Book Read Free

Building the Family

Page 22

by Amy DeMeritt

  My chest tightens with emotion and I swallow hard, trying not to allow myself to cry. I know crying will only throw me into a clenched ball of pain.

  “I’m sorry this is happening to you. You are such a sweet girl, Kayla, to stand up against him for your friend. I can’t even imagine what you’d do for the person you love if you’d take a beating like that for a friend.”

  “I’d die for Madison. No hesitation.” Shannon smiles and strokes my cheek. “Just her?” I shrug a shoulder. “No, I guess there are many people in my life I’d die for, but I would feel really honored going out for Madison.”

  “She is the stars and moon and every sunset and sunrise for you, isn’t she?” I laugh and my face transforms into a huge smile. “Yeah, that’s a good way to put it.”

  “Morning, baby.” I look up and see Madison standing in the doorway with a big happy smile. “Hey, beautiful. How much of that did you hear?”

  Her smile broadens and she comes over to the other side of my bed and sits down on the edge. She leans forward and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

  “I got here somewhere around blood curdling scream. I’m sorry you had a rough night. I should have stayed with you.” I shake my head. “You needed to sleep, Maddi. You wouldn’t have gotten any sleep with my stupid screaming and thrashing.”

  “I have good news that might help keep those nightmares at bay. They located Darren. He locked himself inside that campus building that’s still under construction. They locked the whole campus down and cancelled all classes till they can apprehend him because he has a gun. The whole building is surrounded and all streets leading there are blocked off.”

  “Oh, my god. Where’s Whitney?”

  “She’s at the police station. They’re keeping her safe till the situation is defused. Darren’s mothers arrived last night and they’re going to try talking to him to get him to surrender.”

  “You’re not allowed to leave my side till he’s in custody.” Madison smiles and leans forward to kiss me. Its soft and slow and makes heat rise up inside me and fill my belly. When she pulls back, she hovers in front of my face with a smile curling her beautiful full lips. “I love you, Kayla.”

  “I love you too, Maddi.”

  “People have been wanting to come see you, but I didn’t know if you were ready for that.” I smile and sit up straighter. “Who?” She smiles and laughs a little. “The rest of your family, Josh, and Shane.”

  “Is there a carwash in this place you can run me through? I need a shower if I’m going to have all of those people come in here.” Madison and Shannon laugh. “No carwash, but you are allowed to shower if you want to.” I look at Shannon with a look of defeat and she seems to understand. “I’ll help you, Kayla. That’s what I’m here for. Let me go grab some stuff and let someone know to cover my other rooms while I’m helping you.” She pats my leg and stands up.

  Madison takes my right hand in hers and strokes my palm and kisses it and then kisses each of my knuckles and fingertips.

  “Baby, I love you so much. I’m sorry I wasn’t here last night to help you relax.”

  “It’s ok. I was just scared and worried about you. I wanted to text you, but I don’t have my phone. Oh, shit, where’s my phone?”

  “I think the hospital gave it to your parents with the rest of your belongings. I don’t know why they bothered giving your clothes back because they cut them off of you.”

  “What? Those were my favorite sweatpants!” Madison bites her bottom lips and smiles. “I know. I ordered you a new pair.” I smile really big and pull her into a tight hug and groan out in pain. She immediately pulls back and pushes her hands on my shoulders. “Oh, baby, you have to stop forgetting you are broken right now.”

  “I’m sorry, Maddi.”

  “Ok, my little wounded hero, ready for your carwash?” I smile and Shannon comes over to the bed with a cute grin on her face. I glance at Madison and she smiles and pulls my sheet and blanket down off of me. “Go get smelling good for Mommy.” I smile really big and Shannon releases a small giggle.

  Shannon and my other nurses have been helping me in and out of the bed and helping me go to the bathroom when I need to pee, but they typically just help me get to the bathroom and sit down and then give me privacy to do what I need to do before coming to help me back up and out to my bed. But I don’t think I’m going to be able to shower by myself. I can barely bend over or twist my upper body at all.

  We get to the bathroom and I’m breathing shallowly with the effort to get here. Shannon places a hand on my stomach and on my chest.

