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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

Page 23

by Rachael Tonks

  I nod. “What if you lose your temper with me?”

  “No,” he growls. “I would never hurt you, Kennedy. Never.”

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “Jake. Only Jake.”

  I lock eyes with him, shaking my head. “I can’t believe you would do something like that, Cole. Shit, you could be in so much trouble if the police ever find out.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? That’s exactly why no one can ever find out about this.”

  I look at him, confused how this beautiful and kind man could ever do something as terrible as running someone over. I rest my shaky hand on the step, pushing myself up to a standing position. “I can’t do this, Cole. I’m sorry.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks, his voice full of panic and hesitation.

  “I need to clear my head. I need some space,” I announce, before turning, trying to make my way up the stairs.

  “Kennedy, please.” He grasps my wrist loosely, but I shake him off. I can’t even look at him. I pick up the pace, racing up the stairs, and into the bedroom. I close the door, resting against it as my heart hammers at a thunderous pace.

  I try to calm myself, to steady my breathing but nothing helps and my breaths become sharp and short. I feel the anxiety rising. I open my eyes, noticing my backpack just at the side of the bed. I walk over, my hand clutched to my chest before dropping to my knees and rifling through my bag. I fish out my phone and dial Ash’s number. I listen impatiently as the phone just dials out.

  “Shit,” I groan, as the line goes to voicemail. I hang up, staring blankly at the phone. I glance down at the phone again and begin dialing. The phone only rings twice before he answers.

  “Kennedy? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “No,” my voice falters. “Can you come get me?”

  “Yeah, sure. Anything. Where are you?” he asks in a panicked rush.

  “I’m at the apartment. Will you meet me at the end of the street?”

  “Sure. I’ll be there in five.”

  “Thank you, Pete.”

  I wait at the end of the street, my eyes scanning the surrounding area, as I clutch on to my purse. I’d raced out of the apartment so fast that I’m not sure Cole even saw me. Not that I want him to know Pete is coming to get me. I’m not trying to hurt him and make this shitty situation even worse than it already is, but I need a friend. I watch the cars approaching and finally see Pete’s. I step out almost automatically as he pulls up at the side of the curb. The tinted window rolls down, revealing Pete’s half smile. He pulls down his shades, winking at me before nodding, indicating for me to get in. I snicker, reach down, open the door, and jump inside.

  “Where to?” he asks, pushing his shades up, resting them on his head. I shudder as our eyes lock, the dewy haze of brown glistens in the early evening sunlight. I snap my head away, sinking deeper into the seat as I realize this is a bad idea. A really bad idea.

  But it’s too late.

  “Just drive, Pete. Anywhere but here,” I croak.

  “Sure thing.” He puts the car in drive and heads down the road. I stare aimlessly out of the window.

  “So what’s made you take off? You gonna spill?” he asks once we’re a few blocks away.

  I smile at him sadly. “I want to. I’m just not sure I can.”

  His eyebrows draw together, the confusion etched on his face. “Well that makes no sense at all. Babe, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’m confused, alright?” I snap. “Just help me take my mind of things.”

  His eyes go wide; a look of astonishment dances across his features.

  “Not like that, Pete. You know what I mean. Be stupid. Make me laugh. I need that right now,” I sigh.

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do,” he says, a sad smile curling at the corner of his mouth. “I really wish you felt like you could confide in me. I’m much more than just a good laugh and a fantastic lay, Kennedy.”

  I’m pretty sure my cheeks are burning from embarrassment. My hand flies out, tapping him lightly on the arm. “Well I wouldn’t know about that, would I?”

  “Wanna find out?” he asks, his eye brows dancing with excitement.

  I groan and sigh. “That’s not what this is about.”

  “So this isn’t just a booty call then?” He pushes his tongue against his cheek, his eyes flitting back and forth between me and the road.

  “I don’t need to be fucked, Pete. I just need a friend.”

  “So let me get this straight, you called me, yeah? Before calling your best friend, Ash?”

