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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 7

by Jessie Wolf

  (Giggle) And so ends the lesson my young apprentice. (Giggle)

  “Alright already, you win! Now how do I get that armor back?”

  Just say, 'activate armor” dear.

  “Activate armor!” I nearly scream out. I feel the tingling rush as my armor quickly covers me back up. Once it has, I stand up and cough. “Okay Cpt. It’s all clear. You can look now.” As he turns back around, I feel the need to apologize. “Sorry about that. I was trying to figure out how to turn off my armor so I can look a little more normal.”

  “That’s quite alright ma'am. I should have knocked before just barging in like I did.” He said with a slight smile and a little bit of a blush on his face. “Just wasn’t expecting to walk in on a naked teenage girl.”

  The total stupidity of the situation and the look on his face are so totally F.U.B.A.R. that I can't help but to bust out laughing. It's not too long before the Cpt. joins in with me. After a few minutes, and when we finally calm down, I ask the good Cpt. why he was in such a hurry.

  “Oh. There is a Mr. Randal Reed from planetary immigration to see you and the H.C. staff. Something about the application of one Maiha Mana Steel Heart to the Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies. Can I ask you a question ma'am? Would that be you he wants to talk about with the H.C. staff?”

  “Cpt. what you are about to hear is classified Ultra Eyes only, do you understand?” I asked him. “Do you understand the consequences should you leak any of this?” At the nod of his head I knew that he could be trusted with everything that was going on here. “Yes I am, or will be, Maiha Mana Steel Heart, my granddaughter that never was. Both me and the H.C.S. needed some way to explain why a female minor was on that flight and related to JJ Owens, who is no longer among the living, leaving her an orphan. But I thought they were going to enroll me at H.M.A. not some girl school? I think I need to get in there and find out just what those yahoos have been doing. Care to join me?”

  “It would be my pleasure ma'am. I’ve pissed off enough of the High Command that I know I'll never rise above captain and that one more black mark won't make a difference.

  At that last comment I turned to look at my escort. From the look of him I would say he's in his mid to late 40s, in good health and excellent shape. He was obviously highly intelligent and educated a graduate of one of the better military universities he should be at least a brigade executive commanding officer, or maybe even a full bird colonel.

  “Cpt. you can tell me to go to hell if you want, but why are you still just a Cpt. of an A.P.S. company and not a brigade X.O. or C.O.?”

  Now most career officers would get upset over that kind of question so I was greatly surprised when he just laughed and said. “It’s really quite simple ma'am. Though my performance Evals says I'm a fine commander of troops, I lack the potential to understand the political possibilities that come with higher advancement.”

  “In other words you have no respect for your so called betters from the High Families right?” I ask him with a grin.

  Chuckling, he replies, “Got in one ma'am. My previous C.O's all felt that I should pay the High Families officers in my unit more respect than what I do. I just can't see why an accident of birth should place one person over another socially, or give them a more preferred station over someone who has actually worked their ass off for, and should be rewarded with, that station.”

  “You know Cpt. Howard; I think that you and I are going to get along just swimmingly. If I remember correctly, there were a few Evals like that in my own Personnel File. Kind of funny really, when you look at the woman who married me all those years ago, I mean who would've thought that a backwoods, uneducated, unrefined swamp rat the likes of me rate a woman like her?” While we're talking, I'm looking up at him. Hell I have to look up at just about everyone here. This sucks majorly big time, being this short. I didn’t realize just how short I was until that moment.

  “Hey Dee De... what are our stats?”

  Do you really want to know right now? You have other things to take care of.

  “I'm going to need that info sooner or later and, from the looks on the faces of the H.C.S., it will most likely be sooner. So what are they?”

  Ok you ask for it. We stand 5ft even, weigh a total of 97lbs, have black hair with green eyes our measurements are 29-21-28 with a B cup.

  I damn near trip over my own feet upon hearing that. Howard notices and asks me if I'm alright. “Yes Cpt. I'm fine. My AI just read off my stats to me and they caught me off guard is all.”

