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Page 12

by Ingrid Walsh

  - They are very dangerous. Dio, I never imagined what I was getting myself into when I accepted the news post about you and the princess. My blood freezes with its underfoot words. So even has a son of a bitch behind me. My dad was right all along. - What did you find? Say how much you want the damn information! - I cry because I know he did not call me to be nice. He snorts. - You must be fucking good not having to worry about money ever again in your life, is not it? - his voice takes on a tone spite and envy. - For a kid who came out of the streets you did well too, mate. I grit my teeth. This is nothing new, people gnawing envy because I am a product of the streets that worked. I and my Father are, by the way. - I'm not your mate. Now take your price, damn it! - spit angry. He smiles across. - I'll call marking the time that should come to me. Ciao, Your Highness. - says and the line is silent then. What the fuck? I stare at my phone with a frown. The man said he discovered things from people connected to me. dangerous people, remember his words. What things? From who? A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. What in God's name is going on? Somewhere... people gnawing envy because I am a product of the streets that worked. I and my Father are, by the way. - I'm not your mate. Now take your price, damn it! - spit angry. He smiles across. - I'll call marking the time that should come to me. Ciao, Your Highness.

  - says and the line is silent then. What the fuck? I stare at my phone with a frown. The man said he discovered things from people connected to me. dangerous people, remember his words. What things? From who? A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. What in God's name is going on? Somewhere... people gnawing envy because I am a product of the streets that worked. I and my Father are, by the way. - I'm not your mate. Now take your price, damn it! - spit angry. He smiles across. - I'll call marking the time that should come to me. Ciao, Your Highness. - says and the line is silent then. What the fuck? I stare at my phone with a frown. The man said he discovered things from people connected to me. dangerous people, remember his words. What things? From who? A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. What in God's name is going on? Somewhere... - says and the line is silent then. What the fuck? I stare at my phone with a frown. The man said he discovered things from people connected to me. dangerous people, remember his words. What things? From who? A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. What in God's name is going on? Somewhere... - says and the line is silent then. What the fuck? I stare at my phone with a frown. The man said he discovered things from people connected to me. dangerous people, remember his words. What things? From who? A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. What in God's name is going on? Somewhere...


  He shoves the stick disgusting to my throat without any consideration and I leave. I want to throw up this monster, but I can not. I have to be the girlfriend / perfect sub or my cover will be discovered. I suck harder and squeeze their way of balls that the psychopath like. I am rewarded with the end of my ordeal when the viscous sperm flooding my mouth. Again I have to suppress the gag reflex and swallow everything. Buster growls, groans, pulling my hair, I almost scalping. Son of a bitch from hell! - Honey, that unbeatable blowjob fucking. - he says with a playful smile, finally releasing my hair and I breathe relieved, but still keep the head floor. It's like he likes. total submission. And I'll give you everything. All to find my little sister. It will be worth it if I can get this dealer women and cold assassin. Oh God, let me find her alive. Please I beg you. Show me where it is. Where this monster took her? Where God? The sound of heels on the marble makes my spine stiffen. Only one person dares to invade his privacy unannounced: his sister, also psychopath. I hear the ice tinkling in the glass. He is serving the expensive whiskey financed by shady dealings that administers. He is a handsome, charming man when he wants. At another time, it would be the kind of guy who would make me tremble the knees. It is dark, tall, imposing. But the evil emanates from him when stared into his eyes. I've never seen a person with an aura as sinister ... I almost snort. Sure, there's only one other person as sinister as he - his sister. A crazy bitch and totally out of control. Worst of all is that it is hidden in the extreme. No one would say that is a dangerous psychopath with a considerable number of deaths on the back. Deaths with cruelty, I might add. She drinks literally drink human blood. Yes, it is gruesome to say the least. The first time I saw her doing it was with a security brother who failed to protect him and he was nearly ambushed by an enemy of the Russian mafia. She cut her wrists and sucked human blood. When he was satisfied, she left him bleeding to the last drop on the floor of that room, while drinking whiskey with his brother. A scene I'll never be able to forget. Since I had to sneak in here when my little sister disappeared five years ago, I've seen everything. But the macabre scene crazy feeding on human blood, like a fucking vampire, he shocked me to the bone. However, it was nice to have seen it because it made me always on alert. Know I'm dealing with two crazy no humanity in them keeps me determined to send them to prison for each of his crimes. And I will. Not to take my last breath, I will make them pay. - Oh, I did not know that his pet dog was here, brother. - there is an insidious laughter in his voice bitch. He laughs, but then snorts. - She's my girlfriend, sister. I thought I had already made that clear. - there is a dissatisfaction note in his tone and do not know if I'm glad for him to trust me enough to defend myself from it, or if I panic for his defense put me on the look jealous and envious of women. We have animosity because both terms have been regular subs Mike club that we are all partners. They teamed up to approach and catch Mike. I went to approach them and make them pay for all the harm they have caused and are still causing hundreds of innocent girls, sold as sex toys. Treat it with respect. - he warns. She laughs. Laughs heartily. I remain head down, my fists closing on their own. Breathe deeply to keep the necessary calm and not fly it. No, that would ruin everything. All my progress. It's close. Very close to every one of them go to hell! - I will not respect the bitch just because is plunging his cock regularly in it, brother. mocked. It is his turn to smile grimly. - You're in this mood of shit since her darling officially announced the engagement to the princess. - I hear something being thrown against the wall and he laughs more, enjoying cause crazy sister. - That young pussy must be so tight ... A virgin until recently ... - he groans down. - Damn, my old friend should be reveling, huh? Breaking glass is the sound I hear the next few minutes and playful chuckle. I do not know which one is the craziest at times like this. Or maybe I is also crazy for putting me with them. The image of my little sister comes in my mind. I close my eyes, stifling a sob with pain in my chest. No, I'm not crazy. Far from it. I'm just a woman who has dedicated years of his life to find and bring her sister back. A woman who is giving his all, without reservation,



