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Scozzari: Deviant #3

Page 24

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “Don’t move, or else I’ll snake you.”

  A hand slides around my stomach, making desire shoot through me. “Snake me?”

  “Can you not feel how hard I am for you? Once small move and he will be diving for cover.”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh. It’s good to laugh after being miserable for so long. However, when his hand slides up, cupping my breast and squeezing my nipple, the laughter stops and instead a moan ripples through me.

  “Do you like that?” he asks, breathless against my neck.

  “Yes,” I whisper, savoring the feeling he’s giving me.

  His hand moves to my other breast, giving it the same attention. I can’t help but wiggle my hips. I’ve never felt so turned on. When I push my butt into his hardness, he growls in my ear.

  “So fucking sexy.”

  Ever so slowly, his hand moves down from my breasts to my stomach before reaching my pussy. His finger slides through my folds, coating it with my wetness.

  “Fuck, Caitlin. You’re so wet.”

  I groan when his finger slides back up and finds that sweet spot. When he starts to circle my clit, my head goes back again, eyes closed. I’m drinking every single moment of this in.

  Little by little, he moves his finger at the same time he starts lightly kissing my neck. My breaths leave my body faster and harder as I keep my eyes tightly shut. I moan again when his finger starts to move faster. I know the dam will break soon, but I want to hold on to this feeling a little longer. My body tenses with an expectation of an orgasm and when it takes hold, I scream out his name over and over again until I can’t take no more.

  In my lust-filled mist, I pull myself up from the bed and straddle his waist, pinning his wrists to the pillow. I can see the delightful surprise in his eyes.

  “Wow, my Caitlin’s a secret animal in bed.”

  Too breathless to talk, I don’t say anything. Instead, I pick my hips up and position them over his cock. I slide myself down on him, completely taking him unaware.

  “Fuck!” he hisses, closing his eyes. When I’m filled with him, Jeremy opens his eyes back up again, and all my hairs rise on my body from his intense stare.

  I start to move and pleasure like no other shoots through me when I hear him moan. He grabs my hips, pulling me with every thrust. My hands rest on his chest, and with every wave of pleasure that wracks through my entire body, I dig my nails into his skin. I move faster, wanting more, needing more.

  “Fuck, Caitlin, you feel incredible.”

  My orgasm robs me of sight, but I continue to move, knowing Jeremy is close. His fingers dig into my hips, and still my orgasm rages on. When I feel his release, I collapse on top of him, completely and utterly spent.

  A kiss is laid softly on the back of my neck, causing me to smile. “We’re so doing that again.”

  Pulling my head up, I laugh, catching the smirk on his face. “Well, not right now as it’s”—I take a look at the clock by my bed—“after eight already.”

  His eyes widen. “What?” He looks at the clock to confirm what I told him. “Shit, I have to go. I have a meeting at ten, and I still need to get home and get changed.”

  I bite my lip. His clothes will be washed, but only spun dry, which means they’ll still be damp.

  Immediately, I’m off him, grabbing the towel when I do. I run to the washing machine and take his clothes out. They’re damp, but most of the blood’s come out, so at least that’s one thing.

  I sense a presence behind me. “They’re not dry.”

  I see his hand come over my shoulder, grabbing the clothes. “This is going to have to do. I need to call an Uber.”

  “If you give me five, I’ll take you home.”

  I turn and he takes me in his arms. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, unlike some people, I have to go to college.”

  I catch his smirk before I race to get a very quick wash before I dress. I’m ready in a record ten minutes, shouting for Stacey to get up. When I don’t hear her, I knock on her door, before pushing it open. She’s not there and her bed’s definitely not been slept in.

  “Stacey must have slept at yours.”

  Jeremy smirks again. “That sly dog.”

  I nudge him, causing him to laugh. “Hey...”

  “I’m sorry, babes. You know I’m only kidding. I think it’s great they’ve finally given into each other. It’s about time.”

