Book Read Free

Building the Family

Page 21

by Amy DeMeritt

  “But why? How old are you?” She laughs again and starts tying my gown back up. “I’m twenty-two. And because I wanted to help you feel better. And something about you brings the naughty out of me.” I laugh hard and groan. “Oh shit. God, that hurts. I think you’re just giving me sugar water in that IV and fancy sugar pills for this pain. I don’t know how I could have possibly have done anything to make you want to be naughty while I’m just lying here beat up and helpless. Do you give this kind of pain management treatment to patients often?”

  “Nope. I’ve never been with a patient before. A couple of nurses, but not a patient.” After my gown is fixed in place, she rests her hand on my stomach again, slowly gliding her fingers back and forth as she looks down at me with a very pretty smile. “Now, do you think you’re ready to try putting the brace on?”

  “I guess so.”

  Shannon pulls the Velcro off the brace and very slowly starts trying to slide it under my back. I start to clench my muscles to lift my back and she gently taps my stomach.

  “Knock it off, Kayla. Let me do this.”

  I relax my muscles and her hand comes out the other side. She pulls her hand out from under me and then pulls the brace through more on the other side. It’s basically just a long soft white material with a strip of Velcro on one end to secure it. She wraps one end around my stomach and looks up at Madison.

  “Hold this in position for me. Don’t let go unless I say so.” Madison takes the edges as instructed and nods once in understanding. “This is going to hurt at first, but once we get it wrapped, it should help ease the pain. If you think you’re going to black out from the pain, tell me to stop. Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She grabs the other side of the brace and start pulling it taut. As she stretches the fabric, it tightens around my ribs, makes me groan and clench my stomach. “I really am going to beat your ass if you don’t stop clenching those sexy abs.” I laugh and groan and hold my breath to try to relax my muscles. “Kayla, take a deep breath, as deep as you can, and hold it.” I obey and she quickly pulls the rest of the way and secures the Velcro. I cry out for a moment and she places her hands on my stomach and shoulder. “Relax, sweetie. Breathe normal now. That’s too shallow. With the brace on, you need to be more conscience of your breathing.” She waits while feeling the depth of my breathing. “Deeper, Kayla.”

  “You really should stop saying that.” She laughs and looks in my eyes with a teasing smirk on her lips. “Why is that? What position does it make you imagine?”

  “You are naughty.” She laughs hard and shakes her head. “Coming from the girl that had three girls this weekend.”

  I smile and glance at Madison. She’s smiling and blushing. Shannon looks up at her and Madison shakes her head.

  “The correct number of how many she had is four. The forth was a solo one-way recipient while we watched.” Shannon’s eyes get really big and she looks down at me and whistles. “Creating a harem, baby?” I laugh and groan. “No, a family. But now I can count that as five.”

  “See, told you there’s something about you that brings out the naughty in me. I never would have done something like this. You’ve already seduced four other girls with this irresistible sex appeal you have, so that is evidence enough that it’s your fault I couldn’t help myself.”

  “No way this is real. I’m still sticking to that. All of these drugs you have in me are just warping everything. You’re probably having a good laugh at me in reality while I have some wacked out one sided conver…”

  Before I can finish, she presses her lips to mine and pulls me into a kiss. I moan and wrap my hand around her head. Holy shit, she can kiss. My arousal kicks up again and I feel my insides contract and my clit starts ticking hard and fast. My hand slips down her back, pulling her down till I feel her breasts pressed against mine. While we kiss, I feel Madison’s hand slide over my thigh and grip the inside of my thigh, close to my center. I moan deeply into Shannon’s mouth and she moans and grips my right breast firmly. As she pinches my nipple, Madison cups me between my legs, making me release another small moan.

  “Well, that’s one way to make sure you have good care while you’re in the hospital.”

  Shannon quickly pulls back and we look to a small gap in the curtain. I start laughing and then groan in pain. Shannon quickly places her caring hands in position to keep me flat.

  “Slow normal breaths, Kayla.”

