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Waiting for Willow

Page 5

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Shaking his head, Quinn chuckled. “If that’s what you want,” he murmured as he walked into the eat-in kitchen. Yeah, he’d probably gone overboard when they’d had this designed. It had two ranges, two ovens, and a huge refrigerator all in stainless steel, an island with its own sink and a large country farm table and chairs enough to seat eight.

  Scanning the large kitchen, he found Willow leaning into the fridge, her body covered in one of his t-shirts and hanging to just below the curve of her ass, her long red hair hung in tousled waves, still damp from a recent shower. He could smell the scent of his shampoo and beneath that, the scent of aroused woman and cum-soaked skin.

  Stepping up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her only reaction was a startled jump, then a quick exhale before relaxing in his arms.

  Willow chuckled, then grunted as she turned in his arms to face him. “If I hadn’t heard you coming, scented your approach, you would be eating your balls right now, so don’t think I’m helpless. So, now, where have you been?”

  “Trying to find out the names of your abductors. Not having much luck so far.” When her brows furrowed in worry, he pulled her closer, snuggling her head beneath his chin and wrapping his arms around her back as he pressed her against him.

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll know something soon.”

  “I don’t know if this will make sense, or help or not, but I kept smelling dogs and cats, even rabbits. Is it possible one of them works around animals?”

  Quinn stiffened, set her away a few inches. “What else do you remember that might help?” He hated asking her, hated involving her at all, but he doubted she’d willingly sit on the sidelines. The sooner these people were taken out, the sooner they’d catch whoever needed the services of a demon enough to perform a human sacrifice in his honor.

  Willow chewed on her bottom lip and closed her eyes. He didn’t interrupt her or try to pull her into his arms. He’d listen for now and, when she was through remembering the night before, then he’d comfort her. But first, they needed the details.

  “I remember candlelight, the smell of wet cats and dogs, voices, chanting, men and women, low-pitched and high. I smell roses, could have been carnations—that bit is fuzzy. I can see eleven people standing around me, but I can hear something to my right, in the corner, feel someone watching. He’s enjoying himself.

  “It’s a man?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. That’s just the feeling I got. That’s all I remember really. The next thing I know, I’m waking up here.”

  Quinn shuddered. So much could have gone worse last night than it had and he was so incredibly grateful that this woman was here with him now. Pulling her into his arms, he held onto her. He wanted to wrap her in cotton, but he knew she wouldn’t stand for it.

  Willow sighed, then slowly pulled away. “As much as I’m enjoying my time with you guys, I have to get to the pub. It won’t run itself and you two are supposed to be working tonight.”

  His gut clenched. Bringing her out amidst a bunch of people, not knowing who their enemies were, didn’t sit well with him, and it certainly didn’t sit well with his wolf who wanted its mate protected at all costs. Before he could tell her what he thought of her idea, she pursed her lips and started tapping her foot. With her wearing his T-shirt and looking all sexy, he didn’t have the heart to tell her that look didn’t intimidate him but it might get her fucked. Better to just show her instead.

  Instead of taking her out to the living room, he quickly picked her up and brought her over to the kitchen table. Bending her over the top, her ass facing him, he held her down with the palm of his hand. “Spread your legs, Willow. I want to make love to you.”

  A heartbeat later, legs spread, ass up and in the air, Quinn changed his mind about how and where he wanted to fuck his mate. Derek may have gotten the first morning cuddle, but he’d be the first to explore her ass. He couldn’t wait to claim her there, marking her in such an animalistic way. His beast agreed, urging him to mount her. Now.

  Quinn lined his cock up against her pussy and slowly entered her, aware that after last night and this morning she was probably tender. After a couple of slow easy thrusts, he withdrew from her clasping channel and pressed against the tiny pink rosette of her ass, then palmed her lush bottom. “Is this okay?” he asked, not knowing what he’d do if she denied him this. Already his beast demanded he thrust hard, take her, claim her. Leashing it just to ask permission about killed him.

