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Neon Nights

Page 15

by by: Anthony mayfield

  The farther they went, the louder the quiet became to Nancy. She felt uncomfortable and guilt ridden. If the silence wasn't broken soon, she felt like she would be crushed by it. It was like the pressure on a deep sea diver who had gone too far down. Her ear drums began to throb. She could feel perspiration begin to seep through the pours in her scalp. It formed a droplet of sweat about the size of a tear, and zigzagged ever so slowly down her face. Her neck grew stiff, her head ached; it felt like someone had it in a vice, as if an invisible adversary was turning the claw like grip tighter and tighter about the bands of her head. She felt her temples cave in just a bit. Someone, another invisible person, began to blow a loud rendition of silence through a tube like instrument.

  'Snap, pop, zing.' She could hear the strings of pride and guilt being stretched so that they gave way to the pressure. Tighter and tighter, the vice kept getting tighter. She began to rub her head, she took deep breaths and fanned herself. Nothing helped. Johnny and Michael were still quite and still praying. 'No, you're wrong.' the words came back with haunting clarity. She looked out the window, people were walking, jogging, and cycling up and down the street. Suddenly, they seemed to move much faster than normal speed. They became blurred. 'It's Michael, she rationalized, he's driving much too fast.' She turned and looked at the speedometer. Michael was only going 35 miles per hour. Much too slow to cause people to appear blurred. She jerked her head back toward the window, the people's faces were zipping by the windows snarled, twisted, and sinister and still blurred. She jerked back to the speedometer 35 miles per hour, back to the faces, still blurred.

  Out of the blur came a huge face, it was a pale white face, drained of color, with sunken cheeks, knotty jawbones, and bloodshot bulbous eyes, which were fiendishly set in a large boned cranium. Her eyes widened. 'It's him!' she thought. The same vile face that leaped from the corner in her bedroom. 'Only this time, he's white." But the look in his eyes were unmistakable. The face wobbled closer to the window. It was jeering and hurling obscenities at her. She tried to turn away but her neck was locked in position. She was afraid to look, but more afraid not to.

  Al! the while, Johnny was carefully observing Nancy as he prayed. He knew exactly what was going on. He could feel the presence of God's heavenly angles as they battled to free Nancy from demonic influence. He recalled with unerring accuracy, the last similar assignment he was on. He knew that the angles of the Lord would be victorious even as he had. By now, Michael had reached the interstate highway , and was sailing along and a 65 mile per hour clip. Things moved from a blur to total darkness for Nancy . She strained to see through the darkness. A strange errie feeling overtook her. Again she turned and looked out of the windshield, then Michael's window, and then out the back window. Every window, except hers had the sun shining brightly through. She turned back toward her window and leaned forward to get a closer look, startled at what she saw, she fell back and bumped into Michael's arm, causing the car to swerve. 'That's not darkness, her mind screamed, that's the pupil of an eye." The internal screams became external and Michael pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road.

  Nancy was trembling and rocking back and forth like a withdrawn child. 'Nancy, what's wrong babe?" Michael asked. She was quiet. She looked through her window and everything was back to normal. She could even distinguish the faces of people zipping by in speeding automobiles. Everything was clear as if someone had squirted a drop of visine in

  the sky to get the blur out. A child in a car that was going much slower than the others looked over at Nancy. He could not have been more than five years old and he was the spitting image of Johnny. It seems that the car began to travel in slow motion. The little boy looked directly into Nancy eyes and said, 'No, you were wrong!' He smiled, sat back in the seat , the normal speed of the car returned and in a matter of seconds the car was out of sight.

  Michael had his hand on Nancy's shoulder gently shaking her saying," Nancy, honey are you okay?' 'Huh?' she turned towards him and for the first time ever, she could see the love that he had for her in his eyes. She looked in the back seat at Johnny, he sat there quiet, calm, and collected. He smiled at her. It was a warm, disarming, genuine smile. Tears welled up in her eyes overflowed and streamed down her face. 'I'm here for you.' the words that he had spoken when they first met were freed from some deep cavern in the recesses of her mind. Somehow she knew that everything he'd done was to help her. It was meant to strengthen her character, faith, and marriage. She could feel the warmth and love of God radiate from him and overwhelm her. She leaned over toward him with outstretched arms. Johnny leaned into them and embraced her. She whispered in his ear, 'Yeah, I was wrong, and kissed him lightly on the cheek. 'I love you Johnny Angel." "And I, you.' he whispered back. She pulled away, turned and faced Michael and said, "Yes, Michael Fields, I love you!' With that she kissed him tenderly and affectionately.

