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The Wilderness Warrior

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by Douglas Brinkley

  Hughes, Charles E., 772, 792

  Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (1958), 47

  Humane Movement, The (McCrea), 51

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 67

  hummingbirds, 11, 62, 358, 529, 738

  Hunt, Isaac, 142

  Hunt, John Clark, 469

  Hunter of the Deer and Other Essays, The (Warner), 504

  Hunter’s Game, The (Warren), 141, 440

  hunting, 3–6, 46–47, 58–59, 63, 72, 108–9, 113, 150–51, 177–81, 219, 234, 236, 246, 249–52, 273–74, 371, 379, 405, 429, 563, 578, 712, 808

  in Africa, 794–95

  for bears, 35, 150, 173–75, 431–45, 441, 502, 504, 563, 578, 585, 586, 695–703, 701, 705

  Bierstadt and, 260–62

  in Bighorns, 171–75

  for bighorn sheep, 178, 180–81

  of buffalo, see buffalo, hunting of

  Burroughs’s views on, 371, 544

  for caribou, 209–11

  in Colorado, 612–13, 615

  for cougars, 377, 379–87, 391, 413

  for crossbills, 94–95

  for elk, 249–50

  of Elliott, 124, 128, 130, 151, 213, 224

  for game birds, 5, 130, 132–33, 135–37, 179

  Great Loop tour and, 502–7, 510, 511, 514–15

  limits on, 82–83, 85

  market, 9–10, 15, 18, 20, 41, 195

  Muir’s views on, 544, 608, 636

  in Oklahoma, 581, 585, 586, 593, 594, 598–609, 599, 608

  for peccaries, 251–52

  in Reid’s work, 26–27, 430

  sportsman’s code and, 41, 46–47, 182–83, 206, 438, 440

  taxidermy and, 57, 61, 65, 97

  T.R.’s views on, 184, 236, 242, 506, 511, 544

  for turkeys, 665–67

  Twain’s views on, 702–5

  for white goats, 195

  Hunting in Many Lands (Roosevelt and Grinnell, eds.), 285–87

  “Hunting Trip in India, A” (Elliott Roosevelt), 286

  Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (Roosevelt), 6, 172, 174–78, 180–84, 189, 190, 193, 194, 199, 201, 202, 206, 247, 263, 379n

  bighorn sheep in, 180–81

  buffalo in, 147

  conservationist beliefs in, 183

  Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail compared with, 212

  reviews of, 184–85, 188, 309

  sequel to, 191

  T.R.’s photo in, 182

  Huntley, Ill., 129–30

  Huron Islands, 18, 18n, 616

  Huxley, Thomas, 25, 64, 91, 385, 430, 554, 781, 812

  Hyde, Frederick A., 543

  hyena, spotted, 561

  ibises, 6, 7, 11, 13, 320

  Idaho, 149n, 209–11, 377, 421, 635, 676, 779

  Columbian Exposition pavilion of, 257

  Ideal Novelty and Toy Company, 443

  Illingworth, Wild, 74

  Illinois, 91, 128–33, 135, 350

  railroads in, 241

  T.R.’s campaigning in, 211

  Illinois Central Railroad, 432–33, 435

  Illustrated Natural History (Wood), 28

  immigrants, 131, 132–33, 285n

  imperialism, 311, 313, 349, 350, 371, 397, 535, 703

  “In Buffalo Days” (Grinnell), 262

  Indiana, 129, 685

  Indian Rights Association (IRA), 226, 254, 255

  Indian River Lagoon basin, 474, 476–84

  Indian Service, U.S., 641

  Indian Territory, 284, 314, 522, 586, 587, 588, 590, 598, 605, 610

  Indian Wars, 263, 444, 590–91

  industrialism, 20, 219, 650, 651, 676, 715

  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW; Wobblies), 635–36

  Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The (Mahan), 298n

  Inland Waterways Commission, 692, 693, 694

  Interior Department, U.S., 2, 16, 100, 244, 247, 267–70, 320, 398, 399–400, 421, 450, 507, 629, 649, 675, 691, 775

  Bliss confirmation and, 294

  Forestry Division of, 400, 407, 408, 422, 587

  General Land Office of (GLO), 13, 74, 400, 407, 415, 459, 461, 462, 491, 522, 543, 579, 587, 631, 662, 688

  Grand Canyon and, 756, 757

  Mesa Verde and, 655, 656

  national monuments and, 662, 670, 759, 762

  Pinchot as special agent of, 294–95, 344

  Public Surveys Division of, 13

  Reclamation bureau of, 423

  transfer of forest reserves from, 356, 422, 579, 663

  see also Geological Survey, U.S.