  I enter the hotel and mix me with passers-by. I take the service elevator to avoid attracting attention of the guests and follow to the room 519. The reporter called me this morning marking our meeting for six o'clock. I pull my baseball cap and lower my head when I go out on the carpeted hallway. I know I am not acting in accordance with the actual protocol. In such cases, we should immediately inform the Secret Service and they take the lead. But I do not want to scare the man away. He must be smart if you managed to stay under the radar of the agents so far. Stop in front of his door. The corridor is empty miraculously and thank you for that. I hit twice. a few minutes go by and nothing. I frown and knock again, letting my impatience out the bumps. I look and nothing. Cum, where is this fucked up? Was he kidding me? I grit my teeth, starting to get annoyed at having apparently been mistaken. Then pull away from the door, wondering back the same way. In fact, I even changing the pitch, however, something pops into my brain and I'll be back. Holding the door handle, and turning to my astonishment is unlocked. Contrary to all common sense, I extend open and enter. The room is bathed in darkness. I stop, forcing my views to absorb as much as you can identify around. When I get used to the dim light, I see drawers thrown on the floor
and papers scattered all over the room. That and the sound of the shower running makes me even more alert. I hear the sound of trickling water, the feeling that something is not right in this scenario begins to beat me. The hairs on my neck stand up and I immediately take my hand to my back and picked up the Glock 9mm that stuck in his waistband. Yes, I came armed, I'm no fool to come empty-handed to find a guy who does not know that hole went. Advance the room to the bathroom, my eyes now familiar with dim lighting. The door is ajar. Wield the weapon tightly and push the door open with his foot and almost'm knocked by the impact of the scene before me. Jesus Christ! The man, who I assume to be the reporter, is in the bathtub, his throat cut deep, blood gushing like a broken faucet, staining the water red. Total panic flooded me when I think that whoever did this may still be in that room. Cum! I should not have come alone. Even afraid to fucking, back to the room and escancaro every door meeting. Anything. I look toward the window, watching the curtain swaying in the breeze. I run there. Fuck! Impossible for anyone to flee there. It's too high. I check the sides, you know, remembering spy movies where the bad guys are unthinkable shit like jumping from buildings, but there is no son of a bitch hung on the walls outside. I shake my head in frustration and I go to the bathroom just to confirm that the guy is gone. The eyes are bulging, mouth open, the metallic smell of blood is strong, wrapping my stomach. Step one hand over his face, grief-stricken, not knowing what to do. What he had discovered? Died so the things you find out? Most likely. I keep looking at the unfortunate dead in the bathtub. What discovered died with him. Holy Mother of God, Who's the damn man behind it all? I wonder, my mind blank. I have a tiny idea who might be. I'm in the dark, literally and figuratively. - Police! Stopped! - Cum! I scare myself to listen to the command from the outside of the bathroom. I turn my head so fast that I'm afraid to have broken the damn neck. A policeman is there pointing his gun at me. - Drop the gun and put your hands behind your head! Now! Shit, it only gets worse. I exhale sharply and put the gun down, raising his hands to his head. - Come out. - instructs the agent in authoritative voice. I snort, but I do what he says. - Remove the cap slowly. Do not try anything funny or I'll shoot. - I grit my teeth and retreat cap. His eyes widen when he recognizes me. - Prince Mike ?! - frowns, lowering the gun immediately. - Prince Mike ?! - more voices cry and I see two agents in the middle of the room. - Can I lower my hands? - I ask more abrupt than would the whole situation making me very angry. - Of course, Your Highness. - the three said in unison. - Forgive me, sir, I did not recognize. the first agent apologizes, his eyes not meeting mine. - All right, you're just doing your job.

