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To Tame a Wolf

Page 7

by Wendy Stone

  "You...You were part of this?” she asked Wulf, staring into his emerald eyes, pain shining in her gaze. “You planned this?"


  "Did you plan my seduction as well? Was that part of your revenge on Geoffrey, to send back his intended, spoiled and ruined?"

  "Yes,” he admitted, not dropping his gaze, “Until I met you, that was my plan."

  "And now?"

  "Now I'm going to keep you for myself,” he said, holding up his hand for silence when she would have protested. “You promised me your troth with your own words, Rose. You are coming with me."

  "How are you any better than Geoffrey?” She stared at the man she had thought so different. “You've taken my honor from me."

  "Women have no need of honor.” Wulf stood, grabbing his shirt from the floor. “Go, John, bring my mount. We will be leaving here. Geoffrey should have opened my gift by now and will know his bride-to-be is no longer chaste. Let us hope it leads him where we want him to go."

  Rose stared at his back, unable to believe what she heard. She'd been willing to give this man her heart, her life... and all he wanted her for was to get back at Lord Geoffrey. She felt tears well into her eyes and fought them back. She wouldn't give in to sobs, not now. She had to get away from Wulf.

  "They hit you over the head,” she said suddenly, remembering her concern for him. “They are your men and they hit you over the head."

  "I had to gain your trust. The injury was naught but a farce to make you believe in me, Rose.” He waved his men out and turned to face her as the door closed behind the last of them.

  Wulf's voice was as grim as his demeanor. He'd never planned to have feelings for the girl. He couldn't afford any emotional burdens, not when all rested upon the success of his plan. “Get dressed."

  "Not while you are near,” she said, rising from the cot and glaring at him. She felt stronger on her feet, more able to defend herself against his charms. “You shall not see me naked again."

  "Oh, but I shall. We will be married as soon as a priest can be found to do the deed. Until then, I plan to hand fast myself to you so that not even your father can break our troth."

  "I won't agree to it.” How could she have let him touch her? At least Geoffrey had been up front with his derision. This was worse. Wulf had been so gentle, so tender with her before this morn. The betrayal cut deep.

  "You won't have a choice. I am law to my people and if I say you agree, then you agree.” He picked up her gown and underpinnings, thrusting them out to her. “Get dressed or you will go to my people the way you are now."

  "At least turn your back."

  "And take a real blow to the head this time? No, I don't think so. You have a choice, clothes or go as you are now. Either way, you'll ride in front of me. If you try anything, you'll ride in front of me with your head low and your ass in the air. Now decide."

  The look in her eyes would have brought him low. But she reached up with one hand, letting the blanket fall, watching his eyes roam over the curves his hands had traced so lovingly the night before. Quickly, she pulled her shift over her head, tying the laces tight. Then the bliaut, tucking the sleeves into a pocket sewn into the side. Snatching his cloak, she pulled it around her shoulders and glared at him, daring him to take it from her. She stared around the small hut, looking for her shoes.

  He held them out to her. “Allow me, wife,” he said, motioning for her to sit on the side of the cot.

  "Remove the rope first."

  "You aren't in a position to make demands, Rose."

  "Please remove the rope first.” Her sarcastic tone brought a smile to his mouth. “You find me amusing?"

  "You are definitely a prickly little bundle.” He retrieved his dagger and sword from where John had left them and sliced through the rope. She sat, rubbing a raw spot on her ankle. “I can put my own shoes on."

  "Yes, but I find it is a job I am quite willing to do for you.” He sank down on his haunches, lifting one small foot. Her toes were tiny and pink, her arch graceful. He rubbed his fingers against her skin, then bent and suckled one pretty toe into his mouth.

  Rose jumped at the contact of his mouth, amazed and horrified to find she still felt desire for this man. A simple touch and she melted, completely against her wishes. “Stop. You disgust me!” She kicked at him, trying to deny the unpleasant truth.

  Wulf gazed up at her, slowly letting go of her foot. “Someday, my life will be all to you,” he prophesized. He dropped her shoes in her lap and left the building. The whinny of a horse came in through the open door.

