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Where You Can Find Me

Page 8

by Cole, Fiona

  “I’m not ready for tonight be over.” The words barely came out as a whisper but the flare of heat in Jack’s eyes let me know I might as well have screamed them in the silence of the truck cab. “Do you want to come in for a drink?” We both knew it to be a hollow excuse for him to come inside with me.

  “Sure. I would love to.”

  He walked me to my door and I tried to keep my cool while I unlocked it, but my hands were wrought with nerves and the key shook in the lock anyway. I opened the door and flicked on the light. The room was separated into two sections on each side of the entrance. It used to be two separate rooms divided by a narrow hallway but after the renovations it became a wide, open room with dark, hardwood floors. On the right, sat my television, coffee table, and sectional couch. The left held a fireplace on the far wall with two overstuffed sitting chairs placed on the edge of a large area rug. I had a large eight by eight foot bookshelf on the opposite wall and a wine bar set up on the wall with the front door. It was one of my favorite areas of the house; a place where I could relax and read by a fire in the winter. Straight across from us was a doorway that led to the stairs to the second floor and the kitchen a little bit after that. If you walked in further you would find the dining room on the right, off of the kitchen, with glass french doors that led to the backyard and patio. The upstairs held a long hallway that led to three bedrooms: mine, an office, and a guest bedroom.

  I loved my house. I had worked hard on it and I knew it didn’t really matter, but I wanted him to like it, too. “You can take a seat. Can I get you a drink?” I motioned over toward the sectional while I moved to the wine bar.

  “Do you have any whiskey?” I nodded yes. He sat down still looking around. “Your home is beautiful, Luella.”

  I could hear the honesty in his voice and it made me smile. I poured a glass of wine and a couple fingers of whiskey for him, moving to sit beside him on the couch. I didn’t want to keep beating around the bush so I sat close enough for our legs to brush. “Thank you. I’ve worked hard to make it what it is.”

  He took his glass and raised it for a toast. “To a great night out with a beautiful woman and to doing things right this time.” He said the last part with a wink.

  “Thank you. I can drink to that.” We clinked glasses and each took a drink.

  “So your brother…” He left it hanging with a small laugh..

  “Ugh! Don’t remind me. He is such a cliche big brother and can be really embarrassing.” I rolled my eyes and threw my hand in the air in frustration.

  Jack grabbed it and held it tight in his, sending warmth all through my body. “It wasn’t that bad. He loves you and is protective. I am the same way with my sister. I choose to believe she secretly loves it. Deep, deep … deep down.” His voice rumbled with restrained laughter. His eyes shined with a warmth when he mentioned his sister. It made me want to know about someone who could bring that look to his face.

  “So tell me about this sister of yours. You seem to care about her a lot. And if you’re anything like my brother, then maybe we will need to band together against big brothers in the future.”

  We both paused at the future comment, but let it slide. “Ah, my sister. Juliana. As I mentioned she is younger and just graduated college. Oh, and you’ll love this. She majored in science.”

  A dramatic gasp left my lips as I held my hand to my chest. “Be still my heart. I love her already.”

  “I figured you would. She recently decided she wanted to go get her Masters so she can teach at a college and still do research.”

  “Seriously, I might leave you and go be with your sister. We could sit around and discuss the wonders found in a lab.” His laugh warmed me even more than the wine was.

  “She’s a good kid. You would like her. And yes, she puts up with me. More so now than when she was in high school. I made all the boys scared of touching my baby sister when I pulled my rifle out to clean. Man, she hated me when I came home for visits.”

  I couldn’t help it, my lips curled up at his humor. It didn’t make it better that I became weak and senseless when he held my hand. The lazy circles he drew with his thumb were not helping either. I looked down trying to hide my smile. “You’re a funny man, Jack.”

  “Thank you.” After a small pause he continued, “You’re an exquisite woman, Luella.”