  “Hum... ma'am, I wouldn’t let those folks over there know that your AI is still active, as well as functional.” He says, with some fear in his voice.

  Stopping him, I look up at him and say, “Cpt. Howard, they already know. They also know I'm in full control over it and all the systems that I now have on board this body, so relax. But thank you for your concern. Now let’s go deal with the monkey nuts of the High Command Staff, good Sir.”

  With a flourish of a bow and a hearty chuckle he responds, “Right this way my Lady.”

  As we approach the table that the H.C.S. has been using since all of this began, I realize it’s been over 5hrs from the time that the drop ship had landed. I can tell they are all tired and worn out. If all they have been able to accomplish is to get me down on this rock legally, then I owe all of them my profound thanks. Because I really don’t want to fight with every L.E.O. unit out there. I take a quick head count. There’s Lt. Walking Water from Pers.Com. by the collar insignia, Com. House from Telecom, the Maj. from Intel. Security, the Head of Space Port Security, another Maj. from Intelligence, and finally a Col. from Space Command.

  “Ok people. From the looks of satisfaction on your faces I take it you were successful in putting everything in place for me to become my granddaughter?” I ask. As they nod their heads in the affirmative I have to ask myself, how did old Stoney find such a band of highly skilled, motivated and dedicated officers and not ruin them? “Alright, let me have it. But I would like each of you to explain your part individually so I know who to thank for what.”

  The Col. from Space Command stood up first and cleared his throat. “Commander, allow me to introduce myself. Colonel Warn C. Campbell of the Space Command. I think that I had the easiest part in all of this. All I had to do was give my approval to whatever these fine officers need.” And with that he sat back down.

  Giggling and shaking my head, I reply, “Col. If that was all there was to being command, and then every command level officer I know would sleep better at night.” I give him a smile then say, “Thank you for all you did to make this project happen. Next.”

  The two Intel Maj's stood up next. “That would be us ma'am. I'm Maj. Tom T. Wallace and this here Is Maj. Malcom Ford with Intel Security. Basically ma'am, our job was to hack into the different data bases so that we could get in there and change certain records.” He made that statement with a whole lot of pride. If the two of them pulled that off then they had every right to be proud.

  “Well, I guess that I'm up next, seeing as how we are going in descending order of rank here. I'm Space Port Security Chief, Robert Plant. I had the enjoyable task of putting one Vic. Lord High Marshal, Richard Steven Blackstone, and his Honorable Lord High Marshall General Sir Alexander Wellington Stonewall in hand cuffs. I followed them shortly thereafter, to a holding cell at my station to await transfer to Earth Prime under armed guard where they will stand trial for gross negligence and cowardice in front of the enemy and treason in the form of attempting to cover up their actions in the Battle of Four Points on the planet of Haven Mist. All I can say is that for once, Military High Command Earth Prime is doing the right thing.”

  I noticed that he gave his report with an almost gleeful bounce that was barely contained. I just had to ask why he was so happy about putting a Lord High Marshal and his Vic. behind bars. “Ma'am that’s simple. I was there at Four Points, as a crew member of one of the Bradley’s. I lost a lot of friends during that S.N.A.F.U. an
d when Stonewall was promoted, instead of being court marshalled, I almost went A.W.O.L. I would've gladly put a bullet in that s.o.b's head! If a friend hadn’t stopped me, I would be the one in that cell, not Stoney.

  Well that explained why he was so happy. “Commander Owens, I owe my life to your daughter and son-in-law, so if you ever need anything, well, all you need do is ask and, if it is within my power, it shall be done.” He finished with a very deep and formal bow from the waist, and then sat down.

  To say I was a bit overwhelmed would be an understatement. As I tried to gather my thoughts, Commander House stood up to give his report.

