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Rota Fortunae

Page 18

by Isu Yin

  If Solaris was hurt by the Council, should I allow Leoht to suffer the same fate? No. I can’t.

  Hero folded his hands and twiddled his thumbs. When he blinked, several teardrops fell to the floor. “I’m sorry... I’m sorry. I was reckless... I’ve hurt everyone.” The miasma around him thinned and dispersed.

  Fate took a deep breath, stepped over the ice, and embraced him. “Let’s uncover the truth about the Tainted, and about you. Don’t give up on me. We’ll survive this together.”

  He held onto her and wept against her shoulder, trembling in her grasp. As painful as it was, he needed to overcome his guilt before learning to start anew.

  She held him as he wept, relieved that she had finally, truly, brought him down from his metaphorical balcony.

  How long have you been dangling your feet over the railing? It’s time to stop.

  A woman’s voice reverberated throughout the hall. “I am impressed by how strong-headed you are. It’s truly a marvel that you’ve survived like this.”

  Fate shifted her focus to the group around the entrance—a stunning dark-haired woman wearing a gold head piece and a flowy white gown; next to her, Chi; and a tall silver-haired man wearing a fennec fox mask and a polished suit with a red tie.

  Fennec mask. Fox clan? No, he’s too tall and his hair color.... Wolf clan?

  Kyou and Fortuna stepped out from behind the group, wearing relieved expressions.

  The woman continued. “Pardon my intrusion. I’m Iunu Heqet, High Queen of Mu. It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Lady Fate. Hero was a wonderful pupil of mine during his childhood. I’ve heard his father was in contact with the Council, and I shall consider that a personal betrayal, but we can discuss that at another time. I’d like you to meet my associate.” Queen Heqet gestured to the man in the fox mask. “This is Akira. He’s a representative of the Grim.”

  “The Grim?” Fate had to accept the words of the High Queen as fact. This woman was partly responsible for her creation—that is, if the rumors rang true.

  The masked man took a few long strides over to Fate and leaned close for careful inspection.

  She lost her train of thought when she met his gaze, like looking into a nebula. There were so many colors—she had never seen anything like it. Her heart skipped a beat, and her skin crawled as he drew nearer. She wasn’t sure if she was nervous or enthralled by him.

  Queen Heqet stood beside him. “What do you think?”

  “Young Bound,” he said. “Lady Fate’s pact with Kyou seems to have disrupted their binding. If it is reformed, they will stabilize.”

  Bound? Me and Hero?

  The longer she watched him, the more curious she felt; his presence reminded her of someone else. The moment she realized who, she gaped and muttered. “Solaris?”

  His eyes readjusted, almost as if they were widening, stopped partway, and returned to normal. “I’m sorry. What was that?”

  “Huh? Oh, nothing. Sorry. You’re a representative for the Grim?”

  “I should hope so.”

  She blinked hard. “I... wait... so everything is true? I’m really a Doll?”

  Queen Heqet smiled with royal guile. “We have much to discuss, Lady Fate, but rest assured, Akira’s here to answer your questions.”

  “He’s....” Fate found herself staring at Chi, but her question was still directed at Akira. “You’re Chi’s cousin?”

  “Yes,” Chi said.

  Isn’t he Tainted?

  Fate squinted hard at Akira to try and see the miasma around him, but saw nothing, not even a tiny speck of dust. The air around him hung oddly still. She studied the half-gloves on his hands. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t check his palms, at least not accurately.

  She wondered whether or not Hero could learn to control the miasma like Akira.

  “Hero and Fate,” Queen Heqet said, approaching. “I’d like to discuss your future. Please come and speak with Akira and me in the music room.”

  The High Queen and a representative for the Grim? What is going on in this empire?

  Fate sat next to Hero in the music room with her eyes fixed on Akira. No matter how hard she tried to shake the thought, she continuously thought of Solaris screaming at her. Her entire soul trembled at the mere memory of him.

