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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

Page 22

by Rachael Tonks

  I stand there, my mouth wide open, as I watch him snatch the bottle of beer and walk away.

  Did I just hear him right? My heart races as I try to come to grips with what he said. My hands shake as I digest his arrogance. I let out a growl of frustration as I drop forward, collapsing onto the countertop, in an attempt to calm myself.

  “Kennedy,” Ash calls my name. I lift myself up and look at him as he waves me over.

  “Come on, girl, you’re missing out on your own party here,” he screeches, his eyes bugging out of his head. I walk out into the bright sunshine. The guys are now playing some crazy drinking game. The music is blaring and I notice Pete in the middle of the pack acting as his usual dick of a self. I settle down beside Ash, resuming our positions as before. Cole looks over, pulls down his cap, and winks at me as I wave over to him.

  “Did you just see that?” Ash stumbles. “Your hot guy just winked at me.”

  “Course he did,” I laugh.

  “How did it go with old penis pants, Pete?” he giggles in my ear. I turn, shooting him a look that could kill.

  “Seriously, you should have heard what he said to me.”

  I re-enact the whole conversation and Ash gasps in shock.

  “Uh-oh. No he didn’t,” he sings.

  I nod, pursing my lips together.

  “Jeez, he’s so full of himself. Who the hell…” Ash’s words trail off, his attention drawn behind me. I turn quickly in my seat to see two girls wearing nothing but bikini tops and denim shorts waltz in, the small scrap of material barely covering their huge breasts. On closer inspection, I notice the red head is Lizzy, the one Pete had hooked up with from the bar.

  Pete. He has to be behind this.

  I don’t say anything. I just sit in the seat taking it all in. I watch as she prances over to him, her desperation filling the air. I think I’m about to choke. My eyes are fixated on her, her slim waist swaying as she dances her way to him.

  He lets out an over-enthusiastic cheer when he spots her waking toward him, his hand held out for her. He pulls Lizzy to him, wrapping his arms around her. I continue to gape as he delights in kissing her, the kisses rushed and messy. Just as I’m about to snap my head away, no longer able to watch this pathetic show, his eyes meet mine. I see the creases at the sides of his eyes, knowing he’s grinning behind that kiss. I let out a loud grunt of frustration. Ash’s face comes into my line of vision.

  His eyes are wide and his lips pursed. “Girl, drop that pissed look, because right now, you look like it’s bothering you. I mean, I’m not sure if that’s the look you’re going for, but dammit, it’s a dead giveaway.”

  “What?” I snap through gritted teeth.

  “This,” – he waves his finger in front of my face – “this face is telling a story all of its own.”

  “I’m just sick of the sleazy floor show. If I wanted to see half naked women throwing themselves at brainless jocks, I would’ve gone to damn strip club!” I yell, a little louder than intended. I rest my hands on the arm of the chair, pushing myself up, noticing all eyes are on me.

  “Shit,” I whisper before dashing back inside. I stomp toward the kitchen, reaching into the cupboard for a glass. I turn, holding it under the faucet, my hand shaking and the water barely making it in.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” his voice soothes. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. Goosebumps cover my body as I feel is hand on my shoulder. I turn to him, immediately resting my head against his chest, avoiding his eyesight all together.

  “If this is too much, baby, I’ll send them home. We can call it a day.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper against him.

  “Don’t apologize. I’m the one that should be sorry. Today is your day. I guess the guys just kinda took over.”

  “It’s not that. I mean, you’ve worked so hard to make this so special for me, you deserve to have your fun too. I guess I’m just tired, you know, hormones and everything.”

  He reaches down, taking my face in his hands, kissing my lips lightly.

  “Go take the weight off. I’ll wrap up down here.”

  I nod reluctantly. “I don’t want to spoil this for you,” I squeak.

  “I can hang out with these guys anytime.” He points back over his shoulder. “Today is about you.” He looks at me, running his thumb over my bottom lip before leaning his head against mine. My eyes drift close, the feel of him comforting me is the best.