  “Well, as you already know ma'am, I am Commander Johnathan House of Tel.Com. and it was my great pleasure and task to make and maintain the communications ties that allowed all these fine officers to perform their duties.” House was a little smug with his report but then again he had every right to be. The sheer number of planet wide connections that had to be made, and maintained, was staggering, not to mention the transmitting system connections, just to cover all the data bases.

  “Cmdr. If you ever need a reference, just let me know. You'll get it and then some. The advantage to being as old as I am is I know where most of the skeletons are hidden.” I said to him, then turned to the last person who was in uniform, Lt Walking Water, the master mind of this whole crazy ass scheme. “Well Lt. Walking Water, I'm waiting for your report.”

  As she stands up, she tugs at the hem of her jacket then clears her thoughts. “Well ma'am, everything went according to my original plan, until it came time to enroll you in school.” From the look on her face we had hit a major snag.

  I decided to give her a break. “In the words of the Great General, Robert E. Lee, 'No plan survives contact with the enemy.' So what happened?”

  With a sigh, she replied, “Well Cmdr. It would appear that we made one minor mistake that has snow balled out of our control. When we tried to register you with the Hades Military Academy, the name we used threw up all kinds of flags to the administration. It seems that, for you to attend the H.M.A. would be beneath your station.”

  I nearly came unglued. Just what do you mean, beneath my station!?

  “Hum, well you see, it’s like this. You are now the head of your dead wife’s house and for you to attend a Military Academy would be a great insult to the rest of the house.” She at least had the decency to be embarrassed when she reported that and what followed. “Whether you like it or not, you Commander, are now a member of the High Families, and not just any member, you are the Head of the House.

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Me? The Head of House for a High family? There must be some kind of mistake. I know there is, because Matsu had a younger sister who would have taken her place when she died.

  “Wait a minute... what about my wife’s sister? Shouldn’t she be the next Head of House?”

  “Sorry ma'am, but you are it. The reason for that was stated by your other self, earlier. When you stated that, if I remember right, she was the eldest child in her family placing her first in line for the Nakatoma Shogunate. After her, would have been your daughter. Then after her would've been her child. So that was what we went off, when setting up your back ground and history. Since we can't very well lie to the administration, or to your wife’s family, that you are the heir to both your daughters and wife’s heritage, we couldn’t get you enrolled at H.M.A.”

  I could tell that this was not what she was planning or counting on. She had her head down, looking like someone had killed her puppy. It was a brilliant plan, and it would’ve worked perfectly if not for my new name.

  “It's alright Lt. Outside of that little problem the plan went off without a hitch. So don’t get upset over something out of your control. Now tell what you came up with to solve the problem.” While giving her my best encouraging smile.

  Looking over at me, she can tell I'm not disappointed in her. The young lady straightens up, squares her shoulders and continues with her report. “Well when we found out we couldn't get you into H.M.A., we listed all the schools that we could put you in. That’s when we found out that there is a rep. for the Nakatoma Shogunate here on Hades, right here in Haifa, who would be your great aunt. It seems that the Grand Lady has decided that someone is trying to use the family name, and the fact that your daughter died in action, to pose as someone they are not. It seems that she was notified by the Office of Education and Cultural History. Well, she demanded they send an investigator over to first find out if you really are her great grandniece, and if you are, then why were you trying to enroll at H.M.A.?” With that she sits down signaling that she is done with her report.

  “Thank you Lt. I know that you did your absolute best and gave it 110%. All right, now that we know that what the problem is, what do we do now?” I ask them.

  Cpt. Howard speaks up at that point. “I believe this is where I come in ma'am. For the last hour or so, me and my team have been stalling one Mr. Randal Reed. He has been trying to get in here by demanding to see Mr. James J. Owens and whoever is supposed to be his granddaughter. It seems that he is some kind of inspector from the O.E.C.H. I don't really know, because the self-important ass hat won't let me see his credentials, so I have been letting him cool his heels out on the tarmac. I figured that something might have gone wrong with whatever the H.C.S. was trying in here, so I kind of decided to put him on hold till I got the ok from one of them to let him in.”

