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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 8

by Jessie Wolf

  Walking up to Col. House, thinking that he was the one in charge, the little shit puffs out his chest and demands, in a loud voice. “I want to know right now where the Lord High Marshal is and why does he think he can just pass off some street urchin as a member of the High Families?” Yup. Just as I thought. The little freak is an inspector working for the High Families. If he is with the O.E.C.H. then that means the Nakatoma Shogunate has a lot more pull on this rock that they used to. I'll have to play this carefully.

  Stepping forward I cough to get his attention. As he turns to look at me I say, in the most non-threating tone I can come up with. “Sir? I beg your pardon, but I believe that you are here to see me, not the former Lord High Marshal?”

  Chapter 4

  Listen here little girl

  “Listen here little girl. I don’t know who you think you are but this conversation is for adults only. Now why don’t you go over there and wait by that guard.” He said, pointing at Cpt. Howard. Now I could handle being called ‘little girl,’ I could even deal with his disrespectful attitude toward me. BUT I’ll be damned if I’ll let him disrespect the men and women in this room. NOT EVEN ON HIS BEST DAY.

  “I’ll have you know sir, that I am Maiha Mana Owns-Steel Hart the daughter of Cpt. Ohmie Owns-Steel Heart, Granddaughter to Matsue Nakatoma Owns and Commander James J. Owns of the 1bt. 1brg. 101st Death Dealers Div. NOT SOME STREET URCHIN! If you do not start showing me the proper amount of respect then you can join the Former Lord High Marshal and his Vic. Lord High Marshal in the holding cell over at Port Security to await transport to Earth Prime on charges of attempted Treason in the act of interfering with the rightful succession of the a Head of House to the rightful heir.” Was my response.

  Now normally I would most likely be trying to help out this asshole with discrediting me as I really do hate the High Families and the ruling Classes with all their bullshit, but all of the people in this room have put everything on the line for me because at one time I was one of the most respected and feared Death Dealers out there. I had a chest full of medals to prove my bravery and those of the men who followed me. At that moment I quit my pretending to be my Granddaughter as I had originally planned.

  What I became was someone my wife and daughter would be proud to claim as a daughter and granddaughter. I become the Grandchild of the one warrior’s around the Galaxy call, Death personified. I was truly Deaths Own Daughter.

  “Now if you have any doubt as to my claim to which I am then get that portable D.N.A. scanner out of your transport, take a sample of my blood, verify who I am, or get the FRACKING HELL out of here so that these good people can get back to work investigating the death of my grandfather.”

  Well, upon hearing this, the Inspector actually decided to try and call what he thought was an obvious bluff. Returning to the transport he got out what can only be described as what would happen if a toolbox mated with a table. The thing had more bells, whistles, and thingamabobs than anyone could, or would, be able to count.

  “Dee De? Can you hack that piece of shit and give us what we need to pass?”

  Child, are you trying to get me mad at you?

  “No. Never on purpose honey.”

  Ok. But why do you want this jackass to verify that you’re a High Families heir? I thought you’d welcome the chance to walk away from all that B.S.?

  “Because every one of these people put their necks on the line to help us. But it was my stupid mistake that fouled everything up.”

  Ok just wanted to make sure kiddo. Now let me work on the scanner.

  After taking a blood sample from my left arm and placing it in the scanner, the Inspector walked away from me to wait for the results. Five minutes later we heard a beep sound from the D.N.A. the results were in. The Inspector looks down at the results and turns as pale as a sheet.

  “Sir are you all right? You look as though you have seen a ghost? I mean you’re white as a sheet.” I ask with all the fake concern I could muster.

  “You really are her. But how? Everyone knows that your mother never gave birth to any children.” Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

  “That sir, is none of your concern. But I take it that there is no longer any doubt of my heritage?” I ask.

  “Oh no! My Lady! Please forgive me. I was going off of the information that was in the O.E.C.H. data base. This is clearly an out of date data base, Lady Steel Heart.” Was his real quick reply.