  I looked up meeting his eyes. His lids were heavy as he waited for my response to his comment. He delivered it in such a deep sexy voice that I felt it in the pit of my stomach. We sat there just staring at each other, trying to decipher what the next move should have been. Jack leaned over to set his glass on the table and took mine to do the same.

  He lifted his hand to my cheek and brushed his thumb along my cheekbone. “Your eyes have to be the most beautiful and diverse green I’ve ever seen. Did you know they change colors?” I shook my head, unable to speak for fear of breaking the moment. “They are mostly this brilliant green, but when you get turned on, they change to this deep mossy green. Yet, somehow they never dull. They still remain bright. That doesn’t make sense, right? A bright mossy green? I don’t think anything could dull the brightness.” He paused, his words whispering over my skin. “They’re beautiful.”

  My lips parted. I couldn’t do anything but sit there, frozen. Soaking up the words he spoke to me. No one had ever talked to me like that before and my brain fumbled to keep up. My heart raced, pounding so hard, I was sure he could see my chest shake with the beat.

  He moved his thumb down to my lips, brushing back and forth. “And these lips. You wore red lipstick the first night I laid eyes on you. I can’t even pretend that I didn’t have the dirtiest thoughts racing through my head when I saw these full lips, stained bright red made to attract my attention. Made to make me imagine them on my lips.” His voice lowered. “On me.”

  My pulse picked up. I wanted nothing more to know what his dirty thoughts were. I wanted nothing more than to do everything he ever thought about me with him. When his thumb did another pass across I slipped my tongue out just enough to brush against him. He pushed his thumb in just a little and I took the initiative to lean forward and suck it into my mouth. I rolled my tongue around him, hoping to spike his interest.

  He pulled his thumb out with a pop and crashed his lips onto mine. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and without question, I opened for him. I didn’t want slow and steady, I didn’t need the buildup. I needed him. Now.

  Our tongues brushed against each other’s, the mixed flavors of whiskey and wine making me drunk on desire, yearning for more. He wrapped his arms around my back and I moved to straddle his lap. As much as I wanted more, I rocked myself on his lap feeling content with his hands roaming up and down my back, only pausing to squeeze the cheeks of my ass and pull me tighter to him; I was content with making out with him for an endless amount of time.

  I had messed around with guys before and had an infrequent dating life, but I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt this rush, this desire, this need coursing through me. And in the moments leading up to this I knew it was more. More than a random hook-up in a club bathroom. More than me just seeing where this went. At some point, it stopped being “go with the flow” and I began pushing it in a direction that made it more permanent.

  I knew it when I felt my breath catch every time he smiled at me. I knew it when goose bumps broke out across my body with each touch he gave me. I knew it when I looked for his messages every night before I went to bed and every morning first thing after waking up. I knew there was more between us. And hearing him claim more between us to my brother pushed me a step closer to accepting it.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Jack said deeply. I could feel the vibrations of his words against my breasts making my nipples pebble. He pulled back and placed his hands on each side of my face, making me look at him. “I couldn’t be happier for each event that led me here to you. Although it was far from perfect in theory, it was perfect for you and me. I regret nothing.” His
eyes were a deep blue, darkening with desire and sincerity. I felt, in that moment, I could have cried with the overwhelming feeling his words were bringing out in me. “I hope like hell that you know this isn’t a “see where it goes” thing anymore. I know where this is going from here on out. I’ve known for a while but I need you to know, too. I need you to know that our paths are together. We’re together.”

  A small smile touched my lips realizing his thoughts were so in tune with mine. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to process the depth of emotions rushing through me. Dropping my head, I nodded and quickly peered up at him, hoping he could see the joy his words brought to me. They left me speechless so I decided to show him what his words were doing to me.

  My eyes remained locked on his as I leaned forward to kiss the corner of his mouth, only closing at the last second. I lightly brushed my lips up his cheek with soft kisses leading to his ear. I nibbled his ear and flicked my tongue to soothe the bite. I whispered, “Make love to me, Jack. Take me upstairs and show me.”

