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To Tame a Wolf

Page 6

by Wendy Stone

  "Yes,” she moaned suddenly, arching under him as his lips swept over her throat.

  He lifted his head, staring down into her eyes. “You repudiate Geoffrey and his suit?"

  "Yes,” she cried, reaching for him.

  A swift smile of victory covered his face, gone before she had a chance to see it. He kissed her with all the passion her words had inspired, reveling in the heat and taste of her. She moved under him, wishing she knew how to release the sensations burning deep inside of her. In her innocence, all she knew to do was hang on to Wulf with everything she had.

  He reached between them, provoking more cries and whimpers of excitement, her nails scoring his back. His trews pulled free easily and his cock rested against her belly. He pressed it against her and she let her thighs fall open.

  Rose felt the first gentle touch of his fingers between her legs and moaned her need, barely able to stand even the tenderest of touches against the tiny piece of flesh that throbbed with every beat of her heart. Her head fell back against the small, mean pillow, her curls freeing themselves of their confinements as she writhed under his touch. “Wulf,” she begged.

  * * * *

  He smiled again, his lips tugging at her nipple, his hand stroking through the wetness between her thighs. He'd known she'd be a wanton, known it the moment she'd appeared in that window, her hair strewn, her bodice dipping open, staring at him with an unabashed curiosity that was almost hoydenish. When he'd found that she was his target, he'd begun to enjoy his set upon course of action on a new level.

  Her tiny, flat belly writhed under his mouth. He slid down further, finding the top of her slit with his tongue, pausing there for one instant to hear her cries of need before parting those pink lips and tasting her most intimate flesh. Her musky arousal was a treat he explored to his heart's content. Her outer lips were plump, engorged with blood, her dark curls a perfect foil for the pink inner flesh. His tongue swept through her folds, finally finding her clit and suckling gently upon the hard nub of flesh.

  When Rose cried out again, he lifted his head, pushing his hand across her mouth. “Quietly sweetling. We do not want his guards to come in because of your cries. When we are married, you may cry your pleasure to the four winds and I will gladly give you more."

  Rose nodded, her face flushed and was tight. Her eyes met his, her blue gaze begging for him to finish what he'd started.

  Wulf lowered his head, his lips finding the sweetness of her inner thighs, teasing her by kissing all around the spot where she desperately wanted him to touch. Her hips moved as she searched for what her body demanded. “Wulf..."

  He peeled back her thick lips, gentle with her tender flesh. Wulf found her clit again, touching the tiny nub with just the tip of his finger, thrumming it while he watched her face. Her eyes shot wide, then half-closed while her fingers scrabbled for something to hang onto as he rocked the stability of her world with that tiny caress.

  A harsh smile crossed his face as he brought Rose closer to her peak. Yes, she was perfect. She would be the perfect wife and with her father's connections...well, he'd finally have his revenge. It was time to make her his, time to start the next part of his plan.

  Rising over her, he slid between her thighs, his hard cock brushing against her wet, hot flesh. “You're certain?” he asked. He wanted no doubt, no thought in her that she'd told him nay. Others would claim that, and she must deny them. “You want to be mine?"

  "Aye,” she cried, her hands sliding down his shoulders and over the long lean muscles of his back. She pulled on his hips, rubbing her sex against the hardness that teased her opening.

  Wulf took his cock in hand, finding that tender portal. His lips found hers as he pushed inside, breaching the veil of her innocence. He wanted to shout his victory to the four winds. He wanted to take the proof of this mating and rub it in Geoffrey's face. He wanted to crow his success.

  Rose's hands clenched suddenly, one going to his chest as the pain of her breaching shot through her. It was a quick pain, one easily forgotten as he began to move above her, slowly at first, short strokes that let him sink deeper and deeper inside of her until firmly set. Then, long strokes meant to pleasure.

  Pleasure they did. She moved under him like the most practiced of slatterns, her body falling into the natural rhythm that would give him even more access to her throbbing sex. Her hands moved to his shoulders, her body arching, wanting to rub against his.