  I bite back the laughter and Sara comes inside my curtained off area with a big cheesy cocky grin. She looks Shannon up and down with a lustful stare and I shake my head.

  “Back off, Sara.” She laughs and puts her hands in her pockets. “When I told you that you’d find tons of hot girls at college, I didn’t expect you to go picking up every single one you meet, especially all at once.”

  Sara and I look very similar in build, but she’s a few inches taller, keeps her hair buzzed on the sides with about three inches on top that she styles differently pretty much every day and has gauged earlobes just a little smaller than a dime. Her eyes are also brown instead of blue like mine.

  “Um, are you going to say anything about this to the hospital?” Shannon is looking at Sara like she is really scared. Sara shakes her head. “Hell no, but I’m glad I’m the one that walked in and not someone else. No way I would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. I’m Sara, by the way. The big sister. I thought the fox to your right was your girlfriend?”

  “She is.” Sara raises one eyebrow in a questioning way and looks at Shannon. “You know my sister?” Shannon blushes and shakes her head. “Not before today.” Sara smiles and laughs a little. “Oh, baby sister, we have so much to talk about. How are you feeling? You look like shit. Can’t believe this hottie was kissing that ugly mug.”

  “Shut up. Stop hitting on my nurse. You can’t have her. She’s ours.”

  Shannon laughs and nervously adjusts the sheet and blanket to cover my lap. Sara stares down at me with a proud smile and it makes me cheese really big.

  “So, where is this dick-bag that I need to rip to pieces?”

  “I don’t know. They haven’t found him yet.”

  “Kayla, are you ready to try to sit up?” I nod and Shannon places a hand on my shoulder and slowly starts inclining the bed. We get to the same point I blacked out at before and she stops. “How are you doing?”

  “It’s starting to pinch, but it’s not as bad as last time.”

  “Ok, I’m going to keep going.” I smile and she giggles and bites her bottom lip. Sara raises an eyebrow at me and clears her throat. “What was that?” I shake my head and my cheeks blush. I look up at Shannon and her cheeks are bright red. “I missed the best part, didn’t I?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sara shakes her head and laughs. “So much to talk about. Jesus, Kayla.”

  She laughs and moves to the side of the bed to lean against the heater.

  Shannon continues inclining the bed till I’m almost fully upright, but I groan and grab her arm and she immediately stops and lowers it slightly.

  “That’s as far as I can handle it.” Shannon nods, adjusts the pillows behind me to fully support my neck and head, and then pulls my meal cart over. “This is probably cold now, but do you want to try to eat it anyway? I can try to get you something different. I’ll just tell them you couldn’t stomach it.”

  “What is it?”

  She lifts the lid off the plate of food and I scrunch my nose and she laughs and replaces the lid. It’s a slab of dried out looking meatloaf, some super mushy looking green beans, and a roll that looks as hard as Darren’s fist that put me in here.

  “I’ll get you something else. What do you like?”

  “Good food.” I glance at Madison and she laughs and shakes her head. “I’ll get her something from the cafeteria. I need something to eat anyway.”

  “Wait, you’re both going to leave me with my sister so she can shake out all of my secrets?”

bsp; They laugh and Madison bends down to give me a kiss. She nips my bottom lip briefly and looks in my eyes with a cute happy glimmer lighting up her own.

  “Good luck, baby.” I pout and she giggles and sucks my bottom lip. “I’ll be back soon.”

  She walks to the other side of the bed and Shannon starts to pull my curtain open so they can leave. I give Shannon a stern pouty look and she blushes and looks at Sara a moment and then at Madison. Madison just releases a small amused sound and places a finger over her mouth and her arms over her chest as she watches Shannon try to decide what to do. Shannon bites her bottom lip and slowly approaches me. She nervously glances at Sara again and Sara laughs.

  “Oh, good lord. Just kiss her.”

  Shannon smiles and bends down to kiss me. After they leave, Sara sits on the bed next to me. Her fun teasing look is gone and she looks really serious. She looks my face over and takes my left hand and looks at the brace on my pinky.

