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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

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by Mz. Lady P

  “Does Daddy know about this?” Sky asked exactly what I was thinking.

  “Are you crazy? Hell no! Rocky would kill me if he knew I was helping ya’ll do this shit. At the same time I don’t even care. Them cracker motherfuckers took my baby from me, and I’m mad at the world. Not to mention they want to fuck with the livelihoods of my grandbabies. They have life and me fucked completely up. I love ya’ll, and we gon’ get through this together. I can’t believe Jayceon, Tech, Rashad, and Dominic have decided to leave me here with you crazy bitches. Now I’m in my fucking basement planning robberies and shit.”

  “Correction, Ma. You’re looking at them La Bella Mafia bitches.” We all started laughing and hugged each other tight. I was happy to know that Ms. Tina was cool with us doing this dangerous ass shit. Lord knows the last thing I want to do is disappoint her or Pops. After all they’ve been so good to us. I pray for us all, though, because he is going to snap out if he ever gets wind of this.

  For the rest of the night we sat and went over the plans with Ms. Tina. For some reason I was so damn amped to do this. I can’t believe I’m trying to do some shit like this. Not green ass Isabella Santos. I’ve came a long way. The world is not ready for the new and improved Bella.

  Chapter 11-Fatima

  Ever since I heard the news about Jayceon, Tech, Rashad, and Dominic being dead I’ve been numb. Things were not supposed to happen like this. The last thing I wanted was to see them dead. I just wanted their asses to rot in prison for fucking over me. Well not so much Tech and Dominic, they never really did shit to me, but they were loyal to Jayceon so it was fuck them too.

  I really wanted to hurt Jayceon and Rashad. Contrary to what anyone may believe, I’m really regretting my decision to rat them out. However, at the time all I was thinking about was revenge for them niggas fucking with my heart. I hated them for loving Bella and Chloe. I hated her even more. Just because Jayceon is gone it doesn’t mean I’m quite finished with getting revenge against his bitch.

  I owe her for shooting me and almost killing my son. Yeah, that bitch has to pay for that shit. That bitch Chloe got it coming just because her mouth has no filter. I heard how she cursed the caseworker out who brought my son to her doorstep. That bitch had lost her mind thinking it was cool to talk shit about my son. I became enraged when I received paperwork from Rashad’s attorney stating that he was turning over all of his parental rights to Rashad Jr.

  Really nigga? I wouldn’t give a fuck if that nigga had fifty years in prison. He was never supposed to say fuck my son. Since he’s dead, his bitch is gone step up, and do what the fuck she’s supposed to do for him. These bitches better get in tune real quick.

  Since Jayceon and the crew are all dead, I decided to be released from Protective Custody. They wanted to give me a new identity and all of that, but I wasn’t really feeling any of that. The threat to my life was dead and lost at sea. So I didn’t have shit to worry about. Plus, my husband was well connected and respected.

  I was going to leave the Miami area. Besides my daughter being buried there, it was nothing left in the city for me. Besides the fact that I recently got married. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. This bitch doing all this shit to Jayceon and got a whole husband. See my husband that’s business and personal. At the same time the motherfucker ain’t no Jayceon like I said before.


  I had been sitting at Angelica’s gravesite with my son Rashad Jr. He was sleeping peacefully in his car seat. I decided to come and plant flowers and clean up her grave. Jayceon had went all out, and she now has a full section to herself. Her headstone was black marble with colorful pictures of her on it. She had a sitting area where you could relax while you visited with her. Jayceon loved her with all of his heart.

  Each and every time I thought of her I wanted to die. It’s like each and every time I went to sleep I dreamed of the day I hit and killed her. I swear it was a mistake, I didn’t even see her come out into the street until it was too late. Jayceon never saw the car that actually hit her, because he was in some bitch’s face, as usual. I wish I could go back and change everything but of course I can’t.