  Rose stared at the door as it shut behind him. She feared he was already right. But then her soft blue eyes hardened and she put her shoes on. She was the Black Hawke's daughter.

  * * * *

  Hawke stared down at his wife as she told him what had happened in Geoffrey's chamber.

  "H-he said I was little more than a slut,” she whispered finally, bowing her head, unable to meet his gaze.

  "Why did you not tell me this immediately?” Hawke asked, lifting her chin. “You know I would not have blamed you. You have stood beside me faithfully for these many years, wife. I have no doubts of you."

  "You said Geoffrey was the best we could ever hope for. That the price Rose brought would see our sons through. How could I let one happenstance ruin that?"

  "I promised you and Rose that she would be happy, Maddie. Do you think she'll be happy with a man who treats her like property? Would you have been happy with me, if I'd treated you that way?"

  "N-no, but Hawke...” She sighed, bowing her head again, her hands clasped in front of her. “I am sorry, husband. I should have told you."

  "Yes, but no matter. We can right this easily enough. We shall collect our girl and then try again."

  "But his threats..."

  "Wife, has it been so long that you've forgotten who I am? I wasn't given the name Black Hawke without reason. Geoffrey has little that can harm us.” He reached out and pulled her into his arms. “Now come, give me a smile and a kiss and let's make the arrangements to leave."

  Maddie smiled as he wanted and the kiss she gave made him groan and lift her in his arms, striding toward the wide staircase that led to the second floor and their chamber. She settled against his chest, her arms around him. “What of packing?"

  "Later,” he growled, kicking their door closed. He dropped her to the middle of their huge bed, pulling her gown open and filling his palms with her large breasts. They sagged a bit from feeding their babies and her nipples were wide and thick. He thought them perfect. His lips curved around one of those hard nubs now, suckling upon her and making her squirm.

  He nuzzled one breast then quickly found the other nipple, flipping her skirts up so that he could reach between her thighs with one large hand. She was wet. She was always wet for him, he thought with a happy sigh. His finger slid through that moist heat and pushed inside of her. She gasped as he slowly began to stroke.

  She grabbed his head with her hands as he began to chew on her nipples, biting gently, in a way guaranteed to bring her pleasure. “Hawke,” she cried, her hips riding his hand as his thumb moved to caress her clit. She ground down on him and he felt his cock throb inside his trews. He reached down with his other hand to untie his laces and let himself spring free.

  "Do you want me in you when you come?"

  Her thighs wrapped around his waist. “Yes. Fuck me, husband! Come in my cunny. Fill me with your seed!"

  Hawke's lust took over and he jerked his hand from her and plunged his hard cock inside. He rode her fast and true, pinning her legs over his shoulders, pounding into her until she screamed his name and her juices flowed over his cock. Then he lifted her, putting her on hands and knees before him. He held her hips, lining up his cock and sliding it back inside slowly.

  He used long, slow strokes, slowly letting her come down from her first orgasm. Then his thrusts came quicker, harder, until she cried out for him once more, the soft flesh of her ass
jiggling at every hard plunge of his cock. His hand slapped down upon that ass and he heard her gasp of pleasured pain.

  Then his head spun as his own climax forced his eyes shut. His cock jerked and throbbed, spewing hot cum inside his wife's womb.

  He'd just helped her lie flat, his body curving over hers, when a loud knock roused him. “What?” he growled. All knew not to interrupt the lord and his lady when they were in their chamber.

  "Sir, a message has been delivered!"

  "Can it not wait until the supper hour?"

  "The messenger named it urgent, sir. He is to wait for a reply."

  "Feed him and his mount. I shall be down shortly.” Hawke growled as his wife chuckled softly. “You laugh at me?” he asked her, nuzzling her neck and nipping the soft flesh of her shoulder

  "I would not dare do such a deplorable thing,” Maddie said with a grin much like her daughter's. “Shall we rise and then see what terrible thing requires your attention now, my husband?"

