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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 18

by Rachael Tonks

  “No, no it’s not like that, I understand whichever decision you make. If you decide to keep the baby, I will stand by you. I am not losing you when I have only just found you. So fuck it, whatever option you choose please don’t push me away. I need you Kennedy, more than you will ever know,” his voice is desperate as he grabs my hand.

  “I love you, genuinely, deeply love you. In here!” He pats his chest with his free hand. “Since the minute I saw you, I knew you were special, the one.”

  Everything about him made me feel good; his touch, his words, his every look in my direction. My body felt like it was on fire with euphoria as I realize what this means.

  “You want me Cole? With or without the baby?” I ask anxiously biting my lip.

  “I want you, all of you. If you decide you want the baby, I will be there for you; whatever is a part of you is a part of me. I know this won’t be easy, for either of us, but I promise I will try.” He throws his arm in the air and his hand slaps his thigh as it descends.

  I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him with everything I have, with passion and need. I want him so badly; I need him so badly. No one has ever loved me this way and I feel completely safe with him.

  “I love you so much Cole, I don’t know where I would be without you!” I feel the butterflies as I blurt out my feelings for this god sitting on the bed with me.

  “Fuck, I love you so much Ken. We will get through this together. I want you to know that you aren't on your own in this and I will be with you every step of the way. I need you to promise me one thing though.”

  I look at him expectantly

  “No more secrets. You need to talk to me about how you’re feeling. I want to be your rock; I want you to lean on me when you don't feel strong enough.”

  My eyes well up and my heart feels like it’s in my throat. The words are stuck and I can't speak. I lean in to his side and look at him. I finally muster up the strength to speak.

  “I promise Cole,” I whisper.

  “Ok baby. No more overthinking things. I know that's what you have been doing in the hospital and today we are going to have fun, just you and me. I think you need to get out the house.”

  “What do you have in mind? I'm still feeling pretty tired.”

  “Don’t worry; I'm not going to make you go mountain climbing or anything. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation.

  “Then get that booty off the bed and get ready. I am going to grab a quick shower, wash off the booze. Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes,” he says, jumping off the bed and springing into action. When he reaches the door he slowly turns around and looks me in the eyes and says,

  “Oh and Ken, I really love you babe.” And then he walks out; leaving me a pile of mush on the floor. I need to get myself together; I cannot be like this every time he is around. Especially if I am going to bring a baby into the world. I need to be the strongest version of myself; I need to be that girl that fought back against the cult.


  I rush towards the bathroom. I know exactly where I am going to take Kennedy and I hope she will love it. The weather is calm today so it’s perfect condition-wise. I rush through my shower and run to my bedroom to throw on some clothes. Deciding to be in Kennedy and the baby’s life causes my mind to flash back to the incident with Dennis. More than anything, I need to keep my promise to Kennedy. The thought of what happened plagues me, and I worry that they’ll catch up with me eventually. I need to be here, I need to be taking care of them, not locked up somewhere because of a stupid erratic mistake.

  Fuck. I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to steady my racing thoughts.

  I shake my head trying to rid the thoughts. As I head downstairs, I see Kennedy waiting for me by the front door. She has changed in to a pair of shorts and has a long flowy shirt on. I guess she must feel self-conscious, but I know her figure has yet to alter. She hears me galloping down the stairs and turns to look at me. She has a massive smile on her face and I feel my heart beat a little faster knowing I am the one that put it there.

  “Ok, you ready baby?” I ask as I place my hand on her waist, guiding her out the door.

  “Are you even going to tell me where we are going?”

  “Nope, it’s a surprise,” I say, giving her a wink. She blushes and looks down. I love the shade of pink her cheeks go when I make her blush. It makes me feel good that I affect her in that way. I open the car door and help her in before rushing to the other side. I set off towards the harbor where Mom and Dad’s boat is docked.

