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Mystery at Oakfield Hall

Page 11

by Irena Nieslony

  Just before Rachel had gone to sleep on the Sunday evening, the last thing she had thought of was James and she wondered what he was doing as she drifted off into a restless sleep. However, as dawn approached, she fell into a deeper sleep and didn’t wake up until after ten. She leapt out of bed, feeling she had something important to do, but she couldn’t recall what it was. Then, all of a sudden, Rachel remembered. She had to ring Inspector Taylor about John’s relationship with Carlotta.

  Rachel began to have doubts about making the phone call. It now seemed far-fetched that the affair had anything to do with the attempts on her life. She decided to mull it over while she had breakfast. However, this did her no good. She still felt confused.

  I was certain yesterday, especially after discussing it with James, so why aren’t I now? I suppose I don’t want to look a fool in front of Inspector Taylor, but why that should bother me, I don’t know.

  After her second cup of coffee, during which time she recalled the attempts on her life, Rachel decided that she would make the call and to hell with it. Her life was in danger and the police needed all the facts just in case. Rachel picked up the phone and luckily got through to Inspector Taylor.

  “Inspector, this is Rachel Fisher. I’m sorry to bother you, but something has come to light which you may need to know. I’m not sure...”

  “If it’s in connection with any member of your family, tell me. Something you may not think important could be the complete opposite.”

  Taylor found his hand was shaking as he held the phone and he tried to steady it. Why was this woman having such a crazy effect on him?

  “Alright,” Rachel continued. “I was in a supermarket near my house in London late on Saturday afternoon when I saw John Robertson with Carlotta Fox, George Robertson’s former mistress. They were acting in a way that indicated they are having an affair.”

  “Really. And did they see you?”

  “No, I’m almost certain they didn’t.”

  “And why do you think this could be important, Ms. Fisher?”

  “Well, Carlotta is very high maintenance, so John might need the extra money. It’s a bit far-fetched, isn’t it?”

  “No, not at all. People have murdered for less.”

  “So I presume you’ll interview him?”

  “Yes, but I won’t say who told me about the affair, don’t worry.”

  “Thank you, Inspector Taylor.”

  With that, Rachel put the phone down and breathed a sigh of relief. It had all gone better than she had expected and she felt she could relax a little now that she had got it off her chest and the Inspector wasn’t going to say she had given the information. She decided a little more shopping for the hotel was in order and perhaps a bite of lunch out.

  * * *

  Inspector Taylor, with Helen in tow, were on their way to see John Robertson at work. Helen was feeling a little down. She had carried on making herself look extra pretty, but her boss hadn’t made a move. Why was he taking so long? Perhaps he was just shy or perhaps he didn’t realize she was making all this effort for him. Maybe she should ask him out, not that she had ever asked a man out before. She had always been scared of rejection, but she was convinced that Inspector Taylor did like her so that might be her only option.

  The car came to a sudden stop.’

  “We’re here, Helen,” Taylor said. "I think you may have dropped off."

  “I’m sorry sir,” Helen replied, mortified that he had caught her with her eyes closed, not that she was sleeping. Instead, she had been day-dreaming about him.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  The detective was feeling in a generous mood. Anyway, Helen was usually a very hard worker.

  “Come on, Helen, let’s go and see Mr. Robertson again.”

  It wasn’t long before they were sitting inside John’s office.

  “So, what can I do for you this time?” John asked nervously.

  “We have reason to believe you are having an affair with Carlotta Fox.

  “What?” Johan exclaimed. “Who told you that?”

  “We are not in a position to reveal our source. Please answer the question, sir.”

  John had gone red and the detective could see he was shaking.

  “Yes, I am, but you won’t tell my wife, will you? God, it wasn’t her who told you? No, it can’t have been. She would do something horrible to me first before telling the police, if she would even bother telling you. I mean, what has it got to do with you anyway? My private life has nothing to do with Rachel’s case so why are you asking questions about it?”

  “It gives you a bigger motive for wanting to kill Rachel Fisher.”

  “Why?” John screamed out.

  “Because Carlotta Fox likes the nicer things in life and you need more money to be able to afford them. You may want your share of Oakfield.”

  “That’s nonsense. You can’t prove I committed any of the crimes.”

  “No, but we will be watching you very carefully from now on. We will also need Miss Fox’s address if you don’t mind.”

  John reluctantly gave them Carlotta’s address, but as soon as they left, he was on the phone to her.

  “Carlotta,” he spoke hurriedly, even though it would take the police some time to get into London. “I’m sorry, but the police are coming to interview you. Somebody knows about us and told the police. They wouldn’t tell me who it was who grassed on us.”

  “Really? How interesting.”

  John was amazed at her response and he would have been dumbstruck if he could see that she was actually smiling.

  “How can you say it’s interesting?” John exclaimed. “They think I have a motive to murder Rachel because I need the money to support both a wife and a mistress.”

  Carlotta now laughed out loud.

  “Darling, they’re clutching at straws. Whoever is trying to kill Rachel isn’t leaving any clues so the police are jumping at every bit of flimsy evidence they get. Don’t worry. I’ll get the police off our backs.”

