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Mystery at Oakfield Hall

Page 10

by Irena Nieslony

James went over and took Rachel in his arms, and against her better judgment, she let him. She knew she was acting like a weak woman now, but James would probably forgive her for not phoning the previous day and she did want him to. However, she was confused. When he took her in his arms, it felt so comforting and he was soft and gentle with her, but a minute before this was the last thing she wanted from him. She didn’t like anyone to see that she wasn’t as strong as she seemed to be. Rachel liked to hide her vulnerable side, but it wasn’t surprising that she was upset after all the attempts on her life.

  A few moments later, James let Rachel go and spoke, believing everything was fine between them.

  “Now that we’ve got all that settled, do you still want to go to Blenheim Palace today?”

  “Yes, I’d love to. A distraction like that is just what I need. But I think I have to go back to my house in London tonight. I want to sort out some things. Do you mind?’

  “Of course not. Your wish is my command.”

  Maybe, Rachel thought. but we certainly haven’t got everything settled; not at all.

  * * *

  In the late afternoon, Rachel sat comfortably in the passenger seat of James’s Jag. That morning’s falling out had long been forgotten. James wasn’t one to brood over things and as soon as they got in the car and set off for Blenheim, he started chatting about Blenheim Palace, the Dukes and Duchesses of Marlborough and Winston Churchill. Rachel loved visiting stately homes and her knowledge of them, the history behind them and the families who had lived there was extensive. At last she had found a man with whom she could discuss these things and she certainly was impressed with the amount of information James had about Blenheim.

  “Have you been to Winston Churchill’s house in Kent – Chartwell?” Rachel asked.

  “I have, but it was a while ago,” James replied. “Perhaps we could go together sometime soon?”

  “Oh, I’d love that.”

  When they went around the palace, James was happy to take his time and not rush through as she had expected he would. Rachel was again impressed and it wasn’t long before she took his hand as they wandered through the exquisitely furnished rooms. When she touched him, she felt that spark again and she didn’t care that they had fallen out. Perhaps that was how their relationship would be. They both had strong personalities so they were bound to clash. It would be all the more exciting when they made up, wouldn’t it?

  Then James surprised her with a champagne lunch in the Indian Room. He had reserved the table beforehand and Rachel was delighted by the effort he had put into their date. However, she did again feel a little stab of guilt at not phoning him the previous evening, but he seemed to have forgotten about it so she decided to try to put it out of her mind as well.

  Arriving back at Oakfield, they both sat in the car without saying anything. James took Rachel’s hand and they sat there like that for a little while, their fingers entwined, until James pulled Rachel a little closer and kissed her ever so gently. As he moved away slightly, he spoke.

  “I enjoyed today so much. Can I drive you up to London?”

  “I’m going to take my own car as I probably won’t come back till Monday morning and I’m going to take and bring back the cats as the lady who feeds them when I’m away is away herself. I can see you later if you’d like.”

  “Dinner then?”

  “That would be lovely.”

  Rachel smiled. She couldn’t wait to see James later that evening.

  * * *

  Once Rachel had got back to her flat in London and settled in her cats, she realized that she didn’t have any basics in, like bread and milk, and she’d even forgotten to bring the cat food with her. Her mind had been miles away. James had certainly swept her off her feet at Blenheim Palace. She hadn’t expected such a romantic lunch and she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  Rachel decided to go to the bigger supermarket rather than the corner shop as they did the brand of cat food Hamlet and Macbeth enjoyed and she never hesitated in spoiling them. The supermarket was a car ride away rather than a short walk, but she had plenty of time as she wasn’t meeting James until nine.

  Looking at the biscuits in the supermarket just in case James came in for a coffee later, she heard a voice she thought she recognized. She couldn’t quite place it so she turned round and looked. She saw the back of a man facing the chocolates on the other side of the aisle and she gasped.

  That’s John Robertson; I’m sure of it. What’s he doing in London? And who’s he with? That woman’s certainly not Barbara.

