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The Wilderness Warrior

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by Douglas Brinkley

  in T.R.’s annual message, 406, 409–11

  see also specific reserves

  Forestry Bureau, U.S., 411, 422

  Forestry Commission, U.S., 542

  Forest Service, U.S., 239, 244, 341–42, 387, 448–49, 469, 579–80, 616, 624, 632, 635, 663–65, 764, 789, 805

  Crowded Hour Reserves and, 777, 779

  Everglades drainage scheme and, 735

  Norris’s denunciation of, 772

  Smokey the Bear and, 465, 468

  Taft and, 793, 803

  “Forests of the White Mountains, The” (Parkman), 229

  “Forever Wild” movement, 308

  Fort Brewerton, 414

  Fortesque, Bill, 600

  Fort Jefferson, 724

  Fort McKinney, 175

  Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, 627, 629

  Fort Sill, Okla., 590–91, 595, 596

  fossils, 25, 44, 45, 416

  Four Corners, 415, 631, 644–45, 650, 764–65

  Fox, John, 327

  France, 19, 37, 44, 140, 340, 507, 593, 804

  Badlands and, 153, 156

  Francis, Saint, 22

  Frear, Walter, 800

  Frederick, Okla., 600–601

  Free Trade Club dinner, 149–51

  French and Indian Wars, 399

  French Frigate Shoals, 798

  Fresh Pond, 104, 123

  Friedrich, Albert, 314

  Fries, J. O., 490

  frontier, closing of, 240–44, 591

  Frontier in American History, The (Turner), 241

  Front Range, 342, 343, 410, 508

  Fuller, Margaret, 353

  Fulton, Charles, 676–79, 683–84, 717

  Fulton, Robert, 695

  Gable, John Allen, 406

  Galápagos Islands, 7, 23, 430, 780

  Gamble, Robert J., 462

  Game and Bird Preserves Protection Act (Refuge Trespass Act; 1906), 717

  Game Birds of the Coasts and Lakes of the Northern States of America (R. B. Roosevelt), 85

  Game Fish of the Northern States of America, and British Provinces (R. B. Roosevelt), 84

  “Game Laws” (Whitehead), 286

  Game Management (Leopold), 715

  game preserves, map of, 818–19

  see also specific game preserves

  Gardner, John Nance, 376

  Gardner Pinnacles, 798

  Garfield, Helen Newell, 673

  Garfield, James A., 1, 138, 140, 392, 536, 569, 674

  Garfield, James Rudolph, 569, 673–76, 679, 752, 790, 804, 813

  Pinchot’s co-authorship with, 805

  Taft’s dismissal of, 794, 803

  Garland, Hamlin, 274, 385–86

  Garrard, Lewis H., 184

  Garrett, Pat, 192, 466, 623

  Garrod, Alfred Henry, 722

  Geer v. Connecticut, 388

  geese, Egyptian, 58

  General Grant National Park, 271, 286, 399, 450, 459n, 541, 752

  creation of, 236

  protection of, 444

  General Laws, Chapter 31 of, 372

  Geographical Survey, 422

  Geological Survey, U.S., 74–75, 96, 215, 237, 288, 302, 309, 387, 397, 415, 462, 632, 649, 675, 690