  With a deep groan he stood from the couch with me in his arms and made his way to the stairs. He stopped before reaching the entryway leading to the stairs and pressed me against the wall crashing his lips onto mine. A sound rumbled in his chest vibrating against mine. I needed my thick sweater off so I could be a layer closer to him. I struggled to get my arms free of the oversized top when Jack stopped kissing me just long enough to pull it over my head.

  Before leaning in to kiss me he looked down eyeing my black, lace and satin bra. It was mostly see through and barely covering anything. He rolled his eyes heavenward and leaned in to bury his face in my neck while returning to his pursuit up the stairs. As he walked I rubbed every part of myself I could against him. My body burned and throbbed and I needed relief. With one less layer between us, I brushed my breasts back and forth causing a moan to escape my lips. Once we made it to the top of the stairs I directed Jack into the bedroom.

  Jack moved down to my chest and began sucking on the top of my breasts. I knew I would have a mark and I didn’t care. I loved the idea of being marked by him. Of carrying a reminder of him with me. He pushed the door open and I reached out to flick the switch for the lamp by my bed that provided just enough light to see each other without ruining the mood. Jack slowly lowered my feet to the floor while I made sure to drag myself down him. I felt his arousal against my stomach and it pushed me further to know he was just as excited as me.

  I reached out to slowly lift his shirt over his head, my eyes following its ascent, scanning each piece of flesh as I revealed it. He had beautiful abs and a sexy as sin chest attached to muscular arms. For a second, self doubt creeped in, making me wonder if I was good enough to have this; to be with him. I lifted my eyes to his and saw all the confirmation I needed. His eyes mirrored the same desire I felt for him. I saw the same heat and the same want.

  I reached my hands out to run them along his chest, but before I could he grabbed me by the wrists halting my progress. “Take your clothes off. Go lie on the bed.” His deep, demanding voice washed over me, urging me to obey.

  As much as I wanted to be affronted and tell him to take my clothes off for me, I wasn’t. Instead I felt a rush of heat drop down my abdomen and settle in my groin. I ran my tongue along my bottom lip, biting it. I took a step back and without taking my eyes off of his reached behind and unclasped my bra letting it fall from my arms to the ground. His eyes dropped to my chest and his nostrils flared with a deep breath. Good.

  I felt that familiar surge of power return from so long ago.

  I slipped my boots off as I hooked my thumbs into my pants dropping my eyes from his as I lowered them to the ground. The powerful swell of emotions hit a low point as I struggled to remain sexy while pulling off liquid leggings, but I managed. Standing up in front of him in only my black lace panties I pushed my shoulders back trying to appear more confident than I actually was. He told me to get naked and lie on the bed, but I didn’t want to be a complete pushover. I wanted to see what he would do when I shoved back a little. With a lift of my eyebrow I turned toward the bed and climbed up on all fours. I gently rolled over and leaned back on my elbows, one leg stretched out while the other was bent, my foot resting on the bed. I lifted my lips into a small smile. “You want me naked.” I paused for effect. “Then come make me.”

  He growled deep in his chest and stalked toward me dropping his pants along the way. Grabbing my ankle, he dragged me to the edge of the bed and pushed his hips between my legs leaning over to look me in the eyes. “You make me so hard when you’re sassy like that.” He wrapped his hands around the sides of my underwear. “I will happily take these from you.” With a sharp tug, he ripped them off and tossed them aside.

  Jack leaned down and pressed his lips to the base of my neck. “Now that I have you how I want you.” He left it at that while he made his way to my breasts leaving a trail of kisses along the way until he finally came to my nipple. “I haven’t stopped thinking about how sweet these cotton candy nipples taste or how responsive they are.” He flicked his tongue across my hardened nipple causing a gasp to escape my lips while I arched my back chasing his retreating tongue. He leaned down and latched onto my tip and began sucking, flicking, and biting.

  The hand resting on my knee began sliding up my thigh until his fingers brushed against my lips. He slipped his finger against me and skimmed my clit before pushing two fingers deep into me. “So wet. So ready for me.”

