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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 4

by Sylvester Marshall

  However; information has always been spread generally by word of mouth and by writers, who in many case can command and reach a wider audience, nationally and global, in the future universal. Therefore it is safe to surmise writers play a significant role in educating and uniting intelligence.

  More importantly, is the various types of editors that are better half of the writer. Most writers cannot become an author without various or some type of editing, yet all those editors that has edited so many great works, don't receive document credit or mention in billions of literature, manuscripts, scripts, etc., throughout our troubling history.

  The levels of global and greater interest of the world that all writers receive absolutely free editing. All high schools, colleges, universities, should contribute their endless source of potential editing, towards volunteering to edit writers, "hermit scribbling."

  We are all vigilant about words, we are often, and in vehemently swaying with preordains by trigger word.

  We are spell bound by words, we all has a personal arsenal of words we really don’t want to hear, that would vary internationally, for English speakers and impaired, this is a robbery, fire, help, suicide bomber, run for your life. Our experiences, are marred with redundancies, we often acquaint ourselves with people, family, strangers, etc., that we run towards with fair- tale glee, and at a later junction in time those are the very people, we are often running and hiding g and cringing from in a feotal position.

  Instead we have the laws of market intelligent attractions.

  Opposite laws of attraction, and obsessions, and sometimes visa versa.

  Hate attracted to love

  Fear to bravery

  Alleged guilty to the innocent

  Compromise form, to wholesome form

  Weak to the strong

  Cheap to the generous

  Wealthy to the wealthier

  Lunatic to the kind

  Psychopath to normal

  Sociopath to the meek

  Sadist to masochistic

  Disloyal to the loyal

  Bend and warped minds to straight mind

  Drama prone to the delicate mannerism

  Needy to the content

  Less inform to well informed

  Misfortune to the reckless wealthy

  Unlimited desirer's to disturbing primitive to manipulate those who desire less

  Reckless to those with careful awareness’s

  Those trying to escape to those who had many form of escapes

  Those imprison to those that are free

  Strict customs and traditions to those without

  Cold persona to warm persona

  Selfish to non-selfish

  Normal to oddities

  Tamed to the feral

  Deceivers to straight forward

  Corrupted to purity

  The potential we all have is to release from within, our progressive hibernating monster potential, unleashing sheltered silent terror, and a feral beast and derange instinct, or calm cool and collective, all-inclusive awareness and practices.

  "Stop; look, and then listen."

  The; "how, when, where, and who."

  It’s customary, and a major part of our tradition, "to waste valuable time with useless speculations, and endless twisted priorities.

  Everything is upside down, twisted and supine, back -to-front; fill with grave trial and slapstick errors. Ironically flying a flag upside down, is usually a super-code, an S.O.S, signaling the authorities something is critically wrong.

  Before you proceed to make your next step, you should make certain it's an all-inclusive step, if it's not it’s a serious, "part of the global problem," and just another goose misstep.

  Most of our global resources is in full force playing a macabre game, highly geared at treating the symptoms of our challenges, leaving us with 'hallow sensations," we often get in the pit of our stomach (cosmic link), when something is dreadfully wrong with our continuities, that are causing most of us to seek out all forms of escaping the sinister norms. We have structured counterintuitive expectation and response, even in our most delicate situations and redundant altruistic occurrences.

  Open budget to do our worst, instead of applying all-inclusive solutions to the root cause. It's customary to waste open budgets placating symptoms and grandstanding elaborate aftermath contingencies, when it's way too late, oppose to all-inclusive preventative measures, in many cases are a fraction of wasted resources.

  Traditional crime and counter-intuitive punishments, and disciplining, are all design to escalate greater future problems, and challenges. Sometime, and in many cases, a well discipline child, and runaways, is the most significant overlook living proof of a torrential abusive home. Our; "by any means necessary accomplishment complex," are causing us to have mix loyalties, send mix signals, gravely hindering our progress.

  Greed and selfishness is encouraged, and are allow a wide berth to progressive from the infant stages.

  Greed, selfishness commandeer, override and encompass all of our emotions and sensitivities.

  Greed has a series of progressive automatic allegiance’s, and has long lasting always acting in grim connection with, hate, selfishness, carelessness, recklessness, separatist complexes, crave all complex, searchlight grandstanding, restriction complex, constant de-sensitivity, empty promises, advance lying capabilities, suspension of disbeliefs, seems to be some people only beliefs.

  Other desensitizing trimming of greed, are grandstanding, jealousy, blatant disregard for replenishing concepts, and "leaving things better, than we found them."

  Greed monsters, and selfish maniacs has an immense obligation with all things counterintuitive, their main and primary object is the here and now, with a limited time offer complexes, and a wilful and spiteful disregard for future consequence, and scorning of all-inclusive ideals. The three most disturbing traits, we can befriend is, the greedy, the selfish and the seemingly natural born lair's.

  All traits, imposing behaviors, and other diverse sets of mi' programing, are extremely progressive and is easily progress into a clever, ruthlessly and sinister version of our true selves and potential. These traits, twist it's wearer into being control freaks, with seeping hot and messy entitlement issues.