  “Hey, baby girl. I’ve been thinking about you really hard lately. I’m quite sure you are at peace now that your daddy is up in Heaven keeping you company. After all he loved you so much, and he was so sad here without you. Angelica, you have to understand that Mommy didn’t mean to hit you, it was an accident. I loved you more than life itself. I just couldn’t tell anyone that I did it. I hope and pray that you can forgive me for what I’ve done. Lord knows I’m so sorry for everything.

  “You were the best thing that ever happened to me. You have to know that, Angelica. You and your daddy were my world. Why couldn’t he just love me and only me? I did everything to keep us together, and he did everything to tear us apart. For as long as I live you will always be my first love.

  “Each and every time I look at your brother, I see you in him. From the bottom of my heart, Angelica, I’m sorry for it all. If I could change what happened I would but I can’t. I just wanted to come and visit with you one last time. I know your Daddy is up there with you now so you no longer need me. You will always and forever be in my heart.”

  I kneeled down and kissed her face, which was on the headstone. I sat there a little longer before I gathered my son, and I left. I cried as I drove away, because I knew that would be the last time I ever visited her gravesite. I said a prayer for her and Jayceon. I hoped and prayed for redemption and forgiveness from both of them.

  Chapter 12- Tina

  I had been trying my best to stay sane, but each and every day it was getting harder and harder to live without my son. Jayceon has always been my rock, and life is going to be so hard without him. I’m just grateful he left a legacy here to carry on his name. I love my grandbabies, and they keep an old lady like me going.

  I’m so honored to be in Shayla and Chloe’s life, they have pitiful ass excuses for parents. Not to mention no support system at all. Rashad, Tech, and Dominic were like my children, so it’s only right I do what I have to do for their children as well. Tech’s mother is in the damn nut house, and she doesn’t know what damn year it is. Rashad and Dominic’s mother never gave a fuck, so Rock and I are all they have.

  Speaking of Rock this motherfucker has been on some real sneaky shit lately. Sneaking on the phone and gone for extended hours at a time without so much as a phone call. If this nigga is back on that loose dick shit, I’m going to kill his black ass. He knows motherfucking well I’m not about to be playing this type of game with his ass.

  I’m too old to be out beating bitches up like I used to. At the same time, I’m not against coming out of retirement to fuck any bitch up that thinks she can step on my toes. I’ve been through too much with this motherfucker. I’ve shared him with bitches in the past, but I refuse to sit back and be content with that bullshit now. Rock better get his shit all the way together, because I’m not above going across his shit for old times’ sake.

  We just lost our son, the last thing he should be thinking about is fucking some other bitch. I’m not feeling that shit at all especially since he hasn’t being laying pipe like he usually does. Yeah, I’m feeling a certain type of way about that.


  “Where the fuck you think you going?” I woke up to see Rock packing his suitcase.

  “I have some business I need to handle.” He continued to walk around the room in a rush throwing shit in the suitcase. I got up from the bed and handled my personal hygiene. Once I was finished, I flamed up a Newport and watched his ass with the most evil stare ever. If looks could kill he would be one dead ass nigga.

  “Do you really think I’m stupid, Rock? Who is the bitch that’s got you doing all this sneaking around and shit? Be a man and tell me what’s going on.”

  “What bitch is you talking about, Tina? I’m not cheating on you. I can’t believe you would even think some shit like that. In case you have forgot we just l
ost our son. The last thing I’m thinking about is some pussy.”

  “Tell me about it.” I fell back on the bed and blew smoke from my mouth.

  “So, that’s what all this is about. You want some dick, Tina? Just say that.”

  “I don’t want none of your dick. Gon’ and give it to that bitch you running off to. I’m not stupid, motherfucker, I just look this way.” I was about five minutes from going across his shit.

  “So, you saying you don’t want none of this daddy dick? ‘Cause if you don’t want this dick, I know for a fact you want me to eat that pussy. Now what is it going to be? I can give you this pipe or you can get this tongue.” Rock dropped his Lacoste boxers and began to stroke his manhood as he stared at me.

  I put my cigarette out and assumed the position. Ass up with my face down. That way he could lay pipe, eat the booty like groceries, and lick my clit until I collapsed. You can call that shit a triple threat. Rock smacked me on the ass and entered me with so much force that I tried to get away, but he pulled me back and made me take the dick.

