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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

Page 32

by P. G. Allison

  Aaron said, “You do realize how crazy this sounds, right?”

  Missy pointed at one of the dining room chairs over in the next room. She made it rise into the air and brought it slowly into the living room and, while letting it hover in the corner about two feet off the ground, she asked, “Does it sound as crazy as making a chair float in mid-air?”

  “Please! Stop that! You’re scaring me!” Michelle was obviously uncomfortable while Aaron was gaping with his mouth partially open.

  Missy moved the chair back into the dining room and set it down. “Sorry! I really don’t mean to scare you. I thought I’d demonstrate a little of my abilities for you so you’d stop thinking any of this was crazy. Mike has accepted me for what I am. We’re hoping you guys can do that too.”


  “Well, that went okay, I guess. They said they’d accept me and wouldn’t tell our secrets to anyone. Even your parents.” Missy was getting ready for bed and Mike was watching her as she stepped out of her blue jeans. Their session with his sister and Aaron had gone on for well over an hour. It had been pretty much a full disclosure without sharing any government secrets. There hadn’t been any further demonstrations but Missy had promised she’d let them see her as a cat in the next day or so.

  Mike said, “Accepting you was never an issue. I think it’ll take them some time to accept the reality of everything we explained, though.” He chuckled and added, “Did my sister really ask if she’d be cuddling little niece and nephew kittens someday?”

  Missy giggled, tossing her tank top over in the corner on top of her blue jeans. “She did but at that point, she was definitely trying to yank your chain. She actually got a big kick out of our whole being mated thing, once she finally understood what we meant.”

  “I’m getting a big kick out of that being mated thing myself, especially watching you standing there in your skimpy underwear.” He knew the bra and panties she was wearing now were not what she typically wore at the academy but were something she’d chosen knowing she would be with him that night.

  “Well, I didn’t have anything as sexy as the black lingerie Connie got for me but I was hoping these would maybe stir your interest, inflame your passion, excite your libido, and … for sure … give you a huge hard-on. Gee … seems to be working!” She laughed and strutted over to where he was standing in only his boxer shorts which were now tented outward.

  Mike said, “I’m glad we got all that sleep this afternoon. I realize it was in case you need to go chase terrorists with me back here keeping your buddies informed on whatever you’re doing, but … since we haven’t gotten any call to arms just yet? I think I’ll take full advantage.”

  “Oooohhh, I thought you’d never ask! Or offer. Or, whatever. Let’s bonk our brains out until that call to arms finally comes, okay?” With that, she grabbed his shorts and yanked them downward, exposing his magnificent manhood which now was standing fully at attention, ready for some serious bonking action.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Nov 28, 2019

  Troy got up once more and went into the other room of their suite where he’d been checking for Goofy every couple of hours. The bag containing Goofy’s items was positioned in there such that he could quickly set a circle and search for any signs of energy to go chasing after. While he had indeed been experiencing a very clear sense of what Goofy’s energy was like from these items, there hadn’t yet been any signal he could sense providing any direction to where the man himself might be.

  While he couldn’t be a hundred percent certain without more to go on, he was pretty sure his sensing ability had now increased. He’d wondered. Others had talked about it. Oliver had said he would notice it right away, if and when he found his own soulmate. And, smiling to himself, he was convinced beyond any doubt that indeed he had. Sally was his soulmate and the night they’d just spent together was like no other in all his life.

  Sally had been amazing and once all her little insecurities had melted away, thanks to his clearly committing himself to her, sharing all his secrets, opening himself up completely and declaring his love? Wow! The girl had given herself to him so fully, responding to his lovemaking so tremendously, he was truly in awe. Never in his wildest dreams had he dared hope to experience what she made him feel. So, now having this feeling his ability as a witch had just increased? Not really a surprise. He’d found -- and bonded with -- his soulmate.

  Even so, when he now checked once again and was able to actually sense a signal coming from the west? It was a big surprise. Whether it was because of the huge boost to his abilities or merely due to Goofy now being closer, that didn’t matter. What mattered, of course, was he was experiencing a very distinct sense of where the man was now located. He knew he could follow this signal and find the guy. Looking at the clock he noted it was only six a.m. There was time. They could maybe stop these terrorists!

  “Sally, wake up! I’ve got a signal for this guy Goofy and I’m calling our team. We’re gonna get these bastards!”

  Sally woke up instantly, as she’d been only half asleep all night. The worry about the possible parade bombing had weighed heavily on her, in spite of all the wonderful sex with Troy. Or, maybe the worry had somehow added something, making the sex just that much greater an experience. She didn’t really care. She was happier than at any other time in her life, regardless of what the terrorists might do. And, no … she would never apologize for feeling that way. She knew everything which could possibly be done was being done. And, now Troy was saying he could find one of these guys?

  Thirty minutes later, they were back at the hanger with Millie and Robert. Major Schermerhorn was with the two pilots Wes and Chris, already in the Black Hawk and getting things ready. Several calls had been made. Once Millie confirmed she too believed they had a signal to follow, they’d be lifting off in the helicopter.