  I have been sailing since the moment I could walk, and I can't think of anywhere better to take Kennedy today. Being on the water helps me clear my head and I just hope it will help her too. The weather is calm today, so I will probably have to use the motor instead of the sails, but I don't mind since that means I will be able to spend more time with Kennedy. Plus, the last thing I want to do is make her sick.

  I pull up outside of a deli and tell Kennedy to wait in the car while I run in and get supplies for lunch.

  Jumping back in a few minutes later, I hand Kennedy the bag of goodies from the store. She peeks inside and raises her eyebrows. “Are we going on a picnic?”

  “Something like that,” I say excitedly. I feel so giddy. I haven't been out on the water in forever and I can't wait to share it with her.

  We pull up to the harbor and I can feel Kennedy's excitement buzzing as she hops up and down on her seat.

  “Cole please tell me we’re going on one of these boats,” she says as she bounces.

  “Little bit excited there?” I laugh.

  “I have never ever been on a boat before and I have always wanted to. So please stop teasing me and tell me now, are we going on one of these boats?”

  “Yes Kennedy, we are going on one of these boats. It’s called the ‘Orion Dream’ and it was Dad’s gift to Mom when they were first married. You will love it. She is very Yar.”


  “Sorry, it's a sailing term. It means the boat is responsive and easy to handle. Come on,” I nod my head towards the harbor which is lined with all types of amazing looking boats.

  I jump out the truck and hold my hand out to Kennedy which she takes. Grabbing the bag of food from her, I start to wander down towards where the Orion Dream is docked. She gasps loudly when we stop by the boat.

  “Oh my god Cole, this is your parents’ boat? It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  “Yeah she is quite a beauty.”

  She really is. The boat is decked out in mahogany wood, the outside is painted in white and blue and the sails are white and blue stripes; although I don't think we will get a chance to put them up today as it’s so calm. On the side of the boat, written in pale blue, is the name. It has two bedrooms, a small kitchen, bathroom and living area. I have always wanted to use it and go away for a couple months just sailing from place to place. Maybe in the future we might get the chance if Kennedy likes it. I would love to teach her to sail and I can picture a little one running round the deck in a life jacket. Woah! Wait, where did that come from? I shake my head from side to side and climb on board; holding my hand out so Kennedy can climb in. I can't believe how excited she is. This was a good idea. Her eyes are wide open as she takes in her surroundings and there is a huge grin stuck across her face. Yes, this was definitely a good idea.

  I grab the picnic blanket and lay it out on the front of the boat. “Get comfy baby, I'm going to get us moving okay?”

  Kennedy gets herself set up at the front of the boat while I work through the controls. I start the engine and make my way to the rear to lift the anchor. I steer us steadily out of the main harbor entrance towards the open waters. There are other boats around us; this is truly a beautiful day to be on the water. I catch sight of Ken walking towards me steadily. I reach my arm out to her, pulling her in to me while I continue to steer us away from the mass of boats as we pass them by.

  “This is so amazing Cole, thank you
,” she leans in, giving me a peck on the cheek and I hold her tightly in response.

  “This is perfect, just because you're here with me”

  “I can't believe the view, its breath-taking! The water is so clear and blue.”

  “Kinda special isn't it?”

  As we sail, the sea breeze against my skin is a welcome feeling; it's so damn warm today. “Would you grab me a drink, baby?” I point towards the cooler I'd placed near the seating area. “Of course!” Ken skips over to the box, pulling out the ice cold coke. She hands it to me and I quickly pop off the cap and take a huge gulp. “There is some orange or Coke in their too baby. You should really keep well hydrated, it's so warm today.”

  “Okay dad, I will grab a drink. I'm going to lounge at the front for a while, when will you be able to come join me?” she asks sweetly.

  “Not much longer now before we are out into the open water where no one will disturb us.” I answer, lightly tapping her ass as she walks towards the front, her long shirt swaying from side to side as she strolls down the front. Damn that ass!

