Book Read Free

Loving David

Page 24

by Gina Hummer

“You sure? I mean, because it’s no trouble.”

  “It’s nothing…. honestly.” David tweaked her nose. “Can’t wait to dig into that pizza.” He winked as he headed to the bathroom.

  Charlotte watched David’s retreating back before she whirled around to her rolodex and flipped to her chiropractor’s number. She picked up the phone to dial but then dropped the phone back in its cradle. David was right. It was a crick in his back---- nothing to sound the alarm about. Charlotte launched herself out of her chair and headed to the kitchen to make dinner.


  Charlotte leaned back in her chair and smiled. She hadn’t felt this invigorated by writing in she didn’t know how long. The meeting with her editor was tomorrow, and Charlotte couldn’t wait to share what she had so far.

  Satisfied with how her work day was shaping up and thrilled at the new possibilities, she started to hum as she headed to the kitchen in search of some chocolate chip cookies. She went out to the living room and was surprised to see David drag himself in.

  “Hey! What---what are you doing here? I didn’t think you’d be home until after dinner-time.”

  David flopped on the couch and closed his eyes. “My back’s still bothering me, and I’m feeling a bit run down.”

  “Again? You said the other day it was feeling better.”

  “Sadly, it’s back to feeling not better today,” David face twisted into a slight scowl as he eased himself down on the couch.

  “Enough said. I’m making an appointment with my chiropractor tomorrow. No excuses.”


  “Silence. Mrs. King has spoken.”

  “You sure are turning into a bossy wife.”

  “Part of my charm. I bet I know what this is. We’d been back only about a day when you had to report to set, and you’ve been working nonstop since. You just need a few days to get your momentum back, that’s all. You said you’d have this weekend off, right?”

  “So they’re telling me.”

  “Alright then, we’ll get you in to the see the doctor tomorrow or the next day, and then I’ll spend the whole weekend fluffing your pillows and making you tea.”

  “Well the prospect of my pillows being fluffed…”

  Charlotte giggled and joined David on the couch. “Now I know something’s wrong. You didn’t kiss me when you came in.”

  “Damn. I’m falling down on the job, and it’s only been a few weeks.”

  “I’ll let it slide since you’re not feeling well. I’m just glad the job’s here in L.A. We can stay put for the next six months. Play all night. Once you’re better, of course.”

  David chuckled. “And then off to Chicago and Boston after that. Hope you’ll come with me.”

  “I’m sure I can squeeze in a few weeks here and there.”

  “One can only hope.”

  Charlotte looked at David and noticed for the first time how pale he was. She cupped the palm of her hand against his forehead, which felt like an oil slick.

  “David, you feel clammy. Maybe it’s not fatigue. Maybe you’re coming down with the flu.”

  “You’re probably right. Listen, I’m gonna take a nap.”

  Charlotte frowned, still concerned over how he looked. “Okay. Listen, I’ll take a crack at making you my mom’s chicken soup. Always made me feel better when I was sick.”

  David smiled. “Sounds perfect.” He kissed her. “See you later.”


  Charlotte checked her phone to see if the chiropractor had called back with an appointment time for David. He never woke up to have any of the chicken soup she’d made, and he barely trudged out of bed in the morning to make his call time on the set. She tried to convince him to stay home, but he insisted on going to work.

  Charlotte smiled when she saw her editor, Tonya, making her way back to the table. She squeezed into the booth.

  “Sorry about that. Our dog is sick, and my partner is no good in a crisis.”

  “I hope everything’s okay.”

  “Oh yeah. She’s just old. The dog, not my partner.”

  The women laughed, and Charlotte watched her as she took a sip of coffee. Tonya was far from the epitome of a glamorous New York City editor. She was easily 250 pounds, still plagued with acne, and forever trying to contain her blonde, Brillo-pad frizzies inside of a tight bun, but always to no avail. Unruly coils always sprang from her head like Medusa’s snakes.