  - sigh, relaxing a little. - What are you doing here? The other two necks and I clean the eye.

  - I think the question is, what your highness doing here? - the most robust of them speaks, frowning. Shit. Where they are watching seems highly suspect. - Fabio Angliotti called me yesterday. - decide to open the game. - I was too nervous changed. He hinted that paid him to drop the libel on the Princess Ella and I in the press. - Who paid? - the police question. I snort. It is the work of the Secret Service find out? I think sarcastically. - That's the question a million dollars, official. - can not resist the irony. - He said he found very serious things about people close to me. So, I agreed to come and find him. I arrived too late, though. The man is dead in the bathtub inside. - lean his chin toward the bathroom. A number of words in Italian succeeding and they pass me into the bathroom. They stay there while calling for backup on the radio. I want to leave, but I suspect that still have some questions to answer. You are not free to be easily found at the scene of a crime, fuck. I exhale loudly. Ella is reunited with the wedding planner and I took advantage of his distraction to sneak me here. I regret this decision even more. The agents have reviewed everything and collect the papers scattered on the floor inside a bag. About twenty minutes later, the body leaves the room within a scary black bag. I feel within an episode of these police series that Lucas and Samuel both like. The three agents turn and sigh loudly. The thicker cut a pack of cigarettes from inside the jacket pocket. Lights a and passes the packet to others. They smoke staring at me in silence for a few moments. - We need to take his testimony, Your Highness. It is the protocol. - the stocky speech. Shift the view of the pocket of his jacket where it is written: Falconi. Eye identifying other: Cesario and Benini.

  - I know, Falconi agent. So I'm still here. - I say, trying not to denote my impatience in his voice. Cesario agent close eyes on me and throws the cigarette on the ground, crushing it with his boot. Grab your phone and move the screen, activating a recorder, I think. - What brought you to this hotel room, Prince Mike? - asks flatly who did it a million times and the shit has become too banal to him. I roll my eyes, but I repeat all that had been said. - you got to find Fabio Angliotti with life, your highness? - Falconi question. I narrow my eyes on him. - I just spoke for the second time, I arrived late. - I kind of growl. - I found him dead. He nods. Benini assumes. - Did carries over any weapons, Prince Mike? - his dark eyes holding mine, making clear his suspicion. He thinks I have killed the reporter. Cerro my fists, unhappy with myself for putting me in this mess. I should have called them as soon as Fabio contacted me. - A knife, razor, knife or whatever the fuck you may have cut your fucking throat of that man? - I grit my teeth, not bothering to disguise the anger in my tone this time. The agent nods, while others clean their throats uncomfortably. They are also uncomfortable having to ask me, but it's their job. I can not blame them for doing your fucking job, however, can not curb the sarcasm. - Of course, it would be very smart of me to kill the only guy I knew who's trying to fuck me. - the agents tighten the jaws, clearly not enjoying my answer. Well, fuck you! - No, gentlemen, I just brought my Glock, which as already noted, did not fire any shots. - Full sharply. They sigh and nod. Cesari agent ends the recording. I breathe relieved, but his next words put me under new strain. - You'll need to look at all sides carefully from now, sir. - their eyes are more incisive. - All circles who attends must go through a rigorous inspection. - he sighs and says in a lower tone. - Even the BDSM club of which he is a partner in London. What?! My eyes widen. Damn, you know about it? The man laughed, enjoying probably catch me off guard. - Si, we know each and every step of the royal family, Highness. - says with a touch of arrogance. He looks like a peacock spreading its wings at that time. - Nothing goes unnoticed by the Secret Service. I almost snort. - Except the identity of the person who is clearly trying to terrify me, you mean? - alfineto it to empty your little ego. Her frown closes. I hold a smile.

  - How do you think we got this room, your highness? - Falconi enters the conversation, his respectful but tough tone. He did not like criticism. - We have located Angliotti a week ago.