  International Fair Grounds (Roosevelt Park), 314

  International Waterways Commission, 638–39

  Interstate Trapshooting Association, 264

  Into Thin Air (Krakauer), 393–94

  Iowa, 125, 129, 130, 132–33, 270, 468, 521

  election of 1906 and, 668

  elephant let loose in, 647–48

  irrigation, 280, 342, 376, 406, 422–26, 451, 467, 566, 575, 663, 664, 736, 746, 776

  Irrigation Congress, 240, 376, 786–87

  Irving, Washington, 129, 155, 264

  Island Bay, 727–28, 738, 742

  Island Falls, Maine, 111–18, 119

  Isle La Motte, 390–91

  Italy, 37–38, 140, 416

  “Jabberwocky” (Carroll), 119

  jackal hunting, 58

  jacklighting, 307

  Jackson, Andrew, 3, 314, 374, 414, 435, 582, 587, 612

  Jackson, Cade C., 325, 333

  Jackson, John B., 672

  Jackson, W. H., 74, 415

  Jacksonville Florida Times-Union, 17

  James, Frank, 698

  James, Henry, 60

  James, Jesse, 135, 466, 813

  James, William, 101

  Jamestown, Va., 691–92

  Jamison, Kay Redfield, 123–24

  Japan, Japanese, 313n, 413, 565–66, 579, 603, 739, 796

  seal hunting and, 76, 651–54

  see also Russo-Japanese War

  Jay, John, 337

  jays, 358, 359

  Jefferson, Thomas, 40, 45, 267, 360, 615, 816

  Louisiana Purchase and, 19, 75, 507, 521, 554, 567, 586–87

  Jesus Christ, 58, 477, 595

  Jewel Cave National Monument, 760–61

  J. N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, 742

  Job, Herbert K., 695, 708–14, 711, 716, 725, 727, 730, 739, 744, 800

  John Burroughs National Monument, 752

  John Ermine of Yellowstone (Remington), 639, 641

  John Gilley, Maine Farmer and Fisherman (Eliot), 578

  John Muir National Historic Site, 545

  Johnson, Andrew, 255

  Johnson, Bradley Tyler, 356

  Johnson, Liver-eating, 256–57

  Johnson, Lyndon, 428, 535, 742

  Johnson, Robert Underwood, 235, 408, 789–90

  Johnson, William H., 507

  Johnston, Albert Sidney, 435

  Johnston, Jeremy M., 236, 383

  Joint Conservation Congress, 790

  Jones, Charles J. (Buffalo), 278, 281, 413–14, 492, 511–12, 588, 625

  Great Loop tour and, 503, 514

  on grizzlies, 569–70

  Jones, Hell Roaring Bill, 227, 513

  Jones, James, 328

  Jones, John Paul, 138, 297

  Jones, Mother, 635

  Jones, Virgil Carrington, 328

  Jordan, David Starr, 100, 299, 533, 689, 758, 759

  Joseph, Chief, 591

  Josephine (mountain lion), 324–27, 326, 332–33, 380

  Josiah (badger), 523, 552–53, 557–58

  Josiah (boy), 523

  J. P. Morgan and Company, 384

  Jungfrau, 141

  Jungle, The (Sinclair), 253, 721

  Jungle Books (Kipling), 77, 505, 619

  Jusserand, Jean-Jules, 432–33, 787, 789, 813

  Just Fishing Talk (Pinchot), 342

  Kaibab Cattle Company, 755

  Kaibab Forest,
397, 399

  Kaibab National Forest, 776, 778

  Kansas, 354, 374, 468, 511, 605

  Great Loop tour in, 508, 522–23

  sheep in, 207

  Kansas jackrabbit affair, 560

  Katahdin, Mount, 110, 116–18, 125, 140, 394

  Katmai National Monument, 77

  Kearny, Stephen W., 354

  Keats, John, 111

  Kellar, Harry, 559

  Kelly, Yellowstone, 227

  Kennedy, John F., 630

  Kent, William, 751–54, 786

  Kentaro Kaneko, 565

  Kentucky, 97, 226, 256

  Kenya, 656, 762, 763n

  Keokuk (Sauk chief), 521

  Kerouac, Jack, 548

  Kettle Hill, 323, 332, 777

  Key to North American Birds (Coues), 95, 96, 225

  Key West, Fla., 12, 15, 311, 710, 721, 739

  Key West Federal Bird Reservation, 725–27

  Kidd, Benjamin, 318, 319n

  “Kidd’s Social Evolution” (Roosevelt), 318–19, 330

  Kimball, William Wirt, 310, 311

  Kimball Plan, 310–12

  King, Clarence, 75, 203, 302

  King, James A., 435

  Kings Canyon National Park, 236, 459n

  Kiowa, 263, 585, 586, 587, 591, 595, 605, 611, 622

  Devils Tower and, 632, 633

  Kipling, Rudyard, 13, 237, 318, 505, 619

  seals in writing of, 77, 651, 653

  Klamath basin, 549, 551, 720, 744–49

  Klamath Lake, 721, 748

  Klamath Lake Reservation, 747

  Klamath Waters Association, 747

  Knowles, Freeman, 622

  Knox, Philander, 395, 794

  Kodiak Islands, 563

  Kolbert, Elizabeth, 320n

  Korea, 565, 618

  Koss, Christopher, 742

  Krakauer, Jon, 393–94

  Kroegel, Adolf, 478n

  Kroegel, Arthur, 478

  Kroegel, Douglas, 480–81

  Kroegel, Gottlob, 478, 499, 500

  Kroegel, Paul, 477–83, 480

  Chapman’s relationship with, 484, 487–90, 497, 498

  as warden, 477, 482–83, 491–95, 499–500, 729, 743

  Kroegel, Rodney, 493

  Kunz, George F., 765–66

  labor unions, 635–36

  Lacey, Berenice, 270

  Lacey, John F., 269–70, 407, 473, 503, 511, 525, 575, 589, 593, 642–50, 677, 692–93