  “Thank you for joining us,” Queen Heqet said. “I’ve been wanting to speak with you for some time, but my husband is always scheming against me. I’ve come to tell you about your past and your future, Lady Fate.”

  “Mine? But—”

  “You’ve done well bringing Hero back to our side. I was afraid that my beloved pupil would fall to the same fate as the many before him.” By the tone of her voice, she was teasing, but her words were grave. “Now we must balance the odds. Let me start by telling you that the Grim are real.” She gestured toward Akira. “This man is proof of that.”

  Fate rubbed her temples. “Akira is a Grim? Or he’s just a representative? I’m confused.”

  “He’s an enigma!” Queen Heqet laughed to herself. “In any case, he’s certainly here on behalf of the Grim, and will assist in reforming your pact. As he mentioned before, it seems you and Hero are Bound. When the Grim made you, they formed a pact with my husband and son in order to bring you to Mu. I’m sorry to say that it seems to have caused turmoil between you and your mate.”

  “Wait, how can he tell we’re Bound?”

  “I have good eyes,” Akira said.

  Her mind attempted to wrap around this concept but it completely eluded her. For months, she had spent time bonding with Hero, even contemplating if he deserved to live, yet this man she’d never met appeared and stated they were Bound. She had only just decided she liked Hero, not that she harbored any distant, possibly eternal, affections towards him.

  What would’ve happened if I really killed him? Would I have died too? I suppose I would’ve died anyway, considering my minimal options. Did the others know?

  Fate sighed and shifted her focus to Queen Heqet. “You said our binding was disrupted? Did that somehow alter something?”

  “The miasma,” Queen Heqet said. “You may not realize it, but when Bound are together they’re more balanced. Therefore, by being disrupted, the miasma has grown tremendously. Though, I think you should know that if you find yourself infected, then you’ll both be in trouble.”

  “Can anyone fully explain this situation to me? I have a lot of questions.”

  Akira folded his hands. “Then you need only ask.”

  “First, can someone explain my visions to me? I feel like I’m going crazy.”

  “Kyou told me about them,” Queen Heqet said. “I don’t suppose you’re familiar with the lost family, Si?”

  Fate cringed; her head was too full to form another response.

  “Take that as a no,” Akira said.

  “The Si were Masters of the Soul, the first Oracles. Throughout time, other families developed these traits, and many cultivated the skill better than others. Children with this ability were believed to have spiritually traveled and seen the events that were ahead, hence the ability to foresee. They were rumored to have access to the ethereal realm for a variety of reasons.”

  “I can’t read the Language of Ages,” Fate said. “How will I understand my visions if I don’t even understand the folklore?”

  “That’s why Hero is helpful, right?” Queen Heqet smiled at Hero, and he nodded before she resumed. “I’d like to invite you both to the Capital. My husband is eager for Hero to continue his studies as successor of the throne. Lady Fate, I’d be obliged to teach you as well.”

  Fate contemplated what Queen Heqet told her about the Si and how it applied to the current predicament. “Is there some way to recover Hero’s memories without killing him?”

  “Indeed,” Akira said. “You can break the third seal, if you learn about your abilities.”

  “Then we’ll know who’s really responsible for the murders in Mu, right?”

  Queen Heqet
concealed a laugh with her hand. “I enjoy your enthusiasm. As you may suspect, there’s much to learn. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot in your visions, so I’d like to begin your lessons as soon as possible.”

  “Another question: are the stories in the Book of Ages real?”

  She exchanged a glance with Akira, and he answered, “Were you under the impression that they were myths?”

  They’re real? Solaris is real. Could this man really be him? He didn’t come after me, did he? That’s impossible, right?

  “I can tell you have a lot on your mind,” Queen Heqet said. “If you’re willing, I’d be delighted to teach you properly.”

  “Yes,” Fate replied. “I want to know.” She was taken from the Capital at such a young age that she never had the opportunity to make memories there. All along, she hoped she could take Abyssus and run, and now she had received an invitation from the High Queen herself. Yet one thing still bothered her. “Queen Heqet, I’m sorry if this is off topic but... by any chance, is Firmus in the Capital?”