  “What happened? I heard from Mom and Dad, but I want to hear it from you in case they missed details.”

  I tell her about Whitney confiding me in the other day and then everything that happened with Darren.

  “I’m really proud of you. That was fucking amazing what you did for that girl. I’m really glad he stopped himself when he did though. There’s been too many in our community being beat to death lately and I would have had to tear this entire state apart to find that son of a bitch if that had happened to you. You have to be careful, Kayla. Don’t hide who you are, but make sure who you mess with isn’t already attached. I know you didn’t really mess with Whitney; I’m just saying.”

  “I know. After Whitney told me how her boyfriend had been acting and that he swore that I had sex with her, I had a feeling some kind of confrontation would eventually happen. I just didn’t expect this.”

  “So, tell me all of your secrets now. Why were you making out with your nurse while your girlfriend watched and started to enter your happy zone?”

  “Well, it’s kind of complicated.”

  “Your voice box wasn’t effected, so get talking.” I roll my eyes and she laughs. “Can’t I have a private sex life? I don’t ask you your dirty secrets.” She shakes her head. “I’m the big sister – I pull rank, so you have to tell me everything and anything I want to know.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  I take a painful deep breath and start telling her about our weekend and how we ended up with Candi, Sam, and Carmen. I refuse to give her details on the sex, even though she tries to pry it out of me.

  “You’re missing one. The nurse.” I smile and glance towards the door. “I’m just sexy, what can I say?” Sara laughs hard and ruffles my hair. “She finger-fucked you before I got here, didn’t she?” My cheeks blush and she shakes her head laughing. “Damn, you really blossomed into a little freak. I always knew you would. I’d watch you at the dances with those girls and I just knew you’d turn out to be wild once you found your confidence.”

  “That’s basically what Sam said when she showed up here.”

  “Just be careful, Kayla. It might be fun, but emotions and insecurities are bound to kick in somewhere in this giant-ass lesbian family you’re creating. Make sure it doesn’t destroy the real relationship you have with Madison. That girl is beautiful and looks at you with true love.”

  “I know. I’ll be careful. How are you even here? I thought you were working on some big dance project in New York.”

  “I am, but I told my manager what happened and I was able to get a couple days break to come see you. Of course, you have to be laid up in bed when I have new shit to teach you.” I smile and motion to the open space in the room. “Teach. I’ll just practice in two months when I’m healed.” She laughs and shakes her head. “I’ll show you at Thanksgiving when you’re healed and we can dance together. You need to get better. I’m creating a dance troupe for a spring competition and I want your ass in my group. We’ll have to do some training sessions over the computer since you’re in school, but I know we can make it work.”

  “Sounds like fun. What’s the competition for?”

  “The winning dance troupe will be featured in a major hip-hop artist’s music video. We won’t know who the artist is till the winning dance group is chosen.”

  “Seriously? That’s awesome. This could be the big break you’ve been waiting for. Yeah, count me in. But look, if I suck and you find someone better than me, you better cut my ass from the squad and not hold to family loyalty or whatever. I don’t want to be the reason you don’t make it.”

  “I know your ass can handle being cut from the group if I have to, but I doubt that will happen. I still think you should be a dancer instead of going into boring science. You’re better than at least seventy-five percent of the dancers I’m working with on this project right now.”

  “You know I love dancing, but mostly puppet dancing.” She laughs and licks her lips. “You and that puppet dancing. That’s how you get your ass in trouble so much with the girls.” I laugh and shrug a shoulder. “Yeah, sometimes.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re not hanging from your toes while your sister tickles confessions out of you.”

  We look over and see Madison and Shannon walking back in with some take out containers of food. I laugh and Sara ruffles my hair.

  “I didn’t need to go to such drastic measures to get her to spill all of her naughty secrets.”

  Madison blushes and meets my eyes. Sara laughs and stands up so Shannon can push my meal cart in front of me.