  I can tell that the stupid sorry son of a bitch did not want to get me any more pissed off than I already was.

  “But my Lady, there are going to be questions as to your birth because the High Families data bases of heirs do not show your mother ever having given birth to a child. Even the Military dependents data base doesn’t list you as the daughter of Cpt. Ohmie Owns-Steal Heart.” At that I looked over at Lt. Walking Water as if to ask what is going on.

  “Um….Yes Lady Steel Heart that is true. It seems that your grandfather never registered your birth with ether of those data bases, just the local data base that he was required by law to. Would you know of any reason for him not to have registered you with the High Families Heir data base or the Military dependents data base?” So that’s how she’s going to get the story put of the G.L. Bank deposits.

  I have to hand it to the woman. Her mind is sharp as a steel trap and twice as quick. Since they couldn’t access ether of those two extremely secure servers without bringing down the Civilian or Military Authorities, she would just let them ‘correct’ their own D.B.s with the supposed correct information. By the Gods it was a perfect job of deception on the part of the H.C.S. All I have to do is give Mr. Reed here the G.L.B. and he’ll do the rest. I almost blow it by giggling, but stop it before it can pass my lips. With a heavy sigh and a little pout I look down at the floor. I know that I if look at Reed I’ll just lose it.

  “Lt. Walking Water, as you know, I am the last of my family line. You also know that I never knew my parents. The only member of my family that I will ever know will be my grandpa. You see, before my mother and father deployed with the 3rd A.C.R. to Haven Mist, they each left a Life-Take with a non-military Gift of Life Bank on Atlas Prime, all highly illegal by the Military Uniform Code of Justice. They felt that if the unit, or they themselves, had somehow disgraced themselves and died that at least the family blood lines would carry on, even if the Military purged their G.L. Bank. Which was exactly what happened.

  But it was done for all the wrong reasons. The troops of the 3rd A.C.R. we’re not the ones who should have been blamed. No, that charge should have gone to the General who was in charge of the operational command of the Assault on Haven Mist; Sir Alexander Stonewall. All of the parties involved sought to cover up his mistakes and that of his X.O. by placing the blame on the troops, just to save the career of a High Families soiled little prince. But that act of treason has at last been brought to light and the reason for it and the ones responsible. Well anyway, the only person who knew about the Life-Takes was my grandmother. Unfortunately, when she was told, she had already entered the second stage of her illness.”

  I stop and wipe the tears from my eyes as I think back to that terrible time in my life. Not being able to do nothing to help my beloved wife the only woman to ever capture my heart and soul. With a deep breath I continue the tale of my ‘new life’.

  “After she passed away, the family lawyer asked my grandpa what he wanted done with the Life-Takes in the Gift of Life Banks on Atlas Prime. When he found out about them he immediately contacted the G.L.B. When he found out there was enough material for five attempts for a viable embryo he gave the go ahead for all five attempts. Out of the five I was the only success.

  Now, because I was conceived from ‘illegal’ Life-Takes, I have no rights to my mother or fathers dependent benefits. As far as the High Families go, well, grandpa never really could tolerate all of the political bullshit that dominates the ruling classes. So he went out of his way to give me as normal life as possibl
e. Away from their meddling and backstabbing ways of the High Families.” I sniffle a little wipe some more tears from my eyes.

  As I look back up at Reed I notice that over half of the H.C.S, have moved so that they aren’t in his line of sight. Over half really, and they all have this look on their faces as if they're are trying to keep from busting out laughing. I swear, if Reed wasn’t standing in front of me I’d pound the crap out of each and every one of them.

  “I really don’t know why grandpa disliked the High Families. I just know it had something to do with something that happened way before my mother was born and after he and grandmother were married. Now can you tell me who in my grandmothers’ family is so all fired up over my existence all of a sudden?” I decided to move this talk over to the table by walking over and taking a seat.

  Mr. Reed, seeing a chance at redemption with me and H.C.S, quietly joined me at the table.