  Rachel kept looking until the woman slightly turned and leant one arm on John’s shoulder. Now Rachel could see her profile, and she knew instantly who she was.

  That’s Carlotta Fox. I’d recognize her anywhere. I know it’s years since I’ve seen her but she’s still as beautiful as she was then. My goodness, is John having an affair with her? I can understand why he would want to, especially married to Barbara, but I can’t tell what she sees in him. She could have her pick of celebrities even though she’s getting on a bit. Heavens above, why on earth am I staring? I mustn’t let them see me.

  Rachel grabbed a packet of chocolate biscuits and hoping that she didn’t need anything else, went straight to the till.

  Arriving home, Rachel didn’t know what to do. Her first inclination was to ring Mary, but then Rachel realized that Mary was at work. She certainly wasn’t going to tell Barbara. It was none of her business after all and she shouldn’t interfere in other peoples’ marriages. Then a thought struck her. Perhaps John was the one trying to kill her so that he could have more money to spend on an extravagant mistress, because that was what Carlotta was. She had spent George’s money on frivolities with little regard for him or James, who had been living at Oakfield when she had been around. However, Rachel blamed George for this; for letting her use his credit and debit cards as much as she wanted. She liked the best things in life; George knew that, and he never questioned what she bought or how much she spent.

  Rachel then wondered if she should ring Inspector Taylor. She didn’t want to. Much as she didn’t like Barbara, she didn’t want to be the person who initiated the end of her marriage to John. However, on the other hand, this was her life that was in the balance. Somebody had tried to kill her three times and they could be lucky the next time. There was a chance it could be John Robertson, so perhaps the police should be told.

  Rachel sat there for ages before coming to the decision of discussing it first with James.

  “James! I almost forgot I was seeing him tonight,’ Rachel exclaimed. “It’s eight thirty and I haven’t started to get ready yet.”

  Rachel wanted to shower and take extra care over her appearance that evening. She hadn’t even decided what she was going to wear, so she jumped up and dashed into the bathroom.

  * * *

  At a few minutes after nine, Rachel walked into Kariatis, the fashionable Italian restaurant where she had arranged to meet James. They had both been there before, but their paths had never crossed.

  James saw her as soon as she walked in. It was difficult not to notice her. Rachel was tall and slim and was wearing a light blue sleeveless dress which showed off her flawless figure. Her shoulder length dark hair glistened and her make-up accentuated what James thought were perfect features.

  The waiter knew Rachel and she smiled, a smile that could break even a cold heart, thought James as he watched her. The waiter led her to the table and James got up straight away and kissed her on the cheek, proud that she was with him.

  “You look absolutely amazing this evening, Rachel.”

  “Thank you, James. It’s very nice of you to say so,” she replied, her heart beating faster than it should. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was pleased to see him or because she had rushed to get ready.

  James too had made an effort and looked smart in what was obviously a very expensive suit, and of course he wore a tie.

  “I think you have enchanted
the whole restaurant, Rachel,” James continued.

  "Oh, they probably recognize me from the television.”

  “Perhaps, but you don’t seem to realize how absolutely gorgeous your really are.”

  “James, you’ll be making me big-headed.”

  He laughed as the waiter brought their menus and asked if they would like a rink before they ordered. As they were both taking cabs home, they chose to have gin and tonics. Studying the menu, they decided they wanted to start with antipasto for two. Rachel thought there was nothing more romantic than sharing food and James seemed as keen as she was to try this. For the main course, James plumped for osso bucco while Rachel chose chicken Parmigiano.

  They sat back with their gin and tonics and breadsticks and relaxed. After placing their order, Rachel caught James’s gaze and she smiled shyly. This whole day was full of romance and she didn’t want to spoil it by talking about who was trying to kill her, but she did need his advice about Carlotta and John. Should she bring it up or not? In the end she decided to get it over and done with.