  Tonya set her cup down. “I’m so excited about your project, and I can’t wait to read your draft.”

  Charlotte nodded and sipped her coffee. “It’s been a bit of a challenge but in a good way. I haven’t felt this invigorated in a long time.” Charlotte chuckled and shook her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this wonderful. My life has finally fallen into place.”

  “Ah, yes. Wedded bliss to the gorgeous movie star. How is that going?”

  “Heavenly. Well, except he’s a little under the weather, but other than that, wonderful.”

  “Having known you all these years, I’ve never seen you look so happy. My grandmother, God rest her soul, always said a happy marriage was the fountain of youth.”

  “Well then, I guess I’ll outlive David after all,” Charlotte winked.

  “Oh, honey, my sister married a younger man, and she says it’s the best thing that ever happened to her.”

  Charlotte smiled. “Ditto.”


  Charlotte turned over in bed and flinched as her knee hit a patch of cold, wet sheet. Her eyes flicked open. She sat up. David was drenched in sweat, and some of the moisture had seeped to Charlotte’s side. He’d come home early again and had been asleep when Charlotte got back from her lunch with Tonya. She didn’t have the heart to wake him and had fallen asleep next to him a few hours later.

  Charlotte swung her legs around to the side of the bed and ran over to David’s side. He was curled up in a ball, fast asleep.

  “David. David, honey, wake up.”

  David didn’t respond, so Charlotte grabbed a cold compress from the bathroom and rifled through the medicine cabinet for some flu tablets. She filled a glass with some water and went back to David. She placed the compress against his head, which caused him to stir a bit.

  “Charlotte, I’ve never felt so sick. My legs and back are both sore, and I’m exhausted,” he murmured. “Do you think I caught something in London?”

  “Shh, shh, shh. It’s probably something going around. Here, take this.” David popped the tablets and took healthy gulp of water. He dropped his head back against the pillow, the sheer effort of that task draining him.

  “I’ll call William, have him call in sick for you----”

  “No, no. I’ll be fine. The show must go on.”

  “Not if you feel like crap.”

  “A lot of people are depending on me to be there. I have to push through, no matter how awful I feel.”

  Charlotte sighed, seeing there was no reasoning with him. “Okay. Make me a deal. If you’re not better by the end of the day tomorrow, we’re going to a doctor.”

  David closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes, Mrs. King.”


  Charlotte had been staring at her computer screen for the better part of an hour, unable to erase the image of a pale and shaky David peeling himself from his sick bed to report to the set. She chewed her fingernails and wondered if she should try calling him. Just as she picked up the phone, it rang, William’s number flashing in front of her. Her heart lurched.

  “William?” she asked, already knowing something was terribly wrong.

  “Hey, kid… you need to get down here. David just collapsed.”


  “He’s going to be okay. He’s probably just dehydrated or something like that,” Charlotte said out loud to herself as she waited for the light to change. She pounded the steering wheel in frustration over David’s stubbornness and her having accommodated it. She should have put her foot down that first day and made him go to the doctor. The
light turned green, and Charlotte peeled out. The movie was doing some location shooting in Beverly Hills, so she didn’t have to go far. Charlotte found the restaurant William had directed her to. Not that she could have missed it with all the camera crews, lighting, trailers, and trucks surrounding it. She screeched into an empty spot near a truck and bolted out of the car. William spotted her and motioned her over to him.

  “How is he? Is he okay?”

  “He’s in his trailer; we’ve got the medics looking at him. He’s on oxygen but refusing to go the hospital.”

  Charlotte gulped as William led her to David’s trailer, which was surrounded by paramedics. They parted when they saw William.

  Charlotte had to keep herself from gasping at David’s appearance. He was gray, and it looked like he’d lost twenty pounds just since that morning. An oxygen mask covered his face, and his black hair was plastered against his forehead like masking tape. He was propped up in bed, and two medics were taking his vitals. Charlotte took a deep breath and went around to grab his hand.