  At first I was dry, but after a minute or so he had me dripping wet and gripping the sheets for dear life. I felt myself getting ready to climax, and at the same time I could feel Rocky swell up inside of me. He dropped down to his knees and began to assault my asshole and my clit. He was licking and sucking on my shit with no mercy. Not long after I was squirting all over the place.

  Once I was done making it rain, he inserted his dick back inside of me and roughly thrusted inside of me until he came long and hard. I laid there on the bed spent as I watched him take a shower. I got up and went inside of the bathroom, because I needed to stare him in his eyes when I spoke to him. If there was one thing about Rock that would never change it was his eyes. They told me his soul.

  “You promise you’re not cheating on me.” I stroked the side of his face as I stared into his deep dark eyes that reminded me so much of Jayceon. I was shedding tears before I knew it.

  “I promise, bae. You’re the only woman I want and need. I know I was fucked up back in the day. Cheating on you and out here in these streets reckless. I promise I’m done with that life. I know it’s bad timing right now, but I have to take this business trip to the Virgin Islands.

  “Sierra is going to stay here while I’m gone to help out. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Stop crying; Jayceon wouldn’t want you doing that. Can you hold down the fort for me while I’m gone?” I shook my head yes and welcomed his tight embrace along with soft lips.

  I loved the way his specks of gray hairs shined in his head and beard. He was so fucking sexy even this late in age. I calmed down knowing that he wasn’t lying to me about cheating. However, there is something else he is hiding from me. I can tell in the way he’s moving around nervously.

  For the time being I’ll welcome the fact that he’s leaving. It gives me time to prepare the girls for this damn heist. I guess I really shouldn’t be upset with him for keeping something from me when I’m keeping something from him as well. So it’s best he leaves, because he is going to kill me when he finds out I’m helping Bella, Shayla, Sky, and Chloe.

  Chapter 13-Rock

  I couldn’t get away from Tina’s ass quick enough. Had I stayed around any longer, I might have broken down and told her that Jayceon, Tech, Dominic, and Rashad were still alive and well. I was still trying to wrap my mind around this fact as well. As strong of a man as I am, I became the weakest link when I was told my son had died in that plane crash.

  I felt as if a part of me died right then and there. Just seeing my wife and the girls crying all over the place killed my soul. It’s killing me right now knowing that I can’t tell them the truth. At the same time, I still don’t know what the hell is going on. Last night when I received a call from Jayceon telling me to come out to Paris, I damn near had a heart attack. At first I was pissed off, because I thought someone was playing a cruel ass joke on me. After a couple of minutes I knew it was indeed him. I shed a couple of tears of joy knowing he was still here with us.

  Tina is going to kill my ass for lying to her. Her ass has some type of psychic abilities or some shit. It’s like she can tell when I’m lying or something. One thing she never has to worry about is me cheating on her. That part of my life is over and done with. I lost her once, and I’ll never lose her again. Not over no pussy anyway. Her pussy still grips a nigga’s dick like a glove, and she still got that wet wet. I’m still sprung on her as if we were teenagers. I can actually say I love her and appreciate her more now than ever. That’s my heart and my pain in the ass.

  I told Tina I needed to go to the Virgin Islands to throw her off. Knowing her she might try and follow me. She’s been known to be a damn private detective. Always looking for some shit. I can’t help but laugh thinking about all the times she caught me with a bitch back in the day. Just thinking of the stab wounds and bullets flying past my damn head, cheating ain’t even worth it.

  I’m not about to get on her bad side on the account of these knucklehead ass boys. So when I touch down somebody better tell me something. At the same time, I’m content knowing that I have all of my kids together, and they are all alive and well.


  “What the fuck you hit me for, Pops?” Jayceon was doubled over holding his jaw. I had gave his ass a quick one and turned around and gave Jace’s ass one too. Now they were both in pain. Tech got the fuck out of my way, because he knew what these hands felt like from when I kicked his ass for fucking my daughter and getting her pregnant. Rashad and Dominic followed Tech, because they knew I would fuck them up as well. I was liking a raging bull standing in front of my sons. I just knew there was smoke coming from my ears, that’s how fucking heated I was at the moment.