  At hearing this I can't help but bust out laughing. Apparently the H.C.S. also found this funny. By simply following his orders, the Cpt. had saved the whole operation, giving us the time to think up something to tell the O.E.C.H. inspector. By the Gods, this man should be a Division Commander not just a lowly Company C.O. If I have my way I will correct the injustice that has be done him by narrow minded fools in his past.

  “Okay Cpt. If you would please let your team know to let Mr. Reed in?” I ask him. After a nod from him to acknowledge my request, I turn back to everyone else. “All right folks, you have all done a fantastic job. Now it's time for me to do mine, and that is dealing with that ass clown from the O.E.C.H. out there. Now everyone put a sober look on your faces. We need to make this look like the investigation into what happened earlier. To be precise, the death of Cmdr. James J. Owens and the orphaning of Maiha Mana Steel Heart. Oh, how are we explaining my apparent age, seeing as how it would be kind of hard for my Daughter to have a 16yr. old child when she died over 20 yrs. ago?”

  A giggle from Lt. Walking Water grabbed my attention. “Out with it Lt. What did you do?” I demanded.

  “Well it was really simple, ma'am. A search of the Gift Life data banks showed that your daughter and son-in-law had made illegal deposits in a non-military bank on Atlas Prime. The only person who knew about it was your wife, but she was in the beginning stages of her illness when she was told. Now, 18yrs. ago when she passed away, you were asked by your family lawyer what you wanted to do with the Life-Takes on Atlas Prime. Well, seeing as how this was the first you had heard of this, you naturally investigated it. When finding out that there were enough embryos to try five times for a grandchild, you told the Gift Life bank to proceed with all five, hoping to get at least one to 'take. Out of the five you were the only one to go full term. After you were born your grandfather raised you on his own. No nannies or sitters not even a Medbot to help.

  You were placed in the public school system back on Rigel 5, where you were schooled until you earned the scholarship to H.M.A. in Haifa, at age 15. Your grandfather was so proud that he immediately gave his approval for you to attend.”

  The look of pride on her face was well earned. It was perfect. All the way around. G.L. banks were notorious for keeping their records secret. Not even the High Families would dare to question them. Nobody in their right mind screwed with the Gift of Life Banks, not if they wanted to be able to continue their family line. A simple accident in the cold storage vaults and an entire family line could be wiped out. No, they were the
last people you wanted pissed off at you. Now I truly understand why the H.C.S. was so proud. Not only had they cracked the Banks security but had changed the data to show how I, Maiha Mana Steel Heart, came into being 16yrs ago, along with an entire history that was totally believable. To say that I was impressed would be an understatement.

  “Ok, that explains my existence but how do we explain my current appearance. I mean this is not the current fashion for traveling.” I ask everyone here.

  Cpt. Howard looks at me, and then says, “Ma'am I know that you can make your suit disappear. How about we get you a standard ships suit out of storage along with boots? You put that on over your cat suit then make it disappear. That way it'll look like your clothes were damaged during the landing and this was all we could find for you?”

  “Yeah! That'll work! Let’s do it. How long till Mr. Reed gets here?” I say.

  “Long enough for what needs to be done, ma'am.” He replies, with a wink. A little over 15 minutes later I was dressed in a standard gray suits suit and boots. I quickly disengaged the Armor Skin and I looked like a normal teenage girl.

  A few minutes later the hanger bay doors opened letting in a Mark 24 with a civilian ground transport. I could tell that the driver was not happy, but then again neither would I be, if I had a 120mm rail gun pointed at my ass. Just the fact that the troops in Howards command didn't like this joker spoke volumes for his ability to lead men and women. I knew that I could trust them. After stopping a short distance away and getting out of the transport the driver made a big show of straightening out his suit and tie. I could just hear his thoughts: 'If these piss ant Military types think that they can bully me into just accepting their word for this imposter, they have another think coming'. I think I'll save time and just start hating the asshole now instead of latter.


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