  The ten hour drive to Atlanta seemed like four hours to Michael and Nancy and when they pulled up to the hotel, Nancy was surprised. 'We're here all ready?" she looked at her watch it was 6 a.m. "Wow! It seems like we flew here. I'm not even tired." she said. They checked into the hotel and found their room with relative ease. The rooms were next to each other. As they were standing in the hall, Nancy yawned and stretched like a sleepy kitten. 'You may not be tired, but you can use a nap, ' Michael said. 'What about you?' she asked. 'I'd love to but I have to get ready for this meeting.' Then, turning toward Johnny, he said, " I'll see you in ten.' Johnny nodded. Nancy perked up a bit and said, "I want to come too." Michael looked nervously at her and said,' Uh, it's not what you think. We'll be getting together to pray." 'I know.' she said rather proudly. Standing there with a blank expression on his face, as if someone had snapped a picture of him with a hundred watt flash bulb, Michael said, ' Uh, sure honey. If it's okay with you Johnny?" Johnny smiled and said, "I've been longing for this very moment.'

  Within ten minutes, they were standing in a circle holding hands gently swaying back and forth. Nancy asked if she could begin the prayer. 'Sure.' Michael and Johnny said simultaneously. "Lord God in heaven, she began, we come to you in Jesus' name. Father, I

  ask that you would forgive me for being less than the wife and woman that you have called me to be, and that you would take me back.' Her voice grew faint as tears trickled from her eyes. 'Thank you for my husband, and for blessing our marriage, and for your servant, Johnny Angel, who has been instrumental in opening my eyes. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen." She dropped her head and let the ton of tears flow. Michael was biting down on his lip to try to stop himself from crying, but it was useless.

  Johnny began to pray, and in an authorative voice , he pleaded with the Lord that He would bless Michael and Nancy's marriage. 'Bind them together with an unbreakable chord of love, Father, and whatsoever they would put their hands to do, make it to prosper.' He went on and on, and when he finished each of them had been touched and shaken to the utmost parts of their soul by God Almighty. They stood their drained, yet renewed. Johnny looked at them and said, 'Behold, all things have been made new, you are free. And whom the Son has set free is free indeed!" They received his words with joy and thanksgiving unto God.

  Later that evening, long after Michael's meeting, dinner, and a movie, Johnny took them on a sightseeing tour. Nancy asked him how he knew so much about Atlanta. He casually responded, "Oh, I get around.' Soon, they wound up back at the hotel. Johnny decided to go for an evening walk. Michael and Nancy went to their room to retire. Michael had taken his shower and was getting comfortable in a chair watching the news. Nancy emerged from the shower wearing a seductive nightie that was never meant to merely sleep in. She tiptoed up to Michael's chair. Before he even noticed her he smelled the aroma of her perfume. He turned and there she was. 'Wow!" he said. 'My headache is gone!' she whispered as she turned and headed for the bedroom.

  Chapter 16

  It was a Saturday morning and after a furniture shopping spree and a rough and tumble encounter with Thayer a
t a sleazy motel fifty miles outside of everything decent, Sicily was resentful and sore. Images and dialogue from the past night crept into her mind with unerring realism. After they had purchased the furniture and returned to the house, Thayer called the others and had them meet them at the Dewdrop Inn-a cockroach infested, dank, hole in the wall that had the audacity to display a neon sign with the words MOTEL in blinking red lights.

  When the others arrived, Thayer told Connley to get a room, "only one?' he asked. 'Yeah, just one room.' he snapped. Terron asked, 'Hey Thayer, why this place, why couldn't we do it at your place or back at the hotel?' "Because, now that I am officially in the mayoral race fool, I can't allow myself to be seen in certain situations. Does that make any sense at all to you?"

