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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 24

by King Coopa J

  Nacho caught his foot and slung him to the ground. The massive Nacho grabbed a table and threw it at him.

  Twenty rolled out of the way. He ran up to Nacho and stuck him with a jab. Nacho head turned sideways.

  Nacho slowly brought his attention back on Twenty with a big grin on his face. No effect. Nacho grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off of his feet. He was ten times stronger than Twenty.

  Twenty held on for his life. He was going to choke to death. He took his thumbs and dug them into Nacho’s eyes.

  Nacho growled and tossed him on the ground. His vision became blurry.

  Twenty fell on his back. Something he landed on caused pain to his spine. He turned over to get up. The pistol. He landed on his chrome 9. He picked his gun up and turned back to Nacho. The Mexican stormed his way. He ripped three in his chest and the big man stopped.

  Nacho grabbed his chest and then looked back at Twenty.

  This is for Paula. Nacho rushed and Twenty fired. The bullet hit Nacho in the center of his head. The big man fell to his knees and hit the floor, dead.

  Twenty untied Rosa. “You ok?”

  “Yes.” Rosa said. “I know where he has her.”

  “Where?” He asked.

  “The Limo.” Rosa said. “She’s in the trunk.”

  “Ok.” Twenty had her fully untied. “You get her and go to the police. I’m going to deal with El’ Nino.”

  Rosa stood. “No! He’ll kill you. Let’s just go and get the girl together!” She cried.

  “Trust me.” Twenty said.

  Rosa grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. “I love you.” She then went to rescue Janet.

  Twenty exhaled. He walked to El’ Nino’s door. He was ready to face the beast.


  El’ Nino’s Secret

  Twentyslowly opened the door to El’ Nino’s office. He let his 9 guide the way. He was shocked to see El’ Nino sitting behind his desk. “I see you’re ready to die.”

  El’ Nino puffed on his cigar. He wasn’t paying Twenty any attention. He kept his back turned to him watching the wonderful view through his enormous office window. “You made it this far.” He puffed a ring of smoke. “Did you care for her?”

  “I loved her and you took her away from me.” Twenty answered through clenched teeth.

  “Not her.” El’ Nino said. “My wife. Do you care for her?”

  “Does it matter?” Twenty slowly walked closer.

  “Before you kill me.” El’ Nino puffed on his cigar. “I have something to tell you.”

  “I already know.” Twenty said. “She’s in the trunk.”

  El’ Nino smiled. He remained watching the scene. “Not that. It’s worse than that.”

  “Make it quick.” Twenty said. “You got a bullet to catch.”

  “You want to know who set you up 10 years ago?” El’ Nino puffed. “You want to know who told me about the great car thief? Who told me to free you, who I had watching you? Who’s on my payroll and… who told me about Janet?”

  Twenty held his 9 firm. Could El’ Nino possibly know? He remained silent.

  “The Spokesman.” El’ Nino said. “You may know him as your best friend Jeff.”

  “You’re fuckin’ lying!” He said harshly.

  “Check the pictures on my desk.” El’ Nino continued facing out the window. “That Mexican they call El’ Nino don’t lie.”

  Twenty had noticed the pictures on El’ Nino’s desk, but he didn’t bother to look. He came closer to the desk.

  “Go head.” El’ Nino taunted. “I won’t bite.”

  Twenty picked the first picture up. It was breathtaking. It was a picture of Jeff in El’ Nino’s office snorting coke. He picked up the next one. Jeff was talking with another woman and El’ Nino. Other one showed Jeff banging another woman in the restaurant with Nacho. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His best friend was in every single picture with El’ Nino. All he could ask himself was why? They had been friends forever. He considered him family. He loved Jeff more than his drug addicted mother. They have always been there for each other. Now this? How could he?

  “That’s pain.” El’ Nino spoke turning around. “That’s something my mother showed and made me learn to avoid. Never care, never love. Now you know your friend secret.” He produced a weapon of his own.