  Crater Lake and, 455, 459, 460

  creation of, 75, 450

  Irrigation Survey in, 238

  George, Lake, 40, 414

  Georgia, 32, 34, 268, 667, 731, 733

  Germany, 25, 285n, 339–40, 593, 788, 804

  bear toys in, 443

  Kroegel in, 477–78

  T.R. in, 37, 60, 62, 63, 65, 102

  universities in, 110

  Geronimo, 241, 255, 313, 581, 596, 626, 657

  in Wild West Show, 595, 660

  Gerry, Elbridge T., 52

  Gettysburg, Battle of (1873), 777

  Gibson, Karl W., 661

  Gifford, John, 445, 734–35

  Gifford, R. Swain, 194

  Gifford Pinchot (McGreary), 794 804

  Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism (Miller), 291

  Gifford Pinchot National Forest, 778

  Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument, 706–7

  Gila River, 380n, 706

  gilded age, 9–11, 14, 236, 409, 504, 760, 813

  Gilley, John, 578

  Gilmore, James R., 229

  Glasow, Ellen, 682

  Glenn, Robert, 758

  Glenwood Springs, Colo., 614

  goats, 37, 195–96, 260n

  mountain, 230, 308, 411

  God, 41, 246

  Muir’s views on, 410, 544

  T.R.’s view of, 56, 156, 166, 243, 246, 335, 350, 370, 395

  Goetzmann, William H., 75

  Goff, John B., 382, 413, 502, 503, 635

  Gold Creek, Mont., 152

  Goodnight, Charles, 588

  goose, African pygmy, 359

  Gordon, James, 434

  Gorgas, William, 668

  gorillas, 763

  Gorringe, Henry H., 149–52

  Gould, Lewis L., 433, 557

  Governor Theodore Roosevelt (Chessman), 339

  G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 142, 148, 167, 182, 213, 226

  Grand Canyon, xviii, 15, 290, 450–52, 512, 535, 556

  in Great Loop tour, 502, 507, 525–29, 526

  plant life of, 529

  Roosevelt Point in, 757

  travel to, 398, 645–46

  T.R.’s saving of, 224, 527, 528, 535, 623, 633, 642, 649, 754–58, 775, 776

  T.R.’s speech at, 19, 527

  Grand Canyon Enlargement Act, 757

  Grand Canyon Forest Reserve, 756–57

  Grand Canyon National Game Reserve, 810

  Grand Canyon National Monument, 754–56, 765, 775, 776

  Grand Canyon National Park, 528

  Grand Exposition (1876), 99–100, 138

  “grand holiday,” 230–35

  Grant, Madison, 276–79, 284, 589, 657

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 251, 278, 284, 285

  Grant, Ulysses S., 44, 80, 100, 144, 255, 262, 268, 536, 544, 554, 695, 752, 787

  log cabins of, 256, 578

  railroads and, 148, 153

  seals protected by, 77, 651, 721–22

  Yellowstone and, 76, 248, 460

  Gray, Asa, 101, 299

  Great American Buffalo (Audubon), 277

  Great Basin, 129, 376, 529, 635, 749

  Great Basin Lunch Mess, 423

  Great Britain, 69, 141, 194, 207, 247, 414, 471, 575, 639, 804

  animal protection in, 47, 48

  education in, 317

  National Trust in, 414

  ornamental feathers in, 11

  seals and, 215–16, 470, 579

  T.R.’s work reviewed in, 228

  wildlife preserves in, 3

  Great Colorado Plateau, 399

  Great Depression, 469, 722

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 285n

  Great Lakes, 83–84, 138, 145, 353, 360, 569

  Great Lakes-to-Gulf Deep Waterway Association, 694–95

  Great Loop tour, 502–53, 556, 578

  itinerary of, 507

  press coverage of, 507, 509, 514, 517, 519, 528, 531, 537

  Great Plains, 127, 129, 157, 197, 205, 207, 241, 263, 354, 406, 416, 586, 587, 592

  buffalo repopulation in, 255, 276, 277, 283, 588, 589, 611, 624–27

  buffalo slaughter on, 154, 187, 604

  dinosaur dig in, 187

  T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

  Great Smoky Mountains, 667, 758

  grebes, 745–48

  Greece, 59, 292, 341

  Greeley, Horace, 39, 49, 249

  Greely, A. W., 807

  Green, Andrew H., 278–79, 352, 414

  Green, Charles, 324

  Green, Seth, 86–89, 102, 235, 372

  Greene, Frank Lester, 390

  Grey, Zane, 644–45, 724

  Grey Towers, 340–41, 345

  Grinnell, George Bird, 8, 184–89, 185,
196, 211, 216, 228, 240, 245, 249, 274, 277–81, 290, 300, 345, 358–59, 360, 406, 409, 623, 705, 808

  Audubon Society and, 10, 189, 202

  background of, 187–88

  Boone and Crockett Club and, 6, 185, 202, 206, 209, 232, 237, 238, 255, 259–65, 277–78, 284–87, 290, 303–4, 307, 308–9, 388, 555, 767

  Bronx Zoo and, 277–78, 279, 284

  buffalo and, 277–78, 284

  Forest and Stream and, 19n, 184–86, 185,213, 238, 248, 264, 269, 309, 340, 517–18, 555