  Alaska and, 563–64

  Antiquities Act and, 415, 642–49, 688

  bird protection and, 365, 366, 584, 717

  congressional election lost by, 668, 673, 676

  Crater Lake and, 456–57

  Devils Tower and, 633, 634, 662

  Great Loop tour and, 520–21

  national monuments and, 670, 707

  Petrified Forest and, 645–47, 649, 670, 672

  prehistoric sites and, 414, 416, 520, 524, 631, 643, 645, 647, 654–56, 764, 781

  Wind Cave and, 462

  Lacey Act (1894), see Yellowstone Game Protection Act

  Lacey Act (1900), 11, 365–68, 563, 564, 790

  Florida birds and, 481, 483, 491, 493, 729, 730, 731

  Lacey Act (1905), 589, 594

  La Farge, Grant, 342, 343, 345–47, 358, 579

  La Farge, John, 342

  La Follette, Robert, 398

  Lake George Battlefield, 414

  Lake Tear-of-the-Clouds, 39, 393, 394

  Lambert, Alexander, 599–600, 602, 608, 614–15, 616, 620–21

  in Louisiana bear hunt, 695, 700

  lambs, 37, 47, 558

  L’Amour, Louis, 154

  Lang, Gregor, 159–63, 168

  Lang, Lincoln, 159–63, 164, 168, 196, 279–80

  Lansdowne, Percy S., 377

  Las Guásimas, Battle of (1898), 322, 324

  Lassen Peak National Monument, 690, 691

  Lassen Volcanic National Park, 691

  Last Harvest, The (Burroughs), 272

  “Last of the Elk, The” (Roosevelt), 194

  Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 40, 41

  Las Vegas, N.Mex., 353–54, 524

  Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge, 354

  Latham, Mrs. Frances (Ma Latham), 488, 489, 490

  Lawton, Henry Ware, 321

  Lawton, Okla., 591, 624

  “Layman’s View on Specific Nomenclature, A” (Roosevelt), 302

  Laysan Island, 798–99

  Leanor, Archie, 538, 545

  Leatherstocking Tales, The (Cooper), 40

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 221–22

  Lebo, Norman, 172, 175

  Lee, Alice, see Roosevelt, Alice Lee

  Lee, Arthur, 789

  Lee, Robert E., 777

  Leech, Margaret, 394

  Leidig, Charlie, 538, 545–46

  Leighton, George B., 290

  Leopold, Aldo, 5, 70, 706–7, 715, 741

  Leo XIII, Pope, 531

  Leupp, Francis, 274

  Leutze, Emmanuel, 688

  Lewis, Alfred Henry, 27

  Lewis, Meriwether, 68, 75, 84, 148, 150, 254, 769–70

  Lewis, William Henry, 373

  Lewis and Clark, 291, 295

  Lewis and Clark Memorial, 548

  Lewis and Clark National Monument, 770, 772

  Liberty, Battle of (1861), 270

  Library of Congress, 130n, 139n, 442

  Life Giving Sword, The (Munenori), 119

  Life Histories of Northern Animals (Seton), 505

  Life of the Mississippi (Twain), 693

  Life of the Skies, The (Rosen), 31

  Light v. U.S., 679

  Lilly, Ben, 444, 695–96, 706

  Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 70, 242–44, 647

  Lincoln, Abraham, 14, 21, 45, 48, 80, 228, 244, 374, 530, 554, 809, 816

  assassination of, 1, 221–22, 580, 724

  Civil War and, 255

  log cabins of, 256, 578

  railroads and, 148, 241

  as T.R.’s idol, 62, 132, 791