  Her breasts jiggled with every hard thrust of his body, his cock buried inside of her. Her body tightened around him harder and harder until, with a scream of pleasure that he muffled with his mouth, she climaxed. She shook as the pinpricks of fire ran up and down her nerve endings. Waves of moist warmth bathed her loins, covering his plundering cock with her juices.

  When her eyes fluttered open, Wulf stared down at her, a very male smile upon his handsome lips. He was still hard, still buried inside of her. “Are you all right?” he asked smugly.

  "Very pleased with yourself, aren't you?” she teased, though the flush that touched her pink cheeks betrayed the truth behind her words.

  "Not as pleased as I've made you."

  She moved under him and he groaned. “You haven't...” she asked innocently.

  "Not yet. I enjoyed watching you. You are very beautiful, my Rose."

  "I am glad you think so, Sir Wulf.” She moved under him again, the top of his cock brushing against her very sensitive clit. She sighed, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and draw him down. “Kiss me."

  Wulf did, enjoying her hesitant aggressiveness, the way her tongue pushed past his lips, the feel of her hands stroking over his skin. They moved lower, down his back, coming to rest on the globes of his ass, startling him by squeezing gently. When she pulled her lips away, her eyes sparkled up at him. “Can we do that again?"

  Wulf grinned. “Oh yes, my love. Most definitely."

  Rose met him stroke for stroke. Her fingers slid over the contracting muscles of his arse, slipping between the hard globes, finding the puckered rim of his anus. He shouted his surprise when she ran her fingers over that spot, making him jerk into her. “Oh yes,” he growled. “Definitely a hoyden, my hoyden.” He grabbed her hands, holding them in one of his near her head. Rising up, he began to pound into her. Mewling cries told him of her upcoming orgasm.

  He felt her shatter around him and then he joined her in bliss, spurting his seed into her womb with a prayer to the gods that she would be fertile. A child would seal the deal splendidly. The Black Hawke would never deny his daughter that which she wanted. Wulf would make sure she wanted him.

  "Gods, Wulf,” she cried, clutching at him.

  "I love you, my Rose,” he groaned, pressing fevered kisses against her brow and cheeks. “I love you."

  After, she sank into sleep, surrounded by his sheltering arms. Wulf remained awake, his eyes hard as he stared off into the distance. He had hope now. He had to hang on to that, and this pretty wench in his arms.

  When the knock came on the door, he rose quietly and pulled on his trews. It was the work of only moments to prepare his message. Rose barely noticed, deep in her slumber. Taking the small package, he slid it to the courier at the door, taking the food that he had brought. “Tell John that everything is working according to plan. Send the package to Geoffrey. He'll know what it means."

  The messenger touched a respectful hand to his forehead, bowing. “Yes, Lord Wulf. It shall be as you wish. Lord Geoffrey hasn't sent any messages to her father as of yet."

  "I hadn't expected him to. He'll not want the great Black Hawke to know he's lost his daughter in the span of only one day. It's too much of a blow to his ego. That ego comes first, before all else."

  "Is there anything else, Lord Wulf?"

  "Tell my mother I bring home a bride. Now go, and go quickly. Be about your duties. Do not despair. If all works as planned, I shall bring Geoffrey to heel like the cur that he is.” Wulf shut the door as quietly as he could, but Rose stirred
upon the cot.

  "Was that the robbers?” she muttered sleepily, rising and holding the sheet against her bare breasts. The rounded shape of them could be seen peaking out and with her tousled mane of black curls and her sleepy blue eyes, Wulf felt renewed temptation.

  "They've brought us food,” he said, nodding toward where he'd left the fare.

  "Food?” Rose asked, her stomach growling hungrily. She rose from the bed, dragging the sheet with her, yet doing little to ease her modesty. Going to the saddle bags, she drew out a loaf of bread and a hunk of bright orange cheese that had a sharp, tangy scent. Another package held slices of venison, pink and moist. A jug of honeyed mead and two mean, wooden cups provided drink. “Look,” she exclaimed, laying it all out. “A feast fit for a king!"

  Wulf chuckled at her play. “I'm just glad it's good enough for you, my lady love.” He reached out, stroking his hand over the softness of her cheek. “You look better, not quite so peaked."