  “Sweetie, deeper breaths. Make me feel it on my hands.” I concentrate hard on my breathing and she smiles and kisses my cheek. “Good. Don’t move.” She reaches inside the shower and turns it on. “Ready?”

  “Aren’t you going to get wet coming in there with me?” She laughs and blushes. “In one way, but I’ll be able to keep my clothes dry.”

  I smile and watch as she starts untying my gown. She inhales deeply and releases a small moan as she lets the thin garment fall to my feet.

  “You are going to get me fired.” I laugh a little and shake my head. “Why do girls keep telling me that?”

  “You know damn well why.” She smiles and places her hands on my hips. “Ok, slowly step in. I’m going to remain out here and I’ll help you when and where you need it. Do you want to wash your hair or body first?”

  “Hair.” She holds out a small travel size bottle of shampoo, but then hesitates. “Can you lift your arms up to your head?” I lift my arms up to see if I’d be able to wash my hair. It’s painful, but not to the point that I’ll black out. “It hurts, but I should be ok.”

  She nods and hands me the bottle. I turn my back to the water and work on getting my hair soaked through. I hear Shannon inhale and moan behind me and I smile to myself.

  After my hair is washed and rinsed, Shannon hands me a bar of soap. I get so into washing my arms, arm pits, and chest, that I completely forget to be gentle on my ribs and I scream out in pain and bend over as I rub over my bruised and broken ribs. Shannon reaches in and grabs me under my arms and helps support me as my body starts to coil in pain.

  “Baby, relax and breathe. Unclench your body. Oh, Kayla, I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain.” I’m sobbing and bent over, unable to uncoil. Shannon quickly turns the water off with one hand and wraps a towel around me as she envelops me in her arms, pulling me out of the shower. She rests my head on her shoulder and holds me close, but not tightly as to increase my pain. She soothingly rubs my back and hair. “Shh, its ok, sweetie. Just breathe.”

  It takes several minutes of her holding me and soothing me before I’m able to stop crying and pull myself off of her shoulder. She presses a hand to my cheek and looks in my eyes with genuine care and concern.

  “Maybe I should finish for you?”

  I nod and she pulls my towel off. She turns the water back on and I carefully step back into the shower. Shannon gets her hands very soapy, and with her right hand only, she carefully and very gently runs the soap over my broken ribs and the rest of my torso.

  “Turn for me and pull your hair off of your back.”

  I obey and she runs both of her hands all over my back. She even takes a couple minutes to gently kneed my shoulders, making me moan.

  “Brace yourself with that bar in front of you, Kayla.”

  I’m confused by the instruction, but I obey. A moment later, her hands are on my ass, massaging soap all over my cheeks and between them. She gives both cheeks a firm squeeze, making me grip the bar tightly and moan. Her hands move down my thighs and calves, washing every inch of me. She takes the showerhead down and carefully rinses away the soap. Just as I’m about to release the bar in front of me, she lifts and separates my cheeks to rinse the soap between them. I firmly grip the bar and gasp. She gently pats my cheek when she’s done.

  “Turn around.” I swallow hard and slowly turn. She smiles and points to the bars on either side of
me. “Grip them. Don’t you dare clench those abs.”

  I slowly nod and bite my bottom lip. Shannon gets her hands very soapy and starts at my ankles and works up my legs. When she reaches my center, she very slowly cups me and presses between my lips. We both moan and my head falls backwards.

  “You are soaked, Kayla. But I don’t think it’s safe for me to do what I want to in here. I don’t want you to coil in pain and fall and get hurt.” Between strangled breaths, I quietly answer, “Probably, a good idea. Oh fuck.” Her fingers are rubbing slow circles around my opening, while her thumb is pressed against my clit. “Wait, I’m not allowed to do this without Maddi.” Her fingers press inside me and I moan out. “Shannon, I, fuck. Not good. Please, Maddi.” Shannon pulls her hand out and turns to leave. “Where are you going?”