  Hunting Trips reviewed by, 184–85, 188

  Montana focus of, 306

  Native Americans and, 188, 309, 641, 675

  on Noble, 225

  T.R.’s co-authorship with, 242, 286

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 245, 293–94, 303–4, 356, 518

  T.R.’s fray with, 308–9

  T.R.’s rift with, 518, 555

  Yellowstone and, 188–89, 231, 232, 236, 238, 270

  grosbeaks, 774–75

  grouse, 129, 133, 135, 179

  Grunwald, Michael, 734, 735

  Guam, 384, 397

  Guide to the Studies of Fishes (Jordan), 758

  guinea pigs, 318–19, 356, 558–59

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 783

  gulls, 18, 36, 108

  Hadley, Herbert, 634

  Hagan, William T., 254, 274

  Hague, Arnold, 230, 237

  Haines, Aubrey L., 516

  Haines, Francis, 604

  Hall, G. Stanley, 349, 350

  Hall, Harrison, 394

  Hall, Mary Livingston Ludlow, 273

  Hallock, Charles, 83, 321, 360, 375–76, 562

  Hallock Bird Protection Bill, 360–61, 365, 366

  Halpine, Charles G. (Miles O’Reily), 79

  Halsinger Report, 543

  Hamilton Club, 349–50

  Hampton, Wade, III, 444

  Hance, John, 755

  Handbook of Alaska (Greely), 807

  Hanks, C. S., 121–22

  Hanna, Mark, 297, 355, 373, 374, 376, 383, 445, 573

  Hardin, John Wesley, 466

  Harding, Warren, 811

  Hard Times (Dickens), 218

  Harney National Forest, 628

  Harper’s, 82

  Harper’s Monthly, 316

  Harper’s New Monthly, 105, 736

  Harper’s Round Table, 195, 208n

  Harper’s Weekly, 35, 311, 332, 542, 706

  Harriman, E. H., 300, 385, 469, 675, 685, 760

  Harriman Expedition, 300, 385, 469, 562, 563, 675

  Harris, Joel Chandler, 82, 437

  Harrison, Benjamin:

