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Neon Nights

Page 14

by by: Anthony mayfield

  Chapter 13

  Terron, Vice, Connley, and Ora were in the van headed for the flat they were to purchase. Thayer had given Connley a blank check with his signature on it. When they arrived the real estate agent was there along with the owner of the property. The flat was vacant and in dire need of major repair. In fact it would be accurate to say it was in need of total restoration.

  It was a large brick building, each unit had 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. The foundation was sound, the roof was new, it had thermal windows, and it had been tuck-pointed. That's all.

  The inside lacked plumbing, electricity, heating and cooling. In addition to that, every room needed to be drywalled, plus the building needed floors because all of those there were subfloors. 'What a dump,' Terron murmured. Vice nudged him and told him to be quiet. "How much do you want for it?', Connley asked. The agent spoke up, "Exactly what we advertised it in the paper for, $75,000.' Connley looked over at the woman. Children were clinging to her legs; they were twins, a boy and a girl. 'Well„ Connley continued, Maybe the owner might take a little less, seeing that it's in need of so much work." 'We are the owners," the agent said with a glib smile. 'Oh, I thought the young woman was the owner." Connley said. "She's my wife. Didn't you see in the paper the advertisement listed for sale by owner/agent?' Connley pulled the paper from his pocket and read the advertisement again. "Oh, so it does. So it does,' he said.

  The realtor was looking at Ora 'Tell me, he said, what relationship is this beautiful woman to you gentlemen?' Terron blurted out, 'She's our sex, "ooh.' Vice shot him a serious elbow to the stomach. Connley immediately broke in, she's our sister. We're brothers. We are the ones interested in buying the property, Ora is just along for the ride." "I see," he said. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, "maybe we could knock a little off the asking price.' Connley looked over at his wife. She was 5'6" with brown shoulder length hair. She had fair skin and she was slightly overweight. She was dressed in a plain print dress, while her husband was wearing a tailor made suit. He was 6' slender, brown skin, with a thick moustache. He had kinky hair and dry blotchy skin. He wasn't much to look at, but then from a woman's point of view he didn't have to be. As in most cases all he needed to know was what to say and how to say it.

  His wife was visibly appalled by her husband's behavior. Even so, it was apparent that she had experienced it before and that she didn't intend on saying or doing anything about it. She merely turned and looked away. Connley said, 'give us a minuet to think about it.' 'All

  right, the owner/agent said, take as much time as you need.' He slowly moved his hand from Ora's shoulder down her back and brushed it lightly against her buttocks. Ora eyed him and was about to unload on him when Connley grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

  'Listen, he said, I can get this place for us plus get it totally rehabilitated for less than what they're asking." "Yeah, and how are you going to do that?" Terron asked. 'Easy, just follow my lead. What I need you and Vice to do is to watch the kids while I get the woman off to herself. Ora, you entertain the agent.' 'What?' she protested. "Calm down, it's what you're here for anyway, remember? Besides, all I want you to do is just toy with him long enough for me to get his wife to sign the contract.' 'Even if she signs, he still has to and he won't if he doesn't like the terms", she said. 'He's all ready signed the contract,' Connley said. 'And how do you know that?' Vice asked. 'Because I saw it when he opened his briefcase. Either this guy is confident of his sales ability, or he just signed it as a matter of convenience. He probably thinks that since his wife hasn't signed it, that he's safe. He's probably told her to sign it in his presence, and since he has to fill in the blanks anyway, he's sure to get what he wants. But what he didn't figure on is encountering Connley, the Con,' he smiled and said, 'Come on let's go.'

  They went back into the room where the couple was. The agent was sitting on a makeshift stool looking through his briefcase. The wife was sitting on the floor with the twins climbing all over her as if she were a jungle gym. Seeing them return, the agent hopped to his feet. 'Well, he said, have you made a decision?' Ora sauntered up to him and said, 'They haven't decided yet, but I think you're close to making a deal.' She smiled at him and looking into another room, she said, 'Hhmm, I think I want to see that room again." She walked slowly away swishing her hips seductively. Looking at her as though in a trance he tried to casually say, 'Uhh, I think I better go into the other room to answer any of her questions.' With that, he strode off after her.