  His sentiment makes me smile. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”

  The moment I got home, I called Barry to get an update on how Amy is. She’s still heavily sedated, so he doesn’t think much will happen this morning. She’s still stable, that’s the main thing, but she’ll have a very long recovery ahead of her.

  Now, I’m sitting in the reception area of a very posh hotel, waiting for Joe Maddox to turn up. My leg twitches with anticipation, the nerves definitely creeping up on me.

  “Jeremy, thanks for coming.”

  I turn to the sound of Joe’s voice, immediately rising from my chair as he approaches. We shake hands.

  “You look nervous. Are you nervous?”

  I nod.

  “No need to be. David McCalister’s a very laid back guy. You’ll get on with him fine.”

  Wait... what? David McCalister’s only about the most famous manager out there. I never knew I was meeting him.

  “I see by that terrified look that you know who he is. That’s why I never told you.” He lets out a rumbled laugh. “You have a long way to go yet, but like me, David’s very good at picking up on talent, and you, my boy, have talent.” He ushers me toward the lift. “He flew in late last night for this meeting and will be flying off to California soon, so the meeting won’t be long.”

  The lift doors open and we both step in. “What should I expect?”

  “He’ll take a good look at you, so you’ll feel on display. He’ll ask about your fitness and your fights, your lifestyle, that sort of thing.”

  The lift doors open and Joe gets out. I follow him down the hall until we reach a door. Joe knocks, a man answers, but it’s not David. Whoever he is, smiles and greets Joe like they know each other.

  “David’s waiting in the room. Please, go through.” When Joe steps forward, the same man holds his hand out to me. “I’m Harry Johnson, David’s PA. Nice to meet you.”

  I shake his hand. “Jez Scozzari.”

  He smiles. “I know.”

  Of course he does.

  I walk through into the room to find David McCalister in the flesh sitting on one of the sofa chairs in the room. When he spots me, he smiles, rising from his seat.

  “Jeremy, how are you? I’m David McCalister.”

  “I’ll be honest with you, I’m a little nervous. I never expected it would be you who I was meeting today.”

  He laughs before motioning me to come forward. “I didn’t want you to know just so you wouldn’t be too nervous. Don’t worry for now, this is an informal meet and greet. I wanted to see you in the flesh.” He eyes my stature up and down. “Very impressive. What’s your stats?”

  “I’m six-foot-five and a hundred and ninety pounds.”

  His lips downturn, he nods. “Impressive. How many fights have you lost?”

  My chest lifts up with pride. “None.” That’s definitely one thing I’m proud of myself for achieving.

  “I saw your tapes and I must admit, I saw something in you. It’s not many a time I have that feeling. Joe said the same and when I felt it too, I knew I had to meet you.” He takes a moment to think as he sizes me up still. “The only problem I have is that you haven’t been training professionally. I know you already have the skills, but you’ve never really had to come up against a real contender. Someone you’ve had to throw more than one punch at.” He laughs at that, making everyone else in the room follow suit. “However, when I have that gut instinct, I’m normally right. There’s another upcoming boxer called Trey Goddard and the manager is currently looking for a contender to box with. He’s only
a fraction smaller than you in height and weight, so I think you two would match perfectly for a fight. If a match went ahead, it won’t be for another six months. In that time, I will have you personally trained and ready. What would you say to that?”

  Fuck. Me.

  My tongue seems to be stuck in my mouth. The prospect of being signed up to David McCalister and having my first fight in six months is huge! My head’s spinning. I want to say yes on the spot, but I know, even through my buzz, that I need to speak with my parents first.

  “I... I don’t know what to say.” I laugh, and everyone joins in with me.

  David steps forward, walking over toward me before grabbing my shoulder. “I know this is a lot to take in. You’re only nineteen, so I’m sure you’re going to want to talk it over with your family first. How about I leave you with the prospect today and you can call me tomorrow?”

