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Loving David

Page 23

by Gina Hummer

  The minister nodded at David, who took Charlotte’s hands in his. He looked at the ground, silent for a few moments as he gathered his words.

  “My dear Charlotte. From the first time we met I knew you were special. You were unlike anyone I’d ever met before, and from that moment I knew I’d never meet anyone like you ever again. And so I decided then and there I was never letting you go, I didn’t care how much you protested. And my God, did you protest. Charlotte, you amaze me every day with your incredible reservoir of strength, your humor, your kindness, and your patience. Your love has been an astonishing gift that I will treasure until my last breath. Today and every day I promise to love and care for you. I promise to honor and respect you and do everything I can to inspire and encourage you the way you’ve done for me. Forever doesn’t seem long enough, but that’s how long I will love you, with all my heart and all my soul.” David kissed one of her hands. “I love you, Charlotte.”

  Minister Lloyd smiled. “David, Charlotte, the vows you have exchanged are but fleeting words, the sound of which is soon gone. It is your wedding ring that symbolizes the enduring promises you have made to each other.” She looked to Karen and William. “The rings, please?” They obliged, and the minster turned to David. “Bless this ring that David bestows upon Charlotte; may it ever abide in unity, love, and happiness for the rest of your lives.” She placed the ring in David’s palm.

  “David, please place the ring on Charlotte’s finger and repeat after me.”

  David chuckled. “Funny enough, I just did a movie in which I got married. It’s going to come in handy now.”

  Everyone laughed as the minister turned the floor over to David. He held up Charlotte’s ring: another eternity band of diamonds that connected to her engagement ring.

  “I, David, take you, Charlotte, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, in joy and sorrow, I promise my love to you, with this ring, as long as we both shall live.” He slipped it on Charlotte’s finger.

  Charlotte whispered. “That was pretty good. Hard act to follow.”

  David winked. “You’ll do alright.”

  Charlotte took David’s ring from the minister, a wide platinum band inscribed, “Love, Charlotte.” She asked the minister to repeat the words and slipped the ring on David’s finger. She then looked to the minister.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. David, you may now kiss your bride.”

  “Finally,” David groaned as he drew Charlotte’s face into his and kissed her long and hard before he dipped her to the delight of the crowd. He brought her back up and kissed her again, and when he started to pull back, Charlotte draped her arms around him and held on tight. They were both laughing as they broke apart and the DJ played “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 as they made their way down the aisle.


  “I thought I’d never get you alone!”

  “You want to have a go-round right here in front of everyone then?”

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah; the dream of my life is to get it on in front of everyone at my wedding.”

  “We almost sort of did when we were pronounced husband and wife.”

  “Good point. In all seriousness, I have something for you. Two things, actually.”

  “Pray tell?”

  “I wanted to give this to you afterward, away from everyone.” Charlotte handed him a small box. David hefted it and shook it. Charlotte giggled and slapped his shoulder before he opened it.

  “Wow. Charlotte, this is…this is stunning.”

  “Turn it over.”

  David freed the heavy platinum watch from its case and flipped it over. “No more time to waste.”

  Charlotte snaked her arms around David’s waist. “I promise you, today and forever, not to waste time on anything other than loving you and being the best wife I can be.”

  “I never had a doubt,” David whispered as he put the watch on and kissed Charlotte.

  “Part of that brings me to gift number two.” Charlotte handed David a small envelope.

  “I’m starting to feel like a lad at Christmas. Can I get a hint?”

  “You know the drill. No questions. Open.”

  David ripped it open and pulled out two plane tickets. “What’s all this, then?

  Charlotte tried to keep from smiling, waiting for David to look at the destination. He gasped.

  “My God. You booked us a trip to London?”

  Charlotte nodded, giddy. “Surprise!”

  “But you said you didn’t want a big fancy honeymoon!”

  “I lied. You said you haven’t been back to London in years, and I’ve never been there sooo…”

  “You’re already turning out to be the best wife a man could ever hope for.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased with the goods.”



  Small tents had been set up on the lawn with tables for dinner and a wooden dance floor. Charlotte and David hired a caterer to recreate the first meal they’d had together at the cabin; old-fashioned spaghetti and meatballs, antipasti salad, and buttery garlic bread. Charlotte stood up to eat hers, wondering why on earth she’d thought a dinner full of tomato sauce and meatballs that might get a notion to sit in her lap was a good idea. She expelled a sigh of relief when she made it through without incident. The wine flowed freely, and just after dinner William stood, clinking his fork to the side of his glass.

  “Everyone, everyone…. may I have your attention please.” A hush fell over the guests as William cleared his throat and held the stem of his champagne glass between both hands.

  “What a day this has been. I’ve known David for more years than I will admit here tonight in front of all these lovely ladies. When David first told me about Charlotte, my God, I couldn’t shut him up. How beautiful she was--- how much she made him laugh---- how much they had in common. No woman ever inspired such poetry out of this guy, so even before I met Charlotte, I knew she was the one. Charlotte, you’ve made David happy, which makes me happy, so I get the feeling we’re all gonna be a bunch of smiling idiots for years to come.” William raised his glass. “To David and Charlotte.”