  Connley motioned with his head for Terron and Vice to get the kids. Hesitantly, they moved over toward the woman. Vice began, ' those are some cute kids, what are their names?" She smiled and said, " Thanks, her name is Sarah and his is Steven.' Vice bent over and spoke to the little girl. She was a motley faced child with a trickle of snot coming from her nostrils. Terron busied himself with the boy while Connley eased over to the briefcase and pulled out the contract. He carefully closed the briefcase and placing the contract on top of it, he wrote in large letters 'TEE AGREED SELLING PRICE AS LISTED IN THIS CONTRACT INCLUDES TOTAL RESTORATION OF THE PROPERTY AT THE SELLERS EXPENSE. SELLERS HAVE RECEIVED FULL


  Vice was holding the little girl in his arms. He asked her if he could have a kiss. When she leaned over to kiss him, he licked the snot from her nose. Connley saw him and stepped down hard on his foot. 'Let me help you up, he said to the woman. She stood to her feet, stretched and thanked him. 'My name is Connley, What's your's?' 'I'm sorry. Forgive my husband's manners. His name is Bill and mine is Katy.' 'Pleased to meet you Katy. Listen I have a question about one of the rooms downstairs, would you come with me so I can show you what I'm talking about?' 'Oh no, Bill is the expert. You'll have to wait for him." 'Just then they heard Ora giggle. Connley said, 'I would, but it seems like he's busy." 'She looked angrily toward the room and then back at her children who were happily playing with Terron and Vice. "They'll be okay," Connley assured her. 'Besides, we won't be gone that long.' She looked back toward the room and heard her husband laughing. Facing Connley she said, 'Let's go."

  Once downstairs, she asked, 'Which room is it?' 'I lied, " he said. I really don't have any questions I just wanted to get you off to yourself. You are so beautiful." "Listen, I don't know what you're up to but I don't have time for this.' She attempted to walk past him, he backed her against the wall. She tried to scream, but he covered her mouth with his and she responded. Breathing heavily, she stammered, 'it's been so long.' Connley was rubbing and grinding on her and kissing her. 'You're so beautiful. I've got to have you.' 'No. she said, it's not right." "Is it right for him to be with my sister?' he asked. She broke away from him. 'No that's not right either, but two wrongs don't make a right ." 'Why do you even put up with that guy? Is it for the money?" 'No, she blurted. All of the money is mine.'

  Three years ago my father left me a small fortune plus several pieces of real estate. Before my father died, Bill was the sweetest man around but when we got that money he changed. The children were born a few months afterwards and Bill hasn't touched me since. Neither has any other man.' 'Katy you can do better than that clown. You don't need him, he needs you.' He walked up to her and held her from behind, with his head buried between her shoulders. 'Oh, you're so soft and you smell so good.' He began to kiss the back of her

  neck. 'I'd sell my soul for someone like you.' He worked his way around to her lips. There was a heated exchange of deep heavy sighs as his hands groped and squeezed her body. He stopped and looked at her. He knew he had
her where he wanted her. She was in an emotional frenzies. She couldn't resist even if she wanted to. "Pm going to give you what you need first: fast fury, and then what you want: soothing. But first, I want you to sign this contract for the property. He pulled it out and handed it and a pen to her. She looked at the contract and shook her head and said, " No. I can't sign this." He undid his pants, reached up tore open her dress and ripped her bra off . While kissing her, he ran his hand beneath her dress and fondled her. Then, looking her in the eyes, he said 'sign the contract." She pressed it against a spot on the door and signed it. They slid to the floor tightly embraced.