  I grimace a little. “Well I tried Ash, but there was no answer. I desperately needed to get out of the apartment.”

  “So I’m second choice again then?”

  Damn, I feel bad but as I look up at him, the smirk he’s wearing tells me all I need to know.

  “Stop teasing,” I say looking over at him. His scrunched up face is pretty damn adorable.

  “What?” he asks, looking at me with a deep frown, before his face softens to an ear to ear smile. I let out a low growl of frustration but I’m interrupted by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I reach down into my purse, rifling through to get to it before the ringing stops. I grab it and look at the screen. Cole’s name is flashing. I hit the end button, knowing that I’m not ready for that conversation.

  “You need to let him know you’re alright, Ken. You know, considering what happened to you.”

  I know he’s right but I just can’t bear to speak to Cole. I shake my head. “I’ll let him know I’m okay.” I start typing out a message.

  Kennedy: I can’t talk, but I’m fine. Don’t worry.

  I hit send, turn off the cell phone, and throw it back in my purse.

  “Done,” I say, brushing my hands together.


  I look at the message as it lights up my screen. I stare at it momentarily in fucking disbelief.

  She walked out on me.

  The minute she found out the truth, the minute she realized what I had done, she turned her back on me. I never expected her to find out like that, with fucking Jake spouting his mouth off, but when the day did come, I thought she might at least understand my reasons why. That she might hate Dennis enough to understand why I flipped out. Instead of her understanding, she questions me, as though she thinks I could hurt her.

  I’m not that person.

  Everything I ever did was to protect her, because of her. Now I’m left like some fucking loser wondering where the hell she’s disappeared to. I throw the phone against the couch, stomping toward the sliding doors that lead outside. I sit on the small step, holding my head in my hands. I have to tell myself to stay calm, but fuck, it’s like everything is falling apart. How could I ever be so stupid to think she would be okay with this? Having come from a violent background, this was never going to be okay with her. Shit.

  I jump up from the step, walk into the house, grab my keys, and head out to the truck. I try calling Pete, but there’s no answer and I know Jake headed to the hospital. I drive in my truck, not really knowing where I’m going. Before long, I’m driving past Joey’s. I notice the familiar bikes propped up outside. Without thinking, I swing the truck into the small parking lot at the front of the bar and head inside. Fuck it.

  As the door swings open, echoes of laughter vibrate through the stale bar. I glance around wondering if I might find Pete inside, but as I scan the room, I realize he’s not here.

  “Cole, my boy,” I hear the gruff voice calling me. I turn to see Chuck walking toward me, his arms held wide open. I look at him, a little taken back.

  “Fuck, what happened to you, dude?” I stare at him. The long overgrown beard is almost gone, his hair tidied, and dammit, he looks nearly ten years younger.

  “Got my act together. Jeez, I can’t fucking thank you enough. Helping you led me to finding little Hope, my own grandchild.”

reach out, grabbing his fist and giving him a man hug. His huge hands slap me loudly on the back.

  “Fuck, that’s amazing.”

  “Damn straight. Drinks all round.”

  “So they confirmed it all? When do you get to see her?”

  “Next week.” He gulps down the beer. “Supervised visits to start with.” He pauses, leaning in. “You know, because of my criminal record and all,” he whispers.

  “Gotcha,” I nod.

  “But they said we’d see how visiting goes and go from there.”

  “So awesome, Chuck. Fuck, I’m happy for you.”

  “Lizzy, get this boy a drink.”

  “Shit, I need it after the day I’ve had!”


  I walk on the beach with Pete, making our way back to where his car is parked. The warmth of the sand under my feet feels heavenly. Hours of laughter and talking has really lifted my spirits, but the thought of facing Cole is daunting. It was good to hear from Pete that he has no doubts about Cole, assuring me that Cole would never physically hurt me. I didn’t divulge the real reason for my concern, just that with all that has happened I’m worried that one day I might be on the receiving end of his short temper.

  “Ready to go back?” he asks, his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently.