  “Well, as to that Lady Steel Heart, it would be none other than your great aunt The Lady Nakatoma Dai Etsu, who you will be replacing as the ruling Head of House now that you have been able to prove your claim to the title as well as your birth right. Oh, and do not doubt that your great aunt has your best interest in mind. You see as it stands right now there is no one who can claim the Seat without challenge. Except for you, that is. Since it was believed that your grandmother died without an heir, the lesser members of the Nakatoma Family have taken to fighting amongst themselves. This infighting has cost the Family almost half of its members. Not to put too blunt of a point on the matter, you showing up now on Hades will put a stop to a good amount of needless bloodshed.” Reed puts his tablet on the table and begins to type out a message to someone.

  “Excuse me Mr. Reed, but who are you sending that text to sir?” asked Cpt. Howard with a very threating tone to his voice. I swear I can hear the targeting computer in his Mark 24 giving him a hard lock for the rail gun and all he needs is the all clear to fire. I can tell that if he doesn’t like Reed’s answer that the man is a goner.

  “Why, the Lady Maiha’s great aunt, to tell her the good news. That there is a true heir that the Nakatoma Shogunate and she is of her older sister’s line, a true Nakatoma. In both stature and attitude. Someone who will be able to put an end to the fighting.” Was all Mr. Reed said never looking at the Cpt. for a minute, he just kept typing.

  I know that I have to step in before the man gets his head handed to him on a platter. “Excuse me. Mr. Reed, but I would ask for permission before sending that message.”

  He looks up at me with true confusion on his face. “Why, my Lady?”

  I just look at him. I can’t believe he has no idea of how the military works. “Mr. Reed this is still an ongoing military investigation. For you to be here is to place all of the work of the H.C.S. in jeopardy. I must ask for you not to send that message just yet, please?”

  “Oh my. I had no idea that this was a full investigation. May I ask how you are involved my lady?” he said.

  I look up at Col. House for some help here. I can’t very well tell him I’m the reason for the investigation. Thankfully I don’t have too, the Col. Comes to my rescue.

  “Sir, the reason for the investigation is to determine why the Lady’s grandfather, at the age of 97 and at great risk to his health, would get on a drop ship, but wouldn’t go so far as to make sure his only living relative would be sure to get an appointment the one of the premier Military Academies in the known Galaxy.”

  “I thought that the reason for the investigation was to confirm her I.D. because of my involvement at this point.” Was all he said to that. “If there is any way that I can help I would be glad to offer my services on behalf of the Nakatoma Shogunate and the Lady Nakatoma-Steel Heart.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. When did I become The Lady Nakatoma-Steel Heart?” I ask with some heat to my voice. “I thought I told you my name was Maiha Mana Owns-Steel Heart.”

  The looks that everyone gives me are ones of 'Oh you poor deluded child don’t you realize that was always your name?'. I can tell you this much it’s enough to get me pissed off royally. But before I can say one word to all of them Maj. Ford puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks before I can even get up a good head of steam.

  “Lady Maiha, once Mr. Reed was able to confirm your Family heritage and, when you were able to give the missing information as to where you came from, followed by your very blunt if not outright claim to the Head of House Nakatoma, you basically changed your name to that of Lady Nakatoma Steel Heart, I’m afraid.” Was all he had to say. Once again I let my alligator mouth overload my jay-bird ass. Damn it! When will I learn to keep my trap shut!

  “Now Mr. Reed I know that the O.E.C.H. handles most challenges to High Family title claims and you do investigate any reported attempts at defrauding those Families, how is it that you think you’ll be able to help in a purely military investigation sir?”

  “Well, seeing as how there was an attempt to cover up the death of an heir to the Head of House of one of the most important Shogunates, I have full authority to bring the entire weight of all the ruling Houses to bear. I can get into data bases that would be closed to all of you.” He said this as if he did it every day, as if investigating corruption among the High Families was an everyday thing. But then again for all I know it probably is. “But that is for the future. Right now we have a slightly more pressing issue.”

