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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  “Don’t remind me. I swear I didn’t want that little nigga to be mine, but that damn DNA test determined that was a lie.” Rashad ran his hand over his face in frustration.

  “Well he’s yours. That bitch is about to be dog food. So you can get ready to raise him.” Jayceon grabbed the bottle and drank it straight down.

  “Speaking of Fatima. I have some video and recordings of her if you guys want to see what she’s been up to.”

  “Yeah, we need to see that shit. I actually don’t trust that bitch out there. I know the first chance she gets, she’ll try to hurt Bella and my kids. I’m not trying to take that chance at all.”

  “Let me just call and check on everybody.” I got up and walked away to talk in private to Tina. I was trying to remain calm and not show worry, but Fatima was the least of our worries at the moment. Them fucking Russians weren’t shit to play with at all. We needed to handle this shit ASAP.

  I was definitely out of retirement. I had every intention on protecting my family at all costs. At the same time, I needed to activate the camera system I had in the house, just to keep an eye on the girls. I had it installed, but I never activated the system on my phone to watch. Instead of calling Tina first, I decided to just look at the footage of the exterior and interior of the house. Everything looked good on the outside, so I zoomed in on the inside of the house.

  All of the girls and kids were in the kitchen. It looked like they were in a deep conversation, so I decided to listen to their conversation. Sneaky motherfuckers I thought to myself. I should have known I couldn’t leave their asses alone. As if I didn’t have enough on my plate already. Now I have to deal with these green ass girls trying to rob banks and shit. To hear Tina wanting to help them made me mad, because she knew they weren’t cut from that type of cloth. At the same time, you have to love them for their dedication to make shit happen for themselves.

  Chapter 14-Jayceon

  I had to keep rewinding the video of Fatima visiting Angelica’s grave. I couldn’t believe she had hit our daughter and killed her. Hitting her by mistake was one thing that I could probably forgive, but to do it and not say anything for years was something totally different. She saw how much her death hurt me. I’ve blamed myself for years for my carelessness.

  For that bitch to watch me suffer and act as if she was consoling me lets me know that the bitch is a different type of animal. Yeah, that bitch is a beast, because there is no way she is a human. At the same time, this was her daughter, her own flesh and blood. How could she sleep at night knowing she had hit and killed her daughter?

  The more I thought about it, I remembered at the time Angelica got hit, I was talking to some random bitch. Fatima had to see me and that’s why she never told me. That’s about the sickest shit ever. Like bitch you that much in your feelings about seeing me talking to another bitch that you would hide the fact that you killed your daughter. I knew that Fatima didn’t have a care in the world or give a fuck about anybody.

  Not even her being a rat surprised me. Now that I think about it, she has always been a bitter, scorned ass bitch. The bitch was more heartless than I thought. Hearing her stand there and apologize about killing my baby enraged me. This bitch was confessing her love for her, but at the same time, she wasn’t woman enough to come clean and say that she hit her. Fuck outta here that bitch wasn’t sorry. Fatima didn’t have an apologetic bone in her body.

  The more I sat and thought about it. I started to remember how jealous Fatima was of the relationship with my daughter. Angelica was my life, and she was first in my life. Fatima would get mad when I let her sleep with us, or when we would have daddy and daughter days. She would walk around pouting talking about I’m giving all my attention to Angelica. What real mother would be upset about the father spending time with his child?

  I should have left that scandalous ass bitch then. Just sitting back and thinking about the shit is fucking me up in the head right now. It also makes me feel even worse about Angelica being dead. I should have took her and got as far away from that bitch as I could. I was so busy traveling and planning heists. That I didn’t have time to just sit back, and see how devious this bitch was.

  I was kicking my own ass for failing my daughter and my crew. In my heart I know that Angelica is at peace, and she doesn’t blame me but it’s no consolation for me. The fact remains the same that I failed her, and there is nothing I can do to bring her back. At the same time, I was going to do everything in my power to avenge her death.