  When Troy brought the bag with Goofy’s items into the hanger, Millie came up and began smiling right away. They didn’t even need to set a circle. She too was able to sense what Troy was sensing. Yes, the man was somewhere west of where they were but was now less than a hundred miles away. It was time to go!

  Robert pulled Troy aside and asked, “What about Sally? Are you sure …”

  Troy said, “She’s with me today and wherever I go, she goes. She can’t possibly detract in any way and having her with me might actually help our effort. We can’t take any chances. If having her at my side makes a difference and helps? We need that.”

  Robert nodded. He understood. Looking at the two of them he could almost see the glow. Yes, young love! Sure was grand!

  An hour later, flying at about two thousand feet up, Millie and Troy both agreed their aircraft was getting close and they should be able to pinpoint a specific location very soon, since the signal was now very strong. But, just then Troy suddenly said, “Hey! Millie, check this out. I’m sensing something for Felix. I think he’s heading this way also, only from somewhere further out.”

  Millie pulled the bag of Felix items closer when Troy pushed it towards her. A minute later she announced, “Troy’s correct! Felix is out there. They’re both probably travelling in some sort of vehicles, coming back from wherever they’ve been holed up. Today’s the parade and these men are now heading back into the city, just as we’d hoped.”

  Robert said, “Hopefully, the other members of this New York group are also with them. I think it’s time we asked Missy to join us.” Mike and Missy were already on the line; they had been monitoring everything since the aircraft had departed Newark. So, of course, had “P” Branch. And, Drew had already alerted the Secretary of Defense so he too was now monitoring their conversations.

  It seemed like only a few seconds later when Millie announced, “Okay. Missy just arrived! Mike?”

  Mike’s voice answered, “Yeah, she wants you to get ready for her cat to appear. Is that Sally up there with you guys? Missy says … Oh! I don’t think I’m supposed to share that.” A moment later, Mike laugh
ed. “Sorry, Sally. Missy says she can’t resist having me say this. She knows where you were all night and she couldn’t be happier for you.”

  Simultaneous with hearing Mike’s words in their headsets, Missy’s energy pulse could be felt and then there she was.

  Sally couldn’t help herself. Yes, she’d tried to be prepared but still … she wanted to freak out. Suddenly there was this huge mountain lion sitting in the middle of their helicopter! Then, even more than seeing Missy’s green-yellow eyes staring right at her, she noticed all the scars. That convinced her. She’d roomed with Missy an entire semester and had no doubt those scars were identical. Yes, this fierce cat animal was Missy and she was quickly getting used to all this supernatural stuff. Then, as the meaning of Mike’s last comment gradually dawned upon her, she started laughing. “Don’t you dare do that, Missy! Not another word about where I spent the night!”

  Mike’s voice then said, “Okay … she says she really didn’t mean where exactly …”

  Sally said, “Aren’t we supposed to be finding terrorists? Yes, Troy and I were together last night. Okay? For the benefit of everyone listening in, who might not have already figured this out, the whole reason I’m up here is because Troy and I were together last night. Soooo, let’s focus on those terrorists now!”

  The helicopter meanwhile had been flying somewhat parallel to Interstate 78, the highway leading from Pennsylvania towards New York, only the aircraft had been going in the opposite direction, away from New York. Millie announced, “We’ve just gone past Goofy.” At about the same time, Troy said, “We need to turn around. Goofy is behind us now.”

  After a few minutes of circling around and descending to a lower altitude, but still keeping well away from the cars on the highway, Millie and Troy were in agreement. Goofy had to be in the blue SUV which was travelling along towards New York in the right hand lane at a moderate rate of speed. The consensus was this might merely be a lead vehicle and so they decided to head further west so they could now try and locate Felix. Robert called in the description of the vehicle and its location.

  Then, he turned and asked Missy, “Can you see the license plate?”

  Almost immediately, Mike’s voice could be heard providing the plate number.

  Drew’s voice came on next, saying, “We’ll make sure nobody interferes with that SUV but merely monitors it. We have to assume Goofy is in contact with all the others and we don’t want to spook him. There can’t be any repeat of what happened last time at Philly and Chicago. We need to be absolutely certain we get everyone in this New York group and none of them manages getting to the parade.”

  Sally looked around the aircraft and was grateful for all the training she’d received at West Point. She realized without that, her coping with this bizarre situation would not have been possible. So much had happened, she’d learned so much and she’d experienced so many things in less than twenty-four hours. She’d spent the night making love to the man sitting next to her who was now using his supernatural abilities to locate terrorists while, sitting in the aisle? Her former roommate Missy was there, in her mountain lion form. Missy the witch-werecat who had teleported into the helicopter and would soon be teleporting down to go after those terrorists once their location was determined. The FBI and the government -- even the Secretary of Defense -- were all depending on supernaturals to somehow save the day and prevent bombing attacks which she truly found impossible to even think about.

  Troy said, “Hey, look at that bus down there! I’m thinking that’s where Felix might be … his signal is very strong and that bus is headed in the right direction. It’s also the most likely vehicle for any large group to be riding in. Can we circle around and check?”