  Everyone cheered and took a hearty guzzle of champagne before Karen stood and cleared her throat several times in an exaggerated effort to get everyone to quiet down.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you all were trying to ignore me,” she groused.

  “We are!” Angela piped up, which drew laughter from everyone.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright. Sometimes, when our friends and loved ones fall in love, you see changes in them and not always for the better. But David, since Charlotte deigned to let you knock down that fifty foot wall she had up around her heart, I’ve seen some pretty outstanding changes in her. She’s confident and happy and content. The peace and serenity I see in Charlotte I know is all due to you. I’m not gonna tell you to live happily ever after because I don’t believe in that. What I do believe in is letting each other know every day how much the other person is appreciated. Let the other person know how much his or her opinion matters to you, even when it is wrong. Most important, never forget the reasons you fell in love with each other in the first place. Charlotte, David, I love you both and wish you nothing but the best. Cheers.”

  The room exploded in applause and Charlotte and David both swallowed Karen up in hugs.

  “And all this time I thought you didn’t get sentimental,” Charlotte grinned.

  “Only on special occasions,” she muttered as she downed the rest of her champagne.


  After David and Charlotte had their first dance to “You Really Got a Hold on Me,” the reception turned raucous. David took a turn dancing with each lady to one rollicking rock-and-roll classic after another. A dateless William, “out of respect for the occasion,” followed suit and burned up the dance floor as well, even leading a conga line at one point.

sp; Charlotte was sipping white wine and chatting with Angela when David came up from behind and clamped his hands around Charlotte’s waist.

  “Do you mind if I steal my bride for a few moments?”

  Angela took a swig of her wine. “All yours, babe.”

  Charlotte leaned against David, and they swayed together to “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys.

  “Hmm. That’s interesting.”

  “What’s that?”

  David nodded his head toward Karen and William, who were playfully slow dancing and singing the lyrics to each other. “Sparks are flying.”

  “You think?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Charlotte tilted her head and considered this. “God---- they’d be perfect for each other.”

  “Indeed. The perennial playboy and the sassy siren. Perfectly matched. Their chemistry is obvious.”

  “Think so?”

  “Hmm-mmm. I do know a thing or two about chemistry. It is my business, after all. You and I had chemistry off the charts.”

  “That a fact?”

  “Yup. I knew I was going to get you. You can’t walk away from that kind of heat.”

  “Oh, so you were trying just to get into my pants?”

  David nibbled on Charlotte’s ear. “And then some.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Well, I and my pants are glad you succeeded.”

  “I can’t wait to show you London.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. Day after tomorrow ---- I’m so excited.”

  “Would it be rude if we left our own party early?”

  “I think everyone will understand.” Charlotte looked to see William and Karen dueting on “I Got You Babe.” “Besides, what do they need us for when they have Sonny and Cher?”


  “Close your eyes!”

  “For what?”

  “Because I want to do this right?”

  “Listen, if you were doing this right, you’d have let me carry you over the threshold!”

  “We can do that when we get home. Now come on, close them!”

  David heaved a big sigh and cooperated. “Okay, they’re closed.”

  Charlotte gave herself one last glance in the mirror before she turned out the light and stepped into the cabin’s bedroom. A single candle flickered next to the bed, throwing Charlotte’s shadow against the wall and illuminating David’s perfectly still silhouette. Charlotte stood at the foot of the bed, placed one hand on her hip, and let the other fall to her side.

  “Okay. Open.”

  David looked at Charlotte, his eyes bugging out of his head. “Oh. Wow.”

  “You like it?”

  “That’s not the word.”

  Charlotte looked down at the simple black empire-waist nightie, its triangle cups trimmed in tiny ruffles, a little black bow nestled between her breasts. “Sounds like you approve.”

  “Is it new?”

  “Yes. No. Sort of. I bought it a few years ago, for no other reason than I thought it was pretty. This is actually the first time I’ve ever worn it. Never had a reason to.”

  “Well, Mrs. King, I’m honored to be the first and last man to see it.”

  “For sure.”

  David held out his hand to Charlotte, who walked around to the side of the bed. His eyes shimmered with equal parts love and lust. “Turn around for me so I can get the full effect.” Charlotte giggled as she did a slow twirl, which elicited a low whistle from David.

  “As unbelievably sexy as this is, I hope you won’t be disappointed, because you’re not going to be wearing it for long,” David said as he brushed his fingers against Charlotte’s thigh.

  “Oh, thank God. It was starting to get a little itchy.”

  David laughed and pulled her down on the bed. They began to kiss, and Charlotte moaned as David pressed his palm against one nipple.

  “I want to make love to every inch of you,” David whispered.

  Charlotte held his face in her hands. “What are you waiting for?”

