackson, 239–240
Congress as lawmaking body and goals of investigations, 202, 209–214, 227
Democrats’ future plans for, 165–167
Pelosi’s statutory rules changes and impact of, 127–129
see also For the People Act (H.R. 1, 116th Congress)
Levin, Ezra, 268
LGBTQ persons, Trump and, 68–69
Liberal Fascism (Goldberg), 74
Loomer, Laura, 79
Los Angeles Times, 145–146, 246
Love, Mia, 16, 140
Maloney, Carolyn, 195
accusations against Trump and, 70, 72–73
Marshall Project, 20
Maryland, 179
Massachusetts, 146–147
Matthews, Chris, 184
McAdams, Ben, 140
McAuliffe, Terry, 90
McCarthy, Levin, 115
McCaskill, Claire, 106–107
McConnell, Mitch, 75, 147, 268
McGovern, Jim, 124
McKenna, Liam, 233
McLaughlin, Dan, 259
Meadows, Mark, 132, 266
“bothsidesism” and, 77
Democrats obstruction of Trump agenda and, 110–111
Medicaid, inaccurate scoring of economic impact of, 128
Meet the Press, 133
Mercatus Center, 128–129
Mexico, ATF firearms and, 181–182
Missouri, 24
Mnuchin, Steve, 34
Moser, Bob, 30
motion to recommit (MRT), 114–117
motor voter registrations, 152–153
MSNBC, 133, 184, 239
Mueller, Robert, 91, 178, 182, 247
Mueller investigation and report, 87–88, 92, 97, 104, 120, 171–172, 178, 182–183, 190, 199–200, 218–219, 243. See also Russian collusion narrative
Munro-Leighton, Judi, 103, 105
Murkowski, Lisa, 98
Murphy, Chris, 89–90
Nadler, Jerry
Clinton’s emails and, 222–223
as House Judiciary chair, 65, 171, 189, 218
strategies for investigation of Kavanaugh and impeachment of Trump, 197–201, 227
thoughts of impeaching Trump, 237–238, 244
NARAL Pro Choice America, 90
National Association of Organizations with Public Interest, 56
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 274
national defense, Pew report on American priorities and, 140
National Emergencies Act (1976), 266
National Organization for Marriage, 59, 60
National Park Service managers, 180
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), 262–264
National Review, 259
National Rifle Association (NRA), 57, 58, 59–60
National Right to Life Committee, 59
National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), 147–148
Nature Conservancy, 44, 57, 58
Neal, Richard, 172, 203–204
Neguse, Joe, 238
Nevada, 44, 262–263
New Mexico, 151
New Republic, 74, 244–245
New York Times, 19–20, 37, 77, 89, 100, 102, 141, 156, 191, 238
New Yorker, 100, 102
Nixon, Richard, 224
No Child Left Behind program, 274
no-fault absentee ballots, For the People Act and, 144–147
noncitizens, voting rights and, 153
non-profit sector
campaign finance reform and growth of, 20–21
charitable giving and political power of, 37–39
Democrats use of, as political weapons, 23–27, 78–79
social welfare as pretext for partisan politics, 27–32
tax exempt status, dark money, and SuperPacs, 32–36
Trump Bump and rage donations after 2016 election, 19–22, 27
North Carolina
ballot harvesting in, 144–145, 147
felons and voting in, 165
North Korea, 191
Numbers USA, 58
Nunes, Devin, 224–225
Obama, Barack, 56, 69, 219
Benghazi and, 205–206, 207, 210
campaign against Romney, 35–36, 209
charitable giving of, 38–39
defense spending and, 62
donations to after 2012 election, 20
on elections, 143
foreign policy of, 71
Grassroots Campaigns Inc., 44
and House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 117–121, 169–170, 174, 186
ignoring of subpoenas, 228–229
IRS under, 25
leaks from White House of, 230
obstruction of Trump agenda contrasted, 109–113
Republican efforts to impeach, 243–245, 249
subpoena authority and executive privilege, 181–186
Obamacare. See Affordable Care Act
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 75, 124, 178, 212
Office of Inspector General (OIG)
Clinton emails and, 205, 219–224
FISA Court and, 224, 226
tasks of, 173
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 151
online voter registration, 151–152
O’Rourke, Beto, 38, 258, 268
oversight. See Congressional oversight
Pacific Legal Foundation, 64
Page, Carter, 225–227
Page, Lisa, 223
Pallone, Frank, 172
“party of no,” Republicans referred to as, 110–111, 113
Patriot Pass, Republican fund-raising and, 158
PAYGO, 123–124
PayPal, 79
Pelosi, Nancy, 232, 267, 270
border wall and, 80–81
on campaign finance, 155
congressional oversight, 78, 171, 175, 178, 179, 180, 186, 191, 211
domestic spending and, 62
earmarks and, 129–131
free speech and, 71
motion to recommit (MRT) and, 114, 116–117
obstruction of Trump agenda and, 109, 114
For the People Act and, 142
as political strategist, 131
strategic rule changes and, 121–129
tendency to overreach, 131–137
thoughts of impeaching Trump, 200, 237, 238
Pence, Mike, 9–10, 112, 240
Pennsylvania, 24, 84, 153
Pew Research Center, 140
pharmaceutical pricing, 212, 213–214
Phelps, Douglas, 55–56
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 153
Planned Parenthood
activities of, 42–43
donations to after 2016 election, 19
financial resources of, 41–42, 57–58, 60
Grassroots Campaigns Inc., 43, 44, 46–48
Kavanaugh hearings and, 98, 105
Women’s March and, 90
