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Waiting for Willow

Page 6

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Looking around for anything she could use for a weapon, she almost missed seeing the white tigers hiding in the brush. The Calvary had arrived. Now Quinn and Derek wouldn’t have their loyalties torn. Ben and Trevor Marcum could rescue whomever they had planned to sacrifice, and Derek and Quinn could help her take down the cultists.

  Giving the hiding tiger a slight nod, she continued toward the shed, knowing full well that all hell was about to break loose—literally. She could feel the evil in the air, feel it swirling, searching for someone to invade. Shit. Someone must have called the Demon already, which meant that the altar was for show and their victim was already dead, his life energy fueling the demon summoning.

  Although she and Quinn had called the Sheriff’s office before heading over to the kennel, they hadn’t known anything specific at the time, but had left a message. Apparently, not taking any chances, they’d gone ahead and summoned Leonard now. So not only did they have a demon to hunt, but they had a traitor in the Sheriff’s department.

  The only people she could trust now besides Ben and Trevor were her mates. Everyone else was suspect. If she kept that in mind, she might just survive long enough for her punishment later tonight. Just thinking about that had her shaking again, but this time, at least, it wasn’t in terror.

  Chapter Nine

  Quinn knew something was wrong the minute Willow left his side. She’s going to try something. Be prepared for anything.

  I am. She’s here, isn’t she? She has a way of taking charge of a situation. If she thinks she can do something, she won’t stop to ask permission, Quinn. She’ll just do it.

  You’re right. The Marcum Brothers will be here soon, if she made that call to the Sheriff’s office like we asked her to. When they show up, I say we cover our mate’s ass. She won’t be sitting in the truck. I can guarantee that.

  How can you be sure?

  I hear the truck heading up the long drive. She’s planning to use herself as a distraction, just wait and see. Deep in the body of the black wolf, Quinn watched from the bushes behind the rear corner of the shed as his mate pulled forward and stopped his truck. He shook his head, a grim smile tilting his lips.

  He wasn’t smiling five minutes later when he felt the evil rising and swirling above his head.

  Shit. They’ve summoned Leonard already. With it loose, unless we eliminate the summoner first, I have no idea how to contain it, never mind terminate it. We don’t even know whom Leonard is currently answering to.

  I don’t know about you, Derek muttered, but I don’t want to ask it, either. We’ll have to call in a specialist to take this demon out. The best we can do now is take out the cultists and hope one of them leads us to his priest or priestess. Until then, we cover our mate’s ass and do our best to help keep this town safe despite a loose demon that practices black magic and sorcery.


  Just as Willow was about to reach the open shed door, Quinn edged out from beneath the bush. On the opposite side of the shed, Derek did the same. Now, Quinn urged, sending the thought to both Derek and Willow. Immediately, Willow stomped on Harold’s instep and jammed her elbow in his gut before quickly dropping and rolling, knowing that they would be coming in low and fast to take their enemy down.

  Once she rolled clear, Quinn jumped for Harold’s exposed throat while Derek went to its open belly. Viciously and without mercy, they ripped into the man that held their mate at gunpoint. They had no mercy for this man, despite knowing that Harold had three grandchildren he talked about every time he came in the pub. Right now, he was prey. Simple as that.

  Before they could completely gut him, their mate screamed a warning in their heads. Jumping to the side, Quinn spun, growling low in his throat as two of the kennel techs approached, one carrying an old revolver, the other carrying a 9mm handgun. Shit. The way our luck is going, they’ll have homemade silver shot in those guns.

  No shit, Derek quipped.

  Focused on the approaching boys, Quinn didn’t notice that his mate had circled the shed and was positioned to attack until she flew through the air and took the first one down, square on the chest, sinking her teeth into his jugular with one lunge. With one ferocious tug, she ripped out his throat. Impressed despite himself, he didn’t stop to think. Instead, he barreled into his mate, protecting her smaller body from the remaining cultist who even now spun in circles trying to shoot Derek as he lunged and retreated.

  Go. We’ll take care of this. Get in the truck and lock the door. You have a punishment coming.

  He could tell she wanted to argue, but instead, she submissively lowered her head and slunk toward his truck. Quinn snorted. That woman didn’t have a submissive bone in her body, but he would sure enjoy punishing her when they got home. Just the thought of spanking her as she rode Derek’s cock, while he rode her ass had him hard, even in his wolf body.