  David needed no further invitation. As promised, he slid Charlotte’s nightgown over her head and dropped it to the floor. He bent his head down to her unadorned breasts. He laid gentle kisses across the plump mounds, nuzzling his face against her nipples. Charlotte gulped and glued her legs around his waist, hoping she wouldn’t explode too early. David continued to kiss the length of her body before masking his face with her now throbbing center. He continued to nestle against her, his nose nipping against her. With a soft, juicy tongue, David slid inside her, and Charlotte gripped the side of the bed, the bomb seemingly ready to detonate whether or not she wanted it to. David wound his head around like a spinning top, and Charlotte rotated her hips to meet his movements. She was barely able to scream into a pillow before she came. David increased his sucking, and Charlotte lost control, the orgasms reverberating inside her like taut guitar strings being plucked. Charlotte began to convulse, and David released her, easing her down to the mattress.

  “Good?” David whispered

  Charlotte gave him a feeble thumbs-up, and David merely chuckled before he kissed her. She shifted a bit underneath him and wrapped her hand around him. She whimpered at how hard he was and raised toward him, guiding him inside her. It was David’s turn to moan as he inched into her, relishing each descent. He hooked one arm under her leg and mimicking his earlier movements, rotated, pressing against Charlotte with slow intensity. Revived, Charlotte pushed up, supporting herself on one leg, the other splayed toward the floor. David pushed harder, his sweat dripping onto her chest. Charlotte rushed to meet him, another orgasm on the horizon. They both grunted, and just as Charlotte tightened around him, David screamed and then let out a cry. They crumpled into the mattress; their frantic pants the only sound in the room.

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” David gasped.

  “Must be because we’re married.”

  “My God. If I’d known that, I would have married you months ago.”

  “Gives us something to look forward to.”

  David snuggled against a limp Charlotte. “Rest up, Mrs. King. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”


  Charlotte frowned as she flipped through the electronic gallery on her computer. She could have sworn there was a picture of her and David in front of Big Ben. Several, in fact. She continued to click through the photos until she found them.

  “Hiding at the end, I see.” Charlotte muttered as she selected them to be a part of her album. She had decided to surprise David with a book of pictures from their wedding day and London honeymoon. Charlotte smiled as she thought about the seven days they’d spent there. They did all the touristy stuff of course: Madame Tussauds, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Kew Garden, Kensington Palace, now the site of Princess Diana’s Memorial, and lunch at Trafalgar Square, though Charlotte was disappointed they wouldn’t be able to feed the famed pigeons, as the mayor had recently banned the practice.

  Her favorite had been Piccadilly Circus. It was a lot different from when David had been there last and certainly since his childhood, but he still loved showing her the various shops and stores. They’d taken two dozen pictures there alone. They visited his old neighborhood, and the administrators at the Academy of Royal Arts were all too happy to let one of their most famous alums poke around for a bit.

  Charlotte liked the food better than she’d anticipated, having been warned by Karen about the bland, heavy cuisine the British adored. Karen had been to London on two book tours and had predicted that Charlotte would be “ready to buy, borrow, or steal a Big Mac, fries, and Coke before it was all over.”

  Charlotte adored afternoon tea, craved fish and chips ---- even a week after being home ---- and thought bangers and mash was about the tastiest thing she’d ever had in her life. Her only misstep had been the steak and kidney pie, which David scarfed down like a man who’d just been given his last meal. The weather had been a brisk 70 degrees with only one day of li
ght rain. David had been overjoyed to be back home, and much as he had been in New York, he felt at ease walking the streets without fear of being mobbed by overzealous women.

  Charlotte finished selecting her pictures and processed her order, choosing “expedited delivery.” In less than a week, her album would arrive shiny and new, chock full of pictures documenting their relatively short time as husband and wife.

  Charlotte switched her computer over to the outline she was working on for her new project. Her editor was flying from New York later that week to talk about the new direction Charlotte wanted to take with her books, and she wanted to have everything buttoned up before that meeting.

  She spent the rest of the day in the zone, typing away on her outline and starting to develop character profiles. Charlotte was concentrating so hard that she never heard David creep up behind her and plant a kiss on her neck.

  “Oh God, you scared me!” Charlotte whipped around to see David kneeling in front of her, a devilish grin on his face.


  “Not funny.” Charlotte looked at her computer clock. “Shoot. I planned to have this gorgeous meal waiting for you when you walked in the door. Looks like frozen pizza.”

  “Actually, I’m not all that hungry, but I am in desperate need of a shower in case you couldn’t tell.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to embarrass you…”

  “I did say your kindness was one of the things I loved most about you.” David stood and grimaced.

  “What’s wrong?”

  David straightened up and groaned. “My back’s been sore all day. Guess I slept funny. See what you’re doing to me, woman?”

  “I can call a chiropractor. I know a great one.”

  David waved Charlotte off. “I’m fine. The steam from the shower should fix me up. Why don’t you fire up that pizza and break into a bottle of wine? By the time I get out I should be ravenous.”


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