  Imagine globally the amount people who are allowing these traits to flourish with great intensity, the three most ruthless prominent unsettling trait's, to run-a-muck, greed, selfishness, and lying.

  All these overlook traits are always backlashing, its self-destructive course, and you have just imagine the reasons for all of our present challenges. The hindering progress arena’s, always ‘is shifting allegiances, "to satisfy our natural escalation of greed.

  Control, love, happiness, inevitable perdition, instilled fear, systems of beliefs, the future, etc., are all intangible. With twisted objectives, most of us are chasing, or trying to capture, the all-inclusive elusive state of being. Our initial understand of the entire concept of our existence, determine our quality of priorities and state of wellbeing.

  It's customary to form personal brands of subcultures and seek twisted victories. It's a long running primitive tradition of most subculture's to set our mind on the highest levels of desire, constantly hunting, and "eating greedily things with faces" and gathering self-destructive shinny finished products.

  Astounding to super levels of desire, constantly be reaping rewards and spoils, oblivious to replenishing significance, and its overlook minor pertinent efforts necessary to "leaving things better than we found it."

  Curelessly searching high, overlooking all of our uneasiness signaling, something is very wrong, searching for the best, all the while we are oblivious to what the best really is. We are always being nurtured, and embedded with meritocratic mi' education, and herd into believing those that has more is the best.

  We are taught to stay within the scope of our well-structured super-dense mi' programming. Spoiler alert; by now you are experiencing an uneasy sensatio
n, these information’s seems to always be off-topic. All new information’s is off-topic, and at first, seemingly, cliff hanger hair pin turn, from our counterintuitive mindsets.

  We are taught to; “dress to impress", when we take a serious truthfully look at this sabotaging cliché, which clearly states, we should dress to impress, we are overlooking the grand deceitful mix message. Unfortunately this is just one of the endless mix messages, mix signals, etc., that are part of our traditions, heritage, customs, ways of counterintuitive lives. There is a conflicting warring oaf treasure trove of information’s

  The scary truth most of us endless, are filled with noble and deep influential sabotaging customs and traditions. "Dress to impress", really and truly means, practice to deceive, fabrications is ok, dress to deceive, a lie, hide the truth, fool others, play make believe, etc.

  How our continuity for a long time, has been gradually becoming the biggest circus, and fill with a bunch of demented dim-witted clowns, focusing in on non-issues, and chasing counterintuitive pipe dreams.

  All our most influential people are motivated by burning needs to satisfy their earning potential.

  We are getting snag by blurred boundaries of greed that are quaking auto suggestion signaling to most people, it's ok to have an appearance with prosperity complex. There are many other mix signals and mix concepts, we are nurtured to become partied to, and has been sinister and always in play, as twisted paramount importance, impaired keepers of the self-destructive Greek self-destructive flames.

  Most of us were nurture into letting greed be our counterintuitive, self-destructive, inaction encrusted guide.

  We are mi' programmed and well groomed into always trying to capitalize and profit of each other, and to sort out each other weakness and use it to our selfish advantage. And in the same instance, we turn around and act perplexes to the ubiquitous self-created challenges, and fresh throbbing hot scandals, that is always eclipsing.

  The best is and always will be the all-inclusive application in every aspect of our journeys.

  Offering a guiding denouement nucleus and focus intuitive reasoning. A comprehensive list of most of life's important secrets, that anyone can utilized set a clear cut part to, intense happiness. Replenishing foresight to an all-inclusive path, how to set the prime condition to be able to understand the preordain force, our mind's eye that is in every, sensing, act, action, interactive occurrences, crisis, challenges, that happen subtle, nudge's, push, shove's, are guiding us to be exactly where we have to be at every giving moment. When the right conditions are met, we can, "let our mind find the way," and harness all of our heightening and enlighten quickening cosmic Wi-Fi frequencies that are always around us. Everyone can become, "gifted, to explain difficult problems, so clearly, it seems elementary"

  This is also a virtual how to begin to, "cast healing light, through the dense darkness steeped in unnecessary", "manifold wickedness". That can aid in removing and preventing obstacles preventing, "intense happiness ambiance", with grand hope in setting the stage to developing, an all-inclusive, and collective fest drift "paradigm shift." Sense aren’t common, common sense is highly based on serendipitous life lesson, an individual are fortunate to be privilege t, depending on their priorities. Common sense is like a drawing from a deck of cards, you never can know what you are going to get.

  "Failure to launch,” all of all-inclusive prime directive, from the beginning of our timeline", going against all of our better judgments. Most of us are clinging on to all forms of misconceptions, personal brand of false escapes, pretending to have some semblances of continuity. We are always editing and overwhelm by always having to be obsolescing a catalogue of insurmountable intense super influx gross missteps. "It's a capital mistake, to theorize before we have all of the relevant facts and data."

  Tomorrow already has mistaken; more precisely our world's future already has thousands of years of mistakes.