  As we get further into the open water, I cut the engine, allowing us to float and I slowly drop the anchor. There is nothing and no-one around us. All that can be seen for miles is water. I head towards Ken; she is laid out on the blanket, her hair falling all around her. She has the face of an angel. I'm desperate to touch her, hold her, anything as my skin tingles with impending excitement. I lay beside her, leaning to the side on my elbow.

  “Hey baby.”

  “Hey yourself.”

  “How you feeling?”

  “Like I want to touch you. Badly!” Her hand reaches up to the side of my face. I turn my head and plant a kiss on her palm. I see the desire in her eyes as they twinkle with the way she looks at me.

  “Me too baby, but you know we can't… well you know?” Shit this isn't at all awkward!

  “Know what?”

  “Well… make love Ken. You know after what happened that's not even an option. Don't get me wrong baby, I want you so bad, but what happened to you just cannot happen again. It's too risky, too dangerous. Your health, your body, this baby; they all have to come first, even if it god damn kills me.”

  Ken lets out a laugh, “Oh Cole, you are so sweet, but I get where you’re coming from. That was so scary; not only for me but for you too. I get it.”

  I run my hand through the hair at the side of her head, cupping her face gently and lean in and kiss her tenderly. I feel a shiver run through her body as we make contact.

  My dick stirs at the arousal of being so close to this beauty in my arms. Her scent, her smile, is so heavenly I wished I could have more. Her full lips feel like satin against mine and my hands start to move of their own accord, working down her arms and over her waist. I feel her weight begin to move as she rolls me onto my back. She positions herself on top of me as my hands run over her full ass. She presses into my growth and I let out an involuntary low growl in response.

  “Ken, you’re driving me insane.” As she pulls her head back, I notice the redness in her cheeks. She’s blushing! She leans back in, pressing her forehead to mine as our eyes are locked together. I know she wants me, but it's too risky, dammit. Cole, be strong here!

  “Do you want me Cole?”

  “More than anything baby but...”

  She thrusts her index finger over my lips, stopping me mid-sentence. She starts to wiggle her body down, never breaking eye contact. She works my shorts down and takes my dick in her hand. I put my hands behind my head, wanting to watch her every seductive move. Her eyes glued to mine, she begins to lick the head of my cock with long strokes. A deep moan escapes my throat as she takes me fully into her mouth. I move against her as the intensity of her touch builds inside me. With every movement she was devouring me. Fuck this felt so good. I'm almost panting; I'm so fucking worked up right now.

  “So. Good. Baby,” I say in stuttered breaths. I feel the swell and throb as I thrust upwards, working deeper and harder into her mouth. Kennedy takes every inch and I feel my dick hitting the back of her throat. Within seconds, I release; my body shaking as the pumping sensation works through me and my cock pulsates violently.

  “Fuck Ken! That was amazing,” I shudder with delight. She moves up until she's laid by my side, resting her head on my chest as I breathe rapidly. I quickly pull up my shorts and turn to her. “You didn't have to do that Ken; I don't expect anything from you.”

  “I know Cole, but I needed that. I needed to taste you. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones or what, but I’m horny as hell.”

  I laugh out “Damn girl.”

  “Hey, let's take some pictures to send to Abbey and Ash; they will be so jealous!”

  Ken pulls out the phone from her bag as we lay there, the ocean as our back drop. She snaps a picture of the two of us and I quickly look at it. Fuck she looks so beautiful.

  “That is such a nice picture of us; this really is a day to remember.”

  “I think it's about time we make our own memories, new memories, just us together. I'm going to make you happy baby. You deserve to be happy!”

  “To new memories,” she smiles widely at me.