  “I need you…” I trail off, my voice barely a whisper.

  “I’m right here, baby,” he comforts, holding me closer to him.


  Having a housewarming party on Kennedy’s birthday probably wasn’t my brightest fucking idea. I got so much shit from the guys when I had to wrap the party up. I know today will be a nightmare at school.

  I walk Kennedy to her first class, kiss her quickly, and race down the hall, hoping I’m not going to be late. I jog at a leisurely pace. The last thing I need is my damn calculus teacher lecturing me. I reach my hand for the door but it swings open unexpectedly before I can get a grip on it. I look up to see Dennis’ red face right in front of mine, his dark eyes downturned and fixated on me.

  “Get the fuck out of my way, Peterson.” He barges into me, knocking our shoulders.

  Great. This is just what I need! Another run in with this fucking dick face.

  He stands there, head turned, glaring at me. He’s asking for trouble and I tell myself that I need to keep calm.

  “Move out of the way, you dumb fuck. Some of us have class to get to.”

  “Dumb fuck, hey?” his tone is mocking.

  “Just get out of the way, Dennis.”

  “Actually. I don’t think I will.” He stands there with a shitty, smug look on his face. Fuck, this douche bag is really starting to test my patience. “You know who is a dumb fuck though, Cole?”

  I glare at him. “Seriously, Dennis, get out of my fucking way.”

  “As I was saying, dumb fuck. You certainly know all about those. I mean you’re shacked up with Kennedy ‘I drop my knickers for any dick I can get’ Harrison.”

  I lunge at him, my fist connecting with his face. The impact of bone on bone echoes through the hall. I step back, shaking my hand. The bitter sting from the contact nothing compared to the satisfaction of wiping that smug look from his face.

  “What’s wrong, Coley boy? Hit a nerve? Because you know that bitch you set up your cozy little home with is nothing but a crazy, cult loving, dick sucker.”

  Before I know it, I have him against the wall, one hand around his bulging throat the other balled into a fist. My punches hit him repeatedly, directly in the fucker’s stomach. His whimpers do nothing but encourage me. I feel him struggling to break free. Dennis is much bigger than me, but I use every ounce of strength within me to teach this fucker a lesson.

  “Cole, man, back the fuck up,” Jake calls from behind me. I hear his pleas, but I can’t stop my torrent of punches. I feel Jake’s hands on my shoulder as he pulls me from Dennis.

  I snap my head, glaring at him.

  “That’s enough, man. You’re gonna fucking kill him.” Jake pulls me further and further away from him, pushing me back against the wall as soon as we are a safe distance away. “You gotta stop this bullshit. You can’t react every time that messed up fucker says something to you.”

  I lean forward, my anger barely under control. I grit my teeth. “I should have killed the fucker when I had the chance.”

  Jakes head turns from side to side as he checks to see if we have any sort of audience. “What you talking about, dude?”

  “Nothing,” I sigh. “Forget I even said anything.”

  I watch as his face changes, his expression now to one of realization.

  “Man, tell me it wasn’t you…”

  I look him dead in the eye, shaking my head.

  “It was you.” He steps back, one hand pointing at me as the other rakes through his short brown hair. “Man, this is so fucked up.

  I look at him, knowing he knows, knowing he realizes what I did. “You can’t say a fucking word to anyone, Jake. Promise me!”

  “I can’t even…” his words trail off as he turns, throwing his hand in the air and walking into class.

  He stops just short of where Dennis is crunched down on the floor. “Dennis, dude, you really need to get your fucking shit together.” He looks over his shoulder at me, shooting me a disapproving look before heading into the classroom. I walk toward the door, grabbing my backpack from the floor.

  “Truth hurts,” Dennis splutters, but I ignore him, reaching to open the door. “Well it will when the truth finally comes out about that little slapper of yours.”

