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Beyond Hope's Ridge

Page 21

by Silver McKenzie

  “Did you tell Steph all of this?”

  Matt shook his head. “No, we never got down to details. It all happened too quickly, and then Dad had his heart attack, and there hasn’t been time to go through everything. The main thing I wanted was an idea of whether Steph was interested in being involved at all. We would have discussed it in more detail before signing a partnership agreement.”

  “You could have done it all without Steph,” Buster said.

  “I could, but I wanted her in on the project.” Matt blushed. “Her energy reminds me of my mom. Mom was always doing yoga and was very spiritual. She and Dad were opposites. They probably would have split up, I’m guessing, if she hadn’t died. Steph brings something to it that I can’t explain, but I feel like it’s needed. She makes me want to be a better person.”

  Buster’s mouth dropped open. “Are you in love with Steph?”

  Matt’s blush deepened. “No, but I admire her and believe Heat Wave is her. Bodhi ran it, but it was Steph everyone talked about. She has a magnetic energy, and anything she touches will turn to gold.”

  Buster nodded. He agreed with Matt.

  Matt frowned. “I wonder why Steph thought I was going to sell the property before I had her answer?”

  “Ryan. He mentioned that you and he had had a few drinks, and that was your plan. It was a couple of days after you’d come to see Steph to tell her how much you hoped she would go into partnership with you. She assumed everything you’d fed her were lies to try to make yourself look better before pulling out of the deal.”

  Matt threw his hands up in the air. “Where did he come up with that? I told Ryan that was my plan if Steph said no. It was probably the beer. He was singing by the end of our catch-up. I should fire him.”

  Buster was about to object when he realized Matt was joking. “You should probably go and see Steph. She might change her mind.”

  Matt shook his head. “You know, I think there’s so much bad blood between Asha and me and Charlie too. I can’t see them ever coming around. At this stage, it’s probably more important that you tell Steph how you feel. She’s a gift, Buster. One you can’t ignore. Imagine how you’d feel waking up with her in your arms every morning. Telling her you love her, protecting her. You can’t let that go.”

  Butterflies flitted in Buster’s stomach. It’s what he wanted to believe and wanted to do. He just wasn’t sure if he dared to do it.

  “You’ve got nothing to lose,” Matt said. “You’ve lost so much already. In fact, if she says no to you, which I think is highly unlikely if you lay your heart on the line, I’ll make everything on the Sandstone Cafe’s menu free for a week.”


  “I mean it. I’m that confident. You’re an amazing guy, and she’ll say yes.”

  Buster stared at Matt. Could he be right?

  “You know what?” Matt said. “I have an idea. If you want Steph back, you need to do a few things. You need to sweep her off her feet, and you need to give her a reason to give you another chance. And I think I have the solution to both of those.”


  Steph wiped down the studio's reception area before doing the final count of the till and locking the day's earnings in the small safe Bodhi had installed. Most of the payments were by card or monthly membership, but there were always some cash payments for each class. She looked around the studio. She was going to miss Heat Wave. She and Bodhi had built it up over several years, and the energy the studio housed was magical. She hoped she’d be able to recreate this if she was ever to set up her own place.

  “Knock, knock.”

  Steph’s heart lurched as Buster’s familiar deep voice called to her from the front door.

  His smile was cautious, his eyes searching hers as he stepped into the foyer area. “Is it okay to come in?”

  “Sure. I was just cleaning up for the night. Tomorrow’s my last day. Although,” she turned away from him, “I haven’t told anyone, so I’m not sure how that’s going to work.”

  “What about future classes?”

  “I guess I’ll put a sign on the door after I leave tomorrow night.” Steph raised an eyebrow. “I’ll add Matt’s phone number if anyone has inquiries.”

  Buster nodded. “Fair enough. Steph, I need to talk to you. I’ve been so stupid, and I want you to know how I feel.”

  Steph swallowed. She couldn’t imagine what he was about to say, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear it either. She was planning to book her flight to Thailand over the weekend, and nothing was going to stop her.

  “Can we sit down?”

  Steph nodded and gestured to the small sitting area. Buster sat down, and she chose the chair furthest from him.

  Buster took a deep breath. “I’ve done so much thinking the last few weeks. Way too much, in fact. From the day we climbed at the Bluff, to my visits with Eve, to my abysmal communication with you over what was happening and what I wanted, and now over what my heart is telling me.”

  Steph’s heart raced.

  “I realize I have a reputation for letting people down,” he continued, even though Steph attempted to interject. “But I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m not going to be that person anymore. I’m going to believe in myself. That I’m a good man, a man who would do anything to make you realize that.”

  “I do realize,” Steph’s voice was a whisper.

  “Do you know that I love you, Steph? I’m falling completely in love with you. You’re the person I would do anything for. I want to be part of your life. I want to show you my love and be wrapped in yours. I want to do this life thing together. The fun parts and the hard parts.”

  Steph stared at him, hardly believing what she was hearing. “I thought you were leaving the area.”

  “Not if you’ll let me be part of your life. I’d only leave now if you said no. I don’t think I could bear staying and seeing you when I know that we could be so good together.”

