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Page 11

by Ingrid Walsh

  - What, princess? - she whispered, leaning over and kissing her temple. - I'm on my best behavior, love. - he made an innocent face. My godmother shook her head and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  My smile is wide open when I come back to this. It is always so when dad and my uncles gather. Mom says they exchange these kindnesses from when they met for the first time for over twenty years. I love to see them together. - Probably, press. - I blink, to answer your previous question. I am so happy to have her with me, even if only for three days. I aim one of my balls and give a shot. Dry blow to the pocket indicates that killed at a clean shot. As Mike taught me. Moreover, as taught to us all, then it is usually an uphill struggle when we play because we all know the dirty tricks. Anna laughs and makes a show of passing the chalk on the tip of his stick, his dark green eyes narrowing like we were in a western duel. I laugh. - Oh, cousin, you're too distracted today. - she leans sights and one of his balls. Watch and learn. - his eyebrow raises and I know what I will do. Before I even finish that thought, she shoots, pocketing three of his balls in an impressive sequence. Wow!! I roll my eyes, feigning outrage. - So smug, principessa. - grumbling and position myself to try to kill at least two of my will or embarrassment. Anna laughs and supports hands on the edge of the bat, then his chin follows the path and watch me how good competitor that is. I shot, but hit only one. The second roll rotates and the mouth of the pocket. I try to kill the last, but I can not. Anna laughs heartily. - Lucky in love, unlucky in the game, principessa. You know the saying. - says fun and then incinerates his balls, pocketing all mercilessly. I snort. I hardly earned it. Okay, I never won it, I admit. - Is not fair. You always win. - I claim as if we were still teenagers. I grab two beers in the mini bar near the pool and on an impulse I sit on the edge. Anna does the same when he takes his bottle. She does not have legal age to drink alcohol. Not in public at least. We exchanged a knowing smile and play our bottles in a silent toast. - Well, this must be because they really paid attention when Mike taught me. she mocks, taking a sip from the bottle. I snort more. She's right, though. I could never think too much about Mike around, especially when pressed my body behind, his crotch in my ass, under the guise of teaching the correct position for the game. - Guilty press. - I say not at all ashamed, taking a sip from my bottle. We were silent for a moment, just watching the guys with their glasses of whiskey involved in a deep and low conversation. - You know, still owe me some details of the trip to Rome. - Anna speaks after a while. Actually, I should note that since the sessions began kneading with Mike, Ella. - his head turns to me. I laugh, shaking my head no. She scowls. - Come on, cousin, do not deny me this. You know that my sex life is non-existent. I live through you. - she leans conspiring in my ear: - I bet Mike is well-endowed, huh? - tightening his lips, struggling not to smile of his indiscretion. - Come on, show an approximate size with your hands, do not need to talk ... Dio mio! I groan in disbelief. - Cáspita, Anna. - lower my voice. - If he is huh ... Great ...

  - confirm under pressure, my face heating up with embarrassment. A satisfied smile spreads across his face. - Great, like, it's just as well served in wooden department ... or, holy shit! It is huge! - ri Anna maliciously. So it makes a noise in his throat. His expression being horrified. - OMG! Forget it, Ella. Do not answer that. Ugh! He is my cousin. I do not want this kind of thing on my older cousin. - shakes his head vigorously. - No, no. Uh, next topic, please. Bottleneck their follies. - Si, can you tell me how is the course of Arabic, for example. - I ask to keep her out of my sex life. - If all else fails, you can work as a tour guide in the Sahara desert, press. - Defy. Anna snorts and shows me the language. She loves learning new languages and meet new cultures. I inherited it from my godmother. You're a bad loser, Ella. Stop harassing me because lost in the pool. - balance eyebrows. Again. It's my turn to stretch out his tongue into her direction. We laughed. It is not very mature, I know. But is our thing. When we are in family, protected by the walls of the palace, it is the only time we can be ourselves without the pressure of the titles on our shores. - The course is great. - says finally. - You know I just started doing it because of the new guy, right? - I laugh, remembering his new colleague in the course of Letters. The guy is an Arab country that does not remember the name right now. The beholder so, may think it's a flirt. In fact, the press portrays exactly that way. However, we, the family, we know that's just a character who plays spectacularly. The most far reaching in its meetings is a kiss. She was not kidding when he said he does not have a sex life. He had in two years. But I'm really enjoying learning the language. Oh, and you will not believe. - says conspiratorially. - Kalil is a prince. - Uh, really? - I take a sip of my beer. - very serious press. - takes a sip of her too. - He is second in line of succession. It seems that his brother, the ruler of the country, is a real tyrant. - Why do you say that? She rolls her eyes. believed that prohibits idiot brother to talk about their ancestry and remember the name of the country Kalil had told me? - nod to just agree. I do not remember. - was false. Everything is false, starting with the name he uses when interacting with others at the university. - Some nations take security issues really seriously, Anna. It's understandable. We also have our false identities for emergencies. - I remember. She snorts. - You are so uptight, Ella. - mocks and laughs with his irreverence. - I did some research, however. You know I can not resist a mystery. - balance eyebrows. - AND? His face falls as shake his head. - Anything. - exhale. - You can imagine how many Kalils appear in a Google search?