  I feel the pulse in my neck speed up, but I grit my teeth and walk into the classroom. Thoughts of what Dennis said play over and over in my mind. I shake my head, trying to clear my mind of Dennis’ poisonous words in attempt to convince myself that he’s just trying to cause trouble.


  I sit beside her bed, clutching on to her hand as I glance around the room, taking in the surroundings. I feel like I’ve been talking nonsense for the last thirty minutes, but I will sit here talking all day if it helps my friend out of this damn coma.

  “I really wish you could talk back.” I lean into her, my voice hushed, not really wanting anyone else to hear my ramblings. “It’s not the same without you,” I whisper, squeezing her hand lightly. “I never thought I’d say this, but damn girl, I need your advice. You know, like a proper girly chat. Hard to believe, huh? Well you better believe it. I feel like I’ve lost my right hand women, so you better just snap outta this.” I chuckle nervously, desperately trying to hide my emotions.

  I look to the side of the bed. Abbey is still hooked up to all sorts of machines. I haven’t got a clue what half of them are for. I bring her hand to my mouth, kissing the back gently as I sit waiting for Ash to arrive. I watch as her chest rises and falls, the rhythm hypnotic.

  I hear the creak of the door opening, and I snap my eyes away from my best friend and focus on who is entering. Ash pops his spikey black hair around the door. His face has a smile which is ear to ear. His ring covered hands move to his mouth as he gasps with excitement, looking between me and Abbey…

  “I can’t believe she’s finally here. She’s finally home,” he chirps. He walks over to the other side of the bed, leaning over the rail to plant a lingering kiss on the top of her head.

  “Well, girl, you look damn better than the last time I saw you. The cuts and bruises have healed,” he says dramatically. Ash looks over to me, smiling sympathetically. “Dammit, I need you to wake up, Abbey. All this Kennedy drama is sending me into a spin.” He lets out a huff of laughter. His eyes meet mine once more, his eyebrows raising, and I know he’s going to bring up the whole “Cole hitting Dennis again thing”.

  “So, have you had a chance to speak with him anymore about what happened?”

  “Nothing more to discuss,” I croak.

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Girl, has he not told you?”

  “Told me what?” I ask.

  “About what Dennis said?”

  “Well Cole didn’t go into any specifics. He said he was being is usual asshole self, shooting his mouth off.”

  Ash holds his hands up. “Listen, I’m not trying to worry you, but I’m pretty sure Dennis nearly blew the whistle on you and Pete,” he blurts out nervously.

  “Wwwhaatt do you mean?” I stutter, feeling the panic rising from the pit of my stomach and taking hold of me. “You know me and Pete never actually did anything, don’t you?” I ask defensively.

  “But he kissed you, and you kinda kissed him back, Kennedy. I don’t think Cole will think that’s nothing.”

  I press my lips together, nodding in agreement.

  “Just imagine if the boot was on the other foot, Kennedy. You’d not be happy about Cole getting all close and touchy feely with some other chick.”

  I swallow down hard, knowing that it would devastate me if Cole ever did something like that.

  “I know I should probably talk to him, try and explain what’s happened between us, but I feel like we’ve only just got in a happy place. I want to come clean, but this will tear us apart, not to mention ruin his relationship with Pete. That’s the last thing I want.”

  “But chances are he’ll find out soon enough. Especially with Dennis running his mouth off like he is. Is it not best to get it all out in the open? You never know, he might not react as badly as you think he will.”

  I glare at him. The both of us know exactly how he’ll take it.

  He shrugs, “You never know.”

  I look down at Abbey. “See, this is why I need you to wake up. I know that you’d know exactly what I should do.” I sigh, leaning against her, wishing she could be the one to help me.

  The week at school passes by pretty quickly and I’m really making progress with my school work. I have been staying late to catch up when Cole has practice, making use of the time. I’m glad it’s finally the weekend. I’ve arranged to see Hope again. We have an outing to the local park planned. I know that’s nothing special to most people, but to me this means more than anyone can ever understand.