  Terron could see a red glow coming from Thayer's eyes. He knew his mood was swinging again. It was worse than a woman suffering from a serious bout of pms. He thought to himself, 'Man, I'll be glad when we kill Johnny Angel so that he can chill." "Yeah, it makes sense to me.' he finally replied. Connley returned with a pitcher of water, two paper cups, and a key with the number 22 on it. Thayer took the key and ordered Ora and Sisela to the room. 'What about us?' Vice protested. 'What about you?" Thayer mimicked. 'When do we get our turn?' 'When I say so. Now get in the Mercedes and get lost for about four hours. When you get back you can have what's left." They eyed him menacingly but no one dared to riot. They got into the car and drove off.

  'Well, ladies, here we are.' he said once inside the room. The room looked worse than a prison cell. Paint was peeling from the walls, cement fell from a wet spot on the ceiling, the carpet was worn to the floor, the bed was covered with greasy stained sheets from earlier customers, and the rooms scent was slightly more tolerable than an outhouse. Thayer kicked the door shut behind him. Ora swished up to him trying to turn him on in hopes of winning his favor . "I'm ready handsome.' she said in a cheap voice. While looking at Sisela and ignoring Ora , he palmed her face in his hand, pushed her to the bed and said, "get undressed ." After he finished biting, pinching, choking, and rough handling her she was aching all over and in tears. The experience was anything but enjoyable.

  All the while he was having his way with Ora, Sisela sat motionless with her back to the bed watching a small 12 inch black and white t.v. Ora was whimpering like a hurt child, as

  she gathered her clothes. Thayer called the front desk and ordered some fresh sheets. They arrived within a few minutes. He made Ora change the sheets and when she had finished, he went over to Sisela, extended his hand and in gentlemanly fashion said, "my love, your moment has arrived.'

  Her face was wet with tears. She was afraid to give in and much more not to. She took his hand, and eased out of the chair. He wiped her tears and told her not to cry. Although, by comparison , he was much gentler with her than with Ora, he was still animalistic. He had no sooner finished when there was a knock on the door. A familiar voice from the other side said, 'Thayer, it's us.' He opened the door, Ora was watching television and Sisela, standing in her underwear, was getting dressed. "Can we have them now?" Connley asked drooling.

  They made a motion for Sisela. Thayer threw up his hands to stop them, 'Not Sisela, her." he said pointing to Ora. Defiant, Terron asked,' why can't we have both of them?" 'Because this one is mine personally at least until our mission is complete. And because I said so that 's why." Ora looked at Thayer with hate and disbelief. "Why me?" she asked. "Why not you. It's not like something you've never done before.' Sisela hurriedly dressed. They began to take off their clothes as they tore at Ora's. "Hey, Thayer cautioned, don't leave a noticeably mark on her.' 'Hey man we want to get loose.' Vice said. 'So did I but I restrained myself. This isn't the time nor the place for that." Thayer said. 'Yeah, right." Terron said sarcastically. 'I mean it don't abuse her beyond measure." "All right, all right, we won't.' Connley said. They began to tow her over to the bed. Thayer said, "You've got twenty hours left on the room, enjoy.' With that he and Sisela left. She turned to see Ora's hard expression as one was trying to get on top, another underneath, and the other was pulling on her breasts as if she were a cow. Seeing them all over her like that was like helplessly watching a frenzied piranha attack.

  In between each forceful push and grunt, Quanna was there whispering in Ora's ear, sowing dangerous, poisonous thoughts. Thoughts that were taking root in the soil of Ora's mind. Olar twirled in, glee as his plan for revenge was unfolding.

  'Sisela.' She snapped her head up as she snapped out of the past. 'Huh." she answered.

  It was Thayer calling to her. 'Hand me the telephone," he said. She rolled over to her right,

  picked up the phone and took it to him. Half of her face was wet from tears as she thought

  about yesterday. Wiping her face with one hand, and handing him the phone with the

  • other, she said, 'here's the phone." He barely noticed her as he yanked the phone from her

  hand. Since he didn't say anything else, she sized the opportunity to tiptoe back to the bed. She pulled the covers over her head, curled up into a fetal poison and cried.

  Thayer was on the phone talking to Terron. 'How did it go last night?' he asked. "It was all right, not the best but better than none at all.' Terron replied. 'So how is she doing?" Thayer asked. "Well, she couldn't hardly walk after we finished, and she was a little swollen, but other than that, I guess she's all right.' "You didn't bruise her up real bad did you?' "No, we were gentle with her just like you told us to be." "Good. Listen, meet me at that hamburger joint on Langsdown Avenue at 4 p.m. sharp. This is the day that I get my revenge on Johnny Angel.' 'What about Ora?' Terron asked. 'Leave her there, we won't need her for a while. " " All right, we'll see you then. Bye." Thayer returned the closing statement and hung up the phone.

