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Missy Makes Mayhem (Missy the Werecat Book 5)

Page 33

by P. G. Allison

  The explosion down below was loud and followed by several successive explosions right away. They all watched as the bus they’d been tracking now disintegrated in a huge fireball, with pieces of debris flying out in every direction.

  Drew’s voice asked, “What just happened? Report, please!”

  The voice from the FBI helicopter said, “Our subject vehicle is now in a million little pieces. That was one hell of an explosion down there. It’s a good thing it happened where it did, with nothing else anywhere near it.”

  Wes announced, “Same thing happened to our subject vehicle. It drove into a deserted area and exploded. It doesn’t look as though there’s much left of it.”

  Suddenly, northwest of their location, those in the Black Hawk heard yet more explosions. Off in the distance, they could see the dark smoke rising into the air.

  Mike’s voice then came on, saying, “Is the FBI still on this line? I have someone here with a sitrep.”

  Drew came on moments later saying, “Okay, we’re talking to the FBI surveillance team on another channel; this channel is now secure. Are you saying Missy is back there with you?”

  Missy’s voice came on saying, “All explosives have been destroyed and all terrorists neutralized except for that SUV with Goofy and whoever else is in there with him. Proceed with caution when stopping and arresting them, but I doubt they have any of the explosives.”

  “Are you saying you detonated all those explosives?” asked Drew.

  Missy said, “I believe the investigation will conclude the terrorists either accidentally detonated their explosives or else someone changed his mind about attacking the parade and decided to stop the bombing by triggering his vest prematurely.” She then gave them the address for the farm where the final explosions had taken place. “There are no survivors out there … but, don’t worry … all casualties are because of the explosives. Nothing to suggest anything supernatural was going on. Also, there will be lots of evidence for the investigators to find, in spite of the explosions.”

  “I understand,” said Drew. “Okay. I’ll let the FBI continue its investigation into things and have them stop that SUV. They’ll probably be working with Homeland Security for the next few months trying to sort all of this out. Of course, in addition to the men in the SUV, they do have all the terrorists they grabbed in Philly and Chicago, so I’m sure they’ll eventually get that done. I guess this operation is over, as far as our involvement is concerned.”

  Wes asked, “I assume that means we can head back to Newark Airport and then we’re all are free to go about our business, right? Mission accomplished?”

  There were cheers when Drew agreed. Then, everyone on the radio channel said their goodbyes and signed off. Sally looked around the cabin at the others and said, “That’s it? We just go home now and pretend nothing happened?”

  Robert smiled and said, “Yes. The threat is gone and our involvement shall remain a secret. You do understand that, right? I’m sure Troy explained …”

  Sally grabbed one of Troy’s arms and hugged it close, saying, “Oh yes, we don’t want anyone knowing about supnats! And, I definitely don’t want to know who that was on the radio who seemed to be in charge of all this.”

  Troy looked at Robert and said, “Me either. Somehow, I’m guessing your FBI Psychic Division might have government connections that go somewhere beyond what you’ve explained to me so far. But, I’m not interested in that today. I’m going to celebrate Thanksgiving now out at Sally’s house and that’s all I’m interested in.”


  Oliver was still awake and a very happy man, laying there underneath Candy’s limp, satiated body. She was almost in a stupor and completely spent, making incoherent noises. While he’d been responsible for her first orgasm, she’d been fully in control up there on top as she’d gotten herself off that second time. He loved the involuntary movements she made as yet another spasm of pleasure washed through her. They had enjoyed a really wonderful day and their lovemaking just now had been extra special.

  They’d arrived that morning, Islamabad time, after fifteen hours in the air during which they had managed getting a few hours’ sleep. Major Grimes and the rest of Team Twenty-Two had welcomed them warmly with lots of fanfare. Candy had been really moved, seeing these guys who had risked their lives to rescue her three months earlier; they were all there once again, both to cheer for her arrival as well as to provide security for the duration of her Mid-East tour.