  A laugh jumped from Akira’s mouth, and he turned away from Queen Heqet’s piercing gaze.

  Fate glanced at him nervously. “Why is he laughing like that?”

  “Don’t mind him, he’s—how should I put it—an odd sort. Firmus joined us a few months ago at the request of Chi. He was very ill until recently, but he seems to be regaining strength. Spontaneously too, might I add.”

  “That’s wonderful. Will I be able to see him?”

  “Yes, of course. He has been working in the palace. You’ll see him often.”

  Akira cleared his throat. “On that note, we need to arrange a time for your pact to be reformed. As wonderful as it would be to perform the ritual here, it is simply against protocol. I am required to request your attendance in the Capital Palace.”

  Queen Heqet rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, he’s a model citizen.”

  Fate turned her head and observed Akira with deep consideration. “So Akira is an associate of yours? He’s your....”

  “Let’s just say he’s my aide.”

  Akira leaned his body to one side. “Why are you asking her?” His odd movement caused Fate to involuntarily jerk her head back. “Oh? I like that reaction.”

  Just now, I thought he moved like Solaris. Is it just me?

  Hero waved his hand between them to gather their attention, the corners of his mouth quirked down. “When are we meeting in the Capital?”

  “Two days,” Akira said. “There’s a festival in the Capital for the winter solstice, so you should start traveling tomorrow.”

  “What then?”

  “You both begin your studies. The sooner you’re ready, the better.”

  “He’s right,” Queen Heqet said. “If I were to be completely honest, I need to have surrogates, worthy surrogates. Lady Fate, this position was always yours. You were made to be my successor, and Hero, you are the winner of the Astor Tournament. I wish for you two to serve as a pillar of hope for this empire. If anything should happen, I also hope for Akira to assist the both of you in your endeavor. That reminds me... we’ll be speaking with the representative from the Council to inform them of your binding. Hopefully, when we mention the pact, they’ll feel more at ease.”

  Fate leaned forward. “This pact, will it really help Hero control the miasma?”

  “You can help him control it,” Akira said. “There is much to learn, and some of these matters are for a later time. We must reform the pact first, for security, so I suggest you begin packing.”

  “Oh, please!” Queen Heqet huffed at him. “Since when are you so stiff?”

  Akira stood, taking her by the arm. “We shall make our exit.”

  “What? I’m not done talking.” She argued with him all the way out the door.

  When it closed, Fate leaned to the side of her chair to look at Hero. “They’re really weird. Don’t you think?”

  Hero didn’t respond with words, only his eyes averted slowly to the side.

  “What’s wrong with you suddenly?”

  “No, nothing. I have something to do.”

  “What, pack?”

  “Not that. I’ll find you later. I think maybe... you should just stay at the brothel for now.” He exited without another word.

  “Wha... Hero?” She placed her hands on the arms of her chair. “What in the world?”

  His reaction was too odd for her to accept. They had been getting along too well, and she didn’t want to lose their bond, especially not after learning that they were Bound.

  She raised from her seat, went to his bedroom, and knocked gently. “Hero, are you in?” Though there was no response, she checked anyway. The shadows enveloped his bed and daylight shone through the open door of the washroom.

  She crept in quietly, brushing her hand against the wall. “Hero?”

  He sat against the cabinets on the floor, knees to his chest, beside something wrapped in fabric. He turned his head away, using his arm to block his face. “I asked you to go back to the brothel.”

  “Hero... that’s....” She dropped to her knees and reached out to the bundle. “I’m sorry.”

  He wiped his face with his hand, sighed, and feigned a smile. “It can’t be helped, right? I shouldn’t be like this. I can’t be.”

  “Do I really need to repeat what I said in the main hall?”

  “It’s just... we don’t have time for me to be like this. I acknowledge that it hurts, and I know that Persephone’s death is my fault. I wish I could just turn it off.”