  “How can you do that?”

  “Oh, I’ll find a way. I’ll prove I’m self-sufficient and don’t need you financially. Don’t worry your head about anything.

  “I’ll try not to. You usually are good in these sorts of situations.”

  “Of course I am. Just go back to work, darling and leave this to me.”

  When John put the phone down, he felt reassured. Carlotta was very good at not losing her cool and she usually had a good answer for everything. If anyone could persuade the police that they had nothing to do with the attempts on Rachel Fisher’s life, it would be Carlotta.

  * * *

  After an early lunch, Inspector Taylor and Helen drove up to London to interview Carlotta. He was beginning to get a little worried about Helen. By the time they had got off the M4 and had started to make their way into London, Helen had already taken her mirror out of her bag and retouched her make-up twice. She had stretched out her long legs letting her skirt ride up her legs a little way. It suddenly dawned on him that the man she was attracted to must be him. Inspector Taylor was horrified. She was a nice enough girl and had the potential to be a good cop, but he was in no way attracted to her, He thought it was much too soon after his wife had died anyhow, forgetting about his attraction to Rachel.. He would have to stop this before it got into an obsession with her, but how?

  “I'm very interested in interviewing this Carlotta Fox, Helen,” Inspector Taylor remarked. “She’s supposed to be very vivacious, quite unlike John.”

  “They do say opposites attract,” Helen replied, smiling.

  “That’s true.”

  “What’s it like being the only female in CID, Helen?”

  “Alright I suppose.” Some of the guys did tease me a bit at first, but soon gave up. They’re all a bit immature.”

  “So you haven’t set your sights on one of them?”

  “Oh no, sir."

  “I’m glad to hear it. I frown upon relationships i
n the workplace. They can make life very difficult, so do try and avoid it if you can, Helen.”

  Her heart sank. Was this it then? Wasn’t he ever going to ask her out because they worked together? Perhaps if she asked for a transfer to another station, things might be different. However, she’d have to make sure he was interested in a relationship with her as she lived practically next-door to Slough Police Station. It was so convenient and she didn’t really want to leave. She was a bit scared about asking her boss such a personal question however, so she decided to leave it for a little while. She needed to build up her courage to ask him on a date.

  Meanwhile, Taylor was hoping that Helen had been suitably warned off him by his indirect remarks.

  The traffic wasn’t too heavy and before long they were at Carlotta Fox’s home. Taylor and Helen went to the front door which was opened more or less as soon as they rang the doorbell. Taylor wasn’t surprised, having expected John to have phoned her to warn of their impending arrival.

  They were soon sitting in the living room and Carlotta had made them coffee.

  “So, you want to ask me about my affair with John Robertson, officers?” Carlotta spoke.

  Inspector Taylor was quite stunned by her rasping voice and the beauty of her face with her strong cheekbones and deep and mysterious eyes. He could imagine many men, even younger ones, being captivated by her.

  “Yes, we believe that John may have attempted to kill Rachel Fisher in order to lay his hands on his share of Oakfield. He possibly needs this because of you. It must be expensive to have a wife and a mistress.”

  “It can be, I’m sure,” Carlotta replied. “However, I am not a poor woman; in fact I am very wealthy, so he doesn’t need to support me.”

  Carlotta got up and fetched some bank statements and showed them to the detective.

  ‘Well, yes, you speak the truth, but perhaps John might have wanted money of his own so he could leave his wife. I’m sure she would ask for a big settlement.”

  “We have never talked about him leaving Barbara.”

  “Really?’ Taylor asked. “Isn’t that what most mistresses want?”

  “I am not most mistresses. I don’t want to be tied down to one man. Perhaps John has the illusion that I would like to marry him, but I wouldn’t. I am a free spirit, Inspector. Nothing would bore me more than marriage.”

  The Inspector stared at Carlotta. He didn’t know why, but he believed her. He couldn’t imagine her being married and certainly not to John Roberson, but did John realize that?

  “Well, I think that’s it for the time being, Miss Fox. Thank you for your help.”

  “My pleasure,” Carlotta said as she led them out. “By the way, it’s Mrs. Fox. I did try marriage once you see, so I speak from experience. I am divorced. My marriage lasted eight months when I was a young girl. I kept his name. It’s rather racy don’t you think?”

  “As she seems to be." Inspector Taylor whispered to Helen when they were out of earshot.

  Helen shrugged her shoulders. She was feeling very low. Perhaps it would be impossible for her to capture Inspector Taylor’s heart. All her fantasies of becoming the second Mrs. Taylor were just a dream. It was stupid thinking of moving to another police station. Sitting at Carlotta’s, she had convinced herself that Inspector Taylor didn’t find her attractive. That was the reason he had told her he didn’t approve of workplace romances. Her friend who worked at another police station was going out with another police officer who worked there and nobody objected. No, Inspector Taylor didn’t fancy her; it was as simple as that.