  “Don’t worry, she wouldn’t give me juicy details.”

  Shannon takes the tray of untouched hospital food off of my meal cart and sets it aside. Madison then places a square clear plastic container in front of me that has a really good looking sandwich, a cup of what I think is potato salad, and a small tossed green side salad.

  “This looks yummy. Thank you. Hey, whatever happened to my cocktail?”

  Shannon laughs and turns back to the hospital tray. She places a carton of orange juice and a small can of ginger ale in front of me.

  “I need to get you a fresh cup of ice since the other kind of started melting. And uh, I was able to get the last ingredient from the lovely ladies in the cafeteria.”

  She pulls out a small plastic dip cup out of her pocket and sets it down in front of me. I lift the clear lid off the black container and smile – it’s my cherries.


  She runs her fingers through my hair, fixing the mess that Sara made of it.

  “What happened to your hair?” I point at Sara and Shannon laughs. “Ah, got it. Ok, I’ll be right back.”

  Sara is staring at me with her arms crossed on her chest and an amused proud grin. I smile and open my container with my lunch. Madison pulls a chair over next to my bed, but I shake my head.

  “There’s room up here. Just push my legs out of the way and sit across from me.”

  Madison smiles and sets her food down on the tray. She carefully helps me cross my legs Indian style, causing me to groan in pain a few times.

  Shannon comes back and I watch her fill half of the tall foam cup with orange juice, drop the cherries in it, pokes at them with the straw to make them release their juice, and then fills the rest of the cup with ginger ale. She gives it a couple stirs, affixes a lid, and then hands me the cup with a smile. I take a sip and my eyes close and I release a long low moan.

  “Oh, that’s the best I’ve ever had. Wow, ginger ale is better in this.” Shannon giggles and runs her fingers through my hair, before bending down and kissing my cheek. “Glad you like it. Ok, I have to actually go work now. Just push the button if you need me.”

  “Ok, thanks, Shannon.”

  She turns to walk away, but then turns back and looks nervous. “Uh, something you should know. If your doctors or other nurses saw those other marks, they may have mentioned it to your parents.”

  “Ok, no big deal. My parents have seen them on me before. But thanks for t
he warning.” She smiles and nods once as she leaves. Sara shakes her head at me and laughs a little. “Damn, little freak.”

  I laugh and shrug a shoulder as I pick up my sandwich to start eating. Being stuck in the hospital with broken bones really sucks, but I’m actually pretty happy right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A soft hand caressing my cheek wakes me up. I expect to see Madison hovering above me, but its Shannon. I smile and try to straighten up out of my weird half side laying position. I wince in pain and she helps me change positions to lay fully on my back.

  “Good morning, sweetie. How are you feeling?” I try to sit up some to test my ribs and a stabbing pain lights up my body and I groan. “Still that good, huh? I’m going to incline the bed some so you can take your medicine.”

  They removed my IV late yesterday since I woke up and was able to eat and drink fluids, so all of my medicine is oral now. She gently places her hand on my shoulder and the back of the bed starts to raise. She stops at about forty-five-degrees, which is all I can tolerate, and she hands me my pills and a cup of water. I quickly swallow them back and she takes both cups and sets them aside.

  “I’m going to take your vitals now.”

  I watch as she takes my blood pressure, scans my brain with her rolling temperature reader, and draws two tubes of my blood. After she finishes, she pushes her cart aside and comes back to the side of the bed. She places gentle fingers on my face, checking my bruises and swelling. I only flinch once and she smiles.

  “How did you sleep last night? I heard you had a few painful fits in the night.”

  “Yeah, it was a rough night.” I look down and she runs her fingers through my hair and sits down on the bed next to me. “I had some really bad dreams and woke up curled up in pain from thrashing around I guess.”

  “Your night nurses said your scream was blood curdling. What were you dreaming about?”

  “Darren, but he wasn’t hurting me; he was hurting the people I love and I was chained up and forced to watch. I was helpless to do anything.”


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