  Rose looked up from where she'd been stuffing bread into her mouth. Her eyes gleamed with mischievous good humor. “For being kidnapped and held ransom, this has been a marvelous experience,” she said after she swallowed. “I've never tasted bread so good.” She pulled apart another piece and handed it to him, along with a chunk of cheese and slices of the meat. He took a hearty bite, closing his eyes in pleasure.

  "A lusty wench, a good meal and sweet mead. What else could a man wish for in life?"

  They laughed and teased until the gleam in Wulf's eyes grew serious and he pulled the sheet from her slender body, enjoying the blush that rose from her breasts to her cheeks. “Grow used to this, love. I plan to keep you naked whenever I can."

  With that, he scooped her up in his arms, carting her back to the bed.

  * * * *

  Geoffrey paced the campsite, his temper rampant. He kicked at a slops bucket, turning to slap the servant who tried to clean away the mess. When the arrow came, his eyes went icy. He pulled the parchment free, read it and then handed it to his second in command. “Bring me the package he speaks of."

  Geoffrey untied the mean knots that held it closed. It rolled open, a small coverlet falling to the ground at his feet. Lifting it, he shook it out.

  He shouted his rage as he spied the stain of blood on the white material, his anger echoing in the trees.

  "I'll kill him!"

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  Chapter Five

  Rose woke slowly. A weight lay against her breast. Her hand rose, touching the soft hair of the man who lay with her on the small cot.

  Her eyes opened wide as the memories of the day and night before flew through her mind. She'd been made love to, thoroughly, taught things she'd never thought done and done things she'd never thought. All by this man, Wulf.

  "You're awake early,” he said, his voice gruff with sleep.

  "Someone was hogging the bed.” Rose blushed as she spoke, embarrassed by her own brashness.

  "Hmm, I'll have him taken out and flogged for his impertinence.” He kissed the breast he rested against, glancing at the covered window and seeing light around the edges. “Perhaps it is later than I'd thought?"

  "What are we going to do, Wulf?” Panic entered Rose's voice as she thought of her parents. She knew they must be frantic with worry. Thoughts of Geoffrey were easily dismissed. It was her father's disappointment she feared. The thought of his reaction to her indiscretions made her cringe at the idea of rescue. As long as they were trapped here, she wouldn't be held responsible for the reprehensible things she'd done.

  He rose, naked and beautiful in the light of morn. His cock thrust rigidly from his body. Her cheeks heated again as she watched. He turned toward her, unashamed of his nudity. “Shall I check to see if they thought to feed us this morn?"

  When she bowed her dark head and did not reply, he sank down next to her, lifting her chin with a gentle hand. “Come, come, love, there is nothing to be seen in the light of morning that was not there to be touched and fondled last eve. Besides, I find I enjoy the feel of your innocent eyes upon me.” He took her hand, playing with her fingers while he watched her eyes.

  They roamed everywhere but his lap, where the turgid proof of his desire waited.

  "Maidenly ways are for maidens, my heart.” He bent his head, finding her lips with his own. “Perhaps I shall make you my breakfast.” His voice rumbled deep in his chest as he lifted his head, his emerald eyes glowing strangely as he stared down at her. He bent forward again, his hand coming up to touch her cheek, stroking over the satiny flesh and then into the beauty of her mussed hair. “I want you, Rose."

  He cocked his head, waiting for something from her, an answer to his own desperate need. Green eyes met shy blue and he studied her intensely. There was a spark of desire there, beneath the shyness and the maidenly coyness. He lifted her easily from the bed, a low growl emerging from deep inside as he felt the warmth of her bottom cheeks slip against his cock. Pulling her across his lap, he tilted her head back, finding her mouth with ease. His tongue slipped into the heat of her mouth as she gasped with pleasure.

  The emotions and sensations besieged Rose. The taste of him upon her tongue, the softness of his lips, the gentle caress of his hard, calloused hands. Especially the part of him that made him male, his cock as he'd taught her to call it the night before. Pressed against her hip, it sent a swirl of pleasure into her loins.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting the bliss of his expert loving to end, arching her back so her naked breasts pressed against his chest. She could feel her nipples growing hard, rubbing against his skin. A shiver of lust spread through her.

