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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 23

by King Coopa J

  Twenty looked at her for understanding. “I will meet your demands but first you must let my wife go. She has nothing to do with this. It’s me, you want.” All Twenty needed to do was for the terrorist men to release the First Lady. Then he would take the chance. I can’t believe this happened to me, he thought. Damn, kidnapped and took for the President of the United States. If I make it out of this. I’ll have the best story ever and… I’m definitely done lifting. El’ Nino can kiss my ass.

  Sayyid smiled. “We will release her after you do what we wish.”

  Al bin Sodd made the next turn. He checked the rearview and eyed who he thought was the President. “We’re almost there brother.”

  “Please let me go?” The First Lady cried. “You have my husband. He will cooperate and do as you wish.” She didn’t wish to leave Twenty stranded, but he kept pleading for them to release her. She will remember to honor him for his bravery if she made it out of this situation.

  “Be quiet!” Sayyid ordered, he pointed his assault rifle at her. “We will release you when our demands are met!”

  “What are your demands?” Twenty asked.

  “Peace,” Sayyid said. “We need more American soldiers to stop the terror and terrorist in our Country. We need you to fix the economy. We need better schools for our children. The armies removed from our streets. The consisted threats of death. We also demand a trillion dollars sent to our Country to start the rebuilding of our land, homes and buildings that were destroyed by WAR. We need the right leaders put into our government and President office to lead us into the future.”

  Twenty exhaled. Damn, he thought. I’m glad I’m not the President. The type of shit they have to go through. He had to think like the President because for now, that’s who he is. “How can I meet those demands? Our Country struggles too. Our soldiers are fighting a war of their own. We owe money to other Countries. We’re trying to better our economy. There are barely jobs for the people here. No health care for the poor.”

  “Lies!” Sayyid struck him in the chest a second time. “Your Country know of such things!”

  “My husband is telling you the truth!” The First Lady cried. She was feeling sorry for the man who was pretending to be her husband. She knew he was trying his best to protect her from the terrorists.

  “What did I tell you!” Sayyid yelled and aimed his assault rifle at her. “Now you die!”

  That was all Twenty needed to hear. The terrorist are going to kill the First lady. He couldn’t allow that to happen without a fight.

  He swiftly bent up. Sayyid had the automatic on the First Lady. Twenty push the terrorist back toward the front seat while grabbing hold of the weapon. He knew the terrorist was about to let loose. He penned the weapon on the driver.

  Sayyid let the assault rip and sent a full clip into his brother. He noticed what he had done. “Brother!”

  Sayyid struggled with Twenty as his brother slumped over on the steering wheel. The Land Rover drove out of control as Al bin Sodd foot stayed pressed against the gas pedal. The Land Rover wrecked against a line of cars damaging the driver’s side as it trailed along. The First Lady screamed for her life as the gunfire erupted and the vehicle spun out of control. Twenty got the advantage over Sayyid and smacked him in the nose backhanded with a closed fist. Blood shot from his nose like water pressure being released from a water hose. The Land Rover wrecked into a pole and Sayyid smacked his head against the dashboard. Twenty slowly got out of the Rover. He pulled his 9 out.

  Sayyid reached for his brother’s assault rifle. He aimed at the First Lady. Twenty caught him from behind and burnt him with several shots. Sayyid slumped in the front seat. He uncontrollably fired shots into the dashboard before dying.


  My Baby!

  Twentylowered his pistol. It’s over. The terrorists were dead. The First Lady was still screaming. “Miss,” He called to her. “It’s ok now.”

  She calmed down. She was just a little shocked at what had happened.

  He pulled Sayyid from the passenger seat and let his body fall to the ground and shut the door. He ran around to the driver side and opened the door. He pulled Al bin Sodd from the seat and let his body fall to the ground. He hopped in the driver seat and put the SUV in reverse.

  “Where are… you taking me?” The First Lady stammered. She knew he wasn’t a threat. For all she knew he was one of the security guards at the embassy who is supposed to escort her into the building. Plus, he just saved her life from two terrorists.