Pocan, Mike, 124
Polis, Jared, 263
political action committees (PACs), 34
political canvassing, SPLC and, 51
Politico, 89, 98, 110, 136, 243, 244, 268–269
positive paths forward
federalism and, 253
freedoms and election fund-raising, 256–257
preserving Electoral College, 257–265
protecting of Bill of Rights, 271–277
restoring checks and balances on government branches, 253, 265–270
return of Constitutional principles, 252–255
rule of law and, 270–271
Pressley, Ayanna, 178
Public Interest Network, 56
rage donations, after 2016 election, 19–22, 27
Ramirez, Debra, 102–103, 106, 198
Raskin, Jamie, 237–238
redistricting, of voting areas, For the People Act and, 154–155
registration, to vote
For the People Act and, 151–153
same-day, 153–154
Reid, Harry, 2, 38, 268
Rezko, Tony, 170
Right to Life: MDS Communications Corporation, 60
Roberts, John, 154
Roe, Dr. Phil, 112
Roe v. Wade, 90
Rogan, James, 246
Roll Call, 124
Romney, Mitt
charitable giving of, 38
Obama and election of 2012, 35–36, 209
Rosenstein, Rod, 222
Rove, Karl, 27
Russian collusion narrative, 1–2, 70, 87–88, 91–92, 99, 104, 171, 178, 182–183, 190, 192, 199, 219, 239, 251
Russo, Robbie, 3, 6–8, 13, 15
Ryan, Paul, 131, 139
Sacramento Bee, 152
Salon, 80, 84
Salt Lake Tribune, 243–244
San Francisco Chronicle, 145
Sanders, Bernie
charitable giving of, 38
College for All and, 126
Federal Election Commission and, 160
Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and, 89
universal health care and, 75–76
Schiff, Adam
election of, and B. Clinton’s impeachment, 246–247
House Intelligence Committee and, 118, 171–172, 199, 231–232, 269–270
subpoenas and, 182
Schulman, Dan, 79
Schumer, Chuck
earmarks and, 130
future legislation and, 166
Kavanaugh hearings and, 94, 95, 97–98
scoring, of economic impact of legislation, 127–129
search and seizure, Constitutional protection from, 269, 273
Seattle Times, 130
Second Amendment. See gun ownership rights
Select Committee on Benghazi, 22
Senate Judiciary Committee, 64, 85, 89, 91–97, 101, 103
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), in Clinton’s home, 220–221
separation of powers, violated by redistricting plans in For the People Act, 155
Sessions, Jeff, 64, 65, 92
settlement funds, nonprofits and misuse of, 63–65, 155–158
sexual reproductive health services, Planned Parenthood and, 42–43
Shelby Co. Ala. v. Holder, 84
Sherman, Brad, 241
Shkreli, Martin, 213
Sierra Club, 56
60 Minutes, 176, 188–189
small dollar donors, 166
For the People Act and matching of, 155–158
small population states, importance of Electoral College to, 260–262
Smollett, Jussie, 30–31
social media, suppression of speech and, 79
Socialism, 275
Sotomayor, Sonia, 92
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
assets of, 50
dowment of, 58
Grassroots Campaigns Inc. and, 44, 49–52
partisan politics and, 27–31, 76
PayPal and, 79
State Department, Benghazi and, 205–206
states. See Electoral College; federalism
Steele Dossier, 225, 247
Stephanopoulos, George, 200
Stone, Roger, 55
Strassel, Kimberly, 35
strategic rules changes, under Pelosi’s House speakership, 121–129
Strzok, Peter, 219, 223
subpoenas, 173, 193, 267
Democrats’ double standard about replying to, 119–120, 181–185, 189, 228–229, 248
executive privilege and, 267
Mueller investigation and, 172
For the People Act and, 161
White House security clearances and, 228
Super PACs, 32, 34, 37
Supreme Court, of U.S., 185, 210
Barenblatt v. U.S., 194, 212
check and balances and, 267–269
Citizens United, 34, 157, 159–160
Congressional powers and, 185, 210
Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, 148–149
redistricting and, 154
Roe v. Wade, 90
states and Medicaid, 128
Watkins v. U.S., 193–194, 269
see also Kavanaugh, Brett, Supreme court confirmation hearings
Swetnick, Julie, 103, 105–106
Syria, trump’s foreign policy and, 71
Tapper, Jake, 234
taxes and spending
Democrats’ obstruction of reform of, 110, 139
Pelosi’s statutory rules changes and, 123–124, 125–127
request for Trump’s tax returns, 202–204
Tchen, Tina, 30–31
Tea Party movement, 16
IRS obstruction of, 21, 25–26, 256
Pelosi’s policies and, 132
Telefund, 56
Tenth Amendment. See federalism
Texas, 153
Tillis, Thom, 98
Tlaib, Rashida, 178, 241
town hall meeting, in Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, 1–3
attendees from other states, 8
left’s authoritarian tactics and plans to disrupt, 3–9, 11
left’s political theater for national audience, 9–11, 14–15
left’s sacrifice of U.S. values for power, 16–17
security preparation for, 5–6, 8–10, 12–14
town hall meetings and democracy, 11–12
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), 25
Trump, Donald
ACLU and, 53
America first agenda of, 68, 69
authoritarianism and fascism, predictions versus reality of, 67–74, 80–81
Democrats’ “slow-bleed” strategy against, 245–248
leaks from White House of, 230
meeting with Shinzo Abe, 191–192
presidential salary given away by, 38, 70
reactions to election of, 1–2, 5, 251–252