  “The miasma? It’s my fault too. I knew about it, but I didn’t think. If I had stopped and been logical like usual—”

  “That’s my point. I told you, didn’t I? If you’re around me for too long, you’ll forget the difference between right and wrong. Logic and morality will become nothing but hazy restrictions.”

  “Is it wrong that I wanted to make you happy? I don’t understand this.”

  “What is the price of my happiness? Everyone and everything I love dies. My life is not worth the lives and suffering of the people around me, but now we’ve been told that our fates are intertwined. What am I supposed to believe?”

  “Believe in me and your own strength. That’s what I’ve been telling you from the beginning. Why should that change now?”

  “I’m scared, Fate. If something happens to you, will I die right away, or will I hurt others? I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. It doesn’t matter if I don’t do it with my own hands. It’s still my fault, and I don’t know how to stop it.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is your fault. I honestly don’t know. If I’ve been touched by miasma, then my logic is probably flawed, but it doesn’t matter. If we’re Bound, then none of this will matter. One way or another, I want to survive this and make a difference.”

  “You don’t make sense.”

  “Neither do you. That makes us a team, no?”

  “A team... me and you?”

  “Who else?”

  He pulled his scarf over his nose. Only his eyes wandered in response.

  “I’ll help you give Persephone a proper burial, okay? Don’t do these things alone anymore. I think that once we get to the Capital, we should reunite with Firmus and strengthen our team.”

  He responded with a low rumble, collected the bundle, and stood to follow her into the hallway. The skin around his eyes had flamed red from rubbing his face. He stared at the bundle, nuzzling it as they walked downstairs.

  Fortis and the armored woman still chatted in the main hall. The woman turned around, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. “Hero, are you all right?”

  “I’m doing fine,” he said with his ‘U’ smile. “Thanks for asking.”

  Fate examined the woman carefully, then moved onto Fortis. “By any chance, can someone unlock the doors to the yard?”

  “Isis usually has the keys so....” Fortis pointed at the armored woman.

  “I’m sorry,” Isis said. “I returned to my hometow
n for a short time. I never suspected the King would commit such a horrendous offense. Before I unlock the doors... Hero, you’re making that face again. If you’re unwell you can talk to me. You know I’ll always listen.”

  She can tell he’s lying?

  Fate inched in front of Hero. “You’re Isis?”

  “Yes, I’m the Head of Artillery here in Nitor. I take it you’re the Lady Fate? I’ve heard many rumors since I returned.”


  “The townspeople say you and Hero have been very close. I hate to sound intrusive, but I’ve cared for him since he was small. I wanted to speak with you at least once.”

  Fate blurted out her first thought. “You have?” When she caught herself she added, “Sorry, it’s just that Hero’s never mentioned you. I was surprised.”

  “I have, though he may not remember all the details clearly. I’m sure he remembers some.”

  “I do,” he said. “It didn’t seem like an important detail. You weren’t around, Isis. A lot has happened since you left, but I don’t want to talk about it. I already spoke with Fate.”

  “I’m glad you have someone to talk to.” Isis patted his head and took notice of the bundle in his arms. “What’s this?”

  “We found a puppy in the street,” Fate said. “I asked him to help me bury it.”

  “Such a grim task. I apologize for prying. May I be of any assistance?”

  “No, thank you. May we go into the backyard?”

  “Yes, of course.” Isis removed a set of keys from a pouch on her hip and unlocked the doors to the yard. “Please be careful. I hear that civilians have gone missing in Macellarius. We must be vigilant, even if we’re separated by the border.”

  Fate bowed. “Thank you for your kindness.” She first opened the door, then allowed Hero to pass through ahead of her. Outside, the chill swept across the yard, leaving frost across the grass and plants.

  He sauntered to a pond at the left side of the yard and placed down the bundle. “I’ll get a shovel.”

  She already missed the warmth and the rain from the previous day, mostly because it had been a sign that he felt happier. The passing storms reminded her how short-lived that bliss could be, and she wanted to cherish those moments more.


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