  “Yes,” Willow said, pushing backward. Willow relaxed and widened her stance, helping him as he slowly worked his shaft in with small thrusts. His hand circled her waist, stroked over her belly and slid downward to her pussy, before finally pinching her clit between two fingers. He wanted her to come. Needed her to find her pleasure as well.

  By the time he’d hilted inside her, he needed to stop and rest. One movement, one tiny flex, and he’d lose it. Feeling her like this was beyond exquisite and he wasn’t a virgin to sex by any means. She was so tight, a vise around his cock that throbbed with every beat of her heart. What he had with Willow, making love to his mate, nothing compared to it. Nothing.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, closing his eyes, forcing himself to remain still when he was finally all the way in. He hadn’t used lube and he didn’t want to do anything to hurt her.

  “Oh yeah, but in a good way. Can’t you tell how wet I am?”

  Before he could think of a suitable response, she rocked against him, urging him to thrust. He almost came. Only sheer willpower kept him from coming in her ass before she reached her own release.

  Unable to do anything else, he gave in to his need, to his beast’s demand and took her like he wanted, though he tried to gentle his thrusts. Soon their movements were jerky, their breathing erratic. They strained against each other, their skin glistening with sweat.

  When he knew he wouldn’t last much longer, he tugged on her clit, then stroked the naked head, once, twice, three times. She quivered, her ass clamped down on his cock, and he thought he’d died and gone to heaven when jets of ropey come shot in hot splashes, filling her ass hole to overflowing. Quinn collapsed against her back, only then stopping to wonder why the house seemed silent.

  As he slowly withdrew from his mate, he smiled, both beast and man pleased to see his cum marking her skin. “Where’s Derek?”

  Willow shrugged, then looked away, something an Alpha wolf normally would never do. His hackles rose. He growled low, forcing her to turn her gaze up to his. He knew he wasn’t going to like the answer, but he needed to know it anyway. “Where is Derek?”

  Chapter Eight

  As the men and women went about their duties at the kennel, Derek watched from a nearby tree. Hidden in the foliage, he could only be thankful that the leaves were late in turning colors this season and hadn’t all fallen to the ground already or he’d have had a hard time finding a place to conceal him.

  He probably should have waited for Quinn to come with him, but Quinn wouldn’t have wanted to involve their mate. Derek already knew that she had no intention on sitting on the sidelines while they rescued her. He snorted. That woman could take care of herself. Now that she knew someone had painted a target on her back, she’d be aware and alert for danger.

  She’d tossed him about the exercise room for half an hour, proving to him that she could take care of herself in a fight. As she said, no one would expect her to pack the punch—or sidekick—that she did. She had the advantage of surprise, especially if they expected her to be cowed by her botched kidnapping.

  Quinn would probably be all over his ass once he realized he’d snuck out while Quinn and Willow were occupied, but he’d done what he’d had to do to be true to everyone in his pack—small though they were at only three members. He hoped that changed, soon. He wanted little ones, wanted children of his own, a pack like the one he grew up in. He’d invited others out here and he hope to hear from two of his closest friends soon. Until then, Willow, Quinn an
d he would have to learn to compromise—not an easy thing to do among Alphas usually.

  The fact that Derek usually let Quinn take the lead wasn’t lost on either man, just as neither ignored the fact that Quinn thought things through more thoroughly and, therefore, made a better leader than sheer Alpha power would.

  He caught her scent first, just as the moon began to rise. Then Quinn’s. They were coming in from the east and would be on him soon. The fact that Quinn didn’t even bother to mindspeak was proof enough of his anger. Quinn hated being manipulated, but sometimes the only way to get things done needed careful manipulation. His lips quirked thinking about this afternoon’s events. Manipulation and a man’s T-shirt.