  Immediately, Harry throws a card in my face. I take it, noting it’s David’s business card. Finally, I manage to find my voice.

  “Actually, that would be perfect.”

  “Great!” he answers, clapping his hands together before walking over to the bed and grabbing his suit jacket. “Sorry this is a flying visit, but I have a plane to catch. Think on it tonight and give me your answer by morning.” Once he has his jacket on, he comes up beside me. “I would seriously consider it, though, Jeremy. It’s not every day a nineteen-year-old is offered an opportunity like this.”

  “Don’t worry. I will. My dad should be a breeze, considering he was the one who taught me when I was a boy, but my mom... well, she’s a whole other kettle of fish.”

  David laughs before patting me on the back. “Good luck with that. I don’t envy you, son. I can take on anyone, any day of the week, but my mom, she fucking scares the shit out of me. So does my wife.”

  A rumble of laughter throughout the room aids to calm me a little. My whole body’s still humming at the opportunity. David’s right. There’s hardly ever a time something this huge is offered to someone so young like me. I’d be a fool to turn it down.

  But, and there’s a big but. I want to do it with the full support of everyone I love. It’s that what drives me. Without it, I would have no spirit in me to fight. It’s what keeps me going, helps spread my wings and fly.

  “Take care, Jeremy. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say back.

  “Good luck with your mom.” He gives a little salute before he and Harry disappear from the door.

  “See, I told you he’d be easy to talk to.”

  I let out a huge breath. “Shit, I think I can’t breathe.”

  Joe lets out a howl of laughter. “Son, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you get in that ring with the crowd roaring and the smell of potential pussy who’ll be vying for your attention.”

  I smile, because I know there’s only one pussy I’ll be wanting to devour that night, and every night after. It’s just whether Caitlin will support this. I know she said she would, but that was when I was faced with a meeting. This is already the next step toward a huge career.

  “I’m seriously lost for words right now.”

  He laughs, moving forward to grab my shoulder. “Remember, no matter what happens, you have to make this decision yourself. No one can do that for you. Take time out today to seriously think and hash it out with your loved ones, but at the end of the day, you have to go with your heart. I know what I would do if I were nineteen and had this opportunity in front of me. Carpe diem,” he shouts, raising his fist in the air.

  Seize the motherfucking day.

  I went into college that morning feeling lighter than air—until such time I came out from my class to find a dead black rose under my windshield wiper. I take it off, throwing it to the ground and quickly getting into my car. For a moment, I sit trying to calm my ever beating heart. At least I know for certain this can’t be the work of Amy. She’s in hospital still under heavy sedation.

  Meaning it could only be one other person.

  And I certainly wasn’t going to let whatever sick games Jack wanted to play spoil how happy I felt right now.

  I check my watch, noticing it’s almost eleven. I bite my lip, wondering when I will hear back from Jeremy about how his meeting went. I check my phone and as I’m lighting it up a message comes through.

  Unknown Number: Be seeing you very soon, doll face. x

  The rose was one thing, but the message has immediately put me on edge. I glance around the car park, not seeing anyone suspicious, but I lock my doors, just to be on the safe side. I then forward the message to Detective Michaels, asking if he can check Jack’s whereabouts to make sure he’s still in Omaha. As longs as he’s there, I’m fine.

  I drive home, immediately receiving a message as I’m parking up. I pick up my phone and check. It’s Michaels and he confirms that Jack is definitely still in Omaha. I breathe a sigh of relief. Jack always liked to play silly games; this is just one of them. I’m not biting. Hopefully one day he’ll get sick of it and move onto someone else.

  I cringe at that thought. How selfish and disgusting that makes me sound. I would never wish Jack on my worst enemy. I grumble, shaking my head at myself, and get out the car door just as Jeremy’s pulling up behind me. I lock my car door and race over, eager to hear how it went.