  - nod his head. - Thousands press! It seems that this name is the Arab territory as John in the US and Giusepe here in Italy. I laugh with his comparison. - You look good in that interested press. She smiles but shakes her head. - Not in the sense you are thinking. We became friends when he realized he would not get in my pants. - says mockingly. - But there's something about it that excites me, you know? I do not know ... There are times that I think the poor was exiled or something. I feel a sadness about it, I can not explain. Maybe he'll share his story at some time, Anna. - I say. finishing my beer. - From what I've heard of Arab culture, they are somewhat reserved. She nods, tapping his empty bottle on the edge of the pool. - Yes, perhaps you are right. - agrees. Then glance at Mike and then to me. Ready. Anna strikes again. - Lack so little for the lady ... - she frowns. - What surname will use, since Mike also leads the Di Castellani? I dreamy river. Si, lack so little. My mother, Aunt Cassie and contracted staff are racing against time to have a ceremony worthy of royalty, as my father is concerned. I could bargain with Mike and I got another month. He wanted to get married as soon as in the works of the museum finished. In the new arrangement, we got married two weeks after the anniversary Dam -. We agreed that I will use the King Di Castellani. - inform. - Look at my cousin. - his voice and eyes are soft with emotion. - It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. - We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike I could bargain with Mike and I got another month. He wanted to get married as soon as in the works of the museum finished. In the new arrangement, we got married two weeks after the anniversary Dam -. We agreed that I will use the King Di Castellani. - inform. - Look at my cousin. his voice and eyes are soft with emotion. - It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. - We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike I could bargain with Mike and I got another month. He wanted to get married as soon as in the works of the museum finished. In the
new arrangement, we got married two weeks after the anniversary Dam -. We agreed that I will use the King Di Castellani. - inform. - Look at my cousin. - his voice and eyes are soft with emotion. - It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike In the new arrangement, we got married two weeks after the anniversary Dam -. We agreed that I will use the King Di Castellani. - inform. - Look at my cousin. - his voice and eyes are soft with emotion. It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike In the new arrangement, we got married two weeks after the anniversary Dam -. We agreed that I will use the King Di Castellani. - inform. - Look at my cousin. - his voice and eyes are soft with emotion. It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike with emotion. - It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. - We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa.

  - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike with emotion. - It'll be a lady married soon. On the floor of the carriage, Mike will put a baby in you soon enough. I gasp. Dio, I will love him load the babies in my womb. However, it is still early. - We are not thinking about babies, Anna. - I say gently. - It is still too early for that press. Mischief fills his expression. - Oh, right. Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike Stay only with the preparatory rounds for now, principessa. - flashes me with complicity. It is impossible. Mike