  Candy’s uncle hadn’t been able to come to Pakistan but she’d be seeing him later on. Colonel Chory had been there, of course, and he’d brought them into the embassy where they’d been given the VIP treatment as they’d visited throughout all the various offices and had gotten to meet with all the staff members. Candy really presented herself very well, with beauty, grace and dignity to go with that strength, courage and determination which he admired in her so much. Her enthusiasm for coming back some day as an embassy staffer herself had been very obvious and well received.

  He had not sensed any supernaturals anywhere -- not even any residual energy which he could detect -- and that had been good. “P” Branch was not aware of any supnats in Pakistan so, had he sensed anyone, that would have been a concern.

  Then, just as they were sitting down to a wonderful dinner, they had got word the bombing threat in New York had been eliminated. Millie and Troy had managed to locate the terrorists in time and then Missy had neutralized them. There would be no attacks during any of the Thanksgiving Day parades. Getting this news had of course been a huge relief. And, yes … the euphoria he and Candy had experienced had carried over to when they’d climbed into bed together. As Oliver finally drifted off to sleep, his final thought was it had been a very good day, indeed.


  Les and Marsha were enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner at Boston’s Top of the Hub restaurant, along with their two “P” Branch pilots and Sergeant Town. As planned, they were standing by, ready to bring Missy to the Mid-East if any situation suddenly developed where she was needed over there. They’d all been on the line earlier, connected to the radio in the Black Hawk, so had learned how Missy had handled the New York-Pennsylvania situation in real time, as the events had unfolded.

  Sergeant Town was explaining there really hadn’t been any other options, once Missy had found the terrorists already wearing those suicide vests. “They definitely would’ve blown themselves up rather than get arrested, making sure to kill anyone trying to disarm them. She probably saved several lives today, forcing those buses off the road and then triggering the devices like that.”

  Marsha said, “Yes, but I was pretty shocked. It hadn’t even occurred to me she could do that, but of course -- being a spirit with no physical body -- why not? The explosions couldn’t harm her. Boom! Then, teleport on to the next group. Boom, boom! Then out to that farm and, once again … boom, boom, boom!”

  “You know … being able to do all her supernatural stuff is one thing,” said Les. “And, we’ve certainly watched as she’s done some pretty amazing things. But, what I wonder about is how Missy deals with the emotional impact from killing all those men … we forget she’s only a nineteen year old girl.”

  Sergeant Town said, “I asked her about that over in Afghanistan. She’d just saved my life, shooting a man dead right in front of me. Turns out he was carrying three grenades wired together, ready to explode … I have no doubt he would have blown us all up had she not acted when she did. We were clearing that Taliban base and … well … anyway, I’m getting off track here. I asked her if all the killing we were doing bothered her.”

  “Back then, you didn’t know she was a supnat yet, did you?” asked Les.

  “No. But, I’d stopped thinking about her as any nineteen year old girl by that time. No, she was special, one of us. She’d proven she belonged on our team and we all knew she’d do whatever was necessary and with no hesitation.” The sergeant chuckled and continued, “You know what she said? About t
he killing?”

  “Go ahead, Sarge … tell us!”

  “She said life was very precious to her but it was important to have balance. If there were options where lives could be spared or saved, she’d always choose those options. Then, she told me how she’d only been a year old when nine-eleven happened but had grown up hearing all about it. All those innocent lives lost so some terrorist group could make a statement. That had affected her. Killing when there was no other option? Nope. She said when you believed in what you were fighting for, believed you might make a difference and somehow save innocent lives? If you could protect the country you loved from ever being attacked again by terrorists? That balanced the scales. She didn’t believe in the end justifying the means, but she did believe in balance.”

  Marsha said, “Well, I’m glad she and her supnat buddies were able to balance the scales today. Otherwise, those terrorists might have managed making yet another statement, all at the expense of some innocent bystanders merely watching a parade.”


  Nov 28, 2019

  Missy and Mike sat down to Thanksgiving dinner with Missy’s family and the festive mood was just what they needed. Celebrating like this with loved ones had become more and more important, especially since it was now a rare occasion when everyone could gather together all at the same time.