  At this point the fact that she ratted out the Ski Mask Mafia was last on my fucking list of reasons to get at her ass. That bitch killed my daughter like she was a dog in the streets and left her there like it was nothing. That’s all the reason I need to off her ass. If I was Rashad, I would be trying to get my seed out of the bitch’s clutches. She cannot be trusted around kids. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t trust that hoe around my dog.

  I needed to clear my head and just be by myself for a minute. Every fucking thing was hitting me at once. I felt like I was about to lose it. Never in all my years has a nigga of my caliber felt so fucking defeated. It’s small shit to a giant, but just facing this shit without Bella had me feeling weak. Not being able to be with her is fucking up my mental, and I could only imagine what she must be going through right now. I’ve done some fucked up shit to Bella, and I never knew how much I missed her until I was facing that time.

  I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be doing it, but I needed to hear her voice. I blocked the number and called, in the hopes that she would answer. Bella hates anonymous phone calls, so I knew there was a big chance she wouldn’t answer. Surprisingly, she answered and I smiled hearing her voice. I could also hear Jazzie talking in the background. I needed to get back to my family. This hiding out shit was for the birds, but I knew this was what was best for now.

  I might have thought I was prepared to do my time, but in reality a nigga was not beat for doing no fucking twenty-five years. I called her a couple of more times, just to hear her voice. After a while she just cut the phone off. I couldn’t stop laughing at her cursing. I don’t care how much she’s been around me and my family, her ass still sounds white as hell.


  “Are you cool, son?” My father asked as he came in the room I was in.

  “I’ll be good when I get at that bitch Fatima.” I was still highly pissed and upset. I had smoked about three Kush blunts, and I still wasn’t calm.

  “I understand, son. I just watched that shit and it made me sick to my fucking stomach. I never thought she was that type of woman. I’m with you one hundred percent in regards to getting at her ass, but that shit can wait until later. We have two big ass problems on our hands.” My father stood silent for a minute as he flamed up a Cuban cigar. I watched as he rubbed his goatee in deep thought. Whenever he did that shit had got serious.

  “We need to handle that Russian nigga first. That nigga got to go immediately. He’s our biggest threat right now.”

  “Look, Pops, I respect the fact that you want in on all that’s going on, but you’re no longer head of the operation. You turned the reigns over to me. So it’s my job to make sure shit is straight. Now trust and believe if shit get hectic and I need you, I’ll definitely call you. I need you to go back home and make sure shit is straight with Ma and the girls. I’m not feeling them being out there alone.”

  “I have something I need to show you. Don’t go popping all off. As a matter of fact, let’s go out so that Tech, Rashad, and Dominic can see this as well.” I followed my Pops back into the living room and sat down on the couch.

  “You cool, big bro?” Rashad asked as I was walking in the living room.

  “Yeah, I’m straight. That shit got a nigga fucked up, though. Never in a million years did I ever think this bitch would do something so fucked up. I hate that bitch, and I’m not going to rest until she’s dead.”

  “I need to get my little man from that bitch. Did you see how she had him in noth
ing but a fucking t-shirt and socks? No blanket or nothing covering him up while she’s draped in fucking designer everything. That bitch is really off her rocker.”

  “Yeah that bitch is definitely touched in the head.” Tech said.

  “I need to show ya’ll something.” Pops said as he handed me his phone. Tech, Rashad, and Dominic watched the video that started to play as well. The more I watched the more heated I became.

  “These motherfuckers done let grief make them think that they’re them Set it Off bitches. Sky don’t know the first thing about robbing no bank. She’ll definitely be the scary one they called Te-Te in the movie. ” Tech said as he shook his head at the same time.

  “I don’t think I can take no more surprises. Shayla used to help us with logistics and shit back in the day, but I didn’t know she would ever think to rob a damn bank.” Dominic said.

  “Chloe cries when she breaks a damn nail. How in the fuck is she going to shoot a gun?” Rashad said.