  “Always,” I gasped. “I’m always ready for you.” I didn’t care if I sounded desperate. I was desperate. He drove me further and further to fever pitch and I didn’t care anymore how I sounded or if I appeared confident. His fingers pushed in and out of me and curled up with each shove in. He switched from gentle caresses to rough plunges deep into me. His thumb relentlessly circled my clit driving me closer and closer to the edge, but never delivering direct enough pressure to push me over.

  I growled in frustration deep in my chest while he answered with a chuckle. “Do you want to come, baby?”

  “Yes. Please.” I breathlessly gave my answers, my body moving restlessly on the bed. One hand wrapped around his head that still played with my nipples while the other grasped at sheets searching for something to ground me in the storm he caused within me.

  “I love it when you beg. I love it when I know that you are mine.” He began moving his fingers harder, adding a third stretching me. His thumb now rubbed directly across my clit, back and forth. “Because you are. You’re mine.” I couldn’t respond with words, I just nodded my head, whimpering affirmative noises. “Good girl. Now come all over my hand, baby.” A heat permeated my cheeks and I could feel the walls of my pussy finally begin to throb as I started to fall over the edge, squeezing his fingers tight. His words pushing me closer. “Come for me so I can make love to you.”

  And I did. I felt like every muscle in my body tightened and my back arched off the bed as I held my breath, cherishing the waves that swallowed me whole. As the first one crashed, a moan tore from my throat. I was lost at sea unable to control myself. Goose bumps spread over my body. My hand dug into the sheets as I tried to catch my breath again. Just as I started to come back up for air I heard the crinkle of a condom being opened as Jack flipped me over to my stomach. He lifted my hips and shoved himself inside me.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned again.

  He squeezed my hips with a bruising grip as he pushed all the way in. I could feel his balls resting against my clit as he stopped there while we both caught our breath. He dragged his hands from my hips up to my shoulders and pulled me upright, onto my knees. My head rested on his shoulder while my back arched away from his chest, trying to keep him as deep as I could.

  “You know you’re mine.” Jack pulled out and thrusted back in causing my tits to bounce from the force of it. He moved a hand down my stomach until it reached my pussy. “You know this cunt is mine.” His hand moved up to roughly pinch my nipple. I gasped as the pai
n pulsated through me turning to a deep pleasure. “You know these tits are mine.” He stayed to play with both my nipples. My breaths came fast and short. My core squeezed him tighter trying to get any type of friction. His hand moved up and wrapped around my neck. “Say it, Luella.” He bit my ear. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” I breathed out. It was all I was capable of.

  “Good girl.”

  Those were the last words spoken as he began powering in and out of me. Each thrust caused my breasts to bounce and whimpers to escape my mouth. They started off slow but soon picked up pace as we both raced toward an unseen finish. He grunted with each quick thrust. He never stopped pushing in as far as I let him, as though he thought the deeper he was the more he could claim of me. But it was too late because I was already his.

  “Come on, Luella. Come with me, baby,” he grunted his words out. I couldn’t take the pressure anymore. “Make me come. Use that tight little cunt and squeeze me tight.” He reached down and slapped my pussy, sliding his fingers between my lips to pinch my clit.

  And I started coming. I came so hard I began to blackout from not breathing. The ringing in my ears drowned out the moans coming from Jack behind me. He held himself still as he spilled everything inside me. My body began to relax and I curled myself back into his chest feeling his heart beat hard against my back; his breaths gasped in my ear. He slowly eased out and we both moaned.

  I lay down and he removed the condom to throw it in the bathroom trash. He came back to bed and curled up behind me. I rearranged myself closer to him while he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. My breathing finally evened out while he began to gently nuzzle my neck and ear. It felt more affectionate than erotic. A feeling of contentment slid over me and I squeezed the arm wrapped tightly around me.

  “I meant what I said, Lu. You’re mine. You can put whatever label on it that you want, but I’m done pretending we are anything less than each other’s. No one else’s,” he ended with a small kiss right under my ear.


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