  He pulled his lips from hers, ignoring her moan of disappointment. With a grin, he let her head fall back against his arm. Slowly, he laved wet kisses upon her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her, reveling in the musky undertones from their lovemaking the night before. His hand sought her thigh, sliding easily between the thin columns of ivory flesh to find her dark triangle.

  Wulf heard his name escape her lips in a sigh of bliss that sent a stab of pleasure to his groin. He hated the fact that he had to deceive her. But it was too late now. He was in the thick of it and had no way out but through.

  He found the hard nub of her nipple with his mouth, wrapping his lips around it and suckling hard. Then, he slipped one long, talented finger between her lower lips and into her heat.

  His groan at the feel of her was lost in the sound of the door opening and slamming back against the wall. Rose screeched, trying to hide her body against his as their captor and his men entered the small hut.

  "What is this?” the big man crowed, his eyes as keen as those of his men. They roamed over soft skin and pretty curves. He laughed as Wulf put Rose back on the bed, giving her the blanket to cover her nudity. Wulf lifted his breeches, yanking them on and doing up the ties at the waist.

  "Do you not know how to knock?” Wulf's unusual eyes glowed with his ire.

  "You've just won me a bet, my boy, so I won't take you to task for your tone. So, does the girl still want to be returned to her intended... or is she to face your fate?"

  "What is his fate, Sirrah?” Rose struggled with the blanket as she rose from the cot, pulling it around and tucking the end between her breasts. She stood as tall as she could, desperate to show she wasn't afraid of these brigands. But her voice shook despite her brave words.

  "'Tis a man's business, little one, and not one for you to be fretting over. I'll let your man over there make his decision."

  "But it is my fate that you discuss,” Rose argued, stomping her foot in frustration. Did all men think she had nothing between her ears? Her father'd been one to ask opinions of Rose and her mother. “Since I am the one that must live my fate, I should be asked my wishes in the matter."

  "Did your father ask your wishes, when he betrothed you to Lord Geoffrey?” It was Wulf that spoke, not their captor.

  "My father would not have made me leave if I hadn't wanted to go.”
She turned to Wulf, surprised at the question. “I did what was best for my family."

  "By tying yourself to that man? Do you not know his true nature?” Wulf nodded at the leader. “Show her, John. Show her the type of man she thought to wed."

  "Laddie, do you know what you do?” John's voice was full of affection for Wulf and of the respect he had for him. He glanced at the tiny brunette standing her ground in front of the massive warrior.

  Wulf nodded at John. He knew it tipped his hand a bit, but he needed Rose to know. “Show her."

  John stripped off his heavy leather vest. Under it was a shirt of soft lawn, finely stitched. He lifted it up, turning his back to Rose. She gasped at exactly what Wulf had wanted her to see.

  "John worked Geoffrey's fields, Rose. He was beaten for any supposed indiscretion. If he protested his treatment, he was hung by his wrists until his hands were almost black. Geoffrey found pleasure in administering the beatings himself. He wielded the whip with vicious intent, as you can see."

  Rose's hand went to her mouth in horror. His back looked like scarred leather, not living skin. The marks stretched from the nape of his neck to the waistband of his breeches. The pain of those beatings must have been terrible, and the scars on his soul even worse. Who could treat another human in such a manner?

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she stumbled to the cot, turning her back on the sight. When Wulf dropped to his knees in front of her, a sob escaped her and she held a shaky hand out to him.

  "Nay, little one. Do not cry over me. I've a thick hide and I'm beyond Geoffrey's reach now.” John let his shirt drop and pulled on his vest. “Your dad would have never knowingly betrothed you to a man of Geoffrey's ilk. I've heard much of the Black Hawke.” He nodded his big head in certainty, then crossed his arms the way her father did when a conversation drifted from its focus. “But a decision must be made. Do you stay here and wait for Geoffrey to pay up, or do you go with Wulf?"


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