  “To get Madison. Don’t fall.” They’re back in no time and Madison gives me a big smile. “Hey, baby. What do you need?” I bite my bottom lip and shake my head. She giggles and comes up close to me. She slips her fingers between my lips and I moan. “I see. Was Shannon being a bad girl without Mommy’s approval?” I nod and she pinches my clit between the sides of her fingers. “Did you tell Shannon to come get me so I could approve of her finishing this?” I don’t answer and she thrusts deep inside me. “Yes, oh god!” Madison smiles and pulls out of me. “Ok, Daddy, Shannon can finish this.”

  Shannon comes over and slowly reenters me with a smile. “Daddy, huh? I can’t wait to see that side of you.”

  It’s hard not clenching everything while she does this, but having these bars to hold onto makes it easier. I’m not able to bend over and coil while I’m standing up like I did in the bed yesterday, so this time there are fewer moments of pain than there was yesterday.

  When I cum, I start to crumble, and she quickly grabs me under my arms and holds me up. She quickly rinses me and turns the water off. Madison hands her a towel, and Shannon wraps it around me as she helps me step out of the shower.

  While Shannon carefully dries me off, Madison kisses me with so much heat that I feel like I’m going to melt into a puddle on the floor. After I’m dressed in a fresh gown, have socks on my feet, and I’ve brushed my hair and teeth, Shannon helps me back to my bed. She stands over me and looks between us with a shy nervous look and slightly bites her bottom lip a moment.

  “I uh, had something done yesterday.”

  I look at her confused and she pulls out a piece of paper folded in fourths out of her back pocket and hands it to me. I unfold the piece of paper and it looks like lab results, but they’re not mine; they’re hers. I raise my eyebrows as I realize what I’m looking at. It’s a full screening for STD’s. She’s negative for all of them, showing she is a clean and safe partner.

  “I just wanted you to know, just in case after you get out of here and wanted to you know, that you don’t have to worry about me giving you anything.” Madison looks at me confused and I hand her the lab results. “I actually never even considered that being an issue.”

  “Wait, you didn’t make sure the others were clean before messing with them? That’s very dangerous, Kayla.” I blush and rub the back of my neck nervously. “Well, I already know Sam and Madison are clean. I’m the only person they’ve been with. Candi and Carmen would be the only questions, but I only went down on Candi, not Carmen.”

  “Well, they tested you to make sure there wouldn’t be any precautions we’d need to take while taking care of you, so Candi is clean as well. If she wasn’t, you would have had something. If you’re going to mess with Carmen again, you should have her do this.”

  “But isn’t that degrading?”

  “No, it’s smart and shows you’re being respectful of yourself and your other partners by requiring it.”

  “I guess you’re right. Thank you. This is really considerate.” Madison folds the paper back up and holds it out to Shannon with a small smile. “Thanks for doing this. You sure you want in this family?” Shannon laughs a little and blushes as she takes the paper and puts it in her pocket. “I’ve only ever had serious relationships. Three to be exact. I might end up with a broken heart, but I’m sure.” Madison frowns and takes her hand. “Why do you say that?”

  “Well, I think I could easily fall in love with both of you, but you two are in love and I could never be to either of you what you are to each other.”

  “We have a lot of love we can share. Kayla and I are in love with Sam as well and Sam gets what she needs.”

  I look at Madison in disbelief. She is just amazing. Yesterday, we called Sam so she could hear my voice and know I’m ok. Madison called her first and they talked for a long time. It was interesting to listen to. They were talking about everything going on here and what Sam had going on back on her campus. Madison laughed a few times and even blushed a couple. When she was hanging up with Sam to hand me the phone, she actually said, “Ok, love you,” and her eyes got big and she placed her hand on her mouth and giggled a little when she realized what she had said. We talked about it after I got off the phone with Sam. She has been talking to Sam so much the past few days keeping her updated on me that she has developed feelings for her. She loves me more, but it seems to make this family circle with the three of us pretty concrete since we all love each other. Sam had said it back to her and when I got on the phone, she went on for the first five-minute apologizing that she fell in love with Madison, but kept telling me over and over I am her number one. It was adorable.