  “Back,” he looked into the rear view mirror. He knew she was scared for her life. Blood had spattered over her face and clothes. He noticed her hands were shaking. She probably never seen a dead body in her life before outside a funeral. Yet alone, someone getting shot to death up close. He made the next turn. He was pushing the land Rover 120mph. He still had to deliver this vehicle.

  “You’re taking me back to the embassy?” The First Lady asked.

  “Something like that.” Twenty assured her.” He couldn’t take her all the way back. The police will be everywhere and they would ask questions about why he was a security guard. Not to mention, they wouldn’t let him keep the SUV.

  “What?” She was confused. He wasn’t taking her back made her worry a little.

  “I’m going to drop you off close by.” He told her swerving through traffic.

  “Why?” She wanted to know.

  Twenty was silent for a moment. Should he really tell her the reason? She is the First Lady of America. “Because a little girl’s life depends on me and this SUV. I must deliver this vehicle to an evil man who kidnapped her in order to get her back.”

  “This SUV?” The First Lady asked. “Were you with the terrorist men?”

  “No.” He pushed the SUV. “I wasn’t with them. This SUV was a part of a thirty car list. I had to steal thirty vehicles for the bad man. If I didn’t he would’ve killed my family and the little girl. This is the last vehicle and if I take you all the way back. They wouldn’t let me keep it.”

  “Why didn’t you go to the police?” She asked.

  Twenty pulled up next to a curve. This was the closest he was going to take her to the embassy. The police and every other kind of law enforcement were up ahead. He could see them from the far. “The police got nothing on this guy. I wanted to go to the police so bad, but he threatened to kill her. The man I’m doing this for is very powerful. I had no choice. He would’ve known. He would’ve found out the police have been alerted and then he would’ve killed her. I just couldn’t take that chance. Maybe it happened this way for a reason. This could’ve been your husband instead of me.” He got out and opened the door for her. “Well, this is your stop.”

  The First Lady emerged from the SUV. She was grateful for all this man had done for her. “What is your name?”

  “They call me Twenty.” He shut the back door never taking his eyes off her.

  “Twenty.” She said softly. “I will never forget you saved my life. You’re a very brave man. My husband will know your name and what you did for me and our country. Thank you.” She smiled and gave him a hug. “Go save that little girl.”

  “Thank you.” He hopped in the Land Rover and sped to El’ Nino’s restaurant. He skidded the truck to a stop directly in front of it. He noticed Paula’s car was parked out front. What?

  Paula jumped from her vehicle. “Twenty you’re ok!” She said worriedly.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I knew if you made it. You would come here. Your transmitter cut off. Jeff saw the men from the roof. He tried to warn you. These men have my baby. If you didn’t make it. I would’ve had no choice but to try and fight my way to her. I couldn’t let them keep my baby.” She cried.

  Twenty thought about what Paula was saying. If he didn’t make it. There would’ve been no hope for Janet. “Where are the others?”

  “Bobby took off trying to find you.” She said. “Jeff was too high up. I couldn’t wait fo
r him. He should be on his way. Tech got stopped by the police for pulling the truck out into the road. He was gone from the truck before they got there. I hurried here. I was going to give you five more minutes before I was going in.”

  “Ok.” Twenty said. “Wait right here. I’m going to handle this.” He turned toward the entrance.

  Paula turned him back around. “No! I’m not letting you go in there alone!”

  “It’s too dangerous!” He told her.

  “This is my baby and I’m not letting you go in there alone!” She told him. “You won’t be able to stop me and someone has to have your back!”

  “For what?” He said. “The last vehicle is here. He should give her back like he said.”

  “Twenty.” Paula pointed to the Land Rover. “Look at the damn SUV! He’s not going to take that!”

  Twenty looked at the Land Rover. With everything that had happened. He failed to realize the SUV had been totally destroyed. He exhaled. “Damn.” El’ Nino isn’t going to take that. Then he remembered. There still was a chance. “He said he didn’t need the Land Rover. He needs what’s inside it.”

  “Well.” Paula said. “What’s inside?”