  In fact, the idea of an afternoon nap with his wife had been simmering in Hawke's mind. “Never a moment's rest,” he mumbled, rising and feeling his cock slide from Maddie's warm flesh. He pulled up his breeches before helping his lady wife fix her dress. He watched as she brushed her blonde tresses, a little bit of gray just beginning to shine through. Her nimble fingers made quick work and she let the thick braid lay across her shoulder, hiding the mark of her husband's teeth.

  When done, she rose from her dressing table and held her hand out to him, eyes shining with her love for the man who'd taken her so many years before. “Come, let us see what is so dire."

  They walked hand in hand down the stairs he'd carried her up not an hour before. Any who saw them could see the love in the master's eyes for his wife and hers for him. They seated themselves upon the raised dais at the Lord ‘s Table and Maddie nodded for servants to bring the meal. While they waited, another servant brought an unopened scrolled parchment to Hawke.

  He expertly split the wax and rolled it open. Quickly scanning the missive, he cursed succinctly, then read it again while Maddie looked on with a worried expression.

  "What is it?"

  "Wulfgar of Red Thorn Hall has taken Rose from Geoffrey."

  His words left a stunned silence in the hall. All eyes fell upon the messenger, who looked up in concern.

  "What do you know of this?” Hawke demanded.

  "N-nothing, sir. I was but told to deliver this and wait for whatever reply you sent. Honestly, sir,” he said quickly, seeing the disbelief in the much larger man's eyes, “I am naught but the messenger."

  Maddie lifted the missive, quickly reading through it. “He wishes to marry our Rose, husband."

  "I know that, Maddie. I can read also."

  "But...isn't this just what we were looking for? A new husband for Rose?"

  "Red Thorn Hall is under siege, Maddie. Geoffrey took it from Wulfgar years ago. The man is broke, and has no prospects for recovery as long as Geoffrey holds his hall."

  "I am not one to propagate the idea of war, husband. But don't you think we might help this Wulfgar with the problem? You have the troops, and if he would make a better husband for our Rose..."

  "You wish me to go against Geoffrey?” Hawke sat back, his hand stroking his chin in thought.

  Maddie remained silent, watching her husband. She knew his mind. He was considering every angle and what consequences could befall them. A small smile started across his handsome mouth, then spread into a wide grin. “I haven't held my sword in battle in too many years. You are right, Maddie. We should help our new son reclaim his home."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  Rose sat straight in the saddle in front of Wulf, refusing to lean back against him, no matter how tired and sore she was. She'd had high hopes of being able to get away from him when she saw Hermes being brought round. He'd bucked and kicked against the unfamiliar hand until he'd caught his mistress's scent.

  She'd demurely allowed Wulf to help her into the saddle, a small grin playing about her mouth. It vanished when he took the reins from her hands and swung up behind her.

  "I refuse to ride with you."

  "Then you will walk at my side. Either way, Rose, you will stay near me.” He no longer spoke as if she'd had any choices except those he gave her, a tone that aggravated her immensely.

  She briefly considered walking, just to spite him. However, Rose knew the sharp stones strewn across the road would soon make tatters of her thin, formal shoes—and then of her feet. She wished for her far more practical boots, but they remained at Hawkesmoor.

  "I will ride, but you will keep your hands to yourself.” She made the declaration in a haughty tone, nose lifted in the air.

  He'd nodded, his arms circling her to hold the reins. She'd stiffened, but didn't speak and hadn't relaxed.

  "You know, you only harm yourself with your contrariness, Rose. You and I will be wed and it will be a marriage in every way. I want sons."

  "My father will make sure you will never be able to have them if you touch me without my consent,” she hissed, her face red with anger. He made her sound like little more than a brood mare; a receptacle for his lusts. Not that she minded his lust for her, but she'd be damned to hell before she'd admit it.

  "I'm sure he's thinking that very thing right now,” Wulf whispered in her ear. He felt the shiver that went down her spine at the warmth of his breath and grinned. “I sent him a message stating that we would be wed and asking for his blessing. He should have it now."