  I never went to the park. I never played on swings.

  I had my childhood stolen from me, so even the smallest of outings makes me feel like I’m ensuring Hope’s childhood will never be like mine.

  I rush upstairs to change out of these clothes and into something more comfortable. Not that I’m sure any of my clothes are actually comfortable any more. My baby bump seems to get a little bigger each day. I rifle through the few things in my closest, before I chose a free flowing summer dress and a loose fitting cardigan.

  I stare at myself in the mirror, focusing on the bump, knowing it is more noticeable than ever. I touch my stomach, taking in a deep breath, trying to remind myself I can do this. I slowly walk down the stairs deep in thought. I freeze about half way down, the sound of Cole’s irate voice stopping me in my tracks. I slide down, perching on the step, intrigued by the heated conversation taking place downstairs.

  “I don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this, Jake,” Cole snips.

  “Jesus, Cole, you ran that bastard over! I don’t care what you say, you know you could be in some serious fucking shit for that.”

  I gasp in surprise, my hand covering my mouth at Jake’s words.

  “Shh, keep your voice down.”

  “Oh, you have got to be kidding me right now! You’re seriously telling me she doesn’t know!”

  “I never got the chance, Jake. This shit has fucked up my mind. The guilt of what I did and the consequences if caught have tormented me. I was going to come clean, but then she was snatched, remember?”

  “I’m just worried about you, bro. You can’t let your anger get the best of you like that. You need to calm the fuck down where Dennis is concerned.”

  “He’s fucking tapped, man. It’s like his life’s mission is to wind me up.”

  “Yeah, and you’re walking straight into his trap.”

  “It’s the things he says, it fucks with my head. Especially when it comes to Kennedy.”

  I sink deeper into the step knowing that, once again, this is all my fault. I get to my feet, thinking now might be a good time to make an entrance. I slowly walk down the rest of the stairs, making my way into the living room. I look over to the boys at the breakfast bar, a look of concern on Cole’s face.

  “Hey, baby,” he calls to me nervously.

  I look at him, quickly acknowledging him with a smile. Truth is, I have no idea how to approach this. Do I just come out with it and say I overheard their conversation, or do I wait a little while and speak to him when we’re alone?

  I stand staring at him, my arms crossed over my chest, my feet glued to the spot. “Is it true? What I just heard you say to Jake?”

  “Listen, baby,” he walks around the counter, his hands held out toward me.
He takes small, cautious steps, walking slowly. “Give me a chance to explain.”

  “Explain,” I yell, “Yeah, you try that, Cole. You try and explain to me how you managed to run Dennis over, then keep it a secret from me. Because I’d love to hear all about that.”

  My hands shake as I take smalls steps backward until my legs hit the bottom step. I’m not sure what is making me angrier; the fact that he could actually do something like that, or the fact that he hadn’t told me.

  “Uhh, guys, I’m gonna head out,” Jake mutters, heading straight for the door.

  I fall back, sitting on the step, my eyes focusing on Cole. He moves closer to me, dropping down right in front of me. The creases in his forehead and the pained look in his eyes tells me this isn’t easy for him.

  “Please, let me explain.” He reaches forward, trying to take a hold of my hand. I snap my hands away, my glare giving him a clear warning.

  “Is this who you really are, Cole?”

  “Of course not,” he states. “I mean, obviously I’m a bit of a hot head where you’re concerned, but believe me when I say, Kennedy, I’ve never done anything like this before. But hearing what that bastard did to you was like fuel to the fire. I admit,” he holds his hands up, “that I lost it. For that I feel terrible. The guilt of what I did fucked me up big time. I know it doesn’t make it right, but fuck, baby, he hurt you.”

  “Why not tell me? Why not come clean?”

  “I was going to. That’s exactly what I was intending to do. I was coming clean. But I was too late. You were taken, Kennedy.”

  I close my eyes, my head dropping as my mind floods with confusion.

  “I’m scared, Cole.”

  “Of me?”


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