  Time is very short, let’s cut to the chase, and let us get right down to the Nitti gritty, and begin the painstaking task of, “unpicking all the main reasons and linchpins, for all of our troubling past, and present day crisis and escalating and ensuing challenges”.

  Our world has many lingering systems fortified in place that are systematically derailing our evolution and all of the most important objectives.

  Look at our challenges from a broader perspective, from the earliest of age and in many cases pre nascent, we are customary being mi programed, everyone is basically doing and trying their own thing, with various levels our counterintuitive ness. "There is nothing more deceptive, than the oblivious facts." it's customary to be rig, with endless forms of personal brand of mi' programing, and set out into the world to be lump, or be in captive audience, with others with, various forms of mi' programing pince-nez.

  All of our global mi' programing trajectory, influence by greed and selfishness, are crisscrossing and are directed at each other’s and our already compromised environments globally, and keeping us in a sort of an unprecedented unacceptable, "can't get right cocoon".

  We are, and has been, mi' programing, to follow "insensible theories, where the facts was twisted to fit theories, instead theories to suit the facts."

  Most intangible business are theorizing before all the relevant facts." from the onset of our journey, "we are forced into believing so many things that could never be proven, shown, or guaranteed." We are being shift-shaping into believing skeptical and mysteriousness of intangible businesses."

  Intangible business is the highest grossing business in the world, some most famous and well-known examples of prominent intangible businesses that is customarily use to manipulate provisional needs; beliefs, fantasy, fear, etc. "intangible business, insensitively, twist the facts to fit selfish, and greed motivated theories," and has become grand wizards of manipulating influences utilizing invisible, untouchable, and invented profitable concepts. Since our existence is a relay continuum, there is a wide berth of manipulations. We are routinely misperceive, and mi’ interpret ate their long term sabotaging ranges of intangible businesses, that hasn't stand the test of time. The unvanquished truth of the matter if anyone come back from there inevitable perdition" the mysterious valley," most of us would be frozen in fear, and be running and stricken with overwhelming terror, trying to flee from them, yet we are being influence by catch 22 force of intangible business, and it's juxtaposition, that could never be proven.

  All of the prominent high profiled intangible businesses, has or soon to, surpassed gazillions of dollars. Their fore; leaving billions of people, staying tuned and susceptible to any and all streams of invented surreptitious self-destructive ideas. In order to spread any kind of pertinent information; one would have to try and tap into the intangible market that has fortified the influence of most of our world’s population. It’s a very widespread dilemma, and enigma’s with secret and open labyrinth and mazes of subliminal conditioning, and mi' programming at large, keeping us desensitized and unobservant.

  Preoccupation collective elevation:

  Veils of motives and priorities, clear cause and effects


  Clearing up all of the abandon mysteries of existence, in order to enhance our continuities, and regain our very promising evolution course.

  "There is fathomless dangers to be reckon with, for anyone who are trying to snatch delusions, and mi programing from, the world’s populations, “asking people to surrender their happiness, and "illusion of grandeur." We are taught to stretch reality to suit our selfish desires. "In order to change, we must first admit defeat."

  From our birth, being are shape to get deceive, using filthy move rules, threefold repetitions, insufficient all-inclusive life lessons. Well structure with undisputed outrageous missteps without reason, encourage into endless contagious vile enthusiasm, and endless misadventures. Most of us we are being well groomed and nurture into loving geographic personal brands of Nancy stories, fairytale
s, fables, beliefs, customs, heritage, traditions, celebrating, receiving gifts, fantasies and make beliefs. Some of us are still waiting to see cows jumping over the moon, three blind mice, or a dish running away with a spoon. An obese red suit to come out of their chimney, when we don't have a fire place. We

  The winning formula, and its empowering enchanting equations, are the all-inclusive ways of living. And the non-violent, non-aggressive, mobilization into all-inclusive actions; all the wonderful people of the world.

  A comprehensive list of first priorities, and life lessons, that can guide us into curbing all of our elaborate mi' programing, greed’s, lies, self-destructions, inactions, counterintuitive ness, missteps, etc.

  After years of gathering all-inclusive methodologies, for all types of conflicts, crisis, challenges, and missteps, natural source of global sustainability, best continuity practices, that could and can withstand any size of population growth, all of these are resolutions culminating into the ultimate refreshing source so everyone can attain super-excellence, is a brand new order of prime directives, that guarantees “intense happiness”. The all-inclusive ways of living are the highest ultra-sensitive region anyone can aspire and rise and being the greatest accomplishment anyone could achieve.

  Our best and wholesome decision to allow you mind, body and cosmic connection to become the best it can be. professional exchange of super-heighten considerations, respect, understanding, unvanquished truth, eager to please, desire less, a crucial attempt to use all-inclusive methods and solutions in all of your future preoccupations and continuities.

  What we are facing, are a constant influx of children-turning into adults overly stocked with many forms of rapidly progressing, counterintuitive ness, selfishness, super greed, gross actions, devoid of natural interest.


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