  I look over at him, wondering just what that can be. “Could you please explain just what is more important than the investigation of either the death of my grandpa or the cover up of my parents?”

  “Well that should be obvious Lady Nakatoma. Your enrollment at the Joan Eunice Smith School for Young Ladies and an introduction to your great aunt Lady Dai Etsu. But first we need to get you something a little more appropriate to wear than a ships suit and boots. By the way, why are you wearing a military issue ships suit?” He asked with some curiosity.

  “She was covered in a highly flammable fluid from a ruptured line on board the drop ship that was caring both her and her grandfather. When the Medical and Engineering Teams got to them they immediately placed her in quarantine for her protection. One of the first things they did was to remove the travelling clothes she was wearing because if they came into contact with an ignition source they, and her, would have gone up in flames.” Was the answer supplied by Chief Plaint. After all he was the person in charge of Port Security and all that entails. “They believe that was what finally killed Cmdr. Owns in the end. The exposure to the fluid, not his heart attack, caused his dormant D.D.AI to activate and try to save his life by using its emergency Medical cocoon. Unfortunately it was too little too late. The Cmdr. had already passed away.”

  “Ah that explains the Lady’s unusual attire. I’m sorry if I have made you at all uncomfortable with asking these questions ma’ Lady.” Was all the ass hat said to me. I swear, if I wasn’t supposed to be a teenage girl I would have beat the mortal hell of him. As it was, a heads up display popped up a targeting reticule with the question of ‘IS THIS A VALID TARGET: YES OR NO’. Now I have to say that was one hell of a question to ask at that point in time. I quickly answer no.

  Standing up I say to everyone “Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen, but I need a break for a few minutes.” And got up to leave the table.

  “Maj. Howard would you please provide escort to Lady Nakatoma?” asked Mr. Reed.

  “Mr. Reed, its Captain, not Major.” Replied Cpt. Howard.

  “Oh I made no mistake sir. You see the lowest rank the commanding officer of a body guard unit for a Head of House is Major, and since you are the only one who can fill the position that Lady Maiha trusts, that is your new rank. Congratulations sir.” Said Reed with a very smug look on his face.

  “Wait one fracking minute here! Who says I need a bodyguard or even a bodyguard unit?” I almost scream. “Especially one that’s as heavily armed as a P.D.F. A.P.S. unit!”

  “True, most bodyguard units are made up off highly tra
ined combat infantry troops, but seeing the unquestioning loyalty that Maj. Howards troops have shown to you ma’ Lady Maiha, I thought it would be better to just have them assigned to your House as bodyguards than try to find a House unit that would be just as loyal. For you to not have such a unit would just be asking for trouble. So you see, all very prudent and proper.” Was his only reply to my show of temper.

  He didn’t even raise an eyebrow, as if dealing with High Families spoiled little brats was an everyday thing for him. Then it hit me like a ton of ship hull metal. Everything we have been dealing with here as far as my new life WAS an everyday situation for him. But there was still something bugging me about this man. And I know just who to ask once I have some privacy. So I just turn around and head for the restroom.

  Once inside away from prying eyes I step into the first stall and drop the ships suit so I can use the restroom. For the first time I realize what all my new body will entail. From going to the bathroom, to clothes, menstruation and giving birth. Oh boy! I can’t deal with all this right now. So first relieve the bladder and then get some info on Reed. Like one of my old C.O.s used to say, “Knowing is half the battle.”

  “Ok Dee De, what can you tell me about our friend out there, Mr. Reed. I can tell he ain’t no ordinary O.E.C.H. investigator.”

  Give me a couple of minutes to check the registry for O.E.C.H.





  Ok hon, I think we might want to go along with whatever Mr. Reed wants to do here.

  “You can say that again! If he wants, he can make our life a real living Hell.”

  In more ways than one, kid. So let’s go play nice for now. Later, when we have time, we’ll come up with our own plan of action.


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