  “I hit ya bitch ass for putting your fucking family through this shit. Somebody better tell me something and quick. I should have known what the fuck was going on from the jump. Ya’ll little niggas doing shit without running it past me now? I thought we were a team. So, fuck me, huh?” I headed over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of Remy. There was already a tray full of Kush blunts. I grabbed one and flamed it up. I sat back and put my feet up. I was more than relaxed and ready to hear what the fuck was going on.

  “You mad at me for nothing. One minute I was on my way to prison and the next I was being kidnapped by this nigga here. Do you actually think I wanted to do some shit like this to Bella, my kids, Sky, and most importantly my momma?” Jayceon grabbed the bottle and drank straight from it. I could tell that this shit was weighing heavily on him.

  “Come on now, Jace. You said wait until Rock got here. He’s here now, so tell us what the fuck is going on.” Tech said as him, Rashad, and Dominic all came and joined us in the living room.

  “Like I told ya’ll, I was assigned to the Special Operation Unit. After getting hired by the FBI my first week on the job, I was assigned to infiltrate the Russian Mob. Apparently they were running a lucrative prostitution and drug ring that was bringing in millions of dollars. During the operation Vladimir was killed, but of course you know that.

  “An undercover agent was there and witnessed the whole thing. That’s how I found out that you niggas were the culprits. During briefing I took one look at it and knew you were my big brother. I vowed then that I would do whatever I had to do to keep you from behind that wall. Even if it meant losing everything I worked hard for.

  “When my mother died me and Sierra was literally assed out, all I’ve ever wanted was my father and brother. So in reality I wasn’t going to be losing shit, I would be gaining a family. That shit was more important to me.” Just hearing my son say that fucked me up. Jayceon and I got up and embraced him.

  “Now that we’ve had this nice family moment, can we please get back to the situation at hand? Ya’ll niggas too damn big for all this soft ass shit.” Tech said as he took a long pull from the blunt he was smoking on.

  “Shut the fuck up, nigga!” Jayceon said as he snatched the blunt from his hand.

p; “Finish what you were saying, son?”

  “Like I said, I had intentions on sabotaging the evidence or trying to find a way to alert you, but the shit was deeper than I expected. I didn’t know you niggas was notorious ass bank robbers and the government already had indictments against you. Fatima had already started talking. The bitch was granted full immunity, so she wouldn’t have to sit in the courtroom during trial. Now the government without a doubt had every intention of giving you niggas the book. I dug deeper and went over every aspect of your case. How well do you know your lawyer?”

  “He’s been our lawyer for years.” I sat up and looked at Jace, because he looked like he was about to tell me some shit I wasn’t prepared for.

  “That nigga works for the Russians. His job was to get you niggas to take any type of time, but you would never make it to jail to even serve a sentence. See that plane they had ya’ll on was on its way to Russia. Vladimir’s brother, Mikhail, wants you niggas’ heads on a platter for murdering his brother. Plus, there’s talk about missing diamonds that are owed to him.”

  “I’m going to kill that motherfucker JR slow!” I said as I jumped up and knocked the table over.

  “I’ve been looking at this nigga like family all of these years, and he sold us out for the motherfucking Russians. Please, Pops, let me kill that nigga. This shit is business not personal. As a matter of fact this is one for the Ski Mask Mafia. Yeah, I’m at that nigga’s head. I heard you mention that bitch Fatima. Is there any word on her whereabouts?” Jayceon was clenching his jaws, and I knew he had murder in mind. He reminded me so much of myself. He’s a born fucking leader. Despite me wanting to kill the nigga JR, I knew I had to fall back, and let my son and his crew do their thang.

  “I have surveillance on her as well as audio. The bitch doesn’t even know there are eyes on her. She’s been back in town with her son. By the way that little nigga looks like you, Rashad.”


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