  Stop playing with him, Derek. We have a mate to spank.

  Seconds later, the gunman lay dead at their feet. All together, that meant five cultists dead at their hands, out of fourteen, if Willow’s memories were correct. That meant nine more were still unaccounted for. Perhaps Ben and Trevor would have more luck finding the rest, now that they knew at least one of the cultists had ties in the Sheriff’s department and another worked or owned the florist. It was more than they had yesterday.

  With the demon’s life tied to the summoner, it would be difficult to eliminate either. But the bigger questions remained. Why had they chosen Willow as the first sacrifice victim? What did they need the demon for and when would the demon carry out the reason for his summoning? If they could just find that ancient spell book that Willow remembered them chanting from, perhaps they’d get some of those answers.

  Until then, they’d stay vigilant. In the meantime, they had a new mate to punish, to love, to fill their home and hearts with joy, and hopefully, soon, she’d be carrying their pups, filling their house with the pitter pat of little feet.

  * * * *

  They didn’t speak during the short drive home and that only made the nervous butterflies in her stomach that much worse. She knew intellectually that her men would never hurt her, but the fear of the unknown still weighed heavily on her mind.

  Without words, they pulled the truck into the three-car garage, parking it next to Derek’s Audi and her Miata. She’d ask them about her car later. Right now, she was too anxious to talk to them about anything important.

  Derek left the truck, pulling Willow behind him. She didn’t protest when they headed straight up the stairs and to the bedroom, Quinn on their heels. She did act without discussing it with them ahead of time and that was the only reason she wasn’t doing anything to protest their intentions. She’d ignore the part of herself that was looking forward to what was about to happen. Alpha females didn’t look forward to spankings. If she told herself that often enough, she might start to believe it.

  Derek led her to the foot of the bed, then stepped away, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he looked at her. Behind him, Quinn toed off his shoes and stripped out of his T-shirt.

  Quinn looked up, met her gaze with a fierce one of his own. “Strip, Willow. The sooner you get your punishment over with, the sooner we can make love to you.”

  Willow hesitated, licked her lip as she played with the tails of her flannel shirt. “It’s not going to hurt, is it?” She hated how her voice quivered, sounding unsure.

  Rather than answer, Derek stepped forward and slowly began unbuttoning her top. She shivered, nervous, excited, anxious. She didn’t know what to feel, what to think or expect. This was totally new to her.

  When Derek had her shirt unbuttoned and opened it, he growled. She’d not bothered with her bra when she’d redressed, instead shoving it in her pants pocket before leaving the truck.

  Her nipples were hard, desperate for attention. She clamped her legs together, knowing they could smell her arousal, yet unable to prevent the cream from sliding down her thighs. The fact that her mates felt like punishi
ng her because she put herself in danger turned her on more than frightened her. Her clit pulsed and throbbed, keeping time with her racing heart. When both men lifted their heads and inhaled, she couldn’t help but relax at their smug smiles. They couldn’t be too mad if they were smiling.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, baby,” Derek quipped. “You put yourself in unnecessary danger.”

  “I had to do something.” She knew they didn’t object to her need to help, just the way she’d gone about it. But she had, at least, to offer a token protest. She wasn’t about to admit to looking forward to her spanking, not until she was sure she’d like it.

  Quinn shook his head. “Take your pants off, then lean over the bed, legs apart, ass facing us.”

  Willow bit her bottom lip, then went to work on her jeans. Within seconds, they lay in a puddle at her feet. Anxious now that the spanking was about to commence, Willow turned around and got into position, gripping the footboard. She had a feeling she had better have something to hold on to. Not that she expected them to actually hurt her. She was a werewolf after all.

  She heard shuffling behind her and before she could question the silence or worry about what would happen next, a hand came down in a series of stinging smacks. Cream gushed from her pussy. A low moan of need erupted from her throat. She wasn’t even aware she’d lifted her ass for more until Quinn’s voice whispered through her mind, praising her for taking her punishment so well.

  I see you like that. We’ll have to come up with more reasons to punish you in the future I think.

  “Now get on the bed, baby. It’s time for your mates to love you. By the Goddess baby,” Derek murmured. “If anything had happened to you tonight because you went ahead with your crazy scheme before we could plan properly, I would have lost it. I can’t live without you, Willow. Neither of us can. Now, lie on your back and spread your legs for us.”