  in Adirondacks, 307–8

  as conservationist, 14, 20, 77, 224–25, 237–40, 246, 248, 268, 380, 756–57

  in elections, 211–12, 247, 248, 254, 255

  Harrison, Caroline, 247

  Harrison, William Henry, 226

  Harrowby, Lord, 48

  Harte, Bret, 27

  Harvard Advocate, 121, 122

  Harvard Athletic Association, 121

  Harvard Natural History Society, 110

  Harvard University, 164, 165, 245, 313, 390, 707

  Museum of Comparative Zoology at, 66, 68, 92, 102

  T.R. at, 45, 98, 99–107, 99, 109–10, 113–16, 120, 121–25, 187, 249, 369

  T.R. papers in, 22, 30, 33, 440, 442

  T.R.’s preparations for, 67, 68, 92, 96, 100

  Harvard University Press, 396

  Hash-Knife Joe, 513

  Hatton, John H., 629

  Havasupi, 755, 756

  Hawaii, 21, 298, 397, 425, 534, 738, 796–800

  bird extinction in, 686–87

  Hawaiian Islands Federal Bird Reservation, 797–800

  Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, 799

  hawks, 31, 98–99, 354, 529, 814

  Hawley, Joshua David, 807

  Hay, John, 228, 244, 247, 324, 395, 397, 445, 579

  death of, 580, 618

  Lincoln hair-ring of, 580

  open-door policy of, 652

  T.R. criticized by, 227, 266

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 348, 384

  Hayden, F. V., 96

  Hayden Survey, 107

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 44, 100, 536

  Haynes, Jay, 269

  Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 384

  Haywood, Big Bill, 635

  Hearst, William Randolph, 310, 574, 683

  Heins and La Farge, 342

  Heller, Edmund, 780

  Henderson, David, 458, 459

  hens, 449, 465, 629

  heath, 133, 205

  Henshall, James, 476

  Herbert, Henry William (Frank Forester), 82–84, 85, 434

  Hermann, Binger, 407, 543

  “Hermit” (Mason A. Walton), 518

  Her Mountain Lover (Garland), 385–86

  Heroes of American History, 332

  herons, 6–7, 31, 109, 320, 814 blue, 7, 11

  great white, 495, 497

  Louisiana (tricolored), 727

  Hero Tales from American History (Roosevelt), 554

  Hewett, Edgar Lee, 415, 524–25, 631, 642–45, 654, 655, 688–89

  Hewitt, Abram, 196

  Hickock, Wild Bill, 253, 590

  Hill Creek Formation, 149

  Hillers, Jack, 74

  “Hills of San Bernardino, The” (Van Dyke), 417

  Hinds, Howell, 435

  Hinds, Thomas, 435

  Hispanics, 243

  history, 528, 554 new western, 231, 242–44

  History of New York City (Roosevelt), 337

  History of the Northern Pacific Railroad (Smalley), 148–49, 170

  History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell), 634

  Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 395, 401–3, 407, 543, 583n

  Great Loop tour and, 502, 521–22

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 424, 547

  T. R.’s problems with, 673

  Hobart, Garret Augustus (Gus), 355–56

  Hofer, Elwood, 250

  Hoffman, John Thompson, 44, 50

  Holliday, Doc, 354

  Hollow Horn Bear, 581

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 61, 101

  Holmes, W. H., 642

  Holt Collier (Buchanan), 441–42

  Holy Land, 53, 58

  Holy the Firm (Dillard), vii

  Homestead Act (1862), 132, 522

  homesteaders, 13, 244, 267, 270, 293, 454, 461, 676, 689

  in Florida, 478–79, 491

  in Oklahoma, 587, 589, 591

  Homes without Hands (Wood), 28–29

  Hood, Mount, 455–56

  Hoover, Herbert, 444, 811

  Hoover, Ike, 560

  Hopi, 509–10, 689, 764–65

  Hornaday, Calvin, 521

  Hornaday, William T., 99, 231, 280–85, 387, 406, 521, 579, 628–29

  American Bison Society and, 625, 628

  background of, 280–81

  Benga episode and, 657–61

  Bronx Zoo and, 280, 283–84, 420, 421, 656–61

  buffalo preserve and, 589, 593, 594, 609, 611–12, 624–25, 626

  on Lacey, 668

  passenger pigeons and, 687

  Pinchot as sellout to, 345

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 8, 231, 420

  wolf coursing and, 622

  writings of, 5, 9, 280, 283

  horses, 34, 167, 334, 375, 592, 622, 795, 809

  abuse of, 37, 42, 46, 49–50, 51, 55, 316, 327, 465

  Algonquin, 560

  in Badlands, 158, 160, 162, 169, 178, 181, 189

  in Bighorns, 172, 173, 175

  “grand holiday” and, 234, 235

  Grant, 244

  Lightfoot, 123, 137

  Manitou, 178, 181

  Nell, 158, 162

  for Oklahoma hunting, 586, 605, 606–7

  pack, 385–86

  protection of, 42, 49–50, 51, 142, 316

  Rain-in-the-Face, 327

  of Rough Riders, 315–16, 327

>   Sam Bass, 592, 600, 607, 622

  Texas, 327

  Wire Fence, 235

  Hot Springs National Park, 287n, 613, 632

  Hough, Emerson, 269

  Houghton Mifflin, 191, 708, 712

  Hour of Trial (McCarthy), 765

  House Made of Dawn (Momaday), 325

  House of Representatives, U.S., 269–70, 365–66, 462, 520, 642, 647, 655

  Committee on Irrigation of the Arid Lands in, 424

  in election of 1906, 668, 675

  Public Land Committee of, 245–46, 633, 643, 662, 668, 673, 790

  Howard, L. O., 302, 772–73

  Howell, Edgar, 269, 270, 272, 296

  Howells, William Dean, 506, 510

  How the Canyon Became Grand (Pyne), 754

  How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 217

  Hualapai, 756

  Hubinger, John C., 521

  Hudson, William Henry, 383

  Hudson River, 33, 39, 44, 48, 94, 185, 235, 352–53, 393, 414

  fishing in, 84, 86, 88

  Grinnell’s views on, 187

  hatchery operation in, 88–89

  pollution of, 84, 352

  sandbars in, 236–37

  watershed of, 307

  Hudson River valley, 33–35, 39, 43, 369


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