  “Missy says she’ll go down and check,” said Mike. “Then she’ll come right back. That way, they won’t suspect your helicopter is looking for them.”

  Everyone agreed with this logic and, moments later, those in the helicopter watched as Missy disappeared into a shimmer of light. Chris commented, “I think I’m actually getting used to her doing that now.”

  Moments later Mike announced, “Missy says this bus is definitely the right vehicle. Felix is up front and there are more than a dozen guys inside … most of them are already wearing vests with explosives.”

  This news brought several cheers from the others. Up until then, it had only been a plausible theory that the two members from the Philadelphia terrorist cell might have joined up with the New York group. While that had been a tenuous hope, at best, it had been all they had left after the arrests in Philly and Chicago had resulted in the New York group vacating their original location in Brooklyn.

  Millie and Troy sensed Missy’s return back inside the aircraft. Troy asked, “Mike, why is Missy back up here with us again?”

  “She says there must be more of them and we should try and locate wherever these guys have been the past few days. She knows you and Millie can follow the trace energy left behind by Felix and Goofy. Once you find any place that even looks suspicious, she can quickly drop down and confirm whether it’s the right place or not.”

  Wes announced from up in the cockpit, “I’ll keep following along this highway until someone thinks we need to start following any other road.”

  “Yes, we’ll let you know when to head anywhere else,” said Millie, glancing at Troy who was nodding his agreement. Then, looking at Sally, she added, “Missy now has each of their scents so she can use that to check any location Troy and I might point out to her.”

  Sally nodded and said, “I don’t know which I find more disturbing … seeing her sitting up here earlier as a cat or right now … realizing she’s still up here with us only invisible. How long can she stay this way?”

  Millie smiled and said, “Don’t worry, she’s fine. She’s already gone more than eight hours at a time previously, so this? This is no problem for her at all.”

  Troy said, “I’m getting signals that both these guys were coming from off to the right, somewhere north … we need to change direction.” Looking down, there was one road which connected to the highway from the north and was the logical route which the vehicles would have used. As the aircraft turned north, he observed, “Hey, look! Isn’t that bus pretty much the same kind as the one Felix is in?” The excitement in his voice was obvious.

  Millie announced, “Opps! Missy’s gone … she must be down there checking it out. Mike?”

  “Yeah, she … hold on … okay. She says this bus also has guys wearing vests which are full of explosives.” After several long seconds, he continued with, “She’s going up the road, checking all the places up ahead. She can teleport to places much faster than your aircraft and she thinks whatever location they were using can’t be that much farther.”

  Missy was indeed going from place to place and, unlike her slow and careful search through the Brooklyn neighborhood when she’d been searching for any trace of Felix’s scent, this time she could go rapidly. She blitzed into each place, experienced whatever scents were there and then headed right back out and went on to the next place. She had just experienced the scents from more than two dozen of these guys and that was fresh in her memory. If the place didn’t contain any of their scents, it wasn’t the right place.

  It didn’t take long. About three miles up the road, she found the right place.

  Mike? I’ve found where these terrorists have been, but don’t say anything yet to the others. It’s a farm, similar to that one near Chicago. There are maybe a dozen guys here. I’m doing a quick search of all the outbuildings and the barn, in addition to the main farmhouse.

  Mike couldn’t communicate back to her, of course, other than with his emotional response. She sensed he was upset and wanting to know why she’d asked him not to tell the team what she was doing now. Mike? These guys won’t allow themselves to be captured. They’ll detonate those vests before that happens and I don’t want any of our law enforcement folks or any innocent bystanders to get hurt. Also … we can’t
have anyone thinking these terrorists were stopped by supernatural powers and abilities.

  Mike understood Missy’s messages but sat there very concerned. After more than two minutes, with no further messages, he became even more concerned. He realized she was up to something and it was very frustrating to now have her no longer communicating with him. What the hell was she up to?

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Nov 28, 2019

  Up in the Black Hawk, which was now making a gradual turn back around to keep the second terrorist bus just within sight, everyone inside the aircraft was also growing concerned about the lack of any communication as the minutes went slowly by. Finally Robert asked, “Mike? What’s happening? What’s Missy saying?”

  “At the moment, she’s not saying anything,” explained Mike.

  Then Drew’s voice came on, saying, “Listen up! I’m putting the FBI on the line, so be careful what you say. This is coming in from their surveillance helicopter with a report about that first bus with Felix. They’ve been keeping it in sight for us during the past twenty minutes and they’re saying the bus has just now left the highway.”

  A moment later, another voice came on accompanied by some static. “ … yes, as we said, the subject vehicle exited the highway back at exit 33 and is heading south on Liberty Corner Road. We thought you’d want to know … wait! Okay, the bus has now turned down another road, going west. This is strange … it’s driving out into some sort of large field in the middle of … Holy shit! It blew up! The damn bus just exploded!”

  Then, just as this shocking news was being heard, Wes yelled into his microphone, “Hey, the bus we’re following just left the road … look it’s pulling into that …”


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