  Time dragged by and Thayer was like a ball of nervous energy waiting to be unleashed. Nevertheless, finally it was 3:30 and time to leave. He had long ago showered and readied himself for the day's activities. At one point, Sisela started to get up but when she pulled the covers from over her head, the room was totally dark. Darker than with turned out lights and drawn curtains. It was a hellish darkness. Immediately she was consumed by it. It plugged up her nostrils and ears making it difficult to hear or breathe. Even so, she faintly heard the repetitious chanting of Thayer to the host of evil.

  She heaved the covers and both pillows over her head and balled herself into an uncomfortably tight fetal position and fell asleep. The next thing she was conscious of was Thayer shaking the bed. She threw the covers off, she saw him and gasped. She remem­bered that he had shaved earlier that morning yet now , hours later his face was covered by a natty five o'clock shadow. His eyes were sunken deeply into his skull and surrounded by puffy, sagging, pockets of skin. Except for the bruise color around his eyes , his facial color was ghostly. He reminded her of the demons in hell. His voice was heavier and his speech was slurred as if his tongue was too thick for words to pass over it.

  He looked at her and said,' Stay here. I'll be gone for a few hours. If you get hungry, order a pizza, I left money on the table.' Without another word, he left. After she was sure Thayer had driven off, she raced to the phone to call Ora. 'Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring." 'Come on Ora, answer the phone', she whispered to herself. 'Hello." 'Hi, Ora it's me, Sisela.' 'Yeah, well what do you want?" Deflated, she said , "I just wanted to make sure that you were all right." 'I'll bet you did, you little hussy.' At that point, Ora began to curse and swear and threatened to get even with Sisela. 'I'll get you back, you just wait and see," Ora said, before slamming the phone down. Quanna threw her arm around Ora's shoulders

  and commended her for her select choice of words as she gave her ideas on how to bring her vengeance to fruition. .

  Sisela sat in the middle of the floor rocking back and forth still holding the buzzing phone. Alone, afraid, and bewildered, she contemplated suicide. "What good would that do. I'll end up back in hell." she thought. There she was, isolated from everything and everybody that meant any
thing to her with no hope or future. 'Only if I had listened and accepted Christ. I wouldn't be in this mess." she said aloud. At the thought a wave of hate welled up within her for Satan, Thayer, and hell. "She wondered what she could do to thwart their plans. "I might as well, maybe I can prevent someone else from experiencing this fate. Whatever I do my punishment can't be worse than what it is already. I mean, what else can Thayer or the strongman really do?" The thought gave her courage. 'But what can I do?"

  A scripture came to her . It dealt with a man who had been rich on earth yet found himself in hell. He wanted to go back to earth to warn his relatives about the compensation for disobedience. 'That's it!' she shouted. I'll try to convince others, while I can. A life dedicated to Christ would be more detrimental to hell than anything else.' She held down the button on the phone until it revived. Remembering her sister's number, she started with her. "Ring, ring." 'Hello, " a pleasant voice said. 'Hello Sandy, I know you're not going to believe me, but this is Rayona...'

  Thayer and the others were at the hamburger restaurant discussing their plans. "Now remember, Thayer said, nobody lays a finger on Johnny Angel unless I say so! Got it?" They all nodded in agreement.

  As Thayer and the others talked, an airplane leisurely flew by. On board were Marla and Jim Roberts. The plane touched down, Marla and Jim deplaned and went to get their luggage. They were told that their luggage was mistakenly put on another plane and wouldn't arrive until 11 p.m. 'All of my credentials are in my suitcase.' Jim protested. 'I can't even drive.' 'Oh, don't worry honey, I'll drive us there. I have my license." she said.

  'What are we supposed to do?' he asked. 'We're supposed to go to the garage, give them our name, and they'll bring us the car." 'What kind of car is it?' 'I don't know Jim. Nancy didn't say.' "Did she say where she and Mike would be?' 'They should be on their way home from Atlanta. She said they would meet us within a few hours after we arrive.' 'Now whose car is this that we're picking up?' Jim asked.


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