  “Will, I told you, I’m fine. You didn’t need to bring Charlotte down here.”

  “Listen pal, you look like hell, and when you look like hell I call the wife. End of discussion.”

  Charlotte looked at everyone. “Could we have a few moments please?”

  The paramedics started to protest, but William cut them down with a stare, and they all got up to leave.

  “Charlotte, we’ll be right outside.”

  David sighed and rubbed his neck.

  “Is your neck bothering you?”

  “A bit. Seriously, Charlotte, I’m fine. Will just overreacted.”

  “David, you need to go to the hospital. Let a doctor look at you and help you get well.”

  David looked at Charlotte. “Let’s just go home, huh? You promised me some pillow fluffing and pampering.”

  Charlotte looked into his eyes. “David, this isn’t a joke.”

  “Do you see me laughing?”

  “Do you see me laughing? I want you well and whole again, and the only way that’s going to happen is if you go to the hospital.” A tear slipped down Charlotte’s cheek. “Please. For me. Please.”

  David reached out to wipe away Charlotte’s tears before he hung his head in defeat. “No tears, love. I can’t stand to see you cry. I’ll go to the hospital.”

  Charlotte closed her eyes, relief washing over her. “Thank you.”

  “On one condition though?”

  “I don’t think you’re in much of a position to negotiate.”

  “I don’t want to be wheeled out of here like some invalid. I will walk out of this trailer, and either you or William will drive me. I can’t stand to see my pale visage splashed across any tabloids.”

  “Okay. I think we can manage that.”

  David nodded and made an effort to stand before he grunted and toppled right back onto the bed.


  “No, no, I’m just a bit dizzy. Let me just get my bearings,” he said as he struggled once more to get to his feet. Charlotte watched in horror as he collapsed to the floor like a rumpled sweater. She rushed over to help him, tears pricking her eyes once again. She helped him back up to the bed. David was panting like he’d just run around the block.

  “Hold on baby; we’re gonna get you to the hospital,” Charlotte said as she planted a kiss on his damp forehead. Charlotte flung open the door of the trailer and clambered down its steps. William and the two paramedics turned, startled. William grabbed her by her forearms, his face crinkled with worry.

  “What--- what is it Charlotte?”

  Charlotte tried to keep her composure, but it was too much. She broke down, sobbing. “We have to take David to the hospital. Something’s really wrong.”


  Charlotte had never been in an ambulance before. She’d been annoyed by them on occasion as they blared their sirens and flashed their lights to get people out of the way. They were too loud or they made her late.

  Never in her wildest dreams did Charlotte think her very life could hinge on an ambulance being able to get to the hospital in a timely manner. The paramedics had put David back on oxygen and kept monitoring his vitals. With his face obscured behind the mask and his dark swirls of hair now limp ringlets against his forehead, Charlotte barely recognized David. All she could do was hold his hand with as much assurance as she could muster, a faint smile painted on her lips. She didn’t dare show him how terrified she was.

  William had followed in his car and had called ahead to the hospital with explicit instructions about what should happen when they arrive. The ambulance pulled into the emergency room bay, and a cadre of nurses and doctors flooded out to meet them. The doors of the ambulance swung open, and Charlotte barely had time to scramble out of the rig before the wheels of David’s gurney slammed against the asphalt. Charlotte’s fingertips grazed the metal railing at his feet as she ran to keep up with him while he was rushed into the ER. The sterile, antiseptic smell mixed with the stench of vomit and urine ripped through Charlotte’s nostrils, and she almost gagged, reminded of those days in the hospital with Ben’s girlfriend. She blinked to clear her mind.

  It wasn’t going to turn out like that. It just wasn’t.

  “Ma’am, please step aside. We need to run some tests,” one of the nurses shouted at her as the team began to hook David up to mass of beeping, blinking machines.

  “Please, I’m his wife… let me stay with him.”