  “:James, I don’t really want to talk about Oakfield and the person who wants me dead, but something happened a couple of hours ago that I want to tell you about.”

  "Alright, darling. Tell me and then we can relax and forget all about who’s trying to kill you for the rest of the evening.”

  “Well, when I was in the supermarket this evening, I saw John Robertson – he didn’t see me – and he was with Carlotta Fox. And they weren’t just friends if you get my meaning.”

  “What!” James exclaimed a little too loudly.

  A couple of people in the restaurant turned and stared.

  “I’m sorry. I thought Carlotta had better taste – and with a married man as well. Are you sure John didn’t see you?”

  “As sure as I can be.”

  “So what do you want to ask?”

  “Do you think I should tell the police?”


  “Well, don’t you think John could be the one trying to kill me? He could want the extra money now he has a mistress as well as a wife. Carlotta is very high maintenance after all.”

  “I didn’t think of that. Yes, perhaps you should. That’s the nearest we’ve got to any sort of suspicious behavior. Yes, tell that idiot, Inspector Taylor, though I doubt he’ll do anything constructive with it.”

  “You don’t like the detective much do you?”

  "Not really. I don’t think he’s very competent.”

  Rachel felt a little annoyed. There was nothing wrong with Inspector Taylor. He had next to nothing to go on yet he was trying his best to find out who was trying to kill her.

  Stop it Rachel. You were having a wonderful time a minute ago. You should never have mentioned anything to do with Oakfield and the Robertson family. It always ends in tears.

  Rachel decided it best to change the subject.

  “So why don’t you tell me more about your job. James. You seem to love it.”

  “I do, Rachel. I find it exciting. But I’m sure your work is even more thrilling than mine. You’ll probably find my life very dull and boring.”

  James grinned cheekily and Rachel thought he had a lovely smile as well as those wonderful sparkling eyes.

  “I wouldn’t find it at all boring. I want to know all about you since we parted company all those years ago on such awful terms.”

  “And I want to know about you as well, Rachel Fisher.”

  She looked into his eyes and his gaze held hers. Her heart started to pound much too fast and their little tiff was forgotten in an instant. They spent the evening talking nonstop, pausing briefly to take mouthfuls of the delicious food they were presented with and sips of the champagne James had ordered. He was adamant he was going to pay for the meal and it wasn’t because he was being chauvinistic. He said that this day was on him. It was their first proper date. If she wanted to invite him out for a meal or a day out, he would gladly let her pay. She said that was fair even though she felt a little guilty that she had been presented with two wonderful champagne meals.

  When they finished their main course, both were full. However, Rachel had a sweet tooth so when James suggested desert, she found it difficult to say no.

  “I really shouldn’t. I’m very full up so I hardly think I have room, but they do have some wonderful deserts on the menu.”

  “Like the Decadent Chocolate Surprise.”

  “Oh don’t remind me. It’s just so good, but I’m sure I’ll be quite ill after eating something so rich.”

  “Well, why don’t we share one?”

  “Hmm, now you are tempting me.”

  “Right, I’ll order it.”

  James signaled the waiter, while Rachel sat back, knowing she’d been defected, but when the desert came, she was glad she had been. It was pure heaven.

  “I have enjoyed this evening with you,” James said as they both scraped off the last of the chocolate sauce from the plate.

  “Me too,” Rachel replied, suddenly feeling nervous. Yes, this had been a perfect date, but she was again transported back to her relationship with Aidan. They too had had many perfect dates, but it still ended in his betrayal. She refused to be treated like that again.

  James noticed that Rachel looked a little morose and asked her what was wrong.

  “I’m sorry, James, nothing is wrong with you, nothing. I keep remembering what happened with Aidan and ...”

  “I’m not Aidan," he said, surprising Rachel with his gentleness. “I won’t rush you into this relationship. I’ll prove to you that not all men are like him.”

  James took Rachel’s hand across the table and she felt a little tingle go through her. No, he wasn’t Aidan and she felt she could almost trust him.