  “What has me fucked up in the head is the fact that Bella looks to be the ring fucking leader. When I met her she was green as fuck. I’ve brought out the worse in her.” The more I looked at her, I realized that she had aged in the short time we had been together. Bella was even more beautiful than the first time I laid eyes on her, but I could see a change in her aura. The once quiet, sweet, and soft-spoken Bella that I fell in love with has been replaced with a woman on mission to get back at the world for fucking over her. When I met Bella she was the true definition of a boss bitch. She had everything all women should have. She lost all of that fucking with a criminal ass nigga like me.

  “I’m just surprised that Tina is helping them do this shit. I know she’s a thoroughbred when it comes to this shit, but she knows they’re not cut from that type of cloth. I swear I’m gon’ dig all in her shit for that. I know how to handle my wife, and I can’t tell you how to handle yours. At the same time, I need to know how this situation is going to be handled. This shit is going down in the next two weeks, so we need to have some shit in place.”

  “Right now, Pops. There isn’t much that we can do because our backs are against the wall. In case you forgot, we’re supposed to be dead and there is no way we can leave Paris. I’m sure the Feds are probably still watching. Hell, for all we know they ass can be somewhere listening to everything we’re saying.”

  “I can assure you they think you niggas are dead.” Jace said as he hopped on his phone and walked out of the room. For the rest of the night we all just sat around and wondered what we were going to do next. I appreciated everything Jace had done for me and my crew. I owed him my life, but at the same time I’ve always been the captain of the ship. It was time for me to bring the nigga Blockka out. I was down for a minute, but I’m back in full effect. I give out the orders and handle shit accordingly. Trust and believe this shit is about to be handled Ski Mask Mafia style.

  Chapter 15-Bella

  I had been getting private phone calls for the last two weeks. The shit had become so annoying that I stopped answering my phone altogether. Not that anyone was calling me anyway, but that shit was so irritating. Whoever it was calling they wouldn’t say anything, but I could hear their creepy ass breathing in my fucking ear. For a minute I thought that it could probably be that bitch Fatima playing on my phone, but then I quickly removed that thought from my mind.

  That bitch wouldn’t play on a phone like that. She would definitely let it be known that it was her who was calling. I had been wrecking my brain trying to see whom it could be, but I was coming up with nothing. I hadn’t even told the girls, because I didn’t want them to think I had lost my mind. It was bad enough they thought I was crazy for wanting to rob a damn bank. I was just glad that they were down to pull off the heist with me. At this point we had no choice. Our banks accounts are empty and the bills are piling up.


  The day had finally come for us to pull off the heist, and we all were nervous. I was glad Rock and Tina decided to go out of town and took the kids with them. Tina had drilled all the information in us that she could, and I was more than comfortable with going in and getting back out without an issue.

  “We’re about to go in here, get this money, and get the fuck out of here. Remember we have to keep track of time, we have five minutes and five minutes only.” I said as I sat in the driver’s seat. Shayla was in the passenger seat while Sky and Chloe sat in the back. We were about six blocks from the bank. We had decided to take the side streets to avoid the cameras that had been recently installed on the main streets.

  “I’m so ready to do this shit.” Chloe yelled.

  “Yes, bitch. Me too. It’s like my nervousness had been replaced with nothing but adrenaline.” Sky added.

  “Let’s get this motherfucking money!” Shayla yelled as she hit the dashboard with her fists. At the same time we were fishtailed by a car. It caused the car to turn back into the opposite direction. We were all in shock for a moment, but we were jolted back to reality quick when the driver’s side door was yanked opened.

  “Get the fuck out of the car now!” A masked gunman yelled as he pointed an assault rifle in my face.

  “Oh my God! What the fuck is going on?” Shayla screamed out and that’s when I noticed there were three other gunmen. All of us had guns pointed at us. They had on all black Dickies jumpsuits with Scream masks and skullcaps on.

  “Okay. Just please don’t kill us!” I pleaded through tears as we all slowly got out of the car. The gunmen grabbed us roughly and quickly walked to a black van. Once inside the van, zip ties were placed on our wrists and black velvet bags were placed over our heads.