  One of the doctors nodded at the nurse, and Charlotte thought that meant she’d be allowed to stay. She didn’t understand it was code for ‘Get this woman out of here now so we can work---- I don’t care who she is.’ The nurse took Charlotte by the elbow and gently guided her out.

  “Ma’am, we need to stabilize your husband’s condition first, and then we’ll run some tests so we can determine what’s wrong. The doctor will be out later to give you additional information.”

  Before Charlotte could open her mouth to ask what kinds of tests they wanted to run or what could be causing the problem, the nurse raked the thin yellow curtain shut with an authoritative snap.

  Charlotte’s shoulders sank, and her knees buckled. A hand reached out to steady her, and she gasped, but she was relieved to see it was William. She shriveled into his arms, crying, as he led her to the waiting room. He sat her down in a chair, taking the one next to her.

  “He’s gonna be okay Char. I’ve got the chief of staff in there working on him. The man’s an institution. David’s in good hands.”

  “I told him if he didn’t feel better by today I was taking him to the doctor. William, what if I waited too long, what if----”

  William held up his hand and shook his head. “You and I know better than anyone he’s a stubborn son of a bitch. Believe me, when I showed up on set today and saw how bad he looked, I spent half the morning trying to convince him to go the hospital. I was arguing with him about it when he passed out. Don’t you dare blame yourself. This isn’t anybody’s fault.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “But I knew something was wrong. I should have insisted.”

  William handed Charlotte a handkerchief. “Listen; the guy thinks he’s invincible. He’s probably in there right now arguing with the doctors to let him check out.”

  Charlotte laughed in spite of herself. “You’re probably right.


  The wait was interminable. The meager selection of magazines from at least two years ago held little interest for Charlotte. As did talking. As did nibbling on the pretzels, or M&M’s, or the vanilla sandwich crèmes William offered her. She watched, unseeing, a relentless spool of afternoon court shows that sprawled across the screen of the waiting room’s TV. If she’d cared enough she would have asked them to turn the channel. Or better yet, to turn it off. The only thing Charlotte wanted was to have the doctor come out and tell her all David needed was some ginger ale, a few crackers, and a good night’s sleep.

  It was nea
rly eight in the evening when the tall, angular doctor who had subtly ordered Charlotte out of David’s room earlier ambled out. His grim expression told her that this was more than ginger ale could cure. Charlotte gripped the armrest of the chair, suddenly afraid of the words this man would speak. William rose and greeted the doctor with a handshake. The two men murmured a few unintelligible words to each other before the doctor came over to Charlotte, taking the chair across from her. William remained standing.

  “Mrs. King, I’m Dr. New, chief of staff, and I want to give you an update on David’s condition.”

  Charlotte gulped and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Once we got David stabilized, we ran a series of tests, including X-rays and a CT scan. What we found is that David has an aortic aneurysm.”

  “A what?” Charlotte blurted out, her confusion and terror reaching a fever pitch. Aorta. That meant heart.

  “What that means is his aorta, which extends from the heart and is the body’s largest artery, is swelling. That’s usually an indication of some kind of weakness in the wall of the aorta. If it ruptures, death is instant if it goes untreated. It looks like David experienced a tear, which caused him to hemorrhage and explains the pain he’s been experiencing the past few days.”

  Charlotte’s head was swimming in words as she tried to untangle what he was saying. Aorta, rupture, aneurysm. She was having a hard time trying to keep up.

  “Dr. New, what are our options?” William chimed in.

  “Surgery is the only alternative. David’s pretty young to have this condition, since aortic dissections typically occur in people in their fifties and sixties, so my guess is that it’s genetic.”

  “David’s father was in his forties when he died of a heart attack,” Charlotte said.

  “Then that would explain it. It’s a good thing you brought him in when you did. Unfortunately, most people die before they know what’s happening. Because we’re catching this fairly early, David’s chances look good.”

  “What happens now?” Charlotte asked.

  “He’s in being prepped for surgery. Our chief cardiac surgeon, Dr. Curtis, will perform the surgery. She’s the best.”


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