  When I see him quickly race out of his car with a huge smile on his face, I know it’s good news. “They want to sign me up, baby.”

  I squeal, jumping in his arms. He knows I hate it, but I will eagerly put my beliefs aside and be happy for him. This is a big deal for him, and for that alone, he needs my support.

  “Oh my God, this is amazing!” I shout.

  He pulls away from my hug and looks down at me, his face impassive. “They have someone they want me to fight with. If I say yes, then they’re going to get in touch with the other manager and set a date in six months’ time. In the meantime, I will have to train. I have until tomorrow morning to decide.”

  I search his eyes and watch as he bites his lip. He’s obviously worried about something. “You’re going to say yes, right?”

  “You wouldn’t hate me if I do?”

  I sigh in his arms. It’s a huge deal for me too, but I can’t put my selfish needs before his dreams. No matter what, I need to be there for him. I know now that I can’t stay away—no matter how hard I would try—not that I ever would. We’re stuck to each other like glue now.

  “I’m not going to say I don’t like the idea of you being in the ring and someone punching you over and over again.” I wince at the thought, my stomach churning. “I’d be there for you every step of the way, but don’t ask me to watch. That’s one hard line I will draw.”

  Jeremy rests his hands just above my bum, nuzzling his nose into my hair. “You’re amazing, do you know that?”

  “I think you’ve told me once or twice,” I joke.

  “And I’ll keep telling you.”

  “What about college, though?”

  He pulls his head back to look at me. “With the amount of time I’ve had off already, they’ve probably expelled me and I don’t even know it.” His body shakes with laughter.

  “It’s not funny, Jeremy,” I scold.

  “No, it’s not... but it is.” He laughs harder and this time I can’t help but join in.

  “When are you going to tell your parents?”

  By the way he sighs, I know he’s not looking forward to it. “I’ve already called them on my way here to tell them that I want to see them tonight. Will you come with me? You know, for moral support.”

  “If you want me there...”

  “I want you there,” he replies quickly.

  “Okay, then I’m there.”

  He snuggles his head into my neck, laying a chaste kiss right on my sensitive spot. “Thank you.”

  “How’s Amy?” He tenses in my arms. I know this is an unhappy note to end on after such great news, but I have to ask. I don’t like Amy after what she did, but
I realize now it’s because she’s ill.

  “She’s still heavily sedated. Barry’s going to call me again once there’s further news. I know he’s already told them about me and that first video tape. He’s leaving me to make a decision on the second one. She tried to do something unforgivable, but I think she’s suffering enough as it is. I’m not going to submit the tape to the police. As long as she leaves me and the people I love alone, then I wish her all the best.”

  I stand up on my toes, leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. “That’s very admirable of you considering. A lot wouldn’t have been so lenient.”

  He closes his eyes on a sigh. “I just want to forget about that whole mess.” When he opens his eyes, he looks down at me, brandishing that megawatt smirk only he knows how to pull off. “I want to start a new chapter with you. Caitlin and Jeremy, taking the world by storm.”

  His voice is so deep, he sounds like the guy from the movie trailers. “When did we become superheroes?”

  “Since the sex this morning blew the fucking roofs off people’s houses.”

  I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Speaking of,” I say sexily.

  Jeremy growls before hoisting me up around his waist. I wrap my legs around him and giggle as he stalks toward my apartment. Once inside and the doors shut, I hear the sound of a scream behind me. Jeremy stops stills.

  “Holy fucking shit!”

  I turn, wondering what’s going on, only to find Stacey lying face down with Calvin behind her.

  Oh... and they’re both naked.

  With Calvin shielding Stacey’s nakedness now, I giggle. Stacey looks simply mortified.

  “Yes, very funny. Now, do you mind giving me some privacy?” Stacey groans, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

  “Congratulations, chump,” Jeremy states, stepping forward to fist bump him.


  “Thanks, man,” he responds, looking somewhat pleased with himself.


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