  After a couple of hours lounging around and eating the food from the Deli, the sun begins to set. The sky is red and the orange sun glows as it sets. Although I don't think I have seen anything as beautiful as seeing Kennedy's face watching the sun set, I know we have to be getting back before it gets too dark. I head to the back of the boat and turn on the engine. Kennedy follows and stands between my arms as I steer us back towards the harbor. I can honestly say today has been one of the best days of my life. Just being alone with Kennedy on the water, forgetting all of our problems and just enjoying each other.

  As we head in to the harbor, I steer the boat towards our mooring; the sun has set now and it’s becoming dark. As we reach the berth, I move to the side of the boat and drop the anchor, making sure it’s secure. As Kennedy heads to get off, I grab her hand pulling her close.

  “Hold up, there is just one thing we have to do before we go.” I lead her back up to the front again where the blanket still lies.

  “Now I know this won’t be as amazing as if we were out in the middle of the ocean because of all the light pollution, but it’s still pretty epic.” I gesture towards the blanket and go to lie down. Kennedy lies beside me and I take her hand in mine as we both look up towards the heavens. The stars light the sky; this truly is an awesome view.

  “Oh Cole this is so magical,” she breathes. “I have never really looked up at the stars. It feels so special that my first time is with you.”

  I take her hand in mine. “As long as the stars shine in that sky Ken, I will love you. You are my shining star in the dark. The bright when it’s dark. I just can’t be without you.”

  “Oh Cole, no one has ever said anything like that to me before, it was beautiful. Thank you; I will never understand what I have done to deserve you!”

  There is so much this girl hasn't done; she has been so cut off from the real world. I am going to make it my mission to give her and show her everything.


  We lay and look at the stars for half an hour while Cole holds my hand. It’s so beautiful that it makes me want to cry. This really has been the best day of my life. I never thought I would get an opportunity to be on the open water on such a beautiful boat with the guy my heart belongs to. I don't think I have ever felt happier even though everything is so complicated. Today Cole has done just what I needed and that was to take my mind off everything and relax. As I stare at the stars, I start to imagine what my future might look like with Cole and my baby. Could I really do this at just seventeen? Cole says he will accept this baby, but could I really ask him to put his life on hold for a child that isn't even his? Where would we live? What would we do for money? Will I ever finish school?

  “I can hear you thinking, Kennedy,” growls Cole. “Today is about relaxing remember? So let’s just worr
y about all those questions tomorrow, ok?”

  Had I been speaking out loud?

  “Your body is tense; you do that when you’re thinking about things too much,” he says softly.

  “I know your right Cole, but sometimes I can't switch it off. Today has been perfect. You have taken my mind off it all, but we have to face the reality sooner or later.”

  “I vote later.” With that, Cole rolls on top of me, balancing himself on his arms and lowers his lips to mine. He always knows how to distract me and for now I will let him. After all, there is always tomorrow

  We head back to the house after what has been the most wonderful day.

  I need to get myself prepped for school tomorrow, although the prospect is shit, I am looking forward to seeing Ab’s and Ash. After I sent her the picture we took, she sent me a text saying she was totally jealous and blown away, also mentioning how things seem to be going well for her and Jake. I'm happy for Abbey. They have become practically inseparable.

  As we pull into the driveway I hear a deep sigh from Cole. Placing my hand on his forearm I ask, “What's wrong Cole?” He points his head towards his father’s car parked at the side.

  “Dad’s home.”

  “You think he's gonna be mad? Because of me? If he is Cole, I'd totally understand-” he cuts me off, raising his voice,

  “There's nothing for him to understand, who I see his none of his god damn business!”

  “Cole it's fine honestly, you never know, he might be understanding. Let’s just see what he has to say first okay?” I lean in, squeezing his arm and kiss him lightly on his jaw.

  “Okay baby, let’s go inside... together.”

  We stride inside the house hand in hand. Cole's grip is so tight I couldn't let go even if I wanted to. He opens the door, turning to give me a light smile, his lip curling in the corners. I feel the tension in his arm as we make our way inside. Suddenly his father appears in front of us, his face looks stern and Cole squeezes my hand gently.


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