  “I just have one question. Are ya’ll going to kill us?” I asked.

  “Shut the fuck up and don’t say shit else.” The gunman said as he pushed me down on the floor of the van. At this point we were all lying flat on our stomachs. I could feel the fear radiating off of each of our bodies. The van started to move, and all I could think about was where are we going.

  “I love ya’ll.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Sky!” We all said in unison. Right now is not the time, especially since the nigga said shut the fuck up. The last thing I wanted was to be killed, because Sky wanted to confess her love for us.


  It seemed like we had been in the back of the van for hours. The back of the van was hot as hell, and I felt like I was going to pass out at any minute. I had to piss so badly, and I prayed that I didn’t piss on myself. At the rate my bladder was going it was about to be a pissy situation at any minute. Shayla, Sky, and Chloe had been extremely quiet, so I knew they had probably dozed off.

  I was actually glad because they had never been kidnapped before and this was all new to them. As for me this wasn’t my first rodeo, so my nerves weren’t as bad. I just hoped and prayed that we weren’t about to be sold into prostitution. That shit was not a walk in the park. I don’t know where I would be if Jayceon would have never rescued me. Just thinking about him made me sad as fuck. He’s always been here, but now that he’s not I don’t know what we’re going to do. All of sudden the van stopped, and I closed my eyes and started to silently pray. I had no idea what was going to happen next.

  I felt myself being jerked out of the back of the van and being carried over someone’s shoulder.

  “Where the hell are you taking us?” I heard Chloe asked.

  “Didn’t I say shut the fuck up?”

  “Nigga, fuck you. I’m tired of this shit. How the fuck you niggas gon’ just kidnap us. Put me the fuck down right now!”

  “Calm down, Chloe!” I said because I didn’t want the nigga to kill my sister. She was all I had besides my kids that was actually my blood relative.

  “Good looking. Thanks for everything. Your money should be in your accounts shortly.”

  “Nice doing business with you, my nigga. I’m just glad to get rid of these chicks. They almost made me off their asses.”

  “Nigga, fuck you!” Shayla, Chloe
, and Sky were cursing and screaming curse words, but I was quiet and thinking about the exchange between the men. It was obvious we had been kidnapped for someone else, and we were now with that person.

  “All of ya’ll calm the fuck down! Now I’ll remove the ties and the bags from your head once the plane takes off, but if you keep talking shit and getting smart I won’t. This is about to be a long ass flight, so I suggest you act accordingly.”

  “Flight? What the hell do you mean flight?” I asked.

  “I woke up this morning with every intention on robbing a fucking bank, not being kidnapped and killed. Take me out of my misery now, because this shit is just too much on me.” Sky said.

  “Who are you and what the fuck do you want? If it’s money you done fucked up because we broke as hell, nigga?” Shayla said.

  “Do ya’ll always talk this much? I feel sorry for ya’ll husbands. How in the fuck do they deal with ya smart mouth asses?”

  “They don’t deal with us, motherfucker. Unfortunately they’re dead, and since you felt the need to kidnap us your ass is stuck with our smart-ass mouths. Either deal with it or kill us. You ain’t fucking with a bunch a weak bitches. We were married to bosses. They died as legends and we’ll do the same.”

  I was done playing whatever sick twisted ass game these niggas were playing. They could just kill me, because I was done fighting. I could only hope God would cover my kids.

  “Breathe easy, lil mama. Ain’t nobody about to kill ya’ll. Just sit back and relax. This shit will all be over in a couple of hours.” The feeling of the plane taking off made me fall back into the seat I was in. I was exhausted and mentally drained. I did what came natural to me and that was sleep. There was nothing else I could do but sleep.


  “Wake up sleeping beauties, you’ve arrived at your final destination.” I was being woken up out of my peaceful slumber by the sound of the same annoying ass nigga. He removed the ties from my hands and removed the bag from over my head. The bright lights from the plane hurt my eyes, and I had to squint in order to focus.


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