  “The GPS system.” Said a harsh voice.

  They turned and looked toward the door. It was that Mexican they called El’ Nino. He was with the massive Nacho and three other Mexican gunmen.

  “She is right.” El” Nino said. “I will not accept that. Luckily, I only wanted the GPS. So here’s the new deal. That GPS is very important to me. It tracked all of the Presidents moves and secret meeting locations. I can learn where all of the prominent men and women are in America my friend. After I pull the information from it. The vehicle is no use to me. The GPS system works. You get the girl back and Twenty has to come work for me.”

  Twenty exhaled. The SUV may have been damaged, but the GPS still worked. The screen was on when he pulled up. “Ok, deal.”

  “Nacho.” El’ Nino said.

  The massive Nacho nodded at his boss. He walked passed them to the Land Rover. All eyes were on him. He opened the driver side door. He started the SUV. The screen cut on. The deal was done. He was about to signal to El’ Nino that it works. Suddenly, the screen started flickering and a few sparks flew. The screen went black. Nacho tapped the screen twice with his finger. The screen flicked on then completely went black. Never coming on again. Nacho groaned. He emerged from the vehicle and walked back to his boss. He shook his head no.

  “What the hell!” Twenty went to the Land Rover and tried himself. Nothing. The system was completely dead. He put his head back on the headrest. “Why God?” He muttered.

  “There is no deal my friend.” El’ Nino said.

  Paula pulled out her Glock. “Where is my daughter!” She yelled at El’ Nino.

  El’ Nino stopped. He had the restaurant door halfway open. He smirked while turning around. He looked Paula in the eye. “Dead.” Then he slipped in before Paula could shoot him.

  Twenty took cover by the Land Rover. Paula continued to fire in their direction. She took one of the soldiers out. They returned fire and Paula dove behind a car.

  “Paula!” Twenty yelled. “You ok!” He fired and took one of the soldiers out. Just Nacho and one remained.

  “Ok!” She responded. She dropped her clip and reloaded. She fired at Nacho. He took cover behind the restaurant door. She then aimed at the soldier and shot him in the arm.

  Twenty came out of cover and finished him off by the door. He never knew Nacho took cover where he was at.

  “Twenty!” Paula yelled and bolted his way. She dove to protect Twenty from the gunfire. They both fell to the ground.

  Nacho vanished into the restaurant.


  That Mexican They Call El’ Nino

  Twentyrolled over before he slowly got to his feet. He held his hand out to give Paula a lift from the ground. “Paula.” He called to her with his hand out.

  Paula didn’t reach for his hand. She just stared him in the eyes.

  “Paula.” He called again. “C’mon, let me help you.” he kept his hand extended. She didn’t reach for him and she had the same look. What is going on with her? “Paula, were you shot?” He asked worriedly. He was unaware there was two bullet holes in her back.

  Paula smiled at Twenty. “You look just like her.”

  What? Paula went insane? “What are you talking about? Are you Ok?” He propped her up and she groaned from the pain.

  “She has your eyes.” Paula said. She began to cry.

  “Paula, were you shot? Who are you talking about? Who has my eyes?” Twenty felt liquid coming from her back. He raised his hand. Blood covered it.

  “Your daughter.” Paula told him.

  Twenty wasn’t listening. He was shocked from the blood on his hand. He thought he heard Paula say his daughter. “Paula, I need to get you some help!” He said frantically.

  “Twenty.” Paula said. “Janet is your daughter.”

  Twenty stared her in the eyes. “What?” He said softly.

  “Janet,” Paula said. “She’s your daughter.”

  He thought from the first time he ever met the little girl. She looked exactly like him. That’s what motivated him to push so hard. He felt some type of connection with her. This was the connection. She’s his daughter. “How?”

  “The month you went in. I was pregnant.” She said. “I hooked up with Jeff a month later to hide it. You had life. I couldn’t let her grow up without a father.”

  “Jeff.” Twenty said. “Did he know?”

  “No,” she coughed up blood. “I never… I never told him.” She began to slip.