  Twenty was in shock to notice. He looked at El’ Nino. He saw the gun aimed at him. He didn’t seem to care anymore. This new discovery was compared to Paula’s death. He let his weapon slip from his hand to the ground. Janet was free. Rosa saved her. He did what he came to do. Why continue the fight?

  El’ Nino could tell he damaged his soul. Twenty eyes were vacant. He stripped away what he cherished most. His friendship with Jeff. “Now you will die!”

  Twenty stared into the barrel of El’ Nino gun.

  El’ Nino knew he wasn’t afraid of death by the way he stood there motionless. He lowered his gun and let it fall to the floor. He jumped on his desk with a bunny hop. “You will face me!” He roared. El’ Nino ripped off his button up shirt. There was a tattoo of his mother on his chest covering most of the center. She was a beautiful woman and the tattoo showed every detail.

  Twenty looked up at El’ Nino. He noticed the beautiful tattoo of the woman on his center chest. He also noticed that El’ Nino was huge under the suits he wore. All of his muscles were bulging and he was cut. He wasn’t bigger than the massive Nacho but El’ Nino looked like he was a skilled fighter or he was doing a good job of acting like he was. “I’m done.”

  “You will face me Twenty!” El’ Nino front flipped off of the desk and heel kick him in the dead center of his forehead.


  My Last Stand

  Twentystumbled back and dropped to one knee. The shot made him dizzy. Was this what Rosa was talking about when she said El’ Nino would kill me? El’ Nino is some type of fighter. He has to be, he thought. He just front flipped off the desk and heel kicked me. Twenty shook it off and came to a full stand. El’ Nino stood in front of him in a fighting stance. His next move proved to him that he was a very skilled fighter.

  “You die!” El’ Nino kicked low, mid and then finished with a high kick to Twenty’s head. All three kicks were faster than lightning.

  Twenty spent sideways and fell to the ground. He was already spitting up blood. Damn, he thought. I didn’t see that coming. He picked himself up off the ground. He faced El’ Nino. The Mexican was in a different fighting stance.

  El’ Nino smirked. “Nice.” He swiftly kicked low three times, then mid, high and finished with an unexpected spin kick to his chest.

  Twenty fell back and crashed into the wall. He slid down the wall to the ground. “Fuck.” He muttered. This was going to take everything he had. El’ Nino was very skilled with kicks. He hasn’t thrown one punch and had him against the wall, spitting blood from his brutal kicks. El’ Nino kicks were lethal. He held his chest slowly picking himself up from the ground. He took a stance. This time he would strike first. He jabbed with a quick left and then a right. El’ Nino block both blows. Twenty went for a chest kick and El’ Nino caught his foot. He tripped him to the ground and stomped on his chest. “Ah!” Twenty groaned. He felt like his heart skipped a beat. What the hell am I going to do? He’s faster than me and more skilled. This was going to take everything John Kim taught him. All ten years of it. He picked himself up. He ripped off his shirt before taking his stance.

  El’ Nino smiled. “Love the tattoos. They’re intimidating. Brings out your eyes.” He joked. “You ready to fight me now?” El’ Nino didn’t wait for an answer. He swept kick across the ground and Twenty jumped over it. He spent off his back and hopped to his feet with a back kick.

  Twenty blocked it and grabbed him from behind. He slammed him to the ground with an armbar. He locked it in the position John Kim showed him. He pulled with everything he had and broke El’ Nino’s arm.

  El’ Nino groaned. “Ah!”

then swiftly rotated while still on the ground.

  “Ah!” Twenty broke his leg, he broke the other and finally his other arm.

  Every limb on El’ Nino was broken except for one thing. Twenty lifted him up with a headlock. “This is for all of the evil you’ve ever done.” He snapped his neck. He let his body fall to the ground slowly.


  He looked up.

  “You ok man?” Jeff asked.

  Twenty met him with a cold stare.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked concerned. He noticed the pictures.

  “Why?” Twenty asked.