  When Quinn and Willow arrived at the base of his tree, he wasn’t surprised to find them in wolf form. It was safer this way for him anyway, otherwise Quinn would be in the tree trying to strangle him. He’d wanted Willow left out of the investigation completely. He wouldn’t have been happy to learn he’d been seduced so Derek could investigate on his own, thereby luring his mate and Quinn out as well.

  Don’t tempt me, Derek. What have you learned?

  Derek could hear the annoyance in Quinn’s voice, but also the resignation. Good. At least he’d had time to calm down and accept.

  Only after having my ass handed to me for two hours on the exercise mats. She has moves I want to learn.

  Derek snickered. Yeah, she had some moves all right, though he had a feeling he and Quinn weren’t talking about the same thing. Movement across the kennel yard drew his attention.

  It’s been quiet here today. Business as usual from the looks of things, but I don’t think that’s normal.

  Across the field, he watched as they dragged out three sawhorses and a sheet of plywood. What are they doing?

  Willow’s voice whispered through his mind, immediately sending blood surging through his cock, a normal occurrence anytime he spent time with her. Looks like they’re building another altar. With the one on the mausoleum under guard, they can’t finish the ceremony. Tonight’s a full moon and my guess is they have plans to try again after dark while it’s still Halloween.

  That makes sense. Since I’m stuck up a tree, why don’t you go back to Quinn’s truck and call in help. He keeps a cell in the glove compartment.

  Beside her, Quinn shifted. The big black wolf fairly vibrated with fury. If he didn’t get her out of here soon, she’d witness a blood bath and he didn’t want her seeing either of them hunting, covered in blood and gore. She may be an Alpha, could fight at their side, but that didn’t mean they wanted her in danger and exposed to this kind of sickness. People who would sacrifice another for any reason didn’t deserve to live.

  What makes you think I’d want them to live?

  His mate’s angry voice made him wince. He’d have to remember to shield his more primitive thoughts if he didn’t want her pissed at him a lot in the future.

  Derek wasn’t surprised when Quinn started laughing in his mind. He did have a macabre sense of humor. Please, call in reinforcements. I don’t like the look of that. If they’re building an altar that means they already have another victim for tonight in their hands. The sooner help gets here, the better.

  He could feel her reluctance, but after agreeing, she hastily dodged through the underbrush. Her fur blending with the fallen leaves made it hard for him to see and he knew exactly where she’d gone.

  As soon as he knew she was out of range, he looked down at the black wolf sitting at the base of the tree. What do you want to do?

  They must have another victim already, or one nearby, if they’re setting up the altar. There are only a couple more hours of Halloween and then the veils between worlds will solidify again. If they’re going to summon Leonard, they’re running out of time to do it.

  If we go in too soon, then we won’t know who’s in charge, either. You heard what Willow said. The one in charge likes to watch. He wants to be there while his Demon is summoned forth. If we stop this too early, we may never know who ordered Willow’s kidnapping.

  If we wait too long, someone else will die.

  Derek sighed. Quinn had a valid point. Could he live with himself if someone died when he could have done something to prevent it? He knew the answer without even taking a moment to think about it. What do you suggest then, Quinn?

  * * * *

  Willow raced back to the truck, fully aware that what she was about to do would probably get her in a world of trouble with her men, but she couldn’t just stand by and let someone else get hurt in her place. It wasn’t in her to do. Besides, once she followed through on her plan, as last minute as it was, the guys wouldn’t fail on following through with rescuing her.

  She may have only been mated a matter of hours, but she knew they loved her, just as she’d known for weeks that they were going to be the loves of her life.

  It didn’t take a genius to know that very shortly someone would be dragged out into the kennel yard, tied down to the temporary altar, and sacrificed unless they did something drastic to prevent it. She hoped that when all was said and done, Derek and Quinn weren’t too upset with her. She didn’t want her mates mad, but she couldn’t do nothing when lives were at stake. It wasn’t in her, just as it wasn’t something her mates could allow either.