  “So, I wouldn’t be kicked out of the family if I fell in love you both?” Madison shakes her head and gently rubs her cheek. “No, we wouldn’t kick you out for that. But, you do have to obey Mommy’s rules.” Shannon smiles and blushes. She glances between us and nods once. “Ok, I can do that.” Madison smiles and kisses her on the lips. “Good.” Shannon nervously looks towards the door and then back at Madison. She takes a small step closer to Madison and bites her bottom lip. “Can I kiss you?”

  Madison smiles and glances at me. My already big smile cleaves my face in half into a big toothy grin and Madison giggles and shakes her head in amusement at me. She slides her hand around the back of Shannon’s neck and pulls her in close.

  They share a long kiss and when they pull back, they’re panting for air and look very aroused. Shannon gently caresses Madison’s cheek and smiles.

  “Damn, you two are amazing kissers. Ok, I’m going to get Kayla’s breakfast. I’ll be back.”

  When we’re alone again, Madison sits back down on the bed next to me and takes my right hand in hers. She bends down and gives me a sweet kiss and as she’s about to say something, her phone starts ringing. She pulls her hand back to check the name on the screen.

  “It’s Whitney.” She quickly answers and her smile drops, she places a hand over her mouth, and she looks in my eyes with shock. “Whitney, I’m so sorry.”

  “What? What happened?” Madison places a hand on mine, but doesn’t answer. I can hear Whitney sobbing, but I can’t make out what’s being said. “Ok, I’ll tell her. Call me later.” She hangs up and sets her phone down on my bed. “Darren is dead. His mom talked to him over a phone they passed through the building to him and he was getting ready to surrender. He walked outside with his hands in the air, but then he aimed the gun at his mom when he saw her. The police opened fire and he was shot several times. He died instantly.”

  I’m in total shock that I can’t even say anything for a couple moments. I take Madison’s hand and cling to it.

  “Maddi, I can’t believe I allowed you in the same room with someone so unstable like that. I can’t… What if something had happened to you?”

  My eyes tear up and a big ball of emotion chokes me. I try to clear my throat, but I start to cry. Madison wraps her arms around me, and I pull her in tightly. I groan in pain as my ribs scream at me, and Madison tries to pull back, but I hold her firmly and sob into her neck, both from the pain in my ribs, and the concern of something ever happening to my beautiful girl.

  “Kayla, this i
s not good for your ribs.” I pull tighter and release a small yelp of pain. “Baby, please calm down. I’m ok. Nothing happened to me. You did a good job of protecting me and Whitney.”

  I shake my head and pelt the side of her neck with kisses. My ribs pinch and I start to coil into a ball of pain. I involuntarily release her and grab my ribs, bending over in a heap of pain.

  “Baby, please. I can’t take seeing you in so much pain.”

  “Shh, sweetie, breathe, calm down.” Shannon is at my side gently placing her hands on my shoulders, trying to pry me out of a tight ball. “Kayla, you are going to black out if you don’t unclench. Please listen to me.”

  I’m trying hard to relax my muscles, but they just won’t. I scream out and take a deep breath, which just increases my pain. “I can’t,” is all I can get out. Shannon reaches over me and presses my emergency call button and another nurse rushes in.

  “Her body wont unclench from the pain. We need an injection. Call the pharmacy to see what we can give her.”

  I’m in so much pain that I can barely breathe. I’m panting and I start to feel like I’m being choked. Shannon releases me, and a moment later, I have a mask on my face that feels like its blowing air on me. I feel less choked, but still having a hard time getting the air I need.

  “Hold her still.”

  The other nurse returns and quickly swipes my arm and pushes a needle into me. Within moments, I feel myself swoon and I fall over in exhaustion. My body unclenches and I start to be able to breathe again. My eyes start to close and I try to fight it, but I just can’t keep them open.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  When I wake up, I have several people standing around my bed talking. It takes my eyes a few moments to focus. Madison is sitting in a chair next to me, Sara is sitting on the heater playing on her cellphone, and my parents are standing at the foot of my bed talking to my doctors. I try to sit up some, but I have a strap holding my chest down. I panic and start thrashing, trying to rip it off of me. Which causes me excruciating pain and I scream and choke.


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