  Connley ran back upstairs smiling. Vice and Terron were sitting on the floor with the kids who, by now, had become restless and had begun to whine. He held the contract up and said, 'I got it . Let's go .' They ran into the other room where Ora and Bill were. The children weren't the only ones restless. Bill had become frustrated and pinned Ora to the floor and was working on taking her clothes off when Terron reached over and threw him off of her.

  'What are you trying to do to our sister?' 'Uh, nothing.' he said frightened. "We were just talking, honest.' Vice. said, 'you won't know what honesty is until you land flat footed in hell." " Get up Ora, " Connley said. We can leave now, I've got the contract." "Contract? What contract?' Bill yelled. Tenon threw a copy at him. He grabbed at it as it floated through the air. He read it and when he saw the terms and the selling price of $25,000, he became livid. 'Why this is preposterous, I'd have to have men working around the clock to pull this off.' 'That's your problem,' Connley said. He threw a card at him and said, 'You can reach us at that number, I suggest that you get started with the renovation immediately. Like they say, time is money."

  'You can't get away with this. I'll sue you for every penny you've got.' 'And you'll lose too." Connley retorted. Then I'll sue you for damages and take every penny you've got." "And what we don't get in money, I'll get in blood." Tenon added. Laughing, they walked out. Ora popped her head back in and said, 'Do yourself a favor, let your next investment be in mouthwash, deodorant and a dermatologist.'

  He flashed her a scowl and jumped up to search for Katy and the children. The children had started to cry. He tried to console them as he gathered them and went throughout the property looking for Katy. He found her in one of the rooms downstairs. She was holding her clothes together and had a half sated and half disgusted look on her face. Realizing what

  had happened, he asked, 'Katy how could you?' She looked at him with sorrowful eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't think you cared anymore. It's been so long.' 'Not that, he shouted. I'm talking about the contract, how could you sign something like this?" Her sad face turned to scorn. She squinted her eyes, tightened her face, and said, "I want a divorce.'

  Chapter 14

  'Good evening ladies and gentlemen, My name is Sandra Martin and I'm here live outside city hall in Briarpatch. In just a few minutes, we'll be joined by mayor Kenny Matthews and his opponent in the mayoral race, Mr. Thayer Diamond. At this time, little is known about Mr. Diamond, however, we hope to clear up some of the mystique here today."

  'I see someone is coming out now." The camera zoomed in on the courthouse door and Mayor Matthews stepped out. 'Good evening.' he said. Four or five microphone were held in his face. One of many reporters asked, 'Where's Mr. Diamond?" 'I have no idea. Mayor Matthews said. I am just as anxious to meet him as you are.' One of Mayor Matthews' supporters yelled, 'Maybe he got scared and withdrew." The crowd laughed. Someone standing slightly behind the man who had yelled, said in an equally loud voice, "On the contrary.' The crowd hushed. Thayer and his entourage moved to the front of the pack. Cameramen turned their camera's from Mayor Matthews to Thayer. With grace, poise, and elegance, he strode to the forefront and stood next to Matthews. 'Good evening Ladies and gentlemen, My name is Thayer Diamond and this is my wife Sisela." He extended his hand to her and she graciously took it and stepped up beside him. Also, I have brought with me my campaign manager, Mr. Simon Zeek. Mr. Zeek nodded. And my advisor, Mr. Paul Smith. He too nodded.

  'Mr. Diamond, a reporter yelled, what party are you affiliated with?' 'I'm an independent." he answered. Another question rang our. "What issues are your campaign most concerned about?' 'I'm most interested in the drug issue, crime, and taxes.' 'Those are the same things Mayor Matthews is campaigning about. How do you differ from him?" 'I have no ulterior motives." 'Are you saying that Mayor Matthews does?" "Yes!" 'What do you say to that Mayor?" Kenny Matthews bristled, he was ready to unleash a verbal and physical attack on Thayer but the spirit of the Lord helped him to hold his peace. 'No • comment, Matthews said.' The crowd began to whisper among itself. News photographers snapped picture after picture. 'You made a serious accusation about Mayor Matthews, can you prove it?" a reporter asked. 'Yes I can. And I intend to very shortly.' 'Exactly what will you prove, Mr. Diamond?' 'I'll provide undeniable proof that Mayor Matthews is a drug dealer and adultery and therefore is unfit to head such a thriving and moral community as Briarpatch."