  She reached the truck minutes later and quickly shifted back to human form, shivering in the cold night air. Hopping in the cab, she quickly tossed on the jeans, flannel shirt, thick socks, and hiking boots that she’d driven over in. “Let’s hope they remember they love me once they get me home,” she muttered as she reached for the phone tucked in the glove box.

  After quickly calling the Sheriff’s office and leaving a message with the dispatcher, she dialed one of her closest friends, Abby Marcum. If the Sheriff wasn’t at the station, Abby would be the one to reach him, being mated to the man and all.

  Three rings later, Abby’s breathless voice came on the line, “Hello.”

  Willow blushed, her cheeks hot in embarrassment, her thoughts turning to the lateness of the hour and what could be the cause for Abby’s shortness of breath. She hoped she hadn’t interrupted anything, but this was an emergency.

  “Hi, Abby. This is Willow. Look, a lot of shit’s going down and I need your help.”

  There was a slight pause as if she were thinking quickly, then a decisive, “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to get Ben and his people to the Saving Grace Kennel. They’re building a temporary altar and it looks like they’re about to repeat last night’s ritual. We need help here, fast.”

  “You’ve got it. Something tells me you aren’t just going to sit there and wait for help to arrive.”

  “Would you?” she asked, already knowing Abby’s answer. She’d do whatever she had to in order to protect others, even sacrifice herself if need be. Willow would do no less. Besides, her mates were nearby. They wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Seconds later, she hung up with Abby’s promise to send help ringing in her ear. At least she’d done all she could to go into the situation with backup. There was no sense wasting time.

  Sliding across the bench seat, she picked up Quinn’s keys and slid them in the ignition. Backing up, she made a hasty three point turn and headed toward the next road on her left. Following it should take her directly to the kennel. Driving directly to her kidnappers would hopefully throw them off enough that, while they were worried about what she had planned, Quinn and Derek could get in and rescue whoever the cultists—because she couldn’t figure out what else to call a group of people devoted to a demon other than a cult—had taken captive. Then they could come back for her. Preferably, before she lost her head and the Demon Leonard crossed over to this realm.

  Steeling her spine, she drove straight to the kennel, pulling into the long winding drive as though she hadn’t a care in the world. Only when she’d pulled to a stop in front of the main entrance did she connect with her mates.

  I know you’re going to be pissed, b
ut this is the only way. I’ll distract them while you get their prisoner out. Come back for me when he or she is safe. Backup is on its way.

  She could feel Quinn’s anger and Derek’s resolve spiraling down the mate bond. Just be prepared for when we get you home. You’ve earned a punishment for putting yourself in danger without even discussing it with us.

  You would have said no.

  There was a slight pause, then Derek and Quinn both sighed. You don’t know that, Willow, Quinn murmured.

  Now you’ll never know, Derek added.

  What kind of punishment are we talking about? she asked, just as she started to open the driver’s side door. She needed something else to think about while she headed toward danger.

  The erotic kind. Now keep your ass safe until we get you home or you’ll earn more swats to your ass than you already have coming, Quinn promised.

  Willow swallowed, then wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans as she slid out of the truck. “Here goes nothing,” she muttered, just as the door to the Saving Grace Kennel opened. The owner, Harold Hawkins, stood framed in its doorway, a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun cradled in his arms.

  Be careful guys. These people are armed. Don’t do anything stupid.

  Take your own advice, baby. We’re sniffing around the property now. As soon as we find their intended victim and get them out, we’ll be back for you. Hang on, Derek whispered. Then they were both gone, Derek and Quinn off to save another while she distracted her kidnappers. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy. Just what she wanted to do, turn herself over to a madman at gunpoint.

  “Come on in, Willow. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Startled, Willow stopped. Her body trembled. She hadn’t expected this.

  “We just received word you were on your way. How nice of you to turn yourself in. Now, if you don’t want to die right here, right now, get moving.” Waving the gun toward the shed on the edge of the property, Willow didn’t argue with the man. The longer she pretended cooperation, the longer she’d have to figure out what to do next.


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