  “Thank you, James. You really are a wonderful man.”

  :”I know, I can’t help it!” he joked.

  He then became more serious as he looked directly into Rachel’s eyes, holding her gaze. Not for the first time, she felt a spark of electricity.

  “It’s up to you how fast or slow we go in this relationship. I just want you to be happy and comfortable with me. You’ve enough to deal with at the moment with Oakfield.”

  He reached over and kissed her before signaling for the bill.

  A little later, James got them a cab and he dropped Rachel at home before returning home himself, promising to meet her for lunch the next day.

  * * *

  Rachel had a restless night. It took her ages to get to sleep as she kept going through the events of the day. It had been perfect and she couldn’t wait to see James again for lunch on Sunday.

  When she woke up in the morning, Rachel felt a little tired, but excited about the day ahead. She had put the attempts on her life to the back of her mind which she knew was a little foolish, but she didn’t want to think about the danger she was in. It was much more pleasurable day-dreaming about James and not making herself ill with worry.

  Rachel was keen to tell Mary about the previous day. She wanted to prove to her that James wasn’t as bad as she thought he was. She picked up the phone.

  “He’s almost too good to be true,” Rachel said after telling her all about the amazing day she’d had with James.

  “Well,” Mary replied. “If he sounds too good to be true, he probably is. I’m telling you; I don’t trust him one bit. He was an evil child and I can’t believe he’s changed completely.”

  “Oh Mary, what could he be doing to me?”

  “He could be leading you on. He could be pretending to be keen on you until you fall in love with him and then drop you like a ton of hot bricks.”

  Rachel laughed.

  “Mary, how did you come up with that? He’d have to be a very good actor because he’s been so romantic. Oh Mary, you really don’t like him at all, do you?”

  “Nope, I’m afraid not, but I’ll try for your sake.”

  “Thank you, Mary. That means a lot because I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  There was a stunned silence at the other end of the phone.

  “Mary, are you still there?”

  “Yes, I hadn’t realized it had got to that stage. As I said. I will try with James, but he’ll have to do the same with me… Plus I will be here if you need to talk about anything.”

  “Thanks, but I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  When Rachel put the phone down, she felt a little deflated. She was pleased that Mary was going to make an effort with James, but she knew she would never like him. The scars were too deep. Rachel hoped that it wouldn’t destroy their friendship. She felt sad, but there was no way on earth that she was going to give James up.

  * * *

  Half an hour later the phone rang and when Rachel picked it up, she heard James’s voice.

  “I’m so sorry, darling. I won’t be able to make lunch. I have to go back to New York and I’m being sent out today.”

  “Oh, what a pity we can’t see each other, but if you have to go, you have to go. When will you be back?”

  “By the end of the week. I’ll ring you every day, I promise.”

  “I’ll look forward to it,” Rachel said, trying to hide her disappointment.

  When Rachel put the phone down, she felt downhearted. She had so been looking forward to her meal with James and hopefully spending the rest of the day with him, but that was not to be. She decided she might as well go back to Oakfield now rather than wait for Monday morning.

  Chapter 12

  Rachel woke up late on Monday morning after having worked hard on the Sunday She had shopped for things for the hotel after dropping the cats back at Oakfield and had then got down to some serious cleaning. She wanted to keep herself occupied otherwise she knew that she would continually brood about James. Despite them occasionally having disagreements, she was falling in love with him, not that she would tell him, at least not until he said he was in love with her. She refused to make herself vulnerable, not after Aidan.

  Apart from occasionally being a little chauvinistic, James was just about perfect. He was extremely pleasing to the eye and she was certain that they made a very handsome couple. He was considerate, liked a lot of the same things she did and best of all, wasn’t star struck. She hated it when men wanted to go out with her just because she was famous. It had happened a few times and these men had also identified her with one of the characters she had played and were naturally surprised and a little disappointed when she turned out completely different.


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