  “I got to get you help.” Twenty began to move. He picked Paula up and carried her to her car. He opened the passenger door and he gently placed her in the seat.

  Paula grabbed his hand. “There’s… no time. You have… to save her.” She whispered. “I love… you.” Her head slumped to the side and she passed away.

  “Paula,” Twenty cried. He patted her cheek and shook her shoulders. “Paula!” She was gone. The only woman he had ever loved was dead. Tears streamed from his eyes as he closed hers with two fingers. “Paula.” He whispered. “I will save her.” He kissed Paula on the lips and closed the door. He took on a final look through the window and felt that agony that let him know how much he loved her. He ran to the restaurant door. All he could think about was killing everybody inside. Rather, they had something to do with Paula’s death or not. A beast was on the loose and… it was hunting. He kicked the restaurant door open. He aimed his 9 in every direction. He couldn’t believe what he saw. El’ Nino and the massive Nacho stood behind a woman tied down to a chair. Twenty focused on the innocent woman. “Rosa.” He muttered.

  That Mexican they called El’ Nino smiled. “What took you so long, my friend? I thought you said fuck that Mexican they call El’ Nino and left me with the girl.”

  Twenty held his chrome 9 on El’ Nino. Nacho had his pistol aimed at Rosa. “I’m going to kill you.” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Are you threatening that Mexican they call El’ Nino my friend!” El’ Nino roared. “I hate threats!”

  “Don’t worry.” Twenty said harshly. “After today. You won’t have to worry about any more threats.”

  El’ Nino laughed. “You see, my wife. After years of marriage. She betrays me. My feelings for her are gone. She tried to rescue the girl. For that, she will die today my friend. I knew she cared about you by the way she looked at you at the Ball. I knew something was going on. I felt it so I kept a close eye on her.” El’ Nino kissed his crying wife on the cheek. He walked to his office door. “Nacho, when you’re finished taking care of them. Order me three tacos and a large fruit punch.” El’ Nino went into his office and closed the door.

  Nacho pressed his pistol against Rosa head.


  The Beast

  Twentytook the first shot. He had to react and fast. Rosa was going to die.<
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  Nacho pulled the trigger. The shot fired at the ground missing Rosa by a half inch. Nacho grabbed his arm. “Ah!” He groaned like a massive bear in agony. He aimed at Twenty and fired while he dodged the assault.

  Twenty fired at Nacho but the monster ducked behind a flipped table. He couldn’t take the risk of hitting Rosa.

  “I’m going to kill you like I killed your girlfriend!” Nacho roared. He held his arm behind the table. He made sure his clip was full.

  Twenty knew the big Mexican was trying to get his head. He had to remain calm and not let Nacho catch him off guard. He hid behind the host desk in the front. He peeked from cover… Rosa was still alive in the center of the room. Nacho fired and nearly took his head off. Twenty returned fire while he ran closer to Rosa. He flipped a nearby table.

  “After I kill you!” Nacho yelled. “I’m going to rape and kill the girl!” Nacho came from cover and fired at the table. “You know what!” He aimed at Rosa. “You can’t protect her and hide!”

  “Shit!” Twenty came out from cover. Nacho was going to free pick Rosa to lure him out. It was either come out or Rosa is dead. He immediately kicked the side of the chair. Rosa fell over still strapped to it.

  Nacho smiled. He aimed at Twenty and pulled the trigger.

  “Ah!” Twenty groaned. His gun flew from his hand. Nacho shot him directly in his arm.

  Nacho came emerged from cover. He kept his gun on Twenty. “Now we both have been shot in the arm.” The 7-foot beast came closer and stopped two yards away. “But it is I who have the weapon.”

  Twenty held his arm. This is how it was going to end. He wasn’t afraid to die and would’ve been more than ready. He wished he could’ve had the chance to see what it would’ve been like to raise Janet.

  Nacho pulled the trigger. “Click, click.” He looked at his weapon. When he raised his attention to Twenty. He saw nothing but a twelve shoe flying at him.

  Twenty connected with a flying kick to Nacho’s face. The big man stumbled back. He hit him again with a straight kick.


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