  Missy’s father made a point of thanking Donald, Tracy and Mike for giving up being with their own families in order to be there this year with the McCrea family. The year before, John had been away at Tracy’s for Thanksgiving. Then, during Christmas, Missy and Mike had not been home at all. Having everyone there for any family event had gotten harder and harder and, in future years, would no doubt become even more difficult.

  Tracy and John were aware of that morning’s events. They’d been checking with “P” Branch and had learned how Missy had blown up all the terrorists. But that subject would not be brought up in front of the others.

  Likewise, Michelle and Aaron had not been told much, although they’d known something had been going on when Mike had locked himself in his room that morning. When Michelle had knocked on his door, joking about how long he and Missy could stay in bed, Mike had answered he was alone. An hour later, when Mike and Missy had emerged together, Mike had looked at his sister and then had said, “Don’t ask.” Because of the serious demeanor both he and Missy were exhibiting, Michelle had let it go.

  But, once over at the McCrea house, all thoughts of the morning’s activities were quickly set aside and both Missy and Mike were soon experiencing the joy and excitement of the occasion. They both were very appreciative and eager to participate in all the family fun.

  John had insisted on having Tracy light all the candles just before they all sat down. She had obliged by solemnly extending her arms out, dramatically holding her palms up and then actually saying, “Abracadabra!”

  Instantly, every candle had been lit at once and John had exclaimed, “That’s my girl!”

  Patrick said, “Hey, that’s cool. But, I want to see Missy make herself invisible. I haven’t seen her do that yet. She showed Heather and Donald already but not me. No fair!” Missy noted how her brother was now an inch taller than John; he’d added several inches to his height during the past year and was now practically all grown up.

  “Your sister is going to be much too busy, Patrick,” said Mike. Laughing, he added, “Watch very closely though and you’ll see how she makes all the turkey on her plate disappear.”

  After the main meal was over and the plates had been cleared, but prior to desert being served, Aaron said, “Heather and I have an announcement to make.” Yes, they were engaged now and that added even more happiness to the already wonderful day.

  Missy zoomed in and focused all her attention on her sister. This was what she’d guessed would happen and she was very pleased. Then, something she hadn’t been expecting made her focus even harder. Mike, you’re not going to believe this. We’ll need to talk to Heather later on, alone. I’m betting she doesn’t even know about this yet. She’s pregnant! It’s too early for me to sense whether supernatural or not … or which sex … but, here’s the thing. I can sense she’s having twins!

  Mike looked at her and smiled. Yes, his Missy was very happy and that warmed his heart. He knew it was moments like this that really helped her maintain her sanity and keep things in proper balance. Who knew what might lie ahead? You needed to enjoy those happy moments, whenever you could have them.


  Arvind Pancholi hung up the phone, sat back in his chair and smiled to himself. He’d been expecting this call, ever since learning about the mysterious explosions which had taken place that morning in Philadelphia. Later, of course, the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City had been conducted without incident. Thus, when his client with the WIJO group in Ankara had called, wanting to arrange another meeting between Arvind and Askar-Samar Karimi, he’d not been surprised.

  Karimi wanted to talk some more about that porn star and the other special individuals which the U.S. government had working for them. Yeah, that had not been at all surprising. His investment in obtaining exclusive possession of those files on Missy McCrea and Oliver Bessom was about to pay off.

  From the Author

  Thank you for reading Missy Makes Mayhem, my fifth book about Missy. I hope you enjoy reading about Missy and her friends as much as I enjoy writing about her. I’ve always loved stories about female characters with special powers along with stories about witches and werewolves. Future books in this series are planned, so keep checking on Amazon.

  I hope you will consider leaving a review for Missy Makes Mayhem on Amazon, letting others know what you think about this book and this series. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. Your kind words, even if only a line or two, will help others decide to read about Missy and inspire me to keep this series going for many more books. That would make all the difference and be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance!




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