  * * *

  Rachel, meanwhile, had tried to keep herself busy. Sarah wasn’t coming to help until the next day, so Rachel had plenty of time to brood, something which she didn’t want to do. She didn’t want to think about the number of times someone had tried to kill her and nor did she want to think about James. She found she was missing him quite badly and wished he hadn’t gone back to New York.

  Just after Rachel finished lunch, the postman brought a letter from the council. She looked at it nervously. What if she had been doing all this work for nothing? She took the letter into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of cold Chardonnay. Taking a long swig, she opened the letter, but still wasn’t able to unfold it. Rachel couldn’t remember the last time she had been this nervous. It must have been in her early days of auditioning for parts, back in the days before producers were begging her to be in their productions. Finally she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer and she unfolded the letter and read it slowly. Within moments, she was smiling and taking another long swig of wine. She couldn’t believe what she was reading. Her dreams had come true and she had permission to convert Oakfield into a hotel. She grabbed Macbeth and hugged him so hard that he meowed and jumped straight out of her arms. He gave her a rueful look before marching away haughtily.

  A few minutes later, the phone rang. Rachel was delighted to hear James’s voice and was unable to hide her feelings.

  “James, I’m so pleased to hear from you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “And I’ve missed you. I wish you were here.”

  “Yes, New York is wonderful... and so are you! You couldn’t have rung at a better time either. I’ve just had a letter from the council giving me permission to have my hotel.”

  “Hey, Rachel, that’s great. Congratulations. We’ll go out somewhere special to celebrate when I come back.”

  “Wonderful, but when will that be?”

  “Probably Saturday.”

  “That’s such a long time away.”

  “I know, but it’ll soon come round. Oh, how did you get on with the police today? You did ring didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Inspector Taylor seemed glad I did. He said that I should give him every bit of information as you never know what’s important. I think I did the right thing. I can’t see John doing anything on his own though, but with Carlotta, it is possible.”

  “I agree. He’s not that tough or even well-organized. Carlotta is.”

  “I keep forgetting how well you know her. John does seem attracted to strong women, doesn’t he? First Barbara, now Carlotta. He must like someone to take charge.”

  “I take it nothing else has happened since we last spoke, Rachel?”

  “No, thank goodness.”

  “It does worry me, you being alone in that house, darling.”

  “I know it does, but I have plans for the house and I’m not giving up on them, especially now.”

  “Alright. You just take care and I’ll speak to you tomorrow.”

  “You too.”

  Rachel so much wanted to tell him she loved him, but she couldn’t. It was too soon and it was too much of a commitment. She wasn’t ready yet even though she had these feelings. She had to keep them to herself until she felt ready to let James know how she felt about him. Perhaps if he said it to her she would reciprocate, but he hadn’t. Could it be that he wasn’t in love with her yet?

  * * *

  Later that same day, Rachel was sorting through some drawers in one of the bedrooms, when she came across an album of old photos. Taking them out, she found a few of her mother and her with George and then there was one of George with James and Carlotta. James looked angry and she remembered how he hated having his photo taken. Carlotta, on the other hand, was happy and very glamorous as she always was. Rachel remembered her the previous Saturday in the supermarket, not looking that much different, still beautiful even with a few lines on her face.

  Rachel suddenly felt guilty. She hadn’t visited George’s grave since his funeral, nor that of her parents who were buried at the same cemetery. She decided she would go right now, so she changed and got in the car, just stopping to buy flowers on the way.

  At the cemetery, Rachel visited the grave of her mother and father first. They were buried in the same plot which Rachel thought romantic in a strange sort of a way. They had always been so much in love and Rachel wondered if she would ever find a love like theirs.<
br />
  After shedding a few private tears, she went to George’s grave.

  “Well, George,” she spoke directly at his headstone. “I don’t know if you’re looking down on all this, but I do wonder what your plan was. Did you still love me and genuinely want me to have the house? Was it your impression that I would be the one who would do the best with your treasured home, better than your brothers, or had you not forgiven me for not lending you the money all those years ago? Perhaps you put that codicil in with the hope that Arthur, John or Sam, or even Barbara would try and kill me? Somehow I think that’s more likely. You were known to hold a grudge, weren’t you? Nevertheless, I’ve brought you these flowers. I never did stop loving you, George, even when we weren’t speaking to each other.”

  Rachel went and put the flowers in a vase on George’s grave and then decided to leave. She didn’t have much else to say to him.

  Rachel started walking to the gates of the cemetery, lost in her own world, when she almost stumbled over Inspector Taylor.

  “Oh, I’m sorry… Inspector. I didn’t realize it was you.”

  Rachel’s eyes went straight to the tombstone he was standing near, and looking at it, saw that it read Emma Taylor, Beloved Wife of Peter, died aged 33, and the date was a year previously.

  To say Rachel was shocked would be an understatement. She looked sympathetically at the Inspector.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. He hated talking about his wife, but he’d been cornered. He had to say something.

  “Emma died of cancer. It’s been a difficult year.”

  “I can imagine. And you have children, I believe.”

  “Yes, Jeremy is six and Hannah is four. It’s been hard on them, but I have a nanny, an older woman with a lot of experience with children. She’s been a Godsend.”


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