  The crowd stirred and everyone began talking. Their chatter rose and drowned out the reporters. 'Can I have your attention please.' one of the reporters was saying. Finally the crowd quieted enough to resume questioning. 'Mr. Mayor, how do you respond to Mr.

  Diamonds last remarks?' Mayor Matthews was noticeably riled by Thayer's allegations. 'Mr. Diamond is a liar and furthermore, 'inside of himself Mayor Matthews heard the spirit of the Lord saying, 'Be Still I'll fight your battle', the Mayor continued, 'I have nothing further to say.' With that, he turned and walked back to the courthouse. There were hundreds of bursts of light as photographers' cameras snapped picture after picture.

  "Mr. Diamond, what are your qualifications for office?' Where are you from?" Do you live in Briarpatch?' A barrage of questions rang out from various reporters scattered amidst the throng of people. Thayer raised his hands to signal the crowd to quiet down and for the questions to cease . 'Ladies and gentlemen, I know you are interested in finding out as much as possible about your next mayor, as well as you should be however, I personally must leave to attend another pressing matter. You want proof of illegal and immoral acts and proof you shall have with in a few days. I leave you now in the capable hands of my longtime friend and campaign manager, Mr. Simon Zeek. He will answer any and all of your questions that you have about my life. I stand before you as an open book and I chal­lenge you delve into my life and find any discrepancy. You won't because there are none. I look forward to talking with you again soon. Thank you very much.'

  That said, convincingly and eloquently, Thayer nodded for Simon to come up and answer the reporters questions about him. The answers came easy since Simon had already read the history packet Jake had made on Thayer. Furthermore, he had one available for quick references should the need arise.

  Thayer and Sisela stepped down and pressed their way through the crowd to their car. All the while, reporters, cameramen, and journalists followed close behind. Questions continued to ring out. Thayer politely ignored them as he opened the door for Sisela. He trotted around to the driver's side, slid in, and drove off. The media turned back to Mr. Zeek and bombarded him with questions.

  Chapter 15

  Johnny, Michael, and Nancy were in the car tooling through downtown Briarpatch, maneuvering through a mob of people and a parade of cars. Michael, paying more attention to the people than to traffic, crossed lanes and nearly hit the tan Mercedese in the lane next to him. The driver eyed him threateningly, yelled some obscenities and sped off. "Gheesh, What's with that guy?" Michael wondered out loud. 'Turn the radio on , Michael. Maybe we can figure out what's going on downtown,' Johnny said.

  Michael pushed a button and the radio began talking. A newscaster was in the middle of his broadcast. "It's total chaos here in downtown Briarpatch. Moments ago, Mr. Thayer Diamond accused Mayor Matthews of being a drug dealer and of having an illicit affair. The mayor never really responded to the accusations, he merely said that he didn't have
any comment and then he went back into the courthouse. Meanwhile, Mr. Diamond said he would provide proof of Mayor Matthews immoral and illegal acts. He then directed all question to his campaign manager before leaving in a tan Mercedes Benz." Stay with us, we'll have more news shortly." Nancy reached down and turned the radio off. 'That was Mr. Diamond.' she said. 'What a joke, he'll be lucky to get any votes at all with an attitude like that. 'Michael said.

  'Well, let's not let it ruin a beautiful trip.' Johnny advised. 'Yeah, right.' Nancy replied in her most sarcastic tone. Neither Michael or Johnny commented. The next few miles were as quiet as a tombstone. Nancy had regretted what she had said. She didn't know why she had said it other than trying to make Johnny hurt like she had hurt. Johnny sat quietly in the back praying to himself . And Michael, to his own amazement, didn't fly off the handle. He too prayed to himself.


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