  I smile back. “I have to face the music sooner or later.”

  “You two have been through too much to throw in the towel.”

  I look at him, studying the serious look on his face. I’m stunned, shocked even, by his comments. If anything, I thought he would use this as an excuse to push his feelings for me, but instead he encourages me to forgive Cole. I think this just reaffirms what I already knew. Pete really is a pretty decent guy, and damn, I’m lucky to have him.

  We arrive back at the apartment and Pete pulls into the parking spaces just outside our building. I turn to him, his face dressed with the most stunning and infectious smile. I can’t help but smile back.

  Leaning in, I kiss his cheek lightly. “Thank you,” I say genuinely.

  “Anytime, Ken.” He winks, before pushing down his shades, even though the sun has set. “You really need to tell him you were with me today. I don’t want to get caught in the middle of any more lies,” he states.

  I nod. “I will. I’ll be honest.”

  “Bye, Ken,” he blurts out as I step out of the car, closing the door behind me.

  I steadily walk to the apartment, having convinced myself that I can do this; that I can look past what he did and trust that he will never do anything like this again. I try the door handle, but it appears to be locked. I dig into my purse, pulling out the keys and let myself in. I call out for Cole, but hear no response. As I drift through the apartment, checking all of the rooms, it some becomes obvious he isn’t here. I walk back over to the kitchen, dropping my bag onto the counter. I reach inside, retrieving my cell phone and power it up. The screen lights up; the phone buzzing intensely as the screen flickers with message after message.

  I scroll through the messages, some from Cole, some from Jocelyn, and just one from Ash. I laugh as I read Ash’s message.

  Ash: Bitch, answer your phone! I’m worried about you!

  I dial his number and Ash answers almost instantaneously.

  “Kennedy, what the fuck? Where are you? I’ve been going out of my damn mind here,” he yells. His voice so loud I have to hold it away from my ear.

  “Ash, calm down. I’m fine.”

  “Well boo-hoo for you girl! Glad you’re okay while the rest of us panic like crazy.”

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to worry anyone. I will let them all know I’m okay. In fact,” I continue as I walk over, dropping down onto the couch, “I just got home and he isn’t even here.”

  “Girl, you need to start at the beginning. I need to know what the hell has happened and where you’ve been all evening. In fact,” he pauses for a second, “hold that thought. I’m coming over.”

  “It’s…” but I’m cut off by the dead tone on the line. I look at the screen and he’s hung up. I laugh a little. “Typical Ash,” I say to myself.

  I quickly send a message to Cole and his mom, letting them both know I’m okay and I’m home. I keep the message simple. I don’t want to overcomplicate matters by mentioning Pete at this stage. I reach for the remote, settling down, and flicking through the endless amount of channels. I finally stop on the music channel, and sit there, singing along, in a world of my own.

  Only a few minutes pass until I hear the enthusiastic knock on the door. I get up and walk to the door. I open it slowly, Ash’s gothic looking face greeting me. I pull open the door as he bounces in, turning and looking directly at me.

  “Right, what happened?” he asks, eagerly.

  I push onto my tiptoes, kissing his cheek lightly. “Good to see you too, Ash,” I say with a smile.

  “Make no mistake, Barbie, I’m only here for the gossip, so you best give me what I want!” I can’t help but snicker as I make my way back to the couch, resuming my earlier position. I pick up the small pillow, grasping it tightly against my stomach.

  I glance toward Ash, his eyes are like daggers, waiting for me to spill the beans.

  “Soo…” I drift off. “You have to promise that what I’m about to tell you will stay will you. You will not share this with another living soul.”

  He lifts his hand until it’s beside his face, three fingers held up, “Scouts honor, ma’am,” he mocks.

  “I’m being deadly serious here, Ash.”

  He drops his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at me. “Have I ever given you reason to doubt that you can trust me?” he asks questioningly.

  “Of course not. I just need you to know that this has to stay between us.”

  “Oh, for the love of god, Kennedy, just spit it out.”