  “But I’m planning on traveling to India and Thailand.”

  “You are?”

  “Possibly. I’ve convinced myself I need to explore beyond Hope’s Ridge to have any chance of happiness.”

  “I’ll come with you if you want to go. I don’t care where I am, Steph I just want to be with you. I love you. I do.” He reached for her hands, which she let him take. Then he stood and came around in front of her. “I want us to move forward together. We’ll always have our baggage and things from our pasts, but they’re things we can help each other with. Talk about them, reminisce, or just sit together and remember. But just as importantly, I want us to create new memories. Times to cherish together. I don’t think happiness for us is only beyond Hope’s Ridge; I think it’s right here. It’s wherever we are together.”

  Tears filled Steph’s eyes. Her gut was screaming at her to embrace Buster, to reflect everything he’d just said back at him. Her feelings for him were so strong. It was hard to believe she’d pushed them aside and done her best to dismiss them.

  “But what if you decide you can’t handle it?” Steph said.

  “I won’t. And on the unlikely chance I felt like that, I’d talk to you. I will be an open book from now on.” He grinned. “You’ll be so sick of me telling you everything you’ll ask me to stop. What do you say?”

  Steph didn’t need to think. Her heart told her precisely what she needed to know. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against Buster’s. “I say definitely.”


  If cloud nine existed, Buster could honestly say it was where he was right now. Steph had said yes! He couldn’t believe Matt had been right. He’d laid his heart on the line, and rather than trampling it, she’d accepted it lovingly and handed hers to him. It was a magical feeling, one that he hoped would stay with him for the remainder of his life. He was confident that with Steph by his side, it would.

  They’d closed up the yoga studio and were now walking hand in hand along the lake trail. The moon was dancing on the water, the trees ru
stling in the light breeze. It was dark and cold, yet warmth and happiness wrapped around Buster.

  “What made you do this tonight?” Steph asked. “I’m curious.”

  “Someone gave me a kick up the backside. It made me realize that my feelings for you were so pure that I couldn’t walk away without trying one last time.”

  “Who? Asha?”

  “No, Matt.”

  Steph stopped walking, dropped his hand, and turned to face him. “Matt Law made you realize you’re in love with me?”

  Buster saw the fury in her eyes. “No, I knew I was in love with you. It was Matt who made me realize I had to tell you.”

  “What’s in it for him?”

  “Steph! That’s a horrible thing to suggest.”

  “Why? He doesn’t do anything that doesn’t benefit him. Look at what he did with Heat Wave.”

  “He didn’t do anything. Now, let me retake your hand so we can keep walking, and I’ll explain what happened with Heat Wave and why you need to be angry with Ryan, not Matt.”

  Ten minutes later, nausea replaced Steph’s fury. “I feel awful,” Steph said. “I can’t believe I didn’t let him explain.”

  “It’s okay. He understands. After the situation with Asha and Charlie, he knows you’d suspect the worst from him. He did tell me that the situation with his dad has helped him get a better perspective on what’s important in life. He doesn’t want to end up like his old man. Unwell with only a few acquaintances checking up on him. He doesn’t appear to have any friends, and Matt says that’s because he’s burned them all with his unfavorable business dealings and developments. Matt doesn’t want to be that person.”

  “And he still wants to develop Heat Wave?”

  “There’s a bit of a catch with that. He sold the property yesterday.”


  Buster could see the disappointment on Steph’s face.

  “You wanted it didn’t you?”

  “I did, but I kept flip-flopping on whether working with Matt would be a good idea or not. My gut told me not to trust him. I’m beginning to think my gut’s not that good at giving advice.”

  Buster tightened his grip around Steph’s shoulder. “It told you to say yes to me, didn’t it?”

  Steph nodded.

  “Then it is reliable.”

  Hours later, after Buster walked Steph home, and he drove back to Drayson’s Landing, he lay in bed, a feeling of euphoria settling over him. Steph had said yes! He wouldn’t rush things with her but would make sure that every minute they spent together built trust and more love between them. He couldn’t wait until the next morning.

  The build was starting on Asha’s pavilion, and he’d asked Steph to meet him at the food truck to celebrate breaking ground on-site. What she didn’t know was he had an ulterior motive. One that he hoped she was going to love.


  Steph hurried along the lake trail after her seven a.m. class ended, hoping she’d make it in time for the ceremony. It sounded a bit strange to her, celebrating breaking ground, but she couldn’t wait to see Buster again, so she would have been happy to attend for any reason. He’d said they would wait for her to arrive, but she couldn’t imagine them holding up a construction crew. It would be expensive, that she was sure of.

  She was breathing hard when she arrived at the food truck. Asha was handing out coffee to a group of construction workers and Buster was standing with Charlie, his hands gesticulating wildly. Steph’s heart lurched when Buster’s face suddenly broke into a broad smile, and he said something to Charlie before striding over to her. He swept her into a giant hug, causing her to laugh.

  “Now that’s the kind of greeting I like.”