  Jeff held him at gunpoint now. He found out about his secret. “Because I always loved her.” He whispered. The anger hit his tone. “But there was you! She always wanted you! So I got rid of you by setting you up ten years ago! My gambling and snorting problem made me go into debt. I had to make more money. El’ Nino needed a car thief, so I gave him you! That way I could make some money and send you back!”


  “What about the little bitch!” He said. “She’s your daughter! Paula tried to hide it, but there’s something call blood test! I only pretended for her! I always knew Janet was your daughter and I hated it! I hate that she fuckin’ looks like you!” Jeff was extremely pissed. “Die!”

  Twenty closed his eyes. His best friend was going to kill him.


  My Final Goodbye

  Twentyopened his eyes. He wasn’t dead. He stared at Jeff. He was still holding his gun at him. What was going on? Where had the gunfire come from? It sounded close enough to be in the room. He wasn’t shot and Jeff still had the gun on him. Suddenly, blood spilled down the side of Jeff's mouth. Twenty eyes grew wide. Jeff dropped his weapon and grabbed the back of his head with a confused face. He fell to his knees and smiled at Twenty. He fell over dead. Twenty attention was caught by the person holding the smoking gun in the doorway.

  “Janet.” He said softly.

  Janet lowered the gun and ran over to her father. She heard everything Jeff had said. She knew the truth. She knew this man her mother always told her stories about is her father. Janet cried after she found out her mother was dead. She resisted going to the police with Rosa. She wanted to kill El’ Nino for her mother’s death. “He killed my mother.” She cried in Twenty’s arms.

  Twenty couldn’t respond. He had to let her grieve. He lifted her up with his good arm. He didn’t care how old she was. He wanted to carry his daughter from this dreadful place.

  Rosa showed up in the doorway. She saw that it was over. Twenty had won and Janet was safe. In her heart, she was free too. “Twenty.” She whispered. Tears ran down her face.

  He carried Janet over to her. “C’mon.” He said softly. “Let’s get out of here.”

  They walked through the restaurant. It was finally over. Twenty didn’t know exactly how to feel. Out of this entire situation. He lose the only woman he has ever loved, and whom he called a best friend, and brother. The good thing about this is he did what he promised Paula. He was walking her daughter, his daughter, to safety. Rosa opened the door for them, Twenty stepped out with Janet. Just when things were starting to shape up. It all comes crashing down.

  “Freeze!” Daverson yelled with a large team of police and FBI agents. “You’re under arrest! Put the girl down and put your hands up!”

  “Daddy!” Janet cried. This was the first man she ever called dad and now he was going to be taken away. “No!”

  Twenty exhaled. He sat Janet down. He wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s going to be ok. I need you to go with Rosa.”

  “I don’t wanna!” She cried. “I wanna stay with you! They can’t take you!”

  “Janet.” Twenty got teary eyed. “You have too. I have to go with these men. We’ll be back together.” He hugged her. He wished he could’ve promised that, but that was something he couldn’t do. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She whispered.

  Twenty finally released his daughter. He was emotional because there was a chance he won’t get to know her. She went to Rosa and cried. He stood to face the officers.

  Daverson walked up. “I told you son.” He cuffed him with a smile on his face.


  What A Woman

  Threemonths later. Twenty was on trial again for only ten of the vehicles. News cameras followed Twenty the entire trial. He was on the stand now.

  The prosecutor stood. “Explain the twenty dollar bill left at the scene of the crimes. The CLS63 AMG, Dodge Viper, Porsche 911, Camaro HP-ZL1, Gallardo, Aston Martin V-12 Vantage, Bentley Mulsanne, Mosler Photon and the Ferrari FF. Everyone knows that’s your trademark. So why is it after ten years? You get out, the GTA goes up and the bills start showing? Not to mention, you were caught with the Land Rover. Your prints were all over the vehicle.”