  I glare at him. I need to know that he realizes how important this is.

  “Shit, Kennedy, I’m so sorry. Sometimes I just don’t think.”

  I shake my head, chuckling as I watch Ash’s face soften. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”

  “So…” he gestures with his hands, “what happened? I mean, you’re damn near killing me here, girl.”

  “I overheard Jake and Cole talking. It turns out that Cole is the one that ran Dennis over!”

  “Shut. The. Front. Door!” he shrieks. “Can’t say I blame him though, that guy had it coming.”

  “Still though,” I say, frustration lacing my tone. “A little extreme. I just can’t believe Cole would do that, you know?”

  “Ooh he’s been quite the hot head since you came along. You know what they say, Kennedy. You do all kinds of crazy shit when you’re in love!”

  “It scares me to death though, Ash. I’ve just managed to escape the violence, the torture, and torment of the commune. I can’t bear to think that Cole might lose his temper with me one day.”

  “Are you crazy?” he asks with a shrill. “That boy loves the bones of you. He would never hurt you!”

  “I hope not!”

  “I’d bet my life on it,” he reassures.

  It’s nearly midnight before Cole returns home. It’s obvious from his demeanor and the smell that he’s had a lot to drink. He comes to bed, slobbering all over me, a thousand apologies rolling from his tongue. In no time, he collapses onto the bed, his loud snores filling the bedroom.

  The next morning, I’m up bright and early for our drive to see Hope. I’m so excited for the day ahead. Just me, Hope, and all the fun of the park. I rustle up some breakfast; Cole will definitely need something to soak up all of the alcohol from last night’s binge. I’m dishing up the eggs and bacon as Cole’s face appears in my line of sight. He’s showered, shaved, and damn those butterflies are on overdrive. He looks and smells divine.

  “Kennedy, I’m so sorry,” he says as soon as he sees me.

  He sits on the barstool opposite me, leaning on the counter top, as close to me as possible. His eyes drift close, his head drop
ping. “Do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive me? I know what I did was stupid, impulsive even, and I regret it. I really do. The last thing I want is to lose you over it.”

  He slides his hand toward mine, taking mine in his. He lifts our linked fingers to his lips, kissing ever so softly.

  “Nothing like this can ever happen again. Violence solves nothing, Cole.”

  “Agreed. Whatever it takes, baby.” He smiles his panty wetting smile, the one that curls at the corner and I know I can’t stay angry at him. “Where were you yesterday?” he asks. “I was so worried about you.”

  “Well I called Ash, but I couldn’t get hold of him…”

  “So?” he asks, waiting for an answer.

  “So, I uh, kinda bumped into Pete. We spent the whole time talking about you. He reassured me that you really are a good guy.”

  With a shrug, he leans in further. “That’s because he knows me so well.” He smirks before tilting his head up to kiss me. He pulls back, gazing at me lovingly.

  “So, you’re fit to drive me to visit Hope, yeah?” I ask, wondering if the alcohol has burned out of his system yet.

  “I feel as fresh as a daisy this morning. Of course I can still take you. You’ll never guess who I ran into last night?” he asks with a wiggle of his brows.

  “Hmm, let me guess…” I say sarcastically. It was obvious which bar he’d been to, and who most likely, would have been there. “Chuck,” I announce.

  “Not just a pretty face, after all?” he jokes. “He was telling me all about how he’s going to start having supervised visits with Hope. Damn, it was so fucking good to see him happy. He really is a good guy behind that scary ass looking façade. Hey! He even shaved his beard and cut his hair. That’s how damn excited he is!”

  “Shit,” I acknowledge. “He must really be excited if the beard has gone!”


  We talk a little more over breakfast; Cole lets me know that he’s planning on meeting with Jake after he drops me at Hope’s for our play date.

  As soon as we finish our breakfast, we jump in the truck, making our way the short distance to Hope’s house. My excitement overtakes me and when we get there, I race out of the car, straight toward the door, knocking.


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