  The chorus of applause and laughter erupts for always authentic discourse and humorous Don uncle. King and my father has made use microphone on the podium before him. The hall of the Palazzo hotel events in central Ardócia is crowded with nobles, businessmen and even some local artists. We are in one of the many tributes that the creators of the Princes Di Castellani Foundation have received over the years. While we all get involved with the affairs of the institution, its management is in charge of the palace. My uncle was ahead since its inception more than twenty years, but recently has the greatest responsibility for the crown prince. Dam is the last to speak. It is firm and timely as ever. My cousin is not the type to waste time with flourishes. His speech is brief and then dinner is released then. Our table is the largest, near the stage. Our security and intelligence agents are strategically mixed among the guests, as is customary at events where we appear in mass. We eat, talking animatedly. Ella is flanked by me and Anna. They always sit together to put women confabulations days. Extend your right hand under the table and secure her bare thigh through the opening green long you are using. Your head spins, enormous green eyes expectantly for me. Her hair is caught in a sophisticated braid and a small tiara adorns the center of the head. Reach out, touching your diamond collar. This is narrow, delicate, above suspicion. She gasps, struggling to keep his composure in front of our family. She promised me that today would have naked, kneeling, using only the tiara and my collar. Take your right hand and kiss the ring. His gaze melts in my. I hear Anna's laugh on our side and a cleaned throat that I'm sure, it is Dam. River and Ella too. Our eyes talk making sinful promises for later. I lean over and kiss her gently on the lips. The King is doing his best not to close a frown when I look the head of the table. Aunt Julia has a smile and a tender look in our direction. After dinner, we took champagne listening to the gentle music of the orchestra and the lively conversation between Uncle Don, my father and the king. I do not lose these disputes by. My uncle is a tremendous figure. - Brother, you lost body mass, or is it just me? - Uncle Dom asks with a straight face to my father. Who does not know him might even think it's a normal conversation, fraternal concern. I laugh when my old grinds his teeth to my uncle, knowing that come teasing around. - Tell me, Cassie. - he directs his gaze to my mother, who smiles ressabiada. - It has been more irritable than usual? Fatigued? - No, Dom. - she laughs, patting my father's arm. The smile on his uncle's face turns into pure provocation. - Are you sure? - lowers her voice. - There have noticed decreased sexual desire or even erectile dysfunction? - my mother gasps, his face turning red. My father and Uncle Leon growls smiles. He always smiles when it is not the target of the middle brother provocations. - Dad! - Anna calls, but is smiling adoringly at his father's irreverence. He looks at his daughter and gives her a complicit wink. - Dom, per Dio, where you're going with this, amore mio? - Helena thia intervenes not hiding the fun for her husband's daring. - Yeah, idiot, where you are going with this? - my old shoots you a look you can swear that will take next. Uncle Dom smiles more, unfazed by the threatening expression of my father. - Brother, I'm just worried that andropause has come for you ... he says and the entire table bursts into laughter, except my father, of course. - Speak for yourself, you bastard. - my old grumbles. - Do not know how the Helena put up with all these years. My uncle laughs heartily. - Wanna Dance? - Ella whisper in ear, smiling when your skin shiver. - It's our first official event here on the Island. I do not think paraded with my fiancee enough yet. A beautiful smile opens in red little mouth. - I do not think paraded with my boyfriend enough too. - his tone has a possessive edge shakes my cock to life. I love your submission, but his possessive vein excites me the same extent. I get up, excusing the table and extend her hand. Ella safe and rises majestically. so we walked toward the dance floor, like a couple in a court centuries ago. People will be deviating from our path, giving us as much space as to be ridiculous. I've always hated this part of the actual protocol fucking. I pull her by the waist when we stopped in the center of the hall and people start dancing again. - You always hated this part. - she smiles, reading me faithfully. Smile and gently turning once, twice, bringing it back into a nice hug. His hands go up through my chest and cross on my neck. We swing looking in the eye. - That part does. whisper right next to his mouth. I will not kiss you here in public. I just want to tease her. We both like to start the seduction game long before we went to bed. - This part here, I love. - smile bastard palming my hand on the small of her back and use the rhythm of the music as an excuse to rub my dick in it. Ella gasps and smiles too. All saucy, naughty. A female confident in its appeal to her male. - I love particularly the next part, my lord ... whispers, rubbing her breasts against my chest quietly. I growl down. I spin away and bring her back against my chest. Damn, my dick fits perfectly in the middle of hard ass young firm. - Damn girl ... - whisper in her ear, being careful not to paint that I am saying sacanagens in his ear. Deposito soft kisses behind the ear, down the neck. In the public eye, nothing abnormal. However, my fully hard-subtly grinding her ass, it is another story. - I always wanted to do this when we danced on these tedious events. Ella laughed, turning his face to mine. My arms around her waist and move slowly, at our own pace. - Me too, amore mio. - whimpers, his very dilated g
reen eyes. I will not take time to take it back to the palace. - I was dying to feel your whole body as we are doing now. - At Christmas, I nearly came in my pants when we dance, doll. - I growl and she smiles high, breaking some rule about boring royal decorum can not laugh in public. Some people close look at us, curious.