  "You didn't!” Rose gasped in dismay. “You wouldn't!"

  "I would and I did. Rose, you will be mine as soon as I can arrange a priest. I need alliance with such as your father."

  "So I mean naught to you then?"

  "I did not say that. We do well together, when you aren't being so stubborn. We shall be fine as a married couple. Yet my first duty is to my people. With your father's armies, I will be able to regain my estates from Geoffrey and free them from his abuse."

  "Ah,” Rose sighed. “There's the rub. You are using me to get to Geoffrey. I hope you know, Geoffrey has as little care for me as you do, perhaps even less. He saw me as a possession, a brood mare to bare his children and an ornament to sit at his left hand. I held no value but for that. He didn't even need my father's might or his reputation.” She sighed again, bitterly. When would she hold worth as herself and not simply for what she could bring to a man?

  "No, he sees you as a prize, not a person. I know this. And all the while, he rapes the girls from the villages and the maids under his care. He has my people whipped for the least provocation and takes men's lives for doing little more than trying to feed their families. I will kill the man—if I can but get to him."

  Rose turned her head, amazed at the amount of hatred in Wulf's voice. His eyes sparkled with bitterness and his face had hardened into stone. He waved his hand at one of the men that rode with them. He pointed and she noticed that one arm ended at the wrist. As he turned to survey the woods around them, she saw the patch that covered one eye.

  "Dillard was my land manager. Geoffrey noticed a discrepancy in the incomes and decided he was stealing. He ordered Dillard's hand removed. The ‘theft’ turned out to be an error in the bookkeeping. Instead of forgiving Dillard and compensating him for the lost hand, Geoffrey declared that the manager should have seen the error first and ordered his eyes put out. I managed to rescue him, but not before half the deed had been done. Your ex-intended is an evil man. I will kill him, Rose. Have no doubt of that."

  Rose turned forward once more, horrified. If what Wulf said had any measure of truth, he'd saved her from a worse fate than she'd thought. Her mind raced as Hermes plodded down the dirt road. Soon, she found herself leaning into his comforting arms. He surrounded them both with his heavy cloak, laying the edges across her lap so that she might share his warmth. Rose tried to protest, but he barked a command for her to be silent and she complied. It had been
only a half-hearted protest at best, for she was tired and cold.

  Before she knew it, her eyes closed and she slept.

  * * * *

  Wulf studied what he could see of her face as she rested against him. Geoffrey had always had the best taste in women, and in this one, he'd exceeded his normal standards. She was gracious and lovely, with dark tresses that had his hands itching to bury themselves in the satiny softness and blue eyes that he found himself wanting to dive into like a clear mountain lake. He also sensed a regard for others that went far beyond a mistress caring for her people. Every emotion she felt was reflected in the soft blue of her gaze. Her cheeks flushed with sleep, her lush lips quivering with her soft breath. He wanted them again, under his own, willing and hot and full of desire. He wanted to taste the darkness of her passion, feast upon her silky flesh and soft bosom. He wanted to lose himself, rutting between the glorious columns of her thighs.

  "Wulf, lad, you'd best rein in your baser thoughts. We meet with your mother soon,” John called with a laugh, startling Wulf back to the present. “She is as tasty a wench as I've seen, lad, but ‘tis best to keep those ideas for the dark hours."

  "John likes those dark hours,” one of the men called.

  "Yes,” Wulf said. “But only because of his face. No woman will look upon that ugly mug until the dark hours."

  John laughed good-naturedly. “Be that as it may, you don't want your mother to see you looking at the wench that way. She expects more out of you than we do.” He slapped Wulf on the shoulder as he trotted his mare past the man. “She told me more than once to take care of you."

  "I don't see why you don't marry her and make an honest woman out of her, John."

  "She won't have me, boy.” John's words held a touch of bitterness, but he straightened his shoulders and shrugged it away. “And ‘tis all the better because of it. What would a lady like her be wanting with a freeman like me? I couldn't give her what your da did. No, best we leave the relationship alone."


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