  Buster grinned. “Good, expect plenty more. Now, these guys are going to be an hour or so before they break ground. They need to take measurements and lay out some markers and other bits and pieces. While we wait, let’s get coffee, or tea in your case, and I’d like to go through the plans with you.”

  “With me? Shouldn’t you be doing that with Asha and Charlie?”

  “They’ve already been through the plans. I would like your input on a few things, if you’re okay with looking them over?”

  Steph nodded. “Sure, although I can’t see myself being much very helpful.”

  Buster winked. “I think you’ll be surprised. Let’s get the drinks and grab a seat.”

  Steph followed Buster to the serving window, raising her eyebrows when she saw the grin on Asha’s face. “Is something weird going on?”

  “What do you mean? It’s groundbreaking day, and we’re all excited.”

  Steph nodded. That made sense, but she had a feeling there was something else at play.

  Asha handed her a cup of tea without asking what she wanted and a plate with a heart-shaped muffin on it. “For you and Buster to share.”

  Steph blushed. “News travels quickly.”

  “Sure does,” Asha said. “And I just happened to bake a tray full of lovins, as I like to call these muffins, so it all worked out perfectly.”

  Steph stared at her sister as she followed Buster to a table. “Ash is acting strangely.” Buster laughed, and Steph couldn’t help but notice it was a nervous laugh. “Why am I suddenly getting worried?”

  “I have no idea. Now, let me show you these plans. They’re just a starting place, so you can add anything you want to them.”

  “A starting place? But they’re about to break ground. The township had to approve these plans before construction started. We can’t change anything now.”

  Buster smiled. “Just take a look and see what you think.” He typed something into his computer, took a deep breath, and moved his screen in front of her.

  Steph’s mouth dropped open. She was not looking at the design of the pavilion, she was looking at a 3D design of a retreat.

  She turned to Buster. “Steph’s Place?”

  He nodded. “What do you think?”

  “But it’s Heat Wave. Heat Wave that Matt sold. Is the new owner thinking of going with the retreat idea?”

  Buster nodded. “I think so. Take a look at these concepts he asked me to show you. See what you think.”

  Buster used the mouse to drive the presentation for Steph. The drawings were very detailed, going into the existing studio and showing the cottages after the renovation.

  “He wants wheelchair access?” Steph noticed the inclusion of many facilities for those with disabilities.

  “He’d like the retreat to be a wellness center as well as for yoga and spiritual journeys.”

  Steph nodded. “Matt would be happy with that. He’s always referred to it as a wellness center, not that he was necessarily going to include these types of facilities.”

  “You like it?”

  “I do, but why would the owner call it Steph’s Place? He hasn’t even met me.”

  Buster took her hand. “I bought fifty-five percent of the business from Matt. I have a contract with the option to purchase the other forty-five percent, but I wanted to talk to you before I do that.”

  “You bought it?”

  Buster nodded. “Matt has excellent reasons for wanting the retreat to provide relief for people with disabilities, and he wants it to go ahead.”

  “But what about the Tall Oaks investment?”

  “He’s looking at other ways to finance it that don’t involve Heat Wave. I was hoping that this is a project we could work on together. My skills are obviously useful for getting the plans drawn up and construction underway, and I know you’ll be amazing in helping design it, to begin with, and then fitting it out and making the decisions on the landscaping and other touches.”

  “I…” Steph wasn’t sure what to say. “I don’t have money to invest in this.”

  “You don’t need to. This is for us, Steph. Us is long term. We can create an arrangement so it’s all fair, if it makes you feel more comfortable, but this isn’t about money. It’s about creating a lifestyle and something that we can be p
assionate about.”

  “And you’re going to buy the other forty-five percent from Matt?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about that first.” Buster went on to explain Matt’s reasoning for wanting to do the retreat to begin with.

  “I’d forgotten about his mom,” Steph admitted. “He was so young when she died.”

  “And he promised himself that he’d do this one day in her memory.”

  “And he’d like to be involved?”

  “Ideally, yes. His forty-five percent ownership means we have the final say on everything. He suggested that. It was his plan all along. He wanted you to design the retreat and pour your energy into it. He’s very complimentary about you, Steph, says you remind him in many ways of his mom, which is one reason he wanted to do this with you. I believe he’s been completely honest with you since day one when it comes to this project.”

  Steph smiled. “You know, I’m so happy to hear that. I was so disappointed when I thought he’d lied to me. I thought we had a connection and would work well together.”

  “So you’d be okay working with him?”

  “Of course. It’s a shame he’s not here, we should be celebrating.”

  Buster grinned. “He’s over at the cafe. I said I’d give him a thumbs up if it was safe to come over.” Buster turned and waved in the direction of the cafe and gave a thumbs-up signal.

  Within seconds Matt came racing out the door and jogged over to them. He had a tentative smile on his face. “Good news or bad news?”

  “Good, Matt,” Steph said. “And I’m sorry I doubted you. I would love to work on this with you and Buster. I think we’d make an amazing team.”

  “You had every right to doubt me, Steph, as does everyone else around here. Hopefully, over time, I’ll have you all believing my new image is genuine.” He nodded toward Charlie. “Even Mr. Li, I hope.”


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