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Ironic Missing Quantum Link

Page 5

by Sylvester Marshall

  From our lack of daily vitals world-wide, are the main source of all forms of the bizarre vestigial malaise, it's no surprise, and it is the reasons for cavities and all festering dental problems. “Our life experiences is rapidly surpassing anything stranger than, than our minds, can invent." Our non-fiction is stale and has been putrescence, we all has become professional at pretending, embellishing, putting up fronts, perpetrating elaborate frauds, magicians, preventing, barring, hierarchy, unbearable unnecessary, meritocracies, separatist super-monster, grand wizards of selfishness, deceiving, setting traps, grand masters of super-greed, hiding traps, and inventing new advance ways of hiding all of the most important things from each other’s.

  Most are clinging on to many forms of misconceptions, with compose semblance of continuities. Why are library close on the weekends? It’s a demonstrations, of systematic self-destructiveness. There are numerous one-size-fit-all, insensitivity in play, access to free knowledge should always take precedence, isn't it in the best interest of the planet ton have intelligence diaspora. Libraries should have accommodate, those who has to work, during the time they are close.

  Our stale realities are maze's of relays, spreading global mi' programming that are stretch reality to satisfy, selfishness and progressive greed.

  Standing orders acumen:

  Every morning, or what we consider our morning, we all wake up and see, taste, hear, touch, and smell of our mi' programming’s and global inaction pack continuity.

  It’s a long running customs, beliefs, heritage, for every single youth, to get rig with endless mi programming, mix message, with blinders to remain unobservant in extreme ways, mi' priorities, mi' education, mi’ concept, mi’ interpretation, misunderstanding, missing very important life lessons, etc., until they are completely twisted, and the, engineers of their own unnecessary confusions, and then let loose in to the world, too join the countless others to find themselves.

  We no longer has to beginning life with misguided customary childhood initiations into, being susceptible to unspeakable acts, super greed, selfishness, challenges, crisis, terrorist, redundancy, bizarreness, etc. our surrounding knowledge are a integrate set of tacit mi' programing, we has been facing from the beginning of our ancestors attempt to be civilize, with uncivilized ideals.

  Although at the time most of ancestors had good intentions, and self-inflicted limitations, and dark-age fear, their natural course was to internalize delirious missteps, and remained fixated with constant active dynamics, into labyrinths of separatist, and meritocratic , all twisted priorities leveraging beneath the dignity of quality for everyone, and regarded greediness a noble professions, and as routine victories, consumed driving wedges in all the possibilities for collective aspirations. And creating glaring oversights, following and respect the money complexes, and the whims of all forms of prominent market intelligence, from those who can easily be successful in crooked times, are worth a second detailed analytic screening.

  Being successful while a major part of immediate and global population is disarray, require shrewd, ruthless tenacity, and insurmountable DE sensitivity, encouragement of deceptions, and reckless overlooking of challenging disparities, all the while maintaining a scrooge death grip on wealth, materialistic ambitions, prominence, power, etc. Reality had become a facade rule by super-greed, from ague Lange sync, the life styles of the rich and famous, had all of the available power, and resources to manipulate and tame the less fortunate into hierarchy submission, with twisted, "stalking worthless objective

  " priorities, in this present time, super greed is everywhere, shaping and sabotaging our world to satisfy their needs.

  Systematically on arrogant and eccentric whim, allow thousands of boomeranging systems, customs, heritage, ways of life, uncertainties, preoccupations to run its grievous graveyard spiraling course, into our present day and nights.

  A global desperate need for all-inclusive reconfiguration of all curriculum, as depicted in the fraudulent gaps, and voids portion of the throw seeds/cloning project, was the ubiquitous, "sweet promise of organic 360 degrees sweet promises of fresh thousands of variation of fresh fruits, nuts, berries, edible vegetation, plus. Organic produce, are the natural source of all our daily vitals, and optimum high octane body performances.

  By returning to our natural organic sources of daily vitals, and collectively constant replenishing of all produce, it can enable us, to easily, bridge all of the surrounding missing gaps and voids, and offering an all-inclusive albeit clear cut critical paths, towards, "intense happiness." "Entitlement issues, expectations and perceptions” that are diving us all into a lifetime fill with unnecessary failure. There is going to be time’s, when we must come to sacrificial terms, when attempting far-reaching distribution greater good ideas. In order to try and make sure everyone can the very least be privy to opportunity to have stunning success.

  A very large portion of the population is highly driven to try and out-do, super-greed, "by any means necessary", this can never be good for our world. There are always a future horror-stricken price to pay, allowing ourselves to be a counter-productive busy body, counterintuitively highly driven with a few of reckless feral instincts, primitive, and prehistoric traits, "hate, abusiveness, aggressions, greed, lies, and selfishness, these are guaranteed notorious path to, "going dark" and eventually cloaked sinister passion.

  Once you set, or sic our minds to a goal or task, hustling, greed, selfishness, hate, etc., any and all accomplishments, our mind world relentlessly and progressively always trying 247 to accomplish any task you set, it works behind our backs to make sure we get what our mind desire, the extremely progressive process is impossible to reverse.