  - Congratulations! Why Dam and I were not told about it? - I ask the same hard tone. He smiles kind of ironic. - The Secret Service does not take that name in vain, Mike Prince. his tone is condescending. - There are details that we can not reveal before closing an investigation, or it may leak and hinder our action. Nod, agreeing reluctantly. - We swept the life of Angliotti the past two years. Each contact, each payment received. - he says, twisting his lips. - AND? - inquiro expectantly. His face falls. - Anything. - exhale, pulling the cap that covered his shaved head. - We are breaking the confidentiality of all e-mail accounts, but whoever has used to plant the false report had exaggerated care not to leave clues. My guess is that the transaction must be paid in cash. No suspect deposit. No trace, not even a single link of shit. I almost river. Man is frustrated too. With reason. After all, the all-powerful Secret Service has a reputation to maintain and has not impressed anyone in this case to date. - My marriage is approaching. - I say, getting tired of this fucking game of hide and seek. - Do not want to be worried about getting shot or worse when the big day and most importantly, I can not allow anything to threaten the security Ella. They emit sounds of displeasure. - We will not leave them exposed, Your Highness. The safety of the princess is paramount for us too, do not worry. - F
alconi says in defense of tone. - I know you do, but understand that it's getting harder not to worry. - I stick my Glock again through the trouser waistband on my back and prepare to leave. - I'm released, I suppose? The agent nods, frowning. I start to pull away toward the door. - Prince Jayden talked to some of us yesterday. - the voice of Falconi me and I turn to face them again. - His father believes it may be someone from his past, the period when he was on the streets. - I wrinkling his brow. My old man is also encucado with this and it's tough when schism with something. - From the streets? But it's been so long ... - I whisper, not wanting to go through this line of reasoning. - Maybe yes maybe no. - he says enigmatically. - There Machiavellian people who are able to wait a lifetime if needed to execute a vengeance. Believe me, Prince, I've seen things that Dio doubt. - Revenge? - frown, stunned. - Damn, I can not think of anyone from my past that hate me so much as to wait twenty years ago ... I stop abruptly, blurry images coming into my head, coming from a corner of his mind long ago not accessed. A face and cruel brown eyes glaring at me. Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell! - Revenge? - frown, stunned. Damn, I can not think of anyone from my past that hate me so much as to wait twenty years ago ... - I stop abruptly, blurry images coming into my head, coming from a corner of his mind long ago not accessed. A face and cruel brown eyes glaring at me. Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell! - Revenge? - frown, stunned. - Damn, I can not think of anyone from my past that hate me so much as to wait twenty years ago ... - I stop abruptly, blurry images coming into my head, coming from a corner of his mind long ago not accessed. A face and cruel brown eyes glaring at me. Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell! I blink and shake his head to stop the flow of images of a dark past that did everything to forget. A name vibrates in my mind: Tony. Tony? I test the name in my head. Yes, that was the name of that son of a bitch a bully. He was the head of the gang that was attached before being saved by my parents. May be it? I wonder incredulously. No, no. I reject the idea, stunned. Tony was just a street mediocre bandidinho. I had no where to drop dead, the unfortunate. I go in my room a few minutes later and follow straight to the bathroom. I take a cold shower to wash all the events of the last hour of my mind. I am under the powerful jet, thinking and thinking. He told agents he had an older boy than me at the time that he lived on the streets, and that he was the sadistic leader of the small gang. I have provided as much information, I mean, as much as I could remember after twenty years and left then. That room was getting stuffy. Closing the shower and go out, wrapping a towel around his waist. When I return to the room, I am surprised to find Dam. He's standing holding one of my pictures with Ella on the fireplace. - Go invading, cousin, why not? - I scoff and he looks at me over his shoulder, a cocky smile curving his mouth. - What if I was with my fiancee? - alfineto. His face is closed, eyes narrowing. I smile. - Do not push your luck, cousin. - grunts. - It was stupid to go to that hotel without protection, Mike. - amendment, not wasting time with small talk. Direct as always, the bastard. - Yes mom. - grunt and turn going to my closet, hearing his growl behind me. I try something refined but casual to wear. I decided for a dark jeans, dark gray shirt and black Italian shoes. We set dining at the restaurant of the Hotel Casino. My parents returned to London in the morning, but my brothers are still here. Uncle Don and Aunt Helena also returned to New York, Anna stayed behind, however. It has been a while since we left together and decided not to take a moment cousins, as Anna calls our meetings. Termination of the shirt pulling over the head, adjusting the sleeves in the forearms. Combing the hair, using some gel to fix the wires backwards. - The agents already put on top of everything, apparently? - I say, sprinkling a little perfume. Select one of the many jackets that Ella gave me over the years. Doll like to see me using leathers. This is black and has a more sophisticated cut. Set it over the shirt, leaving for the Dam of view. He is leaning against the fireplace, one foot crossed over the other, hands in his pockets. The seemingly relaxed posture is only marred by frowning. - Si


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