  turkey of, 559

  Lincoln, Mary Todd, 132

  Lincoln National Forest, 468

  Lindsay, Vachel, 132

  Linnaeus, Carolus, 65–66, 301

  lions, 55, 630, 762

  at Bronx Zoo, 279, 561

  mountain, see mountain lions

  “Literature of American Big-Game Hunting” (Roosevelt), 263–64

  Little Belt Mountains, 468

  Little Big Man (Berger), 157

  Little Missouri, 150, 152–54, 163, 168, 169

  Pyramid Park Hotel in, 150, 152, 163

  Little Missouri River, 149–51, 158, 159, 176, 193, 199, 232, 633

  ice in, 178, 181

  Little Missouri Stockmen’s Association, 190, 191

  Little Plume, 581

  Liverpool, 54, 55

  Lives of Game Animals (Seton), 505

  Livingstone, David, 24–25, 446

  Loch-Katrine Federal Bird Reservation, 790–91

  Locke, George Herbert, 619

  Locusts and Wild Honey (Burroughs), 180, 222, 528

  Lodge, George (Bay), 230

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 168, 186, 191, 197, 203, 227, 385, 389, 426, 583n, 788

  Bigelow’s correspondence with, 312–13

  on Merriam’s Darwinism, 299, 301

  T.R. as vice-presidential nominee and, 355

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 177–78, 211, 274, 299, 320, 356, 780

  T.R.’s naval appointment and, 294, 297

  Washington residence of, 223

  Lodge, Nannie, 223

  Loeb, William, Jr., 514, 532–33, 551, 612

  log cabins, 256–59, 578

  Lomax, John A., 812–13

  London, 48, 140, 196, 276

  London, Jack, 178, 308, 619, 679, 781–83

  on Hawaii, 796–97, 799

  Long, Chester, 523

  Long, John, 708, 711

  Long, John D., 355

Long, Secretary of the Navy, 302

  Long, William, 505

  Long, William Joseph, 619–20, 679

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 101

  Longino, Andrew, 431

  Long Island, 46, 81, 84, 89, 106, 305

  birds in, see birds, of Long Island

  Lotus Lake in, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648

  North Shore of, 68–70, 96, 108, 148, 363

  white pine campaign in, 648

  see also Montauk peninsula; Oyster Bay, N.Y.; Sagamore Hill

  Long Island Rail Road, 149, 289

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 166–69, 213–14, 393, 396, 429, 615, 725

  Puerto Rico goodwill tour of, 552

  T.R.’s correspondence with, 226

  T.R.’s relationship with, 167, 169, 181, 190, 197

  in Washington, D.C., 230, 630

  wedding of, 443

  Longworth, Nicholas, 808

  Loomis, Dr., 71

  loons, 139, 351

  Loring, J. Alden, 412, 624, 628, 780

  Lotus Lake, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648

  Louisiana, 316, 414, 569–72, 733

  bird reservations in, 16, 18, 570–72, 695, 712–13, 715, 803

  in Reid’s work, 26

  T.R.’s bear hunting in, 695–702, 701

  Louisiana, USS, 668–69, 733

  Louisiana Purchase, 19, 75, 507, 521, 554, 567, 586–87, 695

  Louisiana Purchase Exposition Grounds, 507, 567

  Lowell, James Russell, 227


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