  She obeyed. How could she not when she knew just how upset her mates truly were. She knew if something had happened to them, she’d be lost as well. Next time, she’d ask her mates before doing anything that could lead to danger.

  After crawling into the center of the bed and moving into the position Derek ordered, she watched as her men finished undressing. Arousal, hers, theirs, thickened the air. Quinn fisted his cock, his hand circling his shaft as Derek walked to the nightstand.

  She needed to be touched, but she didn’t want to do anything that might earn her another punishment. Not because she didn’t enjoy it, but because she wanted to feel them both inside her, making love to her, surrounding her with their love and protection.

  While Derek rummaged in the drawer, Quinn joined Willow on the bed. “I love you, mate. Promise me you’ll never act without discussing it with us first, again. My heart can’t take it.”

  Willow nodded as Quinn thrust into her, making her cry out as his cock lodged in her slick pussy. He felt so huge, stretching her impossibly wide. He rolled to his back, taking her with him, his hands going to her bottom, spreading them for his cousin’s possession.

  Her heart raced, thumping widely when she felt the cold gel-covered fingers pressed against her ass. She tried to relax, tried to breathe out as first one finger then two begin stretching her rosette wider and wider. She knew it would go easier if she didn’t tense up, but her mates were not small men and having two cocks up her at the same time had her a bit worried.

  “That’s why we used the toy love. You can take me, now relax and press out.” As Derek slowly forged through her bottom, Quinn gripped her hips and slowly started to withdraw from her pussy. Nerve endings she didn’t know she had flared in her ass and pussy simultaneously. Need surged. Passion blazed. Pain and pleasure blended until she lost herself. As one thrust forward, the other withdrew, over and over driving in and out of her until she didn’t know what to do except let her mates guide the way.

  When her cunt clenched down on their cocks, she screamed. Her entire body quivered, from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair. Pulse after pulse of bliss battered her body as her mates filled her with their rope after rope of cum. Exhausted, sated, Willow slumped against Quinn’s chest, kissing the mark she’d placed there the night before. She groaned when they rolled her on their side.

  When Derek eased out of her bottom, she didn’t have the energy to protest. And when Quinn slipped from her pussy, she was already halfway asleep. Moments later, Quinn and Derek returned and quickly bathed her ass and pussy before placing a kiss along her spine. “Go to sleep, love. We’ll talk in the morning. Hopefully by then, Derek and I will know more about the remaining cultists and can plan our next move.”

  Encouraged, Willow let out a sleepy sigh and snuggled into the comforter. Tomorrow would take care of itself. Just knowing that her mates would be by her side no matter what meant everything to her. She had to tell them how she felt before she fell asleep—they deserved to know her heart belonged to them. I love you guys. Even when you’re spanking me, I love you.


  Sera Serveti watched the crowd gathered around the police station, watched her boss and her two mates follow the Sherriff inside. She’d thought moving to Serenity would be safer than living on the run with no pack to watch her back. Hearing news that cultists sworn to the Demon Lord Leonard were killed and captured less than three miles from her home did not please her.

  She had enough problems of her own. What was she supposed to do now? The pub she worked at was closed temporarily and the only other place in town she could work and make cash tips was the diner. She needed money, especially if she was going to have to run again.

  With demons running loose, and an unknown number of cultists still free, the town would have no choice but to call in hunters, vampires, even witches. She couldn’t take the chance that the wrong person would recognize her and report her location in hopes of receiving the reward for information about her whereabouts.

  She hated leaving here, hated knowing that she’d once again be without a home. But what choice did she have? She couldn’t go back. She’d never go back. They’d have to kill her first.

  About the Author

  Bonnie Rose Leigh has been enthralled with the written word since childhood. When she ran out of things to read, she created her own stories. Now, she is a multi-published author and lives in a small town in Upstate, New York. She spends most of her time on the computer either writing or visiting with friends. When not busy on the computer, her free time is consumed with reading. It doesn't matter what genre the book is either, though she is partial to romance novels. Her favorite after-hours hobby is sprawling in a chair with a book clutched in her hands and a cup of cocoa sitting nearby.

  Bonnie would love to hear from each and every one of you. Make sure you subscribe to her monthly newsletter or check out her blog as it will be updated regularly with release dates, excerpts and online appearances. And, as always, feel free to drop her email if you have any questions, concerns or just want to chat, and she'll get back to you as soon as she can.

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