  Twenty didn’t know what to say. Jeff had done him again. Jeff had been setting him up the entire time. All of the cars he was getting charged with were the cars Jeff lifted. Even though he had saved a kidnapped girl. The prosecutors still wanted his head. If he was convicted. He would be serving life in prison, again. El’ Nino couldn’t save him this time. He looked over at his family. There was his daughter Janet, his friend Tech. There were his brochunski’s Bobby and Jimmy Neutron. Finally, there was his lover, Rosa. They all were there to support him through this. This wasn’t how he wanted it to end. If he would’ve known it was going to go down like this. He wouldn’t have prayed every night in prison to be free. At least Paula would’ve still been alive. Janet would’ve still had her mother. Even if he never found out about her being his daughter. Paula’s life was more important to him.

  “Do you have anything to say?” The prosecutor asked.

  Twenty was silent.

  “He’s guilty your Honor!”

  The judge adjusted his glasses. After five minutes of going over charges and evidence against Twenty. He made his decision. “I have no other choice but to sentence you to lif-”

  The courtroom door flew open and interrupted the judge. Everyone in the room turned around. No one couldn’t believe who they saw. Mouths dropped all over the room. The First Lady entered the courtroom with guards and the President’s personal lawyers.

  “This man will be relieved of all charges brought against him.” The First Lady spoke and the crowd awed.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” asked the judge.

  “The President, my husband is grateful for his services for our country. He has written a pardon relieving everything brought against him for putting an end to terrorist acts, risking his life for the President and the First Lady, saving the First Lady, putting an end to a notorious Mexican cartel, and saving a kidnapped girl all in one day. My people will provide you with the necessary paperwork.”

  The lawyers went to the judge. One handed him a document signed and dated by the President.

  The judge sighed reading the documents over. He is to be relieved of all charges and released immediately. The judge exhaled. He had no choice. He raised his mallet. “Not guilty!” He banged his hammer.

  Twenty jumped to his feet. The entire courtroom erupted. Twenty hopped over the stand and hurried over to his family. Janet was the first to greet him with a big hug. Everyone hugged him. Rosa gave him a passionate kiss. Twenty noticed the First Lady. He walked over to her holding Janet’s hand. “How did you know?”

  “I watch the news. I am the First Lady of America.” She said with a sarcastic smile. “This is the little one?”

  “This is her.” Twenty said.

  “She’s Beautiful.” The First Lady said. “Enjoy being a father.” She hugged him. “Thank you for saving my life.” She whispered.

  “Thank you for saving mines.” He whispered back.

  Everyone made their way outside. The news was all around.

  “Twenty.” Tech noticed Daverson yelling through the phone. He pointed in his direction. “I have a surprise for you.”

wenty watched Daverson.

  “What do you mean your car was stolen!” He asked his mother frantically. “Fuck!” He slammed the phone down and stepped on it repeatedly. He then noticed Twenty and Tech smiling at him. He gritted his teeth and stormed off.

  They laughed.

  A Ferrari Replacement 599 pulled up and two girls called to Tech.

  “Tech you didn’t keep the-”

  Tech cut him off. “Geek swag, two girls.” Popped his collar and went to the car.

  Twenty smiled.

  A Fox 5 newswoman held a mic to him. “What are you going to do now you’re free?”

  Twenty looked at his daughter Janet. “I’m taking my family to Disney World.”


  Eight Years Later

  “Honey get the phone!” Rosa called from the kitchen.

  Little Twenty ran to the phone. “It’s for dad!” He took Twenty the phone.

  Twenty took the phone. “Thanks son.” He answered. “Hello.”

  “Twenty.” Matt spoke. “I need your help.”

  “Matt I told you, I’m done.”

  “I know, but this is serious.” He said. “Someone is using your trademark.”

  “And?” Twenty asked.

  “Three hundred cars vanished last month.”

  “Nothing to do with me Matt. I’m done.”

  “I know Twenty. That’s why I need your help. This person is better than you. We caught a picture of the suspect. It’s… your daughter, Janet

  The End

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