  - Well, what can I say, I realized when turned in. - simply said and I grit my teeth, imagining her touching me. - Then I went to his room. I needed some relief or would jump on you. I laugh evil, rubbing my nose in yours. - I love that knack cheeky princess. A low moan escapes her mouth to mine. - I want you. - whispers. I moan and push, turning the front. We fit again very close together. - You got me, baby. - I say, rubbing my mouth on hers in our hot provocation. I rub her belly. She gasps. - It's all yours. All for my good girl.

  - say indulgently. - Each centimeter until its stem is fucked. That makes you insane, very excited. My doll loves to hear sacanagens be degraded. We danced two more songs and make our way back. Spot Dam dancing with Dr. Moretti. My cousin I confessed that traced the doctor in the Amazon jungle when they were only lost two. She has a boyfriend who is also a doctor of the foundation. This infuriated Dam. He does not have a good track record of confidence in women. Wrinkling his brow when I see them ending dance. Dam comes out on one of the side doors and out of sight. What was my surprise when Isadora follows. Holy Mother! He is still eating the good doctor. I run to look around the room to the groom's demand. He's talking animatedly and smiling with an older couple, totally oblivious to the fact that his bride should be with the pants at the ankles right now, being fucked by none other than the Crown Prince. We reached our table and sat down. Anna is not. Neither the twins. A glance at the hall confirms me who are dancing. Anna is one of his artificial smile pasted on his face for a marquis do not know of many. I never made it a point to keep the names of all those annoying noble. Ella takes water to cool off and I a shot of whiskey. I keep looking around and see the Duke franguinho with his eyes locked on Ella. He's with his other brothers. His snobbish attitudes like they are the true royalty here. His gaze shifts and fixed on mine. I raise my glass of whiskey in salute. The unfortunate twists his mouth in disdain, but suddenly nods before turning his back and out towards the bar. I snort. Duquezinho shit. My father and uncles are talking about business now. They seem glad to be together. Not that they will admit it out loud. Mom and my aunts are also catching up day. I laugh internally, observing the dynamics on the table. I'm ready to announce that I and Ella are output when my phone buzzes in my tuxedo pocket. I retreat and eye the display. Wrinkling his brow seeing an unknown number. This line is private. Only my family and have very few people in the King's. Attend and take the device to the ear, even though this is not the protocol. Our security guards and the Secret Service advised us not to receive calls from unknown numbers. Since childhood I hear this litany. First hear heavy breathing on the other end. - Hello? - I say, trying not to draw the attention of the table. New breath, but no answer. Then, the line falls. - Who was it, love? - Ella question. Before you answer, the phone starts again. I stand up. - Be right back, love. - Notice, giving him a quick peck and walk out the nearest door to a terrace. I like again. - Listen, you do not know who you're playing fucking. Identify yourself or the Secret Service will do it for you. Silence on the other side. However, I know that anyone is still on the line. Heavy breathing is high. - Meet me tomorrow in Bianchi hotel. - a man's voice sounds finally. I never heard before, that's for sure. - What the fuck? Who is talking? - I grind. - Someone who found things happen. - the guy looks tormented. No, terror is the word. - Who are you? If this is a damn joke will regret. - threaten. - No, it's not a joke. - denies quickly. - Listen, I'm Fabio Angliotti columnist newspaper Ardócia. I discovered very serious things about people connected to you. - he sighs loudly. - Hotel Bianchi, fourth 519. Come alone or not at all. - How shall I know if it's even who claims to be? - growl. - You will have to pay to see, Mike Prince. - he says wryly. - People who are behind you. - his tone is deadly serious.


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