  We are routinely mi' programed to creating unnecessary confusions, and embrace Ludacris ideas. It's customary to waste a very large portions of our life trying to manage our self-created confusions.


  The throw seed/cloning project series* are instructions for perfections.

  If we aren't making certain every child and everyone around us, have all of the pertinent evolving life lessons, we are sending them out into our world as saboteurs to our world, and to fail miserably.

  Trying to spread viable information, when everything is out logical sequences, and out of logical character, one would have to make mind boggling sacrifice’s, and go against better and new found concepts, and judgments. Trawl against new found ultimate all-inclusive concept; trying in the most extreme, and not telling a single lie for countless years (on the internet often times they give you an extended fine print, which I found time consuming, so they ask a question, have you read and accept their policy, I normally say yes I red their polices, and those are the lies that are irking me from the ultra-insensitiveness you tend to notice attempting to not lie, with so many streams of counterintuitive, that encourage lies).

  A meike want-to-be author; that recognize the amazing powers that we develop, we don’t, more exact try not telling a single lie and has an eugenic aim at connecting with billions of people who are systematically using fantasy as a crutch, security blanket, an avenue to escape our unbearable and compromised reality. Lies guarantees any and all twisted bitter and lost ends, in the end, the only people that hurt the most from lies is ourselves.

  Trying to connect to the multitude of people who are addicted to fantasy, is a greater good work in progress, personally I would have to make backward sacrifices, and act out of character and bend the truth, invent, bait and switch, with occasional jolt the reader back to traumatic flash back into our reality, most are trying to escape by any means necessary. Catapult the reader, perhaps readers, from their virtual comfort zone, most likely turning them into a book-turner, oppose to a page turner.

  Let’s get something straight of the top, if you are in search of literary genius, or impeccable grammar, a learnt grasp of the English language. Which I am sure by now you had keenly deducted, and surmised, that you are reading the wrong book for those
types of sapid literature.

  What you will find however; is the illusive unvanquished unpalatable truth that most of us are learnt from a child and refine mi’ programming to systematically avoid at all cost. The truth is considered by many as off-the-wall. “The truth can set the entire world free”, the truth 247 is the ultimate delectable guiding reformative verisimilitude.

  Most of the population has settle for sprawling labyrinths of profitable market intelligence, regardless of its counterintuitive norms and inactions and the evitable self-destruction of our world, instead.

  During the worlds entire populated timeline, the entire world populations “were only privilege to tiny glimpse and tidbits of the truth, “the truth is a very rare commodity”, finding it and those who live by it completely, a lot similar to bumps in the road. For very long time, most of the world’s population has been practicing, "with webs, as they weave,'' to try and deceive, super-retarded-greed, separatist ideals, meritocracy, these are the big games, and the only games in town and country.

  I am a novice at attempting to let my imagination run enticingly out of this world.

  In order to present a new all-inclusive world order; via an intriguing tale to unite all the wonderful people in our world; meike and magical persons of interest, which in this particular case are people from all over the world and all walks of life, we cannot leave a single person behind, forgotten people, etc., love is an all-inclusive concept, the winning formula, anything else is a facsimile, the normal concept of love and happiness are customary primitive arrangements, that involve no fore thought of all-inclusive preparations, endless empty promises, twisted priorities, aftermath contingencies, lies, and unrealistic faire tale expectations.

  Trying presenting any kind of new concept, can be a difficult task and VIPs invitations to the part of the problem, critics who programed to do their worst trying to secure pecking order, oblivious and desensitized. Even if it is, perceive part of the greater good campaign with, “instruction for setting the grounds for continuities perfections”, all-inclusive solutions, preoccupations, that can enable our challenging world to change its systematic linking factors, that has cause too many pass mistakes, and are constantly derailing into the artic abyss, and restore to all-inclusive favor back on track to our very promising evolution and continuity.

  From the very first communities, the leaders of the world’s populations (world populations must be given the referendum opportunities to lead themselves, we have the technologies, thanks to their inventors) have been fighting self-creating, challenges, problems, and crisis, all the while gambling our most precious sanctum, with un realistic high hopes, feverish progressive expectancies.

  It's customary to try all kind of slapstick open budget fly-by-night counterintuitive solutions and derange methods, and not the ideal all-inclusive solutions. There are always obnoxious wealth to be made by doing the wrong things, and subjecting the entire world population, and the universe to disturbing unnecessary. From ague Lange sync the world population always had to endure, all of the terrorizing consequences, from following gross missteps.

  The main objection is to accommodate and prepare extensively and all-inclusively for every single child, special attention and consideration should be paid to all poor and misfortunate children. From birth they should be endowed with every conceivable insurance plans, indicated on their birth certificate. As a matter of fact, their birth paper should be of cash value.

  “Terrorism strikes the innocents”, except for some world leader’s, no one are born a terrorist, the world’s priorities are twisted, we are mi ‘programed into relying on aftermath contingencies, by then it’s to wicked and late mirror-gazing. “When we have to fight, we had already lost the battles.

  All-inclusive consideration and preparation, "covers every eventualities", in our, "voyage of discoveries," and are prime mind conditions, to create a future of world peace. Priorities can always be broken down into one, two, and, three categories. Children with false start are easily conditioned into terrorizing unsuspecting world. Every single day, hundreds of thousand children are recklessly abandon and forgotten, a large percentage through desperation to acquire basic needs, ends up being our future terrorist repercussions.

  The pick of the litter of these forgotten abandon children’s from slums, ghettos and refugee camps, etc., are sought out by our world’s most disturbing minds. They are easily mi ’programed, already suffering a-to z post-traumatic stress, and multiple untreated seeping issue’s from enduring harsh insensitive abandonment, during the most impression ate time out their young life. All of the world’s official protection that in place and full absorb waiting for the problem to manifest, they are in part of the problem business of providing aftermath lightening violence, and flash anger. When every non-abusive type, government workers adopt abandon children’s, they would start the process of becoming part of the all-inclusive solutions and on a very large scale, preventing innocent young minds from being privy to a world-wide campaign of violence, and unnecessary future carnage.

  From the placenta to the toe tag, most of the world’s population is mi ‘programed to stay within the lines of deceptions. Fully absorbed in heighten self-destructive state of unbearable ignorance, clutching all of our customs, traditions, heritage that has been failing endless generations, and other generation to come.

  We have numerous unnecessary failings, most of our mi’ programing, prime us to seek revenge and administer backlashing punishments after the incident occur, which is design to hold us in the pass, sort of a backward rid dim, instead of dealing with root cause of every situations and find the stop-gap all-inclusive solutions for them. We prefer to “shoot first and ask the questions later, and groom hook line and sinker mindset, that traps us in the black box labyrinth, we are all “living proof”, “poster child” demonstrating and signifying, all the various systems are in place are design to break everyone, and create a poor version of our Hu personality.

  In the passage of time… we are can’t get right hitchhikers, that are always playing catch up, with no uniformed code and super-prime directive, we expect to find and seeking out “intense happiness”.

  We are all ill-fitted with mi’ programed loose threads in the fabric of existence. At the same time we are all mi’ programed to pull each other loose threads, which can cause us to unravel at the physical and psychological seam, culminating into a worldwide terror campaign. “What we leave behind should always be all-inclusiveness that are woven into the lives of others”.

  From birth we are all well groomed, brought up nurtured, and meritocratic ally into loving consortium of nursery rhythms, Nancy stories, fairytales, myths, beliefs, etc., insuring we are using up a great deal of our memory cells to remember useless nursery rhymes, fairytales, invented myths, make believes. From our most impressionist age we are being manipulated and mold into guaranteed failure.

  We have to first volunteer to be part of the limitless systems, in order to get trapped, manipulated and eventually destroy by them. Big and small government are systematically design to turn against the public, especially when they are promoting transparencies, being endless authorized personnel only closed doors (isn't the public authorized to see behind, all the closed doors of the government they elected). The only time we use swearing is when we dislike someone, in court, and swearing officials and governments.

  It’s customary to be mi’ programing, to follow blindly counterintuitive measures, be teeming with mi’ education, “well-worn” propaganda, we are often mi’ fed, misled, misread, filled with misconceptions, misunderstanding, missteps, misgivings, misdirection, misinterpretation, and programed with unnecessary unbridle fears. We spend most of our life, or more appropriately waste tremendous time editing an insurmountable of false information’s and systematic counterproductive distractions, evading the truth is a national sport. We are routinely mi’ programed, with embedded customary suspension of disbeliefs. We have undying innate traditions that
systematically teach us, many ways to, “hide ourselves inside our selves”, and “school ourselves against all of our valuable and very important truths that can make our lives fruitful. We are duped into believing, that the truth makes us vulnerable, when in all true consciousness; the truth set us completely free. From the riches to the poorest, especially the offspring’s of the wealthy, they are taught all forms of separatist, meritocracies, hierarchies, etc., ideas and invented ways to prevent collective aspirations, is as though they can compartmentalized the world, as a transformer, and separate it in their own personal pieces. Every child is rigged with some form of unbearable ignorance’s, and hand me-down counteractive, high-strung counterproductive ness, and let loose or sic on the world.

  Torn by conflict and mix signals, false sense of superior security, and innate jealousies.

  “Most people are getting very busy trying to find the truth, all the while they are telling and inventing all shades and forms of lies”, still hoping, and expecting to develop or, get crystal clarity.

  Anyone can recognize the fathomless depths of our; can’t get right enigma’s, by the sheer volume of secret pains, exhibiting hard knock struggle’s etched on our global faces.

  Most of our preoccupations priorities are twisted due to our enormous capacity for rationalizing. Extreme insensitive, selfishness, super greed, recklessness all are manifestations of lies. With no clear prime directives as are in the throw seeds/ cloning project series*, the all-inclusive viable